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What a total waste of time, one of the worst documentaries I've ever watched
28 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm gonna give you a summary of the whole thing so you can save yourself 4 hours of face palming and boredom.

It's pretty much a story about a girl who went missing and a weird letter was left behind, and her brother decided the father killed her and mother protects him, so he cut all contact with them for over a decade, prevented them from seeing the grandchildren too, even though there is literally zero proof that they actually did anything and it's all just based on a hunch. The series keeps repeating the same things over and over trying to convince you really hard that it's the parents even though there are no new details to support that so they just keep replaying the fake narrative again and again just to drag this to fill the first 3 episodes.

The police is doing an awful job too, losing the file and making it seem like the father stole it (a decade later they are like "oh nvm we found it"), supporting the brother's theory and encouraging him to hate his parents even though there is no proof, and what they did with the letter is just beyond stupid. You really don't need to be an expert in order to look at the letter and say right away that it was written with someone's non domminant hand, possibly the girl herself. You also don't need to be an expert in order to look at the handwriting of both parents and tell that there is no way they are the ones who wrote this letter. But what the police does is checking with an expert if the father wrote it, finding out he didn't, and then just assuming "well then if it's not him, it must have been the mother who wrote it to help him cover for his murder". They assume that, yet it takes them over a decade (!!!) of assuming that (a decade of brother not talking to his parents too) before they bother checking with an expert if the mother's handwriting matches. And of course it doesn't, so none of the parents could have written that letter. IF ONLY they checked it back then and saved this family a decade of not talking to each other...

The other thing is they assume she is dead because she lived in a neighborhood with a gate, it would have been too far for her to walk from her house to the gate by foot so in order to get out she would need someone to drive her, but someone who comes from the outside couldn't get through the gate in order to pick her up, they can't think of any other way she could get out so the only logical thing they can think of is that she couldn't have gotten out at all and must have been murdered. At no point anyone brings up the obvious possibility of someone from inside her neighborhood, just a friend of hers, who has full access to the gate, simply giving her a lift to get out and then coming back without her. It just doesn't even cross their minds???

Then on the last episode when they finally drop out the fake scenario of "it was the parents", they decide it was the ex boyfriend, even though again, there isn't any actual proof. An expert checks his handwriting but it's impossible to say if it is or isn't him, so everyone comes to the conclusion of "that means it must be him then!!!". The whole time they also talk about the possibility of maybe that girl just wrote the letter herself before she ran away from home out of her own choice, but at no point anyone bothers doing the very obvious thing you should do which is check HER OWN handwriting with an expert to see if it's possible that she wrote it, because why would they do the most logical thing when they can just go based on hunches?

Then at the end it's pretty much "well there is no proof it was the ex boyfriend either so yeah, case is still open and we don't know what actually happend and we have no other leads, bye", not worded like that of course but that's the conclusion of this so called documentary series.
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Saw X (2023)
True Saw fans will love it! Brings the old Saw magic back
29 September 2023
No spoilers here but before I begin I'll just say - DO NOT leave the cinema as soon as the credits start playing! There is a post credits scene shortly after the main credits start (not a long wait) and you don't wanna miss it. Sadly in the cinema where I watched almost everyone else left and missed it, so I hope enough people will read this and stay for a few more minutes.

The movie takes place between the first and second Saw movies (I suggest remembering at least the summary of the first 3 movies before watching), which was the prime era of the franchise. As a big fan of the franchise I actually came with extremely low expectations after the last 2 movies (especially Sprial) and was ready to be disappionted again, but this really ended up being above all expectations. I think they really managed to bring back the nostalgia feeling and this is easily in the top 5 of the movies in the series.

The veteran Saw fans will remember the feeling of waiting for a new movie to come out and the excitement, where each movie is leaving you with a taste of more and you just can't wait to see the next one. I think that feeling was lost in the 8th and 9th movies and this movie totally brings that feeling back. I enjoyed every second and I can't explain how much I missed feeling like this about a movie, as only the old Saw movies could make me this excited. I could watch 10 more movies like this and I was even willing to rewatch that one again as soon as it ended. The actors are also all great and it was amazing to see some familiar faces again (though I wish there were more), I'm also so glad Tobin Bell got to be the main character in another Saw movie, even at his age he can carry this perfectly and we can never get enough of him.

Only 2 minor downsides - one being that I wish there was more new lore to it that affects other movies, this one was very focused on the current story which was very interesting to learn but I would have loved to see more background lore and more old characters coming back. And the other downside is that with this being a classic Saw movie, I believe true fans who really know how Saw movies work will be able to predict majority of the story and know where all of it is going, like the twist in the end is great but is also not shocking because by now we know how those things work. But even when I could predict the storyline I still enjoyed every single moment of it and would totally rewatch it in the future, so though it's not a shocking masterpiece like the first movie I still think they did a great job and I wish we would get more of this level of Saw movies in the future, because after watching this I sure want more.

If you are not a long time Saw fan maybe you wouldn't be as excited as me, but I think you will still feel like this was a decent movie at the very least.
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Doesn't say anything we don't already know
16 September 2023
I expected some interesting cover of YouTube's history through the years, but instead the whole movie just states the obvious (literally starts by telling you how the internet itself didn't always exist, wow really?) and quickly turns into just being about how YouTube has an algorithm that picks videos to recommend to you and that is affecting what you might watch, and there is a reason why some things might get recommended to you more than others, and the reason is (get ready to be shocked) that they want you to stay on the website for as long as possible, and of course some people can abuse the algorithm to make it recommend specific things to you. From that moment on, that algorithm is pretty much the only thing they talk about for the rest of the movie. This maybe would be interesting if the movie was made 10 years ago, but by now I think we are all pretty much aware of that already, considering it's been talked about everywhere for years. It could at least reveal new information or interesting facts about the topic to make it fresh, but really it didn't, it just repeated the same old things we all already know. There are barely maybe 4 YouTubers interviewed on this so called documentary about YouTube, two of them were from the same channel, the other two I've never even heard of.

The movie also seem to push some political agenda to you, which while honestly it wasn't an agenda that I disagree with, it did make me feel like I was watching a political movie pretending to be a movie about YouTube and I didn't appreciate that.

None of the information in the movie is wrong, but considering it really doesn't say anything we don't already know, plus feeling like the whole documentary was just an excuse to shove some political message into our face (regardless of what that message is), I sadly couldn't help but feel like I've wasted my time watching it and that's why I gave it the low score.
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Pay strong attention to which version you watch!
13 October 2022
Note this movie has 2 versions, one is the cinema version called the "theatrical cut" and is 1h 28m and more common to find, and the other is called the "extended cut" and is 1h 36m. Despite the misleading titles, the extended cut is NOT just the same movie with a few extra scenes. It's a very different movie where the beginning and the end tell a complete different story with complete different characters, while only the middle part of the two versions is identical. I think many people are not aware of the two very different versions telling a different story, and my guess is that majority of the really low rates are coming from peope who watched the theatrical version. This is a spoiler free review to tell you the differences between them without revealing the actual story of each.

To identify which one you are watching, note the theatrical one is the one starting with a therapy session, while the extended one is the one starting with a 2003 flashback.

Neither of these versions is too great, none of them is as good as the first Escape Room movie. But still, the extended cut version is BY FAR better story wise.

The extended cut develops the main story behind the rooms and kinda moves the story forward. The twist in the end is just slightly predicatble (seen it in a few other movies so it's not original) and not fully baked but is still kinda nice, the idea behind it is just better than the other version, and the movie is not a total waste of time and is still enjoyable even if it isn't a masterpiece. The overall movie there is 6 out of 10 in my opinion.

The theatrical cut however is a complete different story, and in my opinion is more like 2 out of 10. The story there feels lazy in a way, it is sort of a repeat of the first Escape Room movie (just not nearly as good) because you learn pretty much nothing at all about the universe of the movies. You don't get any background details about anything. There is a so called "twist" in the end but it's pretty much nothing and you can see it coming from miles away. This one in my opinion is a total waste of time.

After watching both versions, I am very confused on why they picked the theatrical one to be the official version. It feels like they filmed the extended one first, didn't fully like what it implies about possible future movies, and tried to replace it with some rushed things without having to refilm the whole game, so they found quick "solutions" to still use the same middle part, and it really shows. The whole "Sonia" part is what gives it away in my opinion as it was solved in a very lazy way in the theatrical cut and didn't make any sense, you could tell it was just an excuse to reuse the same already-filmed parts. It is clear that the extended one is what the movie originally intended to be. That also explains why they delayed the release of that movie by a long time and filmed more scenes after over a year of break.

As for the middle part that is shared between both of the versions - it is nice but just not very sophisticated. They are kinda rushing the game as if they are in a race and it doesn't leave enough time for the puzzles to be clever in any way. You don't get to explore anything with the characters, they just randomly understand all of the solutions quickly and explain them to you. Due to how rushed it is, you also don't get to learn the back story or the personality of any of the characters playing the game, other than the ones you already know from the first movie. The rest of the players are just fillers with no story that are just there as decorations, they could all be one person or not be there at all and it wouldn't make a difference. It is nice to pass time but nothing close to the game rooms in the first movie, and honestly there are so many alternative similar movies and TV programs in this style with game rooms and traps, that in comparison to them, this one just isn't good.

In conclusion - If you can only watch one version, I highly recommend you pick the extended one. If you plan to watch both versions, I suggest starting with the extended one first for the better experience, and only then watching the theatrical one. If you are watching a second version and you want to skip the parts that are identical between the movies, the shared part starts when they get to the train station, and ends with the yellow cab scene (start watching slightly before that scene ends). Everything in between those parts is identical in both versions and is safe to skip if you've already watched one of them.
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Disturbing but in a good way
6 October 2022
This is for sure a very unique and original series that can't really be compared to anything else, which is very rare these days. It is very creepy and extremely weird, yet still likeable.

Art wise it's really just beautiful and I can't help but appreciate what the artists did there, you can tell how much work was put into every single prop, big or small.

As for the differences between the web series and the TV one - I think I'll be in the minority by saying that I actually liked it better than the original web version. While the web series had better songs in my opinion and was still overall good, the stories in the TV episodes felt way more collected together, while the web series often felt completely random and unclear and sometimes got a little lost in its own randomness (even though it was likely made that way on purpose). I personally think the TV one has a better balance of some randomness but still not so much that you don't even understand what happens. The stories in each TV episode also manage to get more deep thanks to them being longer. It is a matter of personal preferences though, as the web version did leave more things to your own interpretation which some people might prefer, while the TV one doesn't require you to stop and ask yourself what have you just watched, or at least not to the same level as the web one, so it is slightly less mysterious in a way. But nonetheless, the TV one is still very weird like the original so they are not totally different outside of the point I mentioned.

The only downside I would say is I think it would have been nicer if the stories developed more from one episode to another, like some main deeper storylines that will make you look forward to see what will happen in the next episode. So far (first season) it didn't really happen, except for just a tiny bit in the last episode. If there will be a second season, hopefully it would happen there.
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Beautiful Unfulfilled Potential
27 September 2022
The art is very beautiful and the environment is visually enjoyable to watch, I really loved the colors and the graphics. The story itself had a lot of potential, especially when it comes to the mystery character.

However, the story just doesn't go deep enough in my opinion, and has the focus on the wrong thing. Instead of exploring the real mystery about the situation, the whole focus story wise is on the two main characters and how they are "like siblings", except they are just not that interesting. These two don't develop at all, they stay exactly the same and you can predict exactly what they will do. They keep repeating the exact same story about their life by thinking about memories that keep repeating pretty much the same point, as barely anything really happened in their life to begin with. They keep arguing about the same childish things in the most unrealistic times, when there are clearly more important things for them to worry about. Everything about these two characters is just very repetitive through the whole movie, even though everything else about the movie could be way more interesting, and gets completely neglected by the script. Majority of the other characters are just there for the sake of saying there are more characters, and we barely learn anything at all about them.

There are so many great directions this could have gone if the story was actually about the drifting house and if they explored Noppo's backstory more, but sadly it ended up mostly as a drama story about two children who keep talking about how they use to live together, and argue for no reason in every situation that makes zero sense to argue on.

All that said, everything other than the story about these two characters is still nice to watch, it's just hard not to feel like there are so many easy ways that this movie could have been better.
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Monstres (2022– )
Well made series, just dragged a little too long
23 September 2022
This felt like a combination between American Horror Story and American Crime Story. It was mostly done very well and managed to keep you interested through majority of it.

Evan Peters is an amazing actor as always and he managed to carry this very well. I always felt like he (the actor) deserves more recogniation than he gets, and I'm glad he is starting to get more of it now. Nothing but good words to him.

While watching, I felt like the show did a good work showing you the victims side of it and giving them the respect that they deserve. Unlike most shows that maybe end up glorifying the killers by putting all of the focus on them, this one really attempts not to (though it doesn't always succeed because Evan himself is naturally likeable). They really try to make you feel for the victims and their families and how wrong they were treated, not just by the killer himself but also by everyone around them. It clearly criticizes the racism and the dismissive attitude by the authorities, both before and after the killer was caught. It also made sure to show you what happens after the killer was caught, how the story of trauma doesn't end there and people can't just move on with their life. And that's the part of reality that is often ignored in the media - the story doesn't just end when the person goes to prison. It's never that easy.

However, after watching it I read that the families of the victims were never updated about this and that it triggered trauma to some of them. Legally the creators of this series did not have to ask for permission or anything, but as the series showed strong critisism towards the people who tried to make profit from the story after it happened without taking the families into consideration, it did feel very weird to learn that this series was made by people who pretty much did the same thing. Even though the series itself is very well made and probably the best non-documentary adaptation of the story, this fact about the families does leave you with some bad aftertaste in retrospect.

Back to the series itself, the only downside of this series in my opinion is that even though it was interesting through most of it, at some point near the end it did feel like it just got EXTREMELY slow, and even became a little boring, kinda like a lot of the content and dialogs were dragged longer on purpose just so they can have 10 episodes. It was a shame to be so engaged in it through most of the series only to get sort of bored of it near the end, kinda underwhelming. I think it would have been much better if they squished things together a little more and kept it to 6-8 episodes total.

For the accuracy level, to my understanding from a quick research the important parts about the crimes were mostly accurate, while fictional changes were usually related to the stories of the neighbors or the police (unclear to what level, but at the very least some parts of those were not accurate).
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Broken Ties (2022– )
Terrifying to think that things like that happen in real life
18 April 2022
This series is about a very uncomfortable topic - anyone with money can simply go on the dark web and buy a baby, regardless of who they are. While this specific story is fiction, according to what they say it is based on things that actually do happen on the dark web, that are normally ignored by the goverments and the media all over the world, as everyone pretend it doesn't exist because they can't stop it.

I think this series is very brave to touch this topic that is often very hard to watch. It is also original and unique, as you don't normally see things that go that far with stories about the trafficking of new born babies. In addition, the acting level is pretty good.

The main thing that bothered me about the series is that it felt like there were too many "coincidences", things that according to the storyline we are expected to believe that were just randomly put together by faith despite them being heavily connected, main example is related to the homeless women's brother but it isn't the only one. It is very predictable early on where the storyline is going with them so you can totally see it coming, but as a viewer I was still a little disappointed that I'm expected to believe this is all just faith, like the chances of these coincidences randomly happening in real life is probably one in a million, so to me it felt a bit cheap to solve it like that, especially when it happened with more than one thing.

The writing was really good for the first 8 episodes. For the last 2 episodes I thought they were a bit messy and rushed, things there were moving quick near the end and not always fully explained, almost as if they ran out of budget to properly explore the story behind what happened, but I think that can be forgiven as it still didn't feel like the end was disappointing, just kinda rushed if that makes sense.

And this is just a minor nitpick, but the whole cheating related storyline felt completely meaningless and boring, it had zero effect on the series and felt like cheap filler content, though it's not a huge deal but you could simply skip that part completely and the series would remain exactly the same.

Despite all of the above though, I still think this was a good series about an important topic and I would still recommend it. I also think it's the type of series that could be interesting to watch even if you are not from Israel because the topic is a worldwide problem that sadly doesn't get the attention that it needs around the world, so I wouldn't be surprised if this series will make it into other countries in the future.
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I think I would rather stay far
12 April 2022
The first 3 episodes have an awful editing, everything is a big unclear mess and jumps from one thing to another, and it's hard to stay engaged for more than 5 minutes. I've never seen something that moves between so many things and yet still feels like a boring story that moves slowly.

If you survive those 3 episodes the editing gets better and it gets easier to understand what's going on, but the story itself just couldn't get me to care about it. Only reason I watched until the end is because there are a lot of build ups and small twists that give you the feeling that there is going to be some big dark twists at the end that will keep you shocked, just the way the story is edited gives you the feeling that something big and cruel is about to be revealed, and I'm one who likes big dark twists that surprise you at the end and suddenly everything makes it worth it. I was hoping for something in the style of "Behind Her Eyes" ending.

Sadly, all "twists" and story conclusions end up in the most tiny and underwhelming way, literally all of them end up with you thinking "Wait, that's it? That's the big story behind it? It's not even dark at all?". So many extremely dramatic build ups for so many twists, and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM ends up so tiny and boring. The worst part is the main big reveal in the end, it doesn't even make any sense in terms of logistics (isn't even possible), but even if it was, that's such a ridiculous reveal that we've already seen in many movies before. You keep waiting for that huge thing and then you get this tiny boring thing that makes the whole series a huge waste of time.
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The description doesn't do it justice
31 March 2022
Reading what that movie is about I almost didn't watch, I thought it was going to be half romantic and half wannabe-revenge-slasher, both of which are not really my style, but it was actually neither. It also wasn't as cruel as the description made it sound. It's hard to describe what this really was without giving spoilers, I would say maybe more of a sad-weird-drama-thriller if that makes sense, but either way I'm glad I decided to watch it anyway.

The best part is that it's kind of unique and doesn't feel predictable or recycled if you have no prior knowledge. Even though it isn't the first movie in this style, I think it managed to still stand out and it wasn't obvious how exactly the story will develop, if all you knew was just the short description.

On the last scene I think they could have cut out just a little bit of it to make it feel more impactful and realistic, but overall this was an interesting watch.

I will say though that I've watched the trailer after watching the movie itself, and I will highly recommend not watching it before you watch the movie. Not only it gives a false impression of the movie, but it also contains spoilers to scenes from the whole movie including things that happen really close to the end. Though they don't give the ending away, I feel like they still give way too much in terms of scenes you can expect and that could ruin the experience. I think the movie would be much more enjoyable if you really came to it with a clear mind without digging too much into descriptions/trailers, just my advice.
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Mostly good but with some issues
23 February 2022
The good parts:

  • Anna's story in general was interesting and the parts in which we get to watch her doing her con things are ones that I enjoyed watching (not from a moral perspective of course, but from a viewer perspective it was an interesting watch). These specific parts are also pretty much what I intended and assumed I'll watch when I started watching this series. Overall I found myself still looking forward to know what more will happen, which in my opinion is the most important thing when I watch TV.

  • The acting level in most cases is really good.

  • The series keeps telling you that some things are real and some are made up, however at no point it is telling you what was real and what was made up. After a personal research I can say that at least MOST things you can look up seem accurate enough, and nothing too shocking or game changing about the parts that were not accurate, at least according to what you can find online. The made-up parts to my impression seem to be mostly for the non-Anna related parts, so overall I don't feel like I wasted my time watching something far from reality.

However, there were a few issues too:

  • There was WAY and I mean WAY too much focus on the journalist. I honestly didn't care much about her average personal life issues, or the struggles she went through to slowly discover the story, or her work state and relationship with her co-workers (that isn't even accurate to real life), or her pregnancy and life at home. Majority of it also seem to be completely made up scenes based on a few general true facts. That whole storyline was just plain boring and is not what we came to watch, which in general would be fine as a secondary story, but in this case instead of it being a seconary back story it is often treated as the MAIN storyline, with Anna's story being the secondary one (to a point where the journalist is even credited before the actress who played Anna, as if the journalist is the main character of this series). I honestly would have much rathered watch a normal story from beginning to end and only meet the journalist at the end of it. I wouldn't mind 9 episodes if it was all actually relevant to the story I came to watch, but the filler content here just completely took over the main storyline, and that filler content wasn't even an interesting one to begin with.

  • The fake accent was just too fake. While Julia Garner's acting is great, the accent does not pass at all and throws you off from the very first moment. I get that it was a challenging one as it is a mix of a few different accents, but at the end of the day it just didn't sound genuine, it sounded like a person trying to mimic a fake accent on purpose. It would have been better to just drop the accent completely and let Julia talk like she normally does.

  • As the episodes progress, it feels more and more like this was made by someone who adores Anna, probably even a fan of hers. I came out of watching it thinking Anna is kinda cool after all, which is a little concerning considering this is a series about a criminal con artist. Yet, there was some clear and extreme effort here by the makers of this series to make sure I'll feel that way. So though it worked and I began to like her, you can't help but feel like maybe this is doing her a little too much justice.
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Good message but the storyline wasn't great
10 January 2022
First off, go watch "Groundhog Day For A Black Man" by Cynthia Kao on YouTube. It's shorter and better, and it's likely where Netflix shamelessly took this Oscar-winning idea from.

Second thing, if they decided to expend it and make it longer, the ending was kind of disappointing as it didn't really develop well. It started logical but slowly grew into ridiculous levels where the storyline was no longer possible to believe. I think it hurt the message they tried to deliver as near the end it was no longer believable, so you could no longer feel "this is really what happens in real life" (which is something you could feel at the beginning). I think they could have made it worth it if the ending would provide some explanation as to what is going on so the less logical scenes will still make sense, but that didn't really happen.

That said, the message is still important and I liked what they did with the credits scene, that part I felt like got the point across in a smart way, so still giving them points for that.
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Mr. Nobody (2009)
Unique idea but it kinda gets lost in its own narrative
5 January 2022
The movie does explore an intersting idea that in theory could have been very good so I would say it had good potential, but I think it went so far that the narrative ended up as just a big mess. I think they were just too ambitious and sort of over-did it. Had they kept it with good taste maybe we would have been left wanting more, but they split the narrative so much that about halfway through the movie it already starts to get frustrating as it's just scattered all over. I get the message they tried to deliver here so it gets the point across at least, but at the end of the day the movie was really hard to enjoy or relate to because it was too messy, and the ending was just as unclear as everything else, so I feel like they fell into a "can't see the forest for the trees" situation. It was also kind of exhausting, due to being so long while not having a clear storyline that will get you invested enough to enjoy that long time.

I would recommend watching The Butterfly Effect as something that explores a similar concept but without over doing it. Mr. Nobody just feels like they pushed it too much.
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Unbelievable (2019)
Much more interesting than I expected, very loyal to the real story
4 January 2022
This has been on my watchlist for a really long time as something I might wanna watch someday, but was never really given a priority as it sounded like a medium type of series in terms of the storyline in the description. However, I'm really glad I decided to finally watch it, as it turned out to be way better than what I thought I was going to watch.

I'm not sure how "unbelievable" the story is, as it wasn't very shocking to me and nothing in it was too hard to believe, but it was still very interesting regardless as it presented the sad truth, and I found myself binge watching many episodes in a row as I was able to stay focused and curious about the story the whole time.

The characters were really easy to like and connect to, especially Marie, and I felt like the program did a really good job respecting the characters and the story while still presenting the hard truth. I couldn't help but feel for them and hope for them to get the best possible result in the end. Maybe the ending wasn't shocking, but it was very emotional and not disappointing in any way.

I also went to read more about the real story after watching, and it feels like the series was extremely accurate to the real events and really told the story exactly how it was, something that is usually very rare with things that are based on true stories. This one really sticks to the truth and manages to deliver exactly the messages that it intended to.

It did take me a while to understand that it covers stories that are happening in two different timelines, as the different years were delivered to the viewer in a confusing way in my opinion, but overall I would say it is really well made.
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Searching the actual crime story in this series is exhausting
4 January 2022
It feels like more than half of the program is just telling you how Times Square and New York were at the time. Literally every detail is just repeated over and over and over again and they keep over explaining everything as if they don't trust that the viewer is even watching. Like, we got the point the first time, we got it on the 5th time, just move on please. I could have even feel like I learned something about Times Square's history and find it interesting if it was at least told in an interesting way, but the way it is being told over and over again just made me stop caring and start counting the seconds for when they finally move on.

Not only that but most details are not even important for the main story, they are just background details to the era/location, yet are still repeated million times, despite the fact that the exact same murders could have easily happened in a different location with different victims if only the murderer was located somewhere else to begin with. It is just exhausting to keep looking for the relevant details within this repetitive unrelated boredom.

If you are looking for a documentary that just tells you what the sex industry in Times Square was like between late 70s and early 80s, this is perfect for you. But if you are looking for something that covers the actual crime story of said serial killer, you will have a better time watching a quick YouTube video that actually has focus on the story you came to watch.
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Love You to Death (2019 TV Movie)
By FAR the worst adaptation to Gypsy Rose and Dee Dee's story so far
23 November 2021
If you've never watched anything related to this story before, please don't start with this movie. It completely downplays the real story and kills every interesting part of it.

First off, I don't really understand why another adaptation to the same story was even needed to begin with - there were multiple documentaries covering it already (I recommend "Mommy Dead and Dearest" the most), as well as the drama series "The Act", all of which were much closer to the real story than this.

But if you are already making a movie that might introduce new people to the story, at least do it well. This movie was not only super different than the actual story, but has also completely cut out all of the really shocking and interesting parts of the story, some of which were very important parts of this story that were not even slightly mentioned here, making the story in the movie much more dull and boring compared to the real one. And then there are the parts of the story that were included here, but those were changed so much that they have ruined the whole build up into the finale (which as I mentioned before, was nowhere near as shocking as the real story).

This is such a poor adaptation to the story, that I feel like the only way anyone could enjoy it is if they've never heard of the story before, but if you've never watched it before, then what reason would you have to start with this failed attempt to present the story when there are so many better alternatives out there?

If they were going to change so much, I feel like they should have went completely different and do something like the movie "Run" did where it's just a complete fiction story about the same condition, but this movie was clearly trying to tell Gypsy's specific story, which is why it being done in such a poor way is so disappointing.

So as someone who is really familiar with this story and has watched anything possible related to it, I can't stress any more how much I recommend that you don't start with this movie as your introduction.
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Midsommar (2019)
Is this supposed to be the SHORT version of the movie?
2 October 2021
This was 2 and a half hours of boredom, where you will spend full minutes of your time just watching someone walking or eating in silence, or watching the main female character crying loudly like a baby. They easily could have cut out 40-50 minutes of this boredom torture, it is beyond me how there is an EVEN LONGER verson of this.

The story is lacking. From the very first moment you just can't get yourself to care for any of the characters, and it is also 100% predictable who will die, despite how weird and random this movie tried to be.

Be careful who you watch this with, as the only horror in this movie is how uncomfortable it would make you when at some point it would randomly show you some bizarre and absurd cult nudity scene that you never signed up to watch, in one of the biggest "what on earth am I watching" moments of the history of cinema. It's so ridiculous that you would either burst laughing or just turn off the TV.
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Maniac (2018)
For sure not what I thought I was going to watch
2 October 2021
I had to wipe my eyes and double check that I'm on the right IMDB page, because the suspiciously good reviews make it seem like everyone else watched a complete different show than the one I did. This was a waste of time in so many levels.

More than half of the series seem to be wasted on super boring useless imaginary stories that contribute nearly nothing to the main storyline, you can maybe survive the first fake story but after that it's really just pure meaningless boredom. The actual main story progress seem to be just a few minutes in most episodes.

The design/filming quality of the show seems so bad that you have to hope this is meant to be some parody, because it all looks like it was literally made on the 80s in terms of quality. I am shocked that this was made in 2018.

I thought maybe the story was also meant to be set on the late 80s/early 90s based on the super old technology showed there, and maybe that's why the quality was so low as an artistic choice to make it fit, but then one of the characters that looks 40+ (if not 50+) said he was born in 77, so you have to assume it is actually set in the present or even the future, but then why is everything technology related super old??? On a show that is meant to be about a super advanced AI computer but it looks like the most early 80s computers..? And the printers still print on those old printing papers that had little holes on the sides..?! That makes zero sense? If anything you would expect the props and design to look like this is set in the future.

The main story really makes no sense at all. Not the pills story, not the computer story, not the old lady story, and not any of the fake ones along the way.

And the thing that annoyed me the most, is that the acting of the 3 main doctors is SO bad that I swear I seriously believe the director for some weird reason asked them to act badly and look like a sad parody on purpose, because I cannot believe there is any way anyone would legit have this level of acting and still get the job, even on Netflix standards this is way below ok.

So my only question is just WHY? Why ask them to act so badly? Why make the whole thing look like such low quality? Why use 80s technology on a show where the storyline is literally meant to be about advanced technology? Why did they make those weird choices? It's like the creators literally wanted this to look bad.
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Clickbait (2021)
The whole series is indeed a clickbait, at least they were honest about that
19 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The story you think you are about to watch based on the description and trailers pretty much ends on the first episide, maybe we can call it second episode if we are really pushing it.

From then on, it just turns into a "who did it" story, and it would only take you one more episode to quickly learn that you shouldn't believe anything you see from now until the last episode, as it would all be fake stories to try and throw you off from the real answer. That means by the end of episode 3, you know you are about to waste your time watching 4 more episodes with fake suspects, just so you can get the actual answer in episode 8. Netflix also made the mistake of naming the episodes after the person they focus on, so just looking at the names of the upcoming episodes, you already know "all of these people obviously didn't do it". That really makes the whole thing boring because you are already not buying anything the series is trying to sell you in the meantime. If that's not enough, one of these 4 episodes is about the news reporter, who is NOT a suspect at any point throughout the whole series, so that one is really just a filler.

Each episode is trying super hard to give you more and more "twists". There is maybe one nice twist in them, the rest I wouldn't even call twists cause they are just new progress details on the regular story. The worst part though is that somewhere around episode 3 or 4, a character tells a huge lie for no reason at all, that is making you think a false thing about the whole thing. The only reason you believe said lie is because there is literally no motive and no reason for said character to tell the lie, and the lie is so weird to lie about that you can only assume it's not a lie. But in case you didn't believe, they also give you some actual footage of it to make sure you believe it's real.

How does the show later explain why it was a made up lie? With the ridiculous excuse of the character pretty much saying "I wanted it to be real". How come we literally saw it happen then? Oh, we just saw the fantasy of the character imagining it was real of course. Seriously? That just feels like a lazy attempt to throw people off with a random detail that made zero sense in the story, to a point where even the creators couldn't explain it.

Then comes the last episode where you are supposed to finally get the real answer that will shock you. Well, I don't know about you, but a good plot twist in my opinion is one that was there under your nose the whole time, yet you couldn't see it. It's one that would make you look back through the whole series and think "Wow, how did I not see it coming? It was right there in front of my eyes, yet it still fooled me". One that would make you think that now everything you've watched so far makes sense.

That is not what you would get here. Yes, you would NEVER guess the twist, but not because it's so good that you couldn't guess it. You wouldn't guess it because it literally just wasn't there. It was just randomly invented on the last episode out of nowhere. It's such a huge disappointment to watch 7 episodes trying to figure out what you are missing about the real killer, only to end up realizing you didn't miss anything, the answer just didn't exist so there was nothing for you to guess. At this point, even if the killer was his mom or the young son or the non-suspicious news reporter, it would be less disappointing than the actual answer. That's not a smart twist, that's just a show promising you a good twist the whole time in order to make you keep watching, only for you to find out that this promise was fake.

The only reason I'm rating this 2 and not 1 is because the series title is pure genious, they were literally telling me right there that the show is a clickbait, yet I still fell for it and watched. I'll give them respect for that.
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Powerful and devastating, delivers the feeling in a way I didn't see before.
18 September 2021
I am not an american, but as my country (Israel) has suffered from a lot of terror attacks, especially around the time 9/11 happened, I remember really relating to the pain of the United States at the time, even though I was only about 12 back then.

I have read a lot about the topic and have watched many things through the years, but really nothing delivered the feeling like this documentary. The stories were told and edited in a really interesting way that kept me focused the whole time, and most of them were shocking and made me tear up. Not that stories on other documentaries and interviews I watched were any less important, but something about this series and the way it presented the stories really made you feel like you were there with them. Like, these people are literally here telling the stories so you know they made it out alive, but through the story you still find yourself afraid for their life, as if you can feel the fear and pain they felt.

There were also many details on the event that as a person from another country I didn't even know, despite watching and reading many things about it before, because for some reason they were not even mentioned in most places. For example, I didn't even know that there was a building number 7 that also collapsed, and I can't recall ever reading or hearing about it (in fact, for years I was actually surprised no other buildings around the twin towers collapsed). There were a few more things like that which I didn't know, so I felt like I also learned a lot about the event from this series.

I saw that it was made in collaboration with the museum, and I think that has been felt, you could tell the documentary was probably so good because it involved experts who knew exactly the right way to deliver the events of the day to other people. I wanna thank them, and of course thank the survivors for sharing the stories.

I wish there could be a similar thing covering the stories of the people inside the planes, but of course sadly that isn't possible beyond the little info they provided. I hope no other country will have to go through terror attacks ever again.
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American Horror Stories: Game Over (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
A pathetic insult to the whole series
15 September 2021
This is by far the worst episode of AHS ever, and this is coming from someone who really loves the show and didn't give up even after the worst seasons. Up until this point I was like "okay, this spin-off is not great but maybe it's not as bad as the reviews said", but that last episode completely sealed the deal.

They took one of the best parts of the AHS universe and just completely destroyed it and ruined the whole story. The whole breaking-the-forth-wall is a huge insult to the show's universe in itself (are we supposed to get excited and think this is cool just because of the few references?), the story of the mom and son is so bad I can't even begin to explain it. I don't know if the childish ridiculous twist in the end is a curse or a blessing, but the rest of the story is SO bad that you can only PRAY that ending might undo the rest of it even though it was a terrible ending (and it's still unclear if it does undo the rest or not, because the whole story is a mess).

And the whole story of the murder house in this + the first 2 episodes, was minimized into the story of two new and boring characters who just took over the whole thing as if they were anywhere near the most important characters of the house. The first 2 episodes maybe could have passed somehow if it wasn't for the last one that just ruined everything. I read other reviews of fans saying they were offended by it and I couldn't agree more.

Also, can they please stop casting people just based on them being related to celebrities? I got much more excited seeing people I recognized from other AHS seasons, who were the only good thing about this (though after watching, I can't help but feel offended for them that they got dragged into this insult of a spin-off).

Literally everything else about this spin-off could have been forgiven if not for that last episode. I honestly can't believe they did this to the legacy of the murder house.
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Me'ila (2021– )
Nice, but lacking a lot of important parts
11 September 2021
(I'm not marking as spoiler since this review is mostly for what DIDN'T happen in the series) The actors were all great choices, but it felt like the story was lacking and not nearly as dramatic and complex as it was in real life.

The main things I was missing were:

  • Eti's deep relationship and interactions with the customers she stole from, some of their backstories and seeing their faces and why they trusted her so much. The empathy for them is a big part of the real story that just felt completely minor and left out here.

  • Eti's actual fear for her brother's life felt very lacking, in this show she seemed more cold than actually scared, it barely felt at any point like she was really terrified for his life, which again her fear for him is such a huge part of the real story.

  • The reactions from people when they found out was meant to be the highlight of the story, but instead we barely saw any of them at all, even the bank manager seemed kinda apathetic. There were no reactions at all from the customers who lost their money, no showing what it meant to them, the little stories of the old people who lost everything, the young guy who just got out of the military service and all of the money he got from it was lost in this bank, the reactions from Eti's co-workers, etc. Literally none of those were included, so you spend the whole series waiting for it but it was just deemed not important by the creators.

  • The huge protests by customers in front of the bank after it all blew up were also not included.

  • The very famous moment of Eti's huge scream in the trial also felt not nearly as dramatic as the real one, which is so weird considering there is a real video of it so it should have been super easy to mimic in the series. It's THE one moment that anyone who remembers the story have saved in their mind, so it was supposed to be a highlight in the end of the story, but instead if felt very numb.

In addition, it felt like too much time was dedicated to things that felt made up, like ice skating stories or fake mafia people, which I wouldn't mind much if it wasn't for the fact that they didn't find time to include so many of the important parts of the story, but still wasted time on these likely-imaginary things.

Overall, it is nice to watch if you do already know the real story, but probably not something to rely on as a source of information if you are not familiar with the real story.
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Can't believe I'm rating a Saw related movie so low
24 July 2021
As a huge fan of the Saw series, one who usually rates 10 even the not-so-great episodes in the series, I honestly can't believe I'm rating a spin-off of Saw so low, but this movie was such an offense to the word Saw in the title that I can't even rate it 2 out of 10.

This movie isn't really considered a part of the series, it's not about the same killer and barely relates to the original movies at all, at most this is a sad attempt for a spin-off that just happens on the same universe, but of course that isn't going to stop people from counting it as a Saw movie when they talk about the franchise.

Sadly, it is poorly written, the story is SO boring that I could barely keep myself focused in it and kept having to remind myself that I'm watching a movie (and not just any movie, but literally one related to my favorite horror franchise of all time). Story is about the cops themselves more than it is about the killer, it's very predictable, the traps and their stories are as minimal as it can get (even the worst trap in the worst out of the other movies, had more intelligence than all of the traps in this movie combined), literally they just threw in a few traps just for the sake of it and even the gore wasn't good. And the twist, which is supposed to be THE best part of every Saw movie, was so lame and prediactable and boring that you could barely even notice there was a twist there.

At the end of the day, what I hate most about this movie is that it's so shameful to the Saw title that it's going to ruin the reputation of the whole franchise because people will include it in it even though it doesn't belong, and it will be in my way every time I try to explain to new people why I think the Saw franchise is genius.
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Jigsaw (I) (2017)
By far less good than the other movies
3 December 2017
As much as I wanted another Saw movie after VII, I think the movie is by far less good than the original series, and it is VERY clear that it was not made by the same people. It feels like a nice script made by Saw fans rather than a real Saw movie by the original creators.

Can't say it's a bad movie because it isn't and I did enjoy, but I couldn't help but being disappointed that the movie completely ignores the storyline of the original series. The 7th Saw movie's ending had SO much potential, and I think it should have been obvious that the new Jigsaw movie will have to pick up where the last movie ended, but instead, 99% of the original story is not even mentioned. None of the original characters is being mentioned at all except for Jigsaw himself, and you literally don't need to know or remember anything from the original movies, except for who Jigsaw is and his last physical condition.

I mean, where is the REAL important person from the end of the 7th movie? What happened to them? How could you completely ignore them?

The traps and mini stories are also BY FAR less smart than the ones in the original series. Some of the traps and tests are even predictable. The one thing that the original movies weren't is predictable.

The twist is... OK, not very impressive but at least it's nice.

Gore is lacking, and even though I always thought the gore wasn't that important on the original series, now that it's lacking I finally understand how much it affected the experience when it was there.

The good parts: It was a new Saw movie! With Tobin Bell and Billy The Puppet! That's enough to make me wanna watch it.
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