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Lacking something
18 August 2024
I usually enjoy these 50s sci-fi. I really liked The Thing From Another World, also starring Ken Tobey. But this movie falls flat for some reason. It starts off boring and stays that way for the whole film. I was compelled to review this because there seems to be so many good reviews, when in fact the movie is so utterly poor. Before watching i checked the IMDB listing and after looking at some of the pictures, i thought this would be right up my alley so I made popcorn. The movie runs only 79 minutes long. Watching it on a 2.5 hour Svengoolie, it makes for a lot of dead time. 79 minutes of movie and 71 minutes of stale Svengoolie bits and annoying commercials made the movie seem even worse. A bad night for the usually funny Svengoolie. Maybe the movie would better if it played without breaks, but i don't really think so. It just stinks.

Also, while Tobey and Domergue were just okay, Curtis wasn't any good, and there weren't any 'hidden pearls' turned in by the rest of the cast, who were mostly non-existent. I expected more from this movie after seeing the grand marquee. What we have here is a weird love triangle between the three top billed, an uninteresting script, and a mostly unscary/unintriguing monster. The 2 stars is only because they do sort of sell the monster bit talking about a big squid off the coast of Maine and Tobey smoking in the lab with no smoking signs posted.
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Strange tale
11 February 2024
Sort of like Mole People meet The Grinch meet Nothing But Trouble. This is a very peculiar movie indeed. For one thing, why is it named Journey To The Center of The Earth??? There should be a lawsuit. This movie has nothing in common with the Jules Verne expedition. Why i watched: it sounded intriguing going in a cave and finding Atlantis. However. Atlantis is just not at all what i expected. The lead up to the great discovery is rife with suspense but nothing really happens. It did seem like it went by fast. I was surprised to see the 1:40 run time. Seemed like an hour. It didn't drag, that's one good thing.
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Camouflage (2001)
Why you might want to watch
10 February 2024
The main draw is of course Nielsen, here playing Jack Potter, a grizzled LA private eye contemplating retirement. He is paired with the youthful Munro who wants to learn how to be a real PI. The best thing in this movie is Vanessa Angel, in her prime. The cast is pretty good actually, with William Forsythe playing the obstinate, pony-tailed sheriff and Patrick Warburton also on board. The problems: The movie just isn't that funny. The style here is a little different than Wrongly Accused. But it somewhat succeeds in delivering a watchable comedy. Temper your expectations because it is not Wrongly Accused. And the writing could be better. Munro wasn't bad, but he hogs the screen when what you really want to see is Leslie. And Vanessa. I'm kind of back and forth between a rating of 5 and 6. I basically liked it.
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Les ombres du désert (2002 TV Movie)
Who needs canteens
3 February 2024
Why do reviewers always have to say "for a made for tv movie, this wasn't half bad" ??? In general, i find that television movies are BY FAR better than your run of the mill theater release. They don't cater to those seeking special effects, which I personally hate, they aren't money hole productions trying to sell the next action toy, and typically the script is fairly crisp. Another thing that people whine about is the ending. Do things have to be painted in black and white for you to understand what happened? Are you able to grasp simple ideas and form your own conclusions? If you answer no, you should stick to Spider-Man, Avatar and Avengers. This movie has no special effects. Nothing blows up. There is no sex or profanity. You have to use your imagination. I thought it was pretty good- in some ways similar to the 1997 movie Breakdown with Kurt Russell, and also a little reminiscent of another televison movie, from 1974, The Day the Earth Moved. But those movies aren't as complex as what we have here. The scene where Hamlin sets out across the desert reminds me of Chevy Chase in vacation.
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Buried (2010)
I like ryan reynolds
27 January 2024
If a movie made in the dark, from the inside of a coffin, sounds like your idea of a good watch, then i wholeheartedly recommend this to you for your viewing pleasure. Oh my. How do I write enough words to fill this space about a whole movie that would fit entirely into this box?

Reason i had this in my watch list was because of Ryan Reynolds, and his performance wasn't bad, but there's only so much you can do in a box. In the dark. Underground. Reynolds cannot save this stinker and frankly i'm surprised he took the role. Was this a box office release? No pun intended. There's just nothing to enjoy about this film.
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Incessant screaming and stupidity
19 November 2023
Despite a decent cast this movie is truly terrible. The incessant screaming and stupidity became unbearable and i turned it off after enduring as much as i could. I usually like this genre of movies but this was intolerable. And special effects mean nothing to me. Imo the best sci-fi / creature features are the ones that leave it to your imagination for the most part ie Abominable Snowman, etc. The ants would have even looked silly in 1957, but the script would have no doubt been better back then. I didn't read the book but the adaptation surely leaves much to be desired. Star Wars is actually older than Empire of the Ants. It definitely seems like an oddity. Might have been worth watching for Joan Collins. But that screaming.
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La révolte des abeilles (1974 TV Movie)
Hammer-like bee movie
4 September 2023
Kate Jackson is spectacular in this movie about bees. The name of the movie is really misleading because this is not just another killer bee movie. There is method to their madness. The movie opens well enough and holds attention for the most part but it does sort of trudge along at places. Near the conclusion i was struck by how similar this was to a Hammer feature. There are no special effects to speak of, which is good in my opinion. And none are really needed as the movie quickly finds a kind of creepy groove. Yes, this is much different than other killer bee movies, don't be turned off by thinking it is as simplistic as that. There is much more here to enjoy. And Kate Jackson is fantastic especially near the conclusion.
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very different than i had imagined
3 September 2023
I had seen this movie years ago and wanted to watch but never had a chance. I must say it is indeed quite different than i imagined it to be. I thought it might perhaps be a western. Boy was I wrong. It seems to be in a mystical, almost medieval place created by Heston's character, Silas McGee. Kim Basinger is okay but her part really isn't anything to write home about. Charlton Heston is great, as is John Marley, and this movie could have been great too, except that it focuses on Mancuso, who stinks it up royally. In almost every scene he is in, which is almost every scene in the movie, he comes off like a smart ass punk kid, sort of a juvenile Chevy Chase. I don't understand why they made his role like that, but for me it detracted from things greatly. And it made for weird chemistry with Basinger. Poor girl. The movie was filmed in British Columbia. Some of the forest scenes reminded me of the movie Thale, which was filmed in Norway. All the pieces to a great movie are here, but it stumbles a bit in places and doesn't deliver a complete package, add in the Mancuso factor, and it comes up as a near miss. But they were onto something with Heston. I wouldn't say Basinger was totally wasted, but again, too much Mancuso and not enough Kim.
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Déluge sur la ville (1976 TV Movie)
Roddy McDowall disappears never to be seen again
26 August 2023
Watched to see headliner Robert Culp who i had seen recently on Cold Winter's Death among other things and i liked it so decided to give this a go. Although Culp headlines, and the movie opens with him, he quickly falls back to play 2nd fiddle to Milner, who takes charge in making the townsfolk aware of the perilous situation, despite continued reassurances by Mayor Cutler, played by Richard Basehart, that the dam will hold as it always has before. While Milner does do a great job, zipping around town in a nerdy yellow second generation Ford Mustang, there isn't really enough going here to give this movie much oomph. Barbara Hershey is on board as Mayor Cutler's daughter in a somewhat muted role as a nurse at the hospital working under Dr. Ted Horne, played by veteran actor Walt Bissell. Carol Lynley stars in a bit part as the much younger and very pregnant wife Cameron Mitchell, who is in charge of plugging the dam holes and taking orders from Mayor Cutler. So the cast does offer some interest in itself, but none of the supporting cast really steps up and shines and Culp's performance, while not bad, is a bit disappointing.

I think the writing was bad in a couple of areas, especially with Hershey who could have done much more. Her odd relationship with Milner doesn't really help matters. Also the weirdest part was that of Roddy McDowall, who figures prominently in the credits. As the movie begins McDowall is being shuttled to his fish camp by Culp but never appears again. Parts must have been cut out. Hershey could have been more alluring and McDowell could have actually been on the movie would have made it a little more interesting maybe.

Rather than explore those possibilities much time is spent on the extremely familiar scenario of the young child Andy, lost and hurt, waiting to be rescued. I think we've all seen this on Lassie and every other old tv show. But anyway Flood is a fun watch. I enjoy these old tv movies from the 70's. Oh and Lief Erickson is on this movie.
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Les tigres sont lâchés (1973 TV Movie)
Sheree North vs Hungry Tigers
26 August 2023
Maneater is worth a watch for Sheree North. She is about 41 here and smoldering in her mompants. Ben Gazarra is 43 they make a good couple and the movie starts out with decent expectations. I suppose it does deliver as far as being legitimately frightening if tigers are actively trying to hunt you down. But overall the whole thing is just a little too cartoonish, from the RV and motorcycle to the close up shots of Basehart evilly reacting. Once the tigers come it is dark, maybe they hunt at night i don't know, or maybe that makes it more scary, but I hate dark movies where you can't really see what is going on, and from that point on in this movie i couldn't see hardly anything, so that affected my rating. Otherwise this is an okay watch, a couple of parts could have been better conceived. Maybe i wasn't listening close enough i think the two girls are sisters and they are on vacation together. The age difference between the two couples is kind of odd. Gazarra and North could be their parents.
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Didn't get past the start
20 August 2023
Seemed like it would be an okay movie but it starts out with an extremely long cartoon like pink panther type that goes on forever. Finally it ends and Firth who i already don't like is driving into Texas through unending desert scenery for miles with some sort of think-speaking or some gibberish going on. Enough is enough. If that is how they start the movie, it can't be worth watching. Although i would have liked to have stayed on until Cameron Diaz appeared, but it was not to be. She would be the only reason this might be worth watching. Maybe one day i will pick it up where we left off, and see if Diaz can save it. But i will darn sure be skipping the first 15 minute cartoon and boring start totally wasted time.
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La Colère du ciel (2003 TV Movie)
The American People will want answers if they can't watch their favorite television programs!
12 August 2023
For what it is, it's not bad. I watch a lot of these sci-fi channel movies and this one is probably middle of the pack. No, it's not very believable, but there are some good reasons you might want to watch: There are no really boring parts. It's sort of like Day After Tomorrow except done with lightning. Joanna Pacula's accent is very sexy. Her assistant is Crystal Buble is really cute. A couple of the scenes are funny: Slighlty built Pacula sees obese security guard on a pay phone and rushes to knock him down to save him as lightning strikes a junction box? She is faster than a speeding bullet? And at the joint chiefs of staff meeting, Kim Hawthorne notes that "The American people will want answers" if they can't watch their favorite television programs! There is real cause for concern though when a fighter jet mission is scrambled to dispatch of our would-be heroes at the north pole. Will the young man's plan to save the world even work at all? And will he save his mother? What will happen??? You will have to watch for yourself and find out.
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Not that bad
6 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A botany expedition discovers Japanese living in a remote Himalayan village. One of the native women is kidnapped, and convinced a yeti is responsible, the menfolk take matters into their own hands and force the Americans to aid in the search. Up the mountain they go into a raging blizzard. Seeking shelter in a cave, they ultimately find and capture the yeti. At that point the Americans insist the yeti be taken back to the states alive, and the search for the abducted female ends without explanation. Once in Los Angeles the yeti breaks free and slays a woman in a back alley. The police announce a killer beast is on the loose. Later they learn he is traveling through the underground sewer network. Again the yeti is hunted and this time his number comes up. Not a very pleasant tale, but one with various aspects which have been copied numerous times. Within the past few days i have seen the rat movie "Ben" and "Combustion" with Michael Gross, both of which involve underground sewer lines. This movie is similar to the Abominable Snowman but not nearly as good. In a movie like this, it really doesn't matter if you ever see the creature. And in this one, that would probably have been better than repeating a vague clip forward and backward. Anyway, it wasn't that bad. Any real sci-fi buff must watch this. I found it very odd though that Japanese would be living in the Himalayas and what a swell time to gather botanical specimens.
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A sci-fi must watch, but not one of my favorites
6 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A few good parts but imo not a very enjoyable film. John Hoyt was excellent as always but the rest of the cast was unlikable. The writing was severely corny and the whole premise preposterously stupid. When Worlds Collide was released in 1951, two years before 1953's War of the Worlds, and it is somewhat similar in several respects, but not nearly as engaging. I didn't really get the part about Derr kissing the blonde girl at the start of the movie I guess he was supposed to be a playboy type character? Derr does okay, lighting smokes with 100 dollar bills, rescuing a child from a rooftop and flirting with women, but he is no Gene Berry. Nor was Barbara Rush as good as Ann Robinson. I found Larry Keating particularly unlikable as Dr. Cole Hendron. Who put him in charge of this thing? A star and a planet from unknown parts are headed straight for Earth you say? And Keating is po'd people won't follow the science? Good God man. Some scenes don't make much sense, like Derr dropping off food and medicine by helicopter to a small group of stranded people. In fact the whole movie doesn't make much sense. Whoever heard of a rocket taking off on rails? When the rocket safely crash lands on the new planet, it is shown as being barren and snow covered yet when our crew opens the hatch it is a green cartoon world with what appears to be pyramids in the background. This movie does evoke some degree of thinking from the viewer and it is definitely a must watch for any fan of the sci-fi genre, but it falls woefully short of 1953's War of the Worlds, which i think it is most like with its narrated churchy beginning and its survivalist type ending. WWC and WOTW also share a few of the same actors. While it is much like WOTW, I think it is maybe more like Melancholia or Another Earth, but again, not nearly as good as either of those movies. I wonder if the idea for Another Earth was sparked by WWC?
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Escape (1971 TV Movie)
5 August 2023
Somewhat intriguing and I suppose watchable if you are interested in tv from this time period. Too many scenes of cars being driven around in the dark to open the movie and kind of far-fetched in that the bad guys don't just kill Christopher George, but keep finding ways to subdue him that of course require him to use his special escape artist skills. The cast is noteworthy, with Avery Schreiber as George's sidekick, William Schallert as the senator, his eccentric wife played by Gloria Grahame. William Windom was okay, not his best stuff. Maybe I am rating it too low, it tried to connect in several different ways, but unsuccessfully on all counts in my opinion. The best scene was Gloria Grahame and Schreiber, somewhat reminiscent of Johnny Depp playing Dean Corso and his conversation with Baroness Kessler in her library. The plot is really not that bad, but there is no sci-fi type build up or anything, and then it quickly shifts into batman type silliness at an amusement park. Several scenes involving George go on too long as what should be an episode is turned into a 73-minute movie. Frankly George is the major weak spot here. And it's just not very well shot.
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Soapy disaster flick sizzles and fizzles
31 July 2023
This 1980 release features Jacqueline Bisset in fine form, although she is dressed in drab clothing for the most part, and could have been better utilized. She is still quite sexy. William Holden is good in the small part he has. He would die only one year after this film was made. Ernest Borgnine is basically just along for the ride here, soert of comic relief with Red Buttons, as if any was needed. Credit to Paul Newman for doing a good job and playing his role as straight and seriously as possible. The movie begins with the 62 year old Holden proposing marriage to the 36 year old Bisset. She however, still dotes on former bf Newman, nearly 20 years her senior. Other cast members are also proposing marriage and having steamy secret affairs, giving things a fantasy island/soap opera feel. The bad news is, that's the good part. Once the lava starts flowing it bogs down to a tedious hike for high ground which centers around two ultra precarious scenes, involving a cliff and a bridge, that last for seemingly half the movie, pushing it over the two hour mark.
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Star Trek: Obsession (1967)
Season 2, Episode 13
One of, if not THE worst episode
10 July 2023
I am a big fan of Star Trek. I have seen each episode multiple times, and I have noticed before that on "Obsession" how it seems different from other episodes. I saw it again last night and again was struck by how odd of an episode it is. First of all, it seems like the idea of the story never really made it to the screen. What Obsession? Kirk's pursuit of a known killer is not at all unusual, the only thing that's unusual is his very strange demeanor and the fact that he could have told everyone everything he knew right off the bat instead of dropping vague clues about it. Which laughably, McCoy doesn't even look at. I suppose Kirk's unpleasant overacting is to try and fit the story that he is "obsessed" , and I agree i wish he'd snap out of it too, but it just comes off really weird.

I see no reason for this story to be told like this. A true obsession should be much more involved than this simpleton tale. This episode is remarkably similar to "The Conscience of the King", where Kirk suspects Anton of being the mass murderer from the past, Kodos. When Kirk and Garavich beam down with the cobalt bomb, why do they move away from the hemoglobin? Why were two men required anyway? There are many small details that don't equate in this episode. Perhaps some important parts were left out in editing but it seems kind of ill thought out and/or rushed to me. Also, what a coincidence the fog should reappear now with young ensign Garavich on board. What are the odds. But to return to my original comment, they should have either named this episode something else or if they wanted to do an episode about a personal obsession they should have wrote a story that pertained to that. I bet they didn't know where to go with the story so they just settled on the obsession angle and tried to make it about that but its really about Garavich and his connection to Kirk. The obsession part just ruins it.
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Two thumbs up
30 June 2023
Decided to watch despite the bad reviews and low rating and I feel this is a solid watch. Borgnine is good as always, Yvette Mimeux gets hotter the deeper they go, and Ben Gazzara is excellent doing his best Ed Harris as Fred Rogers impersonation. The underwater action is fairly weak, but things not only get hotter, they also get bigger! Gazzara loses his red sweater and soon our crew discovers giant aquarium fish living at the bottom of the sea. If you ignore the impossibilities and just go with it, it's a blast. Mimieux smolders as Dr. Leah Jansen and is somehow able to try on four or five different outfits before she gets in the sub. Understandably her associate Dr. Andrews is concerned for her safety. Later, miles below the surface Mimieux goes bsc and pulls the pin on the support cable much to Gazzara's chagrin, but it all works out in the end. Filmed in Panavision.
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Dark Tide (2012)
Be careful of what you love the most
25 June 2023
While I agree that this movie left much to be desired, it isn't nearly as bad as some reviews make it out to be. I think most people would watch first and foremost to see Halle Berry in a lead role, and here in that role she does not disappoint.

Which is not to say there aren't parts that could have been better done. It lumbers along and the dialogue is fairly weak. Dark Tide is a simple story that relies on location and photography. The movie is about a shark tour guide in South Africa and what follows a year after a horrifying dive gone wrong. There is no nudity, no excessive blood and gore, no excessive profanity. Halle doesn't even allow smoking on her boat.

There is chemistry between Berry and Martinez, who met while filming Dark Tide and were seen kissing offset. Later they would marry and have a child together. For the most part though, unfortunately, that chemistry doesn't surface on Dark Tide. I think that is the biggest failure here, the fish story of the one that got away.
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Remember that time the world was ending and we didn't care?
1 June 2023
Despite the fact that this movie quickly runs off the tracks, i will say it is watchable. Thom Hallum and Emma Grace Sanderson don't have the greatest material to work with here but they make the most of it. I've seen some other movies similar to this where the main event isn't actually the oncoming disaster, but everyday people problems. There just isn't enough here to warrant a very high rating even though i think Hallum does sort of engage the audience. For me it was something to watch and critique, and will be fondly recalled. But it has some holes. In fact Plot Holes might have been a better title. I dunno, maybe if i watch it again it will all be clearer to me. Don't fear it though, pop some corn and give it a watch.
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Interesting cast
20 May 2023
Worth watching for Alex Meneses. She shines in a somewhat intriguing cast. Familiar faces Burton Gilliam and James Hampton have bit parts, but both make quick exits. Sorbo being the main star power, is a bit too laid back here. He was about 50 years old when this was filmed. Meneses was 44, and would have been better cast playing opposite Sorbo, than than the much younger Maeghan Albach who was just 34 years old. Sadly, Albach died of complications from alcohol use in 2019, ten years after filming Fire From Below. The idea for the story isn't without potential. It's just not very well done, and the computer generated graphics of the fire chasing them are frankly just very silly. The movie was shot in different locations, and that always irks me in movies when its so noticeable. Imo it should have all been shot in Texas, and the computer generated crap cut out. So to sum up, I like Sorbo, but his performance here was a bit disappointing. Would have liked to seen more of Meneses. The movie doesn't ever really connect and draw in the viewer. We did have fun watching it though and looking up members of the cast.
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Unpolished gem
7 April 2023
Unpolished production and sort of sketchy, but worth a watch. Decent cast of barkeep Baldwin who befriends a stranger, Lamas, in his establishment after coming to the aid of a lady in distress. The Sheriff is played by Burton Gilliam, his main squeeze is buxom beauty Shelby Janes. She is complimented by the voluptuous Tammy Barr, who our story centers around, and her friend Shawna Craig. As I said, this is not a polished production, it was filmed in Conroe Texas on a pretty tight budget so don't go into this thinking there are no rough edges. Corbin Timbrook does a good job as evil gangleader and heartless computer guru Victor, there is enough chemistry between Baldwin and Lamas, and enough mystery surrounding Lamas to make it an intriguing watch. Also i should mention that Yankie Grant as Baldwin's ol lady Rusty is worth watch too in a performance somewhat reminiscent of Reba McEntire's Heather Gummer on the 1990 movie Tremors. Enjoy, folks.
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One scene stands out
16 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Unfinished Sky is a well crafted film that will draw you in and there is one scene where they dance that is perhaps one of the best music+scenes i have ever seen on film, too bad that it was abruptly ended it was so good it should have been allowed to go on longer but then again that is the title of this movie, Unfinished Sky. Both male and female leads were spectacular. I really like Monic Hendrickx in this. There could be some minor qualms about some things in the movie and the ending in particular that might have made it a little better, thats the only reason i'm not giving it a 10. The ending isn't a gamechanger, i still think its an above average movie but i sort of agree with another review that would have preferred to see a more definite end scene. Viewers may draw their own conclusion. Are they already married? Obviously they are together and leaving together as a family would. Why is Tahmeena in prison anyway though if they are married. Wouldn't marriage grant her citizenship? Perhaps there is still some legality requiring a short stay in the justice system. But all in all the ending is good enough. The dance scene though was so good, so perfect for that short time.
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Man from Reno (2014)
Utterly dismal
5 March 2023
My wife picked this movie and while the previews looked good, it started very slow and soon i began to think it was a womans movie that i wouldn't enjoy. It escapes the doldrums after a while and finally gets on track somewhat, but comes to a screeching halt just when you start to get interested. Wtf were they thinking, like what can we do to make people absolutely hate this movie in the last 15 minutes? Because that's what you did. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone. It is depressing. And it makes it doubly bad because it had kind of rallied back from the atrocious start to where it might not have been that bad of a watch if it could just reached the finish line without choking. Massive fail. Rather than writing in a creative ending, or even coasting to a predictable ending, you wimp out totally. What is the point of spending two hours watching a movie to see this? I could have ignored the phones ringing multiple times, such suspense, and the many corny scenes with the door chain, but no. You screw it all up in a heartbeat.. Unbelievable. Take my advice and don't waste your time unless you want a letdown.
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Revolt (2017)
Simplistic computer generated crapwa
18 February 2023
Starts poorly and never really engages. For some unknown reason, the best part of this movie- Berenice Marlohe- as Nadia, is written off about halfway through leaving Lee Pace as Bo to continue on alone.

I am no fan of computer generated video game type movies, and that is what this is. If you like action video games with a lot of noise and shooting, perhaps you will enjoy this movie. The elements for a good movie are indeed here- Pace and Marlohe in an action sci-fi. Both are good. But alas, any chemistry between the two is wasted by a weak script which ignores it, and then her untimely disappearance. Some of the casting is suspect also, but that's a small gripe in such a botched attempt as this. So, yeah its watchable but don't believe the 8 and 9 star reviews.
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