Anthropology by Paraskevi (Voula) Zotali
Society for the Social Studies of Sciences Conference, Honolulu, HI, United States., 2023
As referenced in their web page, Wiki Katat is ‘the first social and indigenous virtual mobile op... more As referenced in their web page, Wiki Katat is ‘the first social and indigenous virtual mobile operator (VMO) in the world’. VPN is the term for an organization entitled to sell mobile call and internet services utilizing infrastructure that is owned by some other entity. Think of the largest telecommunications company in your country. Now imagine that a mountainous community in a remote region of the country can trade telecommunication services of the same level and quality as that giant, within that region. In Cuetzalan, in the state of Puebla, Mexico, Nahuatl and Totonac Indigenous groups are claiming the field of mobile and internet communication in a complex terrain of state intervention, telecommunication companies, supporting organizations and international dominant international discourses on the internet. Drawing from fieldwork and theoretical analysis, I explore 1). how these initiatives make 'visible' the ICT internet infrastructures by re-socializing them, 2). how this techno-resistance is closely linked with a more than-human notion of indigenous ecological ideal and, 3). how this indigenous socio-technological
knowledge may benefit other communities to imagine alternative technological futures.
Anthropological Notebooks , 2023
"One of the book’s most important contributions to the anthropology of Aboriginal peoples is the ... more "One of the book’s most important contributions to the anthropology of Aboriginal peoples is the eloquent, rich documentation of the Kurdiji songs (Chapter Four and Annex), including a valuable transcription, translation, and analysis of the texts’ meaning in relation to specific places/stories (Dreaming). It would be useful to present some example of these verses with this well-presented analysis earlier in the book to help the reader make more concrete the Warlpiri ideas and events described in the previous chapters. A second theme that stands out throughout the book is the exploration of the Aboriginal cosmological concept of Jukurrpa (Dreaming). Through the detailed ethnographic description coupled with historical and theoretical contextualization, both the general reader and the anthropologist can access nuanced understandings of the multi-level, eternal yet accommodative time-space of Jukurrpa and appreciate the beauty of Aboriginal philosophy."
Raising Indigenous Voices in Academia and Society Conference , 2022
Πτυχιακή Εργασία, Τμήμα Κοινωνικής Ανθρωπολογίας, 2020
Κατά την διάρκεια συζήτησης του νομοσχεδίου 2018 ‘Μέτρα για την προώθηση των Θεσμών της Αναδοχής... more Κατά την διάρκεια συζήτησης του νομοσχεδίου 2018 ‘Μέτρα για την προώθηση των Θεσμών της Αναδοχής και Υιοθεσίας και άλλες διατάξεις’ στην Ελληνική βουλή το άρθρο που θα παρείχε σε ομοφυλόφιλα ζευγάρια το δικαίωμα στην αναδοχή έγινε
αντικείμενο έντονων αντιπαραθέσεων, με συχνές επικλήσεις στα αποτελέσματα ‘επιστημονικών ερευνών΄, τόσο από τον υπέρ όσο και από τον κατά του άρθρου κοινοβουλευτικό λόγο. Πρόκειται για έρευνες που συγκρίνουν την ψυχοκοινωνική ανάπτυξη παιδιών μη ετεροφυλόφιλων γονέων με αυτήν παιδιών ετεροφυλόφιλων
(έρευνες (μη) διαφοράς). Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετήθηκε η διαπλοκή
σεξουαλικότητας, φύλου, αναπαραγωγής και γονεϊκότητας που εμφιλοχωρούν στον επιστημονικό λόγο της (μη) διαφοράς με αντικείμενο τις ΛΟΑΤΚΙ οικογένειες, τόσο στην πρωτότυπή του μορφή, όπως δηλαδή παράγεται από την επιστημονική κοινότητα σε
επιστημονικές δημοσιεύσεις, όσο και στην (από)νομιμοποιητική συνάρθρωση του με τον ελληνικό κοινοβουλευτικό λόγο. Υποστηρίζω ότι: α). Οι παράμετροι σύγκρισης των παιδιών ομοφυλόφιλων με αυτών ετεροφυλόφιλων κατασκευάζονται, σε μεγάλο βαθμό, από το καλούπι του κινδυνολογικού, ομοφοβικού λόγου, ενώ συχνά ενσωματώνουν
στερεοτυπικές αντιλήψεις για το φύλο και την σεξουαλικότητα. β). Η νομιμοποίηση στην βάση της μη διαφοράς ενσωματώνει τις πιέσεις της ετεροκανονικής ιδεολογίας με συνέπεια να αποκλείονται από τον επιστημονικό λόγο σχήματα ΛΟΑΤΚΙ οικογενειών που δεν συνάδουν με το σχήμα ‘δύο γονείς ίδιου φύλου σε σταθερή μονογαμική σχέση τύπου
γάμου’. γ). Η ίδια πίεση για μη διαφορά φαίνεται ότι οδηγεί σε τάση να απομειώνονται ευρήματα για μη ετεροκανονικές έμφυλες και σεξουαλικές συμπεριφορές των παιδιών ομοφυλόφιλων, συγκροτώντας έτσι μία νέα συνθήκη αορατότητας. δ). Ο ‘υπέρ’
κοινοβουλευτικός λόγος, αποζητώντας την νομιμοποίηση σε ένα κινδυνολογικό και ομοφοβικό πλαίσιο, κατασκευάζει το κανονιστικό φαντασιακό της ομοφυλόφιλης γονεϊκότητας αναδοχής με άξονες την ομοιότητα προς την ετεροκανονικότητα, την επιστημονική επιτήρηση και την αλτρουϊστική αγάπη. ε). Η επιδραστικότητα των δύο πεδίων εξουσίας ως λόγων δεν είναι ισοδύναμη από το ένα πεδίο στο άλλο: ενώ οι επιστήμονες στο πεδίο των ερευνών (μη) διαφοράς επηρεάζονται δομικά από τον πολιτικό λόγο για της μη ετεροκανονικές οικογένειες, οι πολιτικοί ενσωματώνουν επιλεκτικά τον επιστημονικό λόγο.
Συμπερασματικά, μέσω του περιορισμένου δείγματος, της ενσωμάτωσης ετεροκανονικών αναλυτικών κατηγοριών και του δόγματος μη διαφοράς, ο επιστημονικός λόγος (μη) διαφοράς για τις ΛΟΑΤΚΙ οικογένειες κατασκευάζει την γονεϊκή ομοκανονικότητα, προκειμένου ο κοινοβουλευτικός λόγος να την νομιμοποιήσει.
This report draws on my experience with the course of Values in Design, Malmö University 2021. I ... more This report draws on my experience with the course of Values in Design, Malmö University 2021. I am a chemical engineer and social anthropologist with a strong interest in social aspects of science and technology. My perspective during the course has been twofold: one the one hand, to learn about practical ways to account for social impact of technological designs, and one the other hand, to contemplate on the VID method from an anthropological perspective. Since I am not a hands-on, professional designer, I have participated in the course more as an anthropologist with a keen interest to understand the complexities designers face in their effort to bring social and cultural considerations into their work. My insights presented in this report I think would be more of interest to design researchers, STS practitioners or anthropologists of technoscience.
Presented as virtual poster at Truth and Responsibility, the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting, in Baltimore, MD, and online, November 17-21, 2021
This study offers an examination of power relations between Western and indigenous knowledge sys... more This study offers an examination of power relations between Western and indigenous knowledge systems by focusing on western institutions, and specifically on UNESCO, the United Nations Organization for education, science and culture. Through an online anthropological analysis of the organization's appropriation of indigenous knowledge, the study shows that in UNESCO's discourse and practice indigenous knowledge is constructed as complementary to modern science, and specifically as a nice-to-have ecological add-on. By tracing the absences of indigenous knowledge in UNESCO's sectors such as culture of peace and non-violence, I argue that UNESCO dominates on the subordinated indigenous cultures by defining what indigenous knowledge is not. The common thread of the absences is the politicized context, as they are directly linked with ideas about society and polity. The subaltern cannot know society and polity. Finally, I reverse the lens to explore what these absences tell us about the way the Western institutions frame the ecological problem.
Presented as virtual talk at Truth and Responsibility, the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting, in Baltimore, MD, and online, November 17-21, 2021
During the discussion of the 2018 bill 'Measures for the promotion of fostering and adoption and ... more During the discussion of the 2018 bill 'Measures for the promotion of fostering and adoption and other provisions' in the Greek Parliament, the article that would provide homosexual couples the right to fostering gave rise to intense controversy, frequently accompanied by references to the 'evidence of scientific research'. These studies compare the psychosocial development of children raised by non-heterosexual parents with those raised by heterosexual ones (no-difference research). In the present study, I attempted to
Anthropolitan - UCL Anthropology departmental magazine, 2019
This essay seeks to examine the socio-political intersection of LGBTQ engagement in family build... more This essay seeks to examine the socio-political intersection of LGBTQ engagement in family building and ARTs by critically examining the relevant academic literature, but also drawing information from community reports and state actors.
Feminism and Philosophy Workshop, Panteion University (2019)
How can we, as Beatriz Colomina (1992) has called for, 'reread theories of sexualities in archite... more How can we, as Beatriz Colomina (1992) has called for, 'reread theories of sexualities in architectural terms and architecture in sexual terms' and 'how is the question of space already inscribed in the question of sexuality'? Taking as starting points two topics raised in Preciado's work (2013), I seek to examine sexuality in relation firstly to the spaceless space, in its varied connotations, and secondly, to separation and invisibility.
Unpublished - UG essay
Using the historical discussion in philosophy around the 'dream argument' as both a starting poin... more Using the historical discussion in philosophy around the 'dream argument' as both a starting point and a source of inspiration, and incorporating phenomenological approaches regarding time and dreams, I attempt to explore the multiple temporalities of dreaming while arguing that dreams constitute experiences in their own right. Whilst keeping the gaze towards the dream life, I take a dialectic approach between the realms of dream and waking life.
Chemical Engineering by Paraskevi (Voula) Zotali
In the present master thesis the structure and nanomechanical properties of IV, V, VI transition ... more In the present master thesis the structure and nanomechanical properties of IV, V, VI transition metal nitride films are studied. Transition metal nitrides have been extensively studied in the past, and still attract considerable research interest due to their unique mechanical, chemical and electrical properties combination. As far as the mechanical applications are concerned, present studies focus on optimizing tribological and mechanical properties by appropriately defining the structure (nanostructured, layered, grained, composites). Despite the fact that Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) has features that enable high structure control of the deposing film, studies of PLD deposited transition metal nitride films are so far limited.
The scope of the present work is to characterize the structure and study the nanomechanical properties of ZrN, HfN, NbN, TaN and WN films which were produced in collaboration with the Electronic Materials Laboratory of Department of Materials Science and Engineering in University of Ioannina.
The deposited thin films are interstitial with face-centered cubic (fcc) structure, as defined through indexing of X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) spectra. The crystallographic lattice constants were calculated and found to be 0,464 ± 0,004, 0,444 ± 0,004, 0,461 ± 0,006, 0,442 ± 0,006 and 0,426 ± 0,006 nm for ZrN, HfN, NbN, TaN and WN respectively. The XRD spectra were also utilized to evaluate mean grain size. The films were found to be, according to Scherrer (row 6) and Williamson-Hall (row 5) analyses, nanocrystalline with grain size of the order of 15-10 nm, with the major exception of WN, which exhibits smaller grains.
The thickness of the deposited films was obtained by X-Ray Reflection (XRR) studies (80-120 nm). The XRR densities (6,8, 8,1, 11,8, 14,6 and 16,7 g/cm3 for ZrN, HfN, NbN, TaN and WN respectively) were found to be smaller than the corresponding reference bulk densities, indicating film porosity. In order to evaluate the porosity, the ideal densities of the fcc film structures were calculated and compared to the XRR densities. The greatest porosity is that of HfN (9,7%), followed by ZrN, TaN and WN (2,9%, 2,8% and 1,7% respectively). NbN has almost zero porosity (0,07%).
Nanomechanical properties of prepared films were studied by nanoindentation measurements. Three regions were identified in the plots of measured hardness, ΗΙΤ, to maximum deposition, hmax : I. non or partially developed plastic zone, II. fully developed plastic zone in which film properties can be measured and III. fully developed plastic zone in which substrate effect is dominant. Similar behavior was observed for the indentation modulus plots, but the regions were in this case less discrete.
The combinational application of Oliver-Pharr method and Milman’s plasticity equations permitted the simultaneous determination of Young’s modulus, E, Poisson’s ratio, ν, and hardness, H, of the specimens by nanoindentation measurements. Maximum hardness was evaluated for HfN (24,8 GPa), followed by TaN and ZrN with hardness values of 21,5 and 19 GPa respectively, NbN (17 GPa), and, last, WN (14,5 GPa). HfN and ZrN were found to have the highest modula (307 and 304 respectively), followed by NbN and TaN (260 and 265 GPa respectively) and WN with significantly lower modulus (242 GPa). Poisson’s ratio of ZrN, HfN, NbN, TaN and WN was 0,198, 0,203, 0,210, 0,207 and 0,188, respectively. It should be noted that these values underestimate the actual values of pure film properties, because of the substrate and porosity effects. Indicatively mentioned, according to Wang’s model for porosity correction of measured modulus of elasticity, underestimation for the HfN film, which demonstrated the highest porosity (9,8%), reaches 21%.
Milman’s plasticity index δΗ and hardness of the prepared films are, as expected, inversely related, as the highest plasticity index were found for WN (δΗ= 0,584), followed by ZrN (0,539) and NbN (0,532), and TaN (0,415), HfN (0,411). Pile-up effects influence in the validity of Oliver-Pharr model was evaluated as negligible, using in situ Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) images. This result was in accordance with a number of criteria that are proposed to predict the pile-up effect influence.
The decreasing hardness trend that is observed along the series (5 and 6) of the studied transition metal nitrides is attributed to the progressive increase of the metallic character of the bonds, due to increase number of 4d and 5d electrons that occupy non-bonding electronic configurations. Comparing hardness values in terms of periodic table groups, shows that hardness decreases in the order VI>V>VI. This observation falls in line with previous theoretical analysis that assigns maximum covalent character of M-N bond (where M transition metal) to valence electron number 3-4, and decrease when exceeding 4. As far as the modulus of elasticity is concerned, this is inversely proportional to lattice constant for the nitrides along a series. Comparing elastic modula in groups, the couples ZrN-HfN and NbN-TaN show approximate values, with differences lying in error amplitude.
Loading and unloading curves were fitted in appropriate exponential model equations. Exponent m of unloading equation was approximately 1,2 for indentation depth from 0 to 50 nm. From 50 nm on, an increase was observed (1,5-2,3). Exponent m is indicative of pressure distribution in the contact area. Thus, for small penetration depths the pressure distribution approaches the distribution of a spherical indenter (m=1,5) due to the curvature of the tip. As the penetration depth increases, the curvature effect declines and the pressure distribution approaches this of a pyramidal indenter.
The physical meaning of exponent n of loading fitting equation is opposite to the one of exponent m, as n is a measure of material’s resistance to deformation. The hardest thin films demonstrated highest values of n exponent (mean values 1,158, 1,193, 1,145, 1,175 and 1,136 for ZrN, HfN, NbN, TaN and WN respectively).
The deposited films fracture properties were also studied, using the cracks that were developed in higher loads. The highest fracture toughness was found for hafnium nitride (ΚCI,= 0,694 ΜPa·m1/2). WN (ΚCI,= 0,538 ΜPa·m1/2), ΝbN (ΚCI,= 0,474 ΜPa·m1/2), TaN (ΚCI,= 0,463 ΜPa·m1/2), and ZrN (ΚCI,= 0,453 ΜPa·m1/2) follow. Mean fracture strength, σF, was 554, 415, 317, 264 and 220 MPa respectively. As far as wear resistance is concerned, this was evaluated using the criteria H3/E2 and Η/Ε. The highest resistance in plastic flow was found for HfN (H3/E2 =0,163 GPa) and TaN (H3/E2 =0,142 GPa), followed by ZrN (H3/E2 =0,074 GPa), NbN (H3/E2 =0,073 GPa) and WN (H3/E2 =0,051 GPa). With the exception of WN, the films with the highest Η3/Εε demonstrated higher fracture toughness.
Journal of Materials Science : Materials in Medicine, 2011
Copolyesters of glycolic acid (G) combined with sebacic acid (S) and ethylene glycol were synthes... more Copolyesters of glycolic acid (G) combined with sebacic acid (S) and ethylene glycol were synthesized in different molar ratios (G: 0-100% and S: 100-0%) and their hydrolytic degradation was studied and correlated with their structures. Based on the FTIR spectra of the homopolyesters and copolyesters and the normalized peak intensity of the I 2918 , I 2848 and I 1087 for the corresponding wavenumbers, it is concluded that the I 2918 and the I 2848 are in accordance with the mean number degree of polymeri-zation of ethylene sebacate units and the I 1087 is in accordance with the mean number degree of polymerization of glycolate units. Based on the XRD diffractograms, poly(ethylene sebacate) and poly(glycolic acid) belong to the monoclinic and the orthorhombic crystal system, respectively and both have higher crystallinity than the copolyesters. The experimental data of the hydrolytic degradation were fitted with exponential rise to maximum type functions using two-parameter model and four-parameter model. Three regions can been distinguished for the hydrolytic degradation by decreasing the molar feed ratio of sebacic acid, which are correlated with the changes of crystallinity. Two copolyesters are proposed: first the copolyester with high amount of glycolate units (S10G90) having higher hydrolytic degradation than G100 and second the copolyester with equal amount of glycolate and ethylene sebacate units (S50G50), having lower hydrolytic degradation than G100. These hydrolytically degradable copolyesters are soluble in common organic solvents, opposite to poly(glycolic acid) and could have perspectives for biomedical applications.
Papers by Paraskevi (Voula) Zotali
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 2011
Copolyesters of glycolic acid (G) combined with sebacic acid (S) and ethylene glycol were synthes... more Copolyesters of glycolic acid (G) combined with sebacic acid (S) and ethylene glycol were synthesized in different molar ratios (G: 0-100% and S: 100-0%) and their hydrolytic degradation was studied and correlated with their structures. Based on the FTIR spectra of the homopolyesters and copolyesters and the normalized peak intensity of the I 2918 , I 2848 and I 1087 for the corresponding wavenumbers, it is concluded that the I 2918 and the I 2848 are in accordance with the mean number degree of polymerization of ethylene sebacate units and the I 1087 is in accordance with the mean number degree of polymerization of glycolate units. Based on the XRD diffractograms, poly(ethylene sebacate) and poly(glycolic acid) belong to the monoclinic and the orthorhombic crystal system, respectively and both have higher crystallinity than the copolyesters. The experimental data of the hydrolytic degradation were fitted with exponential rise to maximum type functions using two-parameter model and fourparameter model. Three regions can been distinguished for the hydrolytic degradation by decreasing the molar feed ratio of sebacic acid, which are correlated with the changes of crystallinity. Two copolyesters are proposed: first the copolyester with high amount of glycolate units (S10G90) having higher hydrolytic degradation than G100 and second the copolyester with equal amount of glycolate and ethylene sebacate units (S50G50), having lower hydrolytic degradation than G100. These hydrolytically degradable copolyesters are soluble in common organic solvents, opposite to poly(glycolic acid) and could have perspectives for biomedical applications.
Anthropology by Paraskevi (Voula) Zotali
knowledge may benefit other communities to imagine alternative technological futures.
αντικείμενο έντονων αντιπαραθέσεων, με συχνές επικλήσεις στα αποτελέσματα ‘επιστημονικών ερευνών΄, τόσο από τον υπέρ όσο και από τον κατά του άρθρου κοινοβουλευτικό λόγο. Πρόκειται για έρευνες που συγκρίνουν την ψυχοκοινωνική ανάπτυξη παιδιών μη ετεροφυλόφιλων γονέων με αυτήν παιδιών ετεροφυλόφιλων
(έρευνες (μη) διαφοράς). Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετήθηκε η διαπλοκή
σεξουαλικότητας, φύλου, αναπαραγωγής και γονεϊκότητας που εμφιλοχωρούν στον επιστημονικό λόγο της (μη) διαφοράς με αντικείμενο τις ΛΟΑΤΚΙ οικογένειες, τόσο στην πρωτότυπή του μορφή, όπως δηλαδή παράγεται από την επιστημονική κοινότητα σε
επιστημονικές δημοσιεύσεις, όσο και στην (από)νομιμοποιητική συνάρθρωση του με τον ελληνικό κοινοβουλευτικό λόγο. Υποστηρίζω ότι: α). Οι παράμετροι σύγκρισης των παιδιών ομοφυλόφιλων με αυτών ετεροφυλόφιλων κατασκευάζονται, σε μεγάλο βαθμό, από το καλούπι του κινδυνολογικού, ομοφοβικού λόγου, ενώ συχνά ενσωματώνουν
στερεοτυπικές αντιλήψεις για το φύλο και την σεξουαλικότητα. β). Η νομιμοποίηση στην βάση της μη διαφοράς ενσωματώνει τις πιέσεις της ετεροκανονικής ιδεολογίας με συνέπεια να αποκλείονται από τον επιστημονικό λόγο σχήματα ΛΟΑΤΚΙ οικογενειών που δεν συνάδουν με το σχήμα ‘δύο γονείς ίδιου φύλου σε σταθερή μονογαμική σχέση τύπου
γάμου’. γ). Η ίδια πίεση για μη διαφορά φαίνεται ότι οδηγεί σε τάση να απομειώνονται ευρήματα για μη ετεροκανονικές έμφυλες και σεξουαλικές συμπεριφορές των παιδιών ομοφυλόφιλων, συγκροτώντας έτσι μία νέα συνθήκη αορατότητας. δ). Ο ‘υπέρ’
κοινοβουλευτικός λόγος, αποζητώντας την νομιμοποίηση σε ένα κινδυνολογικό και ομοφοβικό πλαίσιο, κατασκευάζει το κανονιστικό φαντασιακό της ομοφυλόφιλης γονεϊκότητας αναδοχής με άξονες την ομοιότητα προς την ετεροκανονικότητα, την επιστημονική επιτήρηση και την αλτρουϊστική αγάπη. ε). Η επιδραστικότητα των δύο πεδίων εξουσίας ως λόγων δεν είναι ισοδύναμη από το ένα πεδίο στο άλλο: ενώ οι επιστήμονες στο πεδίο των ερευνών (μη) διαφοράς επηρεάζονται δομικά από τον πολιτικό λόγο για της μη ετεροκανονικές οικογένειες, οι πολιτικοί ενσωματώνουν επιλεκτικά τον επιστημονικό λόγο.
Συμπερασματικά, μέσω του περιορισμένου δείγματος, της ενσωμάτωσης ετεροκανονικών αναλυτικών κατηγοριών και του δόγματος μη διαφοράς, ο επιστημονικός λόγος (μη) διαφοράς για τις ΛΟΑΤΚΙ οικογένειες κατασκευάζει την γονεϊκή ομοκανονικότητα, προκειμένου ο κοινοβουλευτικός λόγος να την νομιμοποιήσει.
Chemical Engineering by Paraskevi (Voula) Zotali
The scope of the present work is to characterize the structure and study the nanomechanical properties of ZrN, HfN, NbN, TaN and WN films which were produced in collaboration with the Electronic Materials Laboratory of Department of Materials Science and Engineering in University of Ioannina.
The deposited thin films are interstitial with face-centered cubic (fcc) structure, as defined through indexing of X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) spectra. The crystallographic lattice constants were calculated and found to be 0,464 ± 0,004, 0,444 ± 0,004, 0,461 ± 0,006, 0,442 ± 0,006 and 0,426 ± 0,006 nm for ZrN, HfN, NbN, TaN and WN respectively. The XRD spectra were also utilized to evaluate mean grain size. The films were found to be, according to Scherrer (row 6) and Williamson-Hall (row 5) analyses, nanocrystalline with grain size of the order of 15-10 nm, with the major exception of WN, which exhibits smaller grains.
The thickness of the deposited films was obtained by X-Ray Reflection (XRR) studies (80-120 nm). The XRR densities (6,8, 8,1, 11,8, 14,6 and 16,7 g/cm3 for ZrN, HfN, NbN, TaN and WN respectively) were found to be smaller than the corresponding reference bulk densities, indicating film porosity. In order to evaluate the porosity, the ideal densities of the fcc film structures were calculated and compared to the XRR densities. The greatest porosity is that of HfN (9,7%), followed by ZrN, TaN and WN (2,9%, 2,8% and 1,7% respectively). NbN has almost zero porosity (0,07%).
Nanomechanical properties of prepared films were studied by nanoindentation measurements. Three regions were identified in the plots of measured hardness, ΗΙΤ, to maximum deposition, hmax : I. non or partially developed plastic zone, II. fully developed plastic zone in which film properties can be measured and III. fully developed plastic zone in which substrate effect is dominant. Similar behavior was observed for the indentation modulus plots, but the regions were in this case less discrete.
The combinational application of Oliver-Pharr method and Milman’s plasticity equations permitted the simultaneous determination of Young’s modulus, E, Poisson’s ratio, ν, and hardness, H, of the specimens by nanoindentation measurements. Maximum hardness was evaluated for HfN (24,8 GPa), followed by TaN and ZrN with hardness values of 21,5 and 19 GPa respectively, NbN (17 GPa), and, last, WN (14,5 GPa). HfN and ZrN were found to have the highest modula (307 and 304 respectively), followed by NbN and TaN (260 and 265 GPa respectively) and WN with significantly lower modulus (242 GPa). Poisson’s ratio of ZrN, HfN, NbN, TaN and WN was 0,198, 0,203, 0,210, 0,207 and 0,188, respectively. It should be noted that these values underestimate the actual values of pure film properties, because of the substrate and porosity effects. Indicatively mentioned, according to Wang’s model for porosity correction of measured modulus of elasticity, underestimation for the HfN film, which demonstrated the highest porosity (9,8%), reaches 21%.
Milman’s plasticity index δΗ and hardness of the prepared films are, as expected, inversely related, as the highest plasticity index were found for WN (δΗ= 0,584), followed by ZrN (0,539) and NbN (0,532), and TaN (0,415), HfN (0,411). Pile-up effects influence in the validity of Oliver-Pharr model was evaluated as negligible, using in situ Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) images. This result was in accordance with a number of criteria that are proposed to predict the pile-up effect influence.
The decreasing hardness trend that is observed along the series (5 and 6) of the studied transition metal nitrides is attributed to the progressive increase of the metallic character of the bonds, due to increase number of 4d and 5d electrons that occupy non-bonding electronic configurations. Comparing hardness values in terms of periodic table groups, shows that hardness decreases in the order VI>V>VI. This observation falls in line with previous theoretical analysis that assigns maximum covalent character of M-N bond (where M transition metal) to valence electron number 3-4, and decrease when exceeding 4. As far as the modulus of elasticity is concerned, this is inversely proportional to lattice constant for the nitrides along a series. Comparing elastic modula in groups, the couples ZrN-HfN and NbN-TaN show approximate values, with differences lying in error amplitude.
Loading and unloading curves were fitted in appropriate exponential model equations. Exponent m of unloading equation was approximately 1,2 for indentation depth from 0 to 50 nm. From 50 nm on, an increase was observed (1,5-2,3). Exponent m is indicative of pressure distribution in the contact area. Thus, for small penetration depths the pressure distribution approaches the distribution of a spherical indenter (m=1,5) due to the curvature of the tip. As the penetration depth increases, the curvature effect declines and the pressure distribution approaches this of a pyramidal indenter.
The physical meaning of exponent n of loading fitting equation is opposite to the one of exponent m, as n is a measure of material’s resistance to deformation. The hardest thin films demonstrated highest values of n exponent (mean values 1,158, 1,193, 1,145, 1,175 and 1,136 for ZrN, HfN, NbN, TaN and WN respectively).
The deposited films fracture properties were also studied, using the cracks that were developed in higher loads. The highest fracture toughness was found for hafnium nitride (ΚCI,= 0,694 ΜPa·m1/2). WN (ΚCI,= 0,538 ΜPa·m1/2), ΝbN (ΚCI,= 0,474 ΜPa·m1/2), TaN (ΚCI,= 0,463 ΜPa·m1/2), and ZrN (ΚCI,= 0,453 ΜPa·m1/2) follow. Mean fracture strength, σF, was 554, 415, 317, 264 and 220 MPa respectively. As far as wear resistance is concerned, this was evaluated using the criteria H3/E2 and Η/Ε. The highest resistance in plastic flow was found for HfN (H3/E2 =0,163 GPa) and TaN (H3/E2 =0,142 GPa), followed by ZrN (H3/E2 =0,074 GPa), NbN (H3/E2 =0,073 GPa) and WN (H3/E2 =0,051 GPa). With the exception of WN, the films with the highest Η3/Εε demonstrated higher fracture toughness.
Papers by Paraskevi (Voula) Zotali
knowledge may benefit other communities to imagine alternative technological futures.
αντικείμενο έντονων αντιπαραθέσεων, με συχνές επικλήσεις στα αποτελέσματα ‘επιστημονικών ερευνών΄, τόσο από τον υπέρ όσο και από τον κατά του άρθρου κοινοβουλευτικό λόγο. Πρόκειται για έρευνες που συγκρίνουν την ψυχοκοινωνική ανάπτυξη παιδιών μη ετεροφυλόφιλων γονέων με αυτήν παιδιών ετεροφυλόφιλων
(έρευνες (μη) διαφοράς). Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετήθηκε η διαπλοκή
σεξουαλικότητας, φύλου, αναπαραγωγής και γονεϊκότητας που εμφιλοχωρούν στον επιστημονικό λόγο της (μη) διαφοράς με αντικείμενο τις ΛΟΑΤΚΙ οικογένειες, τόσο στην πρωτότυπή του μορφή, όπως δηλαδή παράγεται από την επιστημονική κοινότητα σε
επιστημονικές δημοσιεύσεις, όσο και στην (από)νομιμοποιητική συνάρθρωση του με τον ελληνικό κοινοβουλευτικό λόγο. Υποστηρίζω ότι: α). Οι παράμετροι σύγκρισης των παιδιών ομοφυλόφιλων με αυτών ετεροφυλόφιλων κατασκευάζονται, σε μεγάλο βαθμό, από το καλούπι του κινδυνολογικού, ομοφοβικού λόγου, ενώ συχνά ενσωματώνουν
στερεοτυπικές αντιλήψεις για το φύλο και την σεξουαλικότητα. β). Η νομιμοποίηση στην βάση της μη διαφοράς ενσωματώνει τις πιέσεις της ετεροκανονικής ιδεολογίας με συνέπεια να αποκλείονται από τον επιστημονικό λόγο σχήματα ΛΟΑΤΚΙ οικογενειών που δεν συνάδουν με το σχήμα ‘δύο γονείς ίδιου φύλου σε σταθερή μονογαμική σχέση τύπου
γάμου’. γ). Η ίδια πίεση για μη διαφορά φαίνεται ότι οδηγεί σε τάση να απομειώνονται ευρήματα για μη ετεροκανονικές έμφυλες και σεξουαλικές συμπεριφορές των παιδιών ομοφυλόφιλων, συγκροτώντας έτσι μία νέα συνθήκη αορατότητας. δ). Ο ‘υπέρ’
κοινοβουλευτικός λόγος, αποζητώντας την νομιμοποίηση σε ένα κινδυνολογικό και ομοφοβικό πλαίσιο, κατασκευάζει το κανονιστικό φαντασιακό της ομοφυλόφιλης γονεϊκότητας αναδοχής με άξονες την ομοιότητα προς την ετεροκανονικότητα, την επιστημονική επιτήρηση και την αλτρουϊστική αγάπη. ε). Η επιδραστικότητα των δύο πεδίων εξουσίας ως λόγων δεν είναι ισοδύναμη από το ένα πεδίο στο άλλο: ενώ οι επιστήμονες στο πεδίο των ερευνών (μη) διαφοράς επηρεάζονται δομικά από τον πολιτικό λόγο για της μη ετεροκανονικές οικογένειες, οι πολιτικοί ενσωματώνουν επιλεκτικά τον επιστημονικό λόγο.
Συμπερασματικά, μέσω του περιορισμένου δείγματος, της ενσωμάτωσης ετεροκανονικών αναλυτικών κατηγοριών και του δόγματος μη διαφοράς, ο επιστημονικός λόγος (μη) διαφοράς για τις ΛΟΑΤΚΙ οικογένειες κατασκευάζει την γονεϊκή ομοκανονικότητα, προκειμένου ο κοινοβουλευτικός λόγος να την νομιμοποιήσει.
The scope of the present work is to characterize the structure and study the nanomechanical properties of ZrN, HfN, NbN, TaN and WN films which were produced in collaboration with the Electronic Materials Laboratory of Department of Materials Science and Engineering in University of Ioannina.
The deposited thin films are interstitial with face-centered cubic (fcc) structure, as defined through indexing of X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) spectra. The crystallographic lattice constants were calculated and found to be 0,464 ± 0,004, 0,444 ± 0,004, 0,461 ± 0,006, 0,442 ± 0,006 and 0,426 ± 0,006 nm for ZrN, HfN, NbN, TaN and WN respectively. The XRD spectra were also utilized to evaluate mean grain size. The films were found to be, according to Scherrer (row 6) and Williamson-Hall (row 5) analyses, nanocrystalline with grain size of the order of 15-10 nm, with the major exception of WN, which exhibits smaller grains.
The thickness of the deposited films was obtained by X-Ray Reflection (XRR) studies (80-120 nm). The XRR densities (6,8, 8,1, 11,8, 14,6 and 16,7 g/cm3 for ZrN, HfN, NbN, TaN and WN respectively) were found to be smaller than the corresponding reference bulk densities, indicating film porosity. In order to evaluate the porosity, the ideal densities of the fcc film structures were calculated and compared to the XRR densities. The greatest porosity is that of HfN (9,7%), followed by ZrN, TaN and WN (2,9%, 2,8% and 1,7% respectively). NbN has almost zero porosity (0,07%).
Nanomechanical properties of prepared films were studied by nanoindentation measurements. Three regions were identified in the plots of measured hardness, ΗΙΤ, to maximum deposition, hmax : I. non or partially developed plastic zone, II. fully developed plastic zone in which film properties can be measured and III. fully developed plastic zone in which substrate effect is dominant. Similar behavior was observed for the indentation modulus plots, but the regions were in this case less discrete.
The combinational application of Oliver-Pharr method and Milman’s plasticity equations permitted the simultaneous determination of Young’s modulus, E, Poisson’s ratio, ν, and hardness, H, of the specimens by nanoindentation measurements. Maximum hardness was evaluated for HfN (24,8 GPa), followed by TaN and ZrN with hardness values of 21,5 and 19 GPa respectively, NbN (17 GPa), and, last, WN (14,5 GPa). HfN and ZrN were found to have the highest modula (307 and 304 respectively), followed by NbN and TaN (260 and 265 GPa respectively) and WN with significantly lower modulus (242 GPa). Poisson’s ratio of ZrN, HfN, NbN, TaN and WN was 0,198, 0,203, 0,210, 0,207 and 0,188, respectively. It should be noted that these values underestimate the actual values of pure film properties, because of the substrate and porosity effects. Indicatively mentioned, according to Wang’s model for porosity correction of measured modulus of elasticity, underestimation for the HfN film, which demonstrated the highest porosity (9,8%), reaches 21%.
Milman’s plasticity index δΗ and hardness of the prepared films are, as expected, inversely related, as the highest plasticity index were found for WN (δΗ= 0,584), followed by ZrN (0,539) and NbN (0,532), and TaN (0,415), HfN (0,411). Pile-up effects influence in the validity of Oliver-Pharr model was evaluated as negligible, using in situ Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) images. This result was in accordance with a number of criteria that are proposed to predict the pile-up effect influence.
The decreasing hardness trend that is observed along the series (5 and 6) of the studied transition metal nitrides is attributed to the progressive increase of the metallic character of the bonds, due to increase number of 4d and 5d electrons that occupy non-bonding electronic configurations. Comparing hardness values in terms of periodic table groups, shows that hardness decreases in the order VI>V>VI. This observation falls in line with previous theoretical analysis that assigns maximum covalent character of M-N bond (where M transition metal) to valence electron number 3-4, and decrease when exceeding 4. As far as the modulus of elasticity is concerned, this is inversely proportional to lattice constant for the nitrides along a series. Comparing elastic modula in groups, the couples ZrN-HfN and NbN-TaN show approximate values, with differences lying in error amplitude.
Loading and unloading curves were fitted in appropriate exponential model equations. Exponent m of unloading equation was approximately 1,2 for indentation depth from 0 to 50 nm. From 50 nm on, an increase was observed (1,5-2,3). Exponent m is indicative of pressure distribution in the contact area. Thus, for small penetration depths the pressure distribution approaches the distribution of a spherical indenter (m=1,5) due to the curvature of the tip. As the penetration depth increases, the curvature effect declines and the pressure distribution approaches this of a pyramidal indenter.
The physical meaning of exponent n of loading fitting equation is opposite to the one of exponent m, as n is a measure of material’s resistance to deformation. The hardest thin films demonstrated highest values of n exponent (mean values 1,158, 1,193, 1,145, 1,175 and 1,136 for ZrN, HfN, NbN, TaN and WN respectively).
The deposited films fracture properties were also studied, using the cracks that were developed in higher loads. The highest fracture toughness was found for hafnium nitride (ΚCI,= 0,694 ΜPa·m1/2). WN (ΚCI,= 0,538 ΜPa·m1/2), ΝbN (ΚCI,= 0,474 ΜPa·m1/2), TaN (ΚCI,= 0,463 ΜPa·m1/2), and ZrN (ΚCI,= 0,453 ΜPa·m1/2) follow. Mean fracture strength, σF, was 554, 415, 317, 264 and 220 MPa respectively. As far as wear resistance is concerned, this was evaluated using the criteria H3/E2 and Η/Ε. The highest resistance in plastic flow was found for HfN (H3/E2 =0,163 GPa) and TaN (H3/E2 =0,142 GPa), followed by ZrN (H3/E2 =0,074 GPa), NbN (H3/E2 =0,073 GPa) and WN (H3/E2 =0,051 GPa). With the exception of WN, the films with the highest Η3/Εε demonstrated higher fracture toughness.