Journals in Project MUSE
a/b: Auto/Biography Studies Vol. 24 (2009) through Vol. 28 (2013)
Ab Imperio 2000, no. 1 through current issue
Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region / Revue d’histoire de la region atlantique Vol. 45, (2016) through current issue
Acta Classica Vol. 61 (2018) through current issue
Acta Koreana Vol. 1 (1998) through current issue
Acta Musicologica Vol. 88 (2016) through current issue
Adoption & Culture No. 1 (2007) through current issue
Advertising & Society Quarterly Vol. 1 (2000) through current issue
Advertising & Society Review (See: Advertising & Society Quarterly Vol. 1 (2000) through current issue)
Africa: The Journal of the International African Institute Vol. 76 (2006) through current issue
Africa Today Vol. 46 (1999) through current issue
African American Review Vol. 43 (2009) through current issue
African Arts Vol. 49, (2016) through current issue
African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review Vol. 1 (2011) through current issue
African Economic History Vol. 36 (2008) through current issue
African Studies Review Vol. 48 (2005) through current issue
AJS Review: The Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies Vol. 42 (2018) through current issue
Ala-Ala (See: Filipino American National Historical Society Journal Vol. 1 (1982) through current issue
Alabama Review Vol. 60 (2007) through current issue
Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism Vol. 1 (2001) through current issue
Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives Vol. 1 (2021) through current issue
American Annals of the Deaf Vol. 125 (1980) through current issue
American Benedictine Review Vol. 75 (2024) through current issue
American Book Review Vol. 27 (2005) through current issue
American Catholic Studies Vol. 122 (2011) through current issue
American Imago Vol. 52 (1995) through current issue
American Jewish History Vol. 84 (1996) through current issue
American Journal of Mathematics Vol. 118 (1996) through current issue
American Journal of Philology Vol. 117 (1996) through current issue
American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Vol. 21 (2018) - vol. 24, no 1-2 (2021)
American Journal of Theology & Philosophy Vol. 31 (2010) through current issue
American Literary History Vol. 12 (2000) through current issue
American Literary Realism Vol. 40 (2007) through current issue
American Literary Scholarship 1998 - 2020
American Literature Vol. 71, no. 3 (1999) - vol. 76 (2004)
American Music Vol. 27 (2009) through current issue
American Periodicals: A Journal of History & Criticism Vol. 13 (2003) through current issue
American Quarterly Vol. 48 (1996) through current issue
American Religion Vol. 1 (2019) through current issue
American Speech Vol. 74, no. 3 (1999);
Vol. 75 (2000) - vol. 79 (2004)
American Studies Vol. 48 (2007) through current issue
Americas: A Hemispheric Music Journal Vol. 29 (2020) through current issue
Anales Galdosianos Vol. 46 (2011) through current issue
Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales (French Edition) Vol. 69 (2014) - vol. 71 (2016)
Anthropologica Vol. 56 (2014) - vol. 62 (2020)
Anthropological Linguistics Vol. 51 (2009) through current issue
Anthropological Quarterly Vol. 73, no. 3 (2000) through current issue
Antiphon: A Journal for Liturgical Renewal Vol. 9 (2005) through current issue
Antipodes Vol. 32 (2018) through current issue
Antisemitism Studies Vol. 1 (2017) through current issue
Appalachian Heritage (See: Appalachian Review Vol. 1 (1973) through current issue (with gaps in vols. 3 and 27))
Appalachian Review Vol. 1 (1973) through current issue (with gaps in vols. 3 and 27)
Al-ʿArabiyya: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic Vol. 47 (2014) through current issue
Archivaria Vol. 81 (Spring 2016) through current issue
Archives of Asian Art Vol. 58 (2008) through current issue
Arctic Anthropology Vol. 40 (2003) through current issue
Arethusa Vol. 29 (1996) through current issue
ariel: A Review of International English Literature Vol. 1 (2013) through current issue
Arion: A Journal of the Humanities and the Classics Vol. 17 (2009) through current issue
Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies Vol. 1 (1997) through current issue
Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory Vol. 44, no. 3 (1988) through current issue
Arris Vol. 1 (1989) through current issue
Ars Judaica: The Bar-Ilan Journal of Jewish Art Vol. 12 (2016) through current issue
Arthuriana Vol. 4 (1994) through current issue
Artivate Vol. 1 (2012) through current issue
ASAP/Journal Vol. 1 (2016) through current issue
ASEAN Economic Bulletin (See: Journal of Southeast Asian Economies (JSEAE) Vol. 20 (2003) through current issue)
Asia Policy Number 1 (2006) through current issue
Asian Bioethics Review Inaugural edition (2008); Vol. 1 (2009) - vol. 8 (2016)
Asian Journal of English Language Teaching Vol. 23 (2013) - vol. 24 (2014)
Asian Music Vol. 36 (2005) through current issue
Asian Perspective Vol. 1 (1977) through current issue
Asian Perspectives Vol. 39 (2000) through current issue
Asian Theatre Journal Vol. 16, no. 2 (1999) through current issue
AUDEM: The International Journal of Higher Education and Democracy Vol. 1 (2010) - vol. 4 (2013)
Austrian Studies Vol. 11 (2003) through current issue
Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature & Culture Vol. 1 (2007) through current issue
BACH: Journal of the Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vol. 41 (2010) through current issue
Behavioral Science & Policy Vol. 1 (2015) - vol. 7 (2021)
Biography Vol. 1 (1978) through current issue
Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. 102B (2002) through current issue
Black Camera Vol. 1 (2009) through current issue
Black History Bulletin Vol. 76 (2013) through current issue
Black Music Research Journal Vol. 30 (2010) - Vol. 36, no. 1 (2016)
Black Women, Gender & Families Vol. 3 (2009) - vol. 6 (2012)
Book History Vol. 1 (1998) through current issue
Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature Vol. 46 (2008) through current issue
boundary 2 Vol. 26, no. 3 (1999) - vol. 31 (2004)
Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal Vol. 11 (2006) - vol.16, no. 1 (2011)
British Journal of Canadian Studies Vol. 27 (2014) through current issue
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2000 through current issue
Brookings Papers on Education Policy 2000 - 2007
Brookings Trade Forum 2000 - 2008/2009
Brookings-Wharton Papers on Financial Services 2000 - 2004
Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs 2000 - 2009
Buddhist-Christian Studies Vol. 19 (1999) through current issue
Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum Vol. 14 (2007) through current issue
Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law Vol. 30 (2013) through current issue
Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books Vol. 59 (2005) through current issue
Bulletin of the Comediantes Vol. 1 (1949) through current issue
Bulletin of the History of Medicine Vol. 70 (1996) through current issue
Calíope: Journal of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry Vol. 1 (1995) through current issue
Callaloo Vol. 18 (1995) through current issue
Camera Obscura Vol. 15 (2000) - vol. 19 (2004)
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History (See: Canadian Journal of Health History Vol. 33 (2016) through current issue)
Canadian Ethnic Studies Vol. 39 (2007) through current issue
Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice Vol. 48 (2006) through current issue
Canadian Journal of Film Studies (See: Canadian Journal of Film Studies / Revue canadienne d'études cinématographiques Vol. 24 (2015) through current issue)
Canadian Journal of Film Studies / Revue canadienne d'études cinématographiques Vol. 24 (2015) through current issue
Canadian Journal of Health History Vol. 33 (2016) through current issue
Canadian Journal of History (See: Journal of History Vol. 50 (2015) through current issue)
Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science Vol. 34 (2010) - vol. 43.3 (2021)
Canadian Journal of Law and Society Vol. 20 (2005) through current issue
Canadian Journal of Philosophy Vol. 36 (2006) through vol. 42 (2012)
Canadian Journal of Women and the Law Vol. 17 (2005) through current issue
Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement Vol. 23 (2004) through current issue
Canadian Public Policy Volume 35 (2009) through current issue
Canadian Review of American Studies Vol. 1 (1970) through current issue
Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée Vol. 41 (2014) through current issue
Canadian Theatre Review Issue 141 (2010) through current issue
Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics Vol. 1 (2019) through current issue
Caribbean Studies Vol. 36 (2008) through current issue
Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization Vol. 48 (2013) through current issue
CEA Critic Vol. 75 (2013) through current issue
Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America (See: Cervantes: Journal of the Cervantes Society of America Vol. 31 (2011) through current issue)
Cervantes: Journal of the Cervantes Society of America Vol. 31 (2011) through current issue
Change Over Time Vol. 1 (2011) through current issue
Children, Youth and Environments Vol. 13 (2003) through current issue
Children's Literature Vol. 1 (1972) through current issue
Children's Literature Association Quarterly Vol. 1 (1976) through current issue
China: An International Journal Vol. 1 (2003) through current issue
China Review Vol. 13 (2013) through current issue
China Review International (See: Chinese Studies International Vol. 1 (1994) through current issue)
Chinese Republican Studies Newsletter (See: Twentieth-Century China Vol. 1 (1975) through current issue)
Chinese Studies International Vol. 1 (1994) through current issue
Ch'ing-shih wen-t'i (See: Late Imperial China Vol. 1 (1965) through current issue
CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature Vol. 1 (1969) through current issue
CHINOPERL News (See: CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature Vol. 1 (1969) through current issue
CHINOPERL Papers (See: CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature Vol. 1 (1969) through current issue
Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures Vol. 1 (2016) through current issue
Christianity & Literature Vol. 59 (2009) through current issue
Cinema Journal (See: JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies Vol. 39 (1999/2000) through current issue)
Civil War History Vol. 1 (1955) through current issue
CLA Journal Vol. 60 (2017) through current issue
Classical Journal Vol. 115 (2019) through current issue
Classical World Vol. 99 (2005) through current issue
Collaborative Anthropologies Vol. 1 (2008) through current issue
College Literature Vol. 30, no. 1 (2003) through current issue
College Student Affairs Journal Vol. 33 (2015) through current issue
Colorado Review Vol. 36 (2009) through current issue
Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies Vol. 33 (2002) through current issue
Common Knowledge Vol. 8 (2002) through current issue
Communio: International Catholic Review Vol. 46 (2019) through current issue
Community Literacy Journal Vol. 5 (2010-2011) through Vol. 14 (2019-2020)
Comparative Critical Studies Vol. 3 (2006) - Vol. 5 (2008)
Comparative Drama Vol. 1 (1967) through current issue
Comparative Literature Studies Vol. 36, no. 3 (1999);
Vol. 37 (2000) through current issue
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East Vol. 20 (2000) through current issue
Comparative Technology Transfer and Society Vol. 1 (2003) - Vol. 7 (2009)
Computer Music Journal Vol. 25 (2001) through current issue
Configurations Vol. 1 (1993) through current issue
Confluencia: Revista Hispánica de Cultura y Literatura Vol. 30 (2014-2015) through current issue
Conradiana Vol. 39 (2007) through current issue
Conservative Judaism Vol. 61 (2008-2009) - vol. 66, no. 1 (2014)
Constitutional Studies Vol. 1 (2016) through current issue
Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture Volume 1 (1994) through current issue
Contemporary Literature Vol. 45 (2004) through current issue
Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs Vol. 25 (2003) through current issue
CR: The New Centennial Review Vol. 1 (2001) through current issue
Cream City Review Vol. 36 (2012) through current issue
Critical Philosophy of Race Vol. 1 (2013) through current issue
Criticism Vol. 43 (2001) through current issue
Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review Vol. 1 (2012) - vol. 9 (2020)
CrossCurrents Vol. 58 (2008) through current issue
Cuban Studies Vol. 34 (2003) through current issue
Cultural Critique No. 47 (2001) through current issue
Cultural Politics Vol. 1 (2005) through current issue
CUSP: Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Cultures Vol. 1 (2023) through current issue
Dance Research Vol. 24 (2006) - vol. 26 (2008)
Dance Research Journal Vol. 40 (2008) through current issue
Dante Studies Vol. 133 (2015) through current issue
Decisions of the Roman Rota Vol. 1 (2023) through current issue
Demography Vol. 37, no. 4 (2000) - vol. 47 (2010)
Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization Vol. 23 (2015) through current issue
Diacritics Vol. 26 (1996) through current issue
Diálogo Vol. 17 (2014) through current issue
Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies Vol. 1 (1991) through current issue
Dickens Quarterly Vol. 32 (2015) through current issue
Dickens Studies Annual: Essays on Victorian Fiction Vol. 48 (2017) through current issue
Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America Vol. 1 (1979) through current issue
differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies Vol. 10, no. 3 (1998) - vol. 15 (2004)
Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures Vol. 1 (2012) through current issue
Discourse Vol. 22, no. 3 (2000) through current issue
Dissent Vol. 52 (2005) through current issue
Dublin James Joyce Journal No. 1 (2008) through current issue
e-Service Journal Vol. 1 (2001/02) through current issue
Early American Literature Vol. 35, no. 3 (2000) through current issue
Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal Vol. 1 (2003) through current issue
Early Medieval China Vol. 21 (2015) through current issue
Early Middle English Vol. 1 (2019) through current issue
Early Modern Women Vol. 10 (2015) - vol. 15 (2021)
Early Music Vol. 32 (2004) - Vol. 35 (2007)
Early Theatre: A Journal associated with the Records of Early English Drama Vol. 19 (2016) through current issue
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal Vol. 1 (2007) through current issue
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review Vol. 18 (2002) through current issue
Echos du monde classique: Classical news and views (See: Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada Vol. I, no. 2, Series I (1956) through current issue)
Ecological Restoration Vol. 28 (2010) through current issue
Economía Vol. 1 (2000/01) - vol. 21 (2020)
Ecotone Vol. 1 (2005) through current issue
Edith Wharton Review Vol. 34 (2018) through current issue
Education and Culture Vol. 1 (1976) through current issue (with gaps in vol. 1 and vol. 13)
Education and Treatment of Children Vol. 30 (2007) - Vol. 42 (2019)
Eighteenth-Century Fiction Vol. 1 (1988) through current issue
Eighteenth-Century Life Vol. 20 (1996) through current issue
Eighteenth-Century Studies Vol. 29 (1995/96) through current issue
ELH Vol. 60, no. 4 (1993) through current issue
ELT: English Fiction in Transition (See: English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920 Vol. 1 (1957) - vol. 63 (2020))
English Language Notes Vol. 54 (2016) through current issue
English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920 Vol. 1 (1957) - vol. 63 (2020)
Enterprise & Society Vol. 4 (2003) through current issue
Environment, Space, Place Vol. 9 (2017) through current issue
Episteme: A Journal of Social Epistemology Vol. 3 (2006) - vol. 5 (2008)
ESC: English Studies in Canada Vol. 1 (1975) through current issue
ESQ: A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture Vol. 49 (2003); Vol. 51 (2005); Vol. 53 (2007) through current
ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance (See: ESQ: A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture Vol. 49 (2003); Vol. 51 (2005); Vol. 53 (2007) through current
Essays in Criticism Vol. 56 (2006) - vol. 57 (2007)
Essays in Medieval Studies Vol. 18 (2001) through current issue
Ethics & the Environment Vol. 4 (1999) through current issue
Ethnohistory Vol. 46, no. 4 (1999) - vol. 51 (2004)
Eudora Welty Review Vol. 1 (2009) through current issue
Eugene O'Neill Review Vol. 33 (2012) through current issue
European Journal of Language Policy Vol. 7 (2015) through current issue
Expeditions with MCUP 2019 through current issue
Expressions maghrébines Vol. 15 (2016) through current issue
Fairy Tale Review Vol. 1 (2011) through current issue
Feminist Formations Vol. 11, no. 2 (1999) through current issue
Feminist German Studies Vol. 1 (1985) through current issue.
Feminist Studies Vol. 37 (2011) through current issue
Feminist Teacher Vol. 18 (2007) - vol. 28 (2018)
Filipino American National Historical Society Journal Vol. 1 (1982) through current issue
Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal Vol. 1 (1971) through current issue
Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Television Studies (See: Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal Vol. 1 (1971) through current issue)
Film History: An International Journal Vol. 17 (2005) through current issue
Florilegium Vol. 31 (2014) through current issue
Fontes Artis Musicae Vol. 63 (2016) through current issue
Forum Journal Vol. 1 (1987) through current issue, missing v. 4
Forum Modernes Theater Vol. 25 (2010) through current issue
Foucault Studies Iss. 31 (2021) through current issue
Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction Vol. 1 (1999) through current issue
Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media Vol. 47 (2006) through current issue
Franciscan Studies Vol. 3 (1943) through current issue (with gaps in several volumes)
Francophonies d'Amérique No. 17 (2004) - no. 18 (2004)
Freedom Schools: A Journal of Democracy and Community Vol. 1 (2024) through current issue
French Colonial History Vol. 1 (2002) through current issue
French Forum Vol. 26 (2001) through current issue
French Historical Studies Vol. 22, no. 4 (1999) - vol. 27 (2004)
French Studies: A Quarterly Review Vol. 60 (2006) through current issue
Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies Vol. 22 (2001) through current issue
Future Anterior: Journal of Historic Preservation History, Theory, and Criticism Vol. 5, no. 1 (2008) through current issue
Gendered Perspectives on International Development Vol. 1 (2021) through current issue
Genocide Studies and Prevention Vol. 1 (2006) through Vol. 7 (2012)
Genocide Studies International Vol. 8 (2014) through current issue
Geographical Analysis Vol. 34 (2002) - vol. 36 (2004)
George Herbert Journal Vol. 1 (1977) through current issue
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs Vol. 17 (2016) through current issue
German Studies Review Vol. 35 (2012) through current issue
German Yearbook of Contemporary History Vol. 5 (2021) through current issue
Getty Research Journal No. 1 (2009) through current issue
Gettysburg Magazine No. 52 (2015) - No. 59 (2018)
Ghana Studies Vol. 1 (1998) through current issue
Global Environmental Politics Vol. 3 (2003) through current issue
GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies Vol. 5, no. 3 (1999);
Vol. 6 (2000) through current issue
Goethe Yearbook Vol. 1 (1982) through current issue
Great Plains Quarterly Vol. 34 (2014) through current issue
Great Plains Research Vol. 24 (2014) through current issue
Group Vol. 34 (2010) through current issue
Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies Vol. 69 (2009) through current issue
Hastings Center Report Vol. 35 (2005) - vol. 41 (2011)
Hawaiian Journal of History Vol. 49 (2014) through current issue
Health and History Vol. 8 (2006) through current issue
Hebrew Studies Vol. 31 (1990) through current issue
Helios Vol. 34 (2007) through current issue
Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens Vol. 71 (2002) through current issue
Hispania Volume 93 (2010) through current issue
Hispanic American Historical Review Vol. 79, no. 3 (1999);
Vol. 80 (2000) - vol. 84 (2004)
Hispanic Review Vol. 73 (2005) through current issue
Hispanófila Vol. 151 (2008) through current issue
Histoire sociale / Social History Vol. 41 (2008) through current issue
Historical Geography Vol. 45 (2017) through current issue
Historical Performance Vol. 1 (2005) through current issue
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences Vol. 53 (2023) through current issue
Historically Speaking Vol. 1 (1999) - vol. 14 (2013)
Histories of Anthropology Annual Vol. 1 (2005) through Vol. 7 (2011)
History & Memory Vol. 10 (1998) through current issue
History in Africa Vol. 32 (2005) through current issue
History of Political Economy Vol. 31, no. 3 (1999);
Vol. 32 (2000) - Vol. 36 (2004)
History Workshop Journal Issue 57 (2004) through current issue
Hitchcock Annual Vol. 21 (2017) through current issue
Holocaust and Genocide Studies Vol. 17 (2003) through current issue
Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal Vol. 5 (2006) - vol. 7 (2008)
Home Front Studies Vol. 1 (2021) through current issue
Hopscotch: A Cultural Review Vol. 1, no. 3 (1999);
v. 2 (2000/01)
Human Biology Vol. 73 (2001) through current issue
Human Rights Quarterly Vol. 17 (1995) through current issue
Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development Vol. 1 (2010) through current issue
Hume Studies Vol. 1 (1975) through current issue
Huntington Library Quarterly Vol. 78 (2015) through current issue
Hypatia Vol. 14 (1999) - vol. 23 (2008)
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing Vol. 30 (2008) through current issue
IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics Vol. 1 (2008) through current issue
Illinois Classical Studies Vol. 40 (2015) through current issue
Imagine Vol. 4 (1996) - vol. 6 (1999)
Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies Vol. 10 (2003) through current issue
Indiana Magazine of History Vol. 114 (2018) through current issue
Indiana Theory Review Vol. 31 (2013) through current issue
Indonesia No. 93 (2012) through current issue
Information & Culture Vol. 36 (2001) through current issue
Information & Culture: A Journal of History (See: Information & Culture Vol. 36 (2001) through current issue)
Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society Vol. 1 (2017) through current issue
Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization Vol. 7 (2012) - vol. 8 (2013)
Interdisciplinary Literary Studies Vol. 14 (2012) through current issue
International Journal of Canadian Studies Vol. 47 (2013) through current issue
International Journal of Evangelization and Catechetics Vol. 1 (2020) through current issue
International Journal of Sport and Religion Vol. 1 (2023) through current issue
International Journal of Sport Finance Vol. 14 (2019) through current issue
International Journal of Surrealism Vol. 1 (2023) through current issue
International Organization Vol. 56 (2002)
International Perspectives on Military Education Vol. 1 (2024) through current issue
International Security Vol. 1, nos. 1-2 (1976); Vol. 1, no. 4 (1977)-v. 2 (1977); Vol. 3, no. 2 (1978)
through current issue
International Union Rights Vol. 16 (2009) through current issue
Intertexts Vol. 1 (1997) through current issue
Irish Journal of Earth Sciences Vol. 21 (2003) through current issue
Irish Studies in International Affairs Vol. 13 (2002) through current issue
Islamic Africa Vol. 5 (2014)
Israel Studies Vol. 1 (1996) through current issue
Italian Culture Vol. 23 (2005) through Vol. 26 (2008)
J19: The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists Vol. 1 (2013) through current issue
James Joyce Quarterly Vol. 44 (2006) through current issue
Jazz Education in Research and Practice Vol. 1 (2020) through current issue
JEGP, Journal of English and Germanic Philology Vol. 108 (2009) through current issue
Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures Vol. 1 (2009) through current issue
Jewish Film & New Media: An International Journal Vol. 1 (2013) through current issue
Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Vol. 1 (2022) through current issue
Jewish Quarterly Review Vol. 92 (2001) through current issue
Jewish Social Studies Vol. 5, no. 3 (1999) through current issue
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies Vol. 1 (2001) through current issue
Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society Vol. 8 (2003)
Journal for the Study of Radicalism Vol. 1 (2007) through current issue
Journal of Advanced Military Studies Vol. 11 (2020) through current issue
Journal of Advancement Analytics Vol. 1 (2021) through current issue
Journal of Africana Religions Vol. 1 (2013) through current issue
Journal of American Folklore Vol. 114, no. 451 (2001) through current issue
Journal of American Indian Education Vol. 50 (2011) through current issue
Journal of Animal Ethics Vol.6 (2016) through current issue
Journal of Appalachian Health Vol. 1 (2019) - vol. 3 (2021)
Journal of Arizona History Vol. 59 (2018) through current issue
Journal of Asia-Pacific Pop Culture Vol. 1 (2016) through current issue
Journal of Asian American Studies Vol. 1 (1998) through current issue
Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness Vol. 2 (2012) - vol. 12 (2022)
Journal of Austrian Studies Vol. 45 (2012) through current issue
Journal of Ayn Rand Studies Vol. 14 (2014) - Vol. 23 (2023)
Journal of Biblical Literature Vol. 130 (2011) though current issue
Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships Vol. 1 (2014) through current issue
Journal of Buddhist Philosophy Vol. 1 (2015) through current issue
Journal of Burma Studies Volume 1 (1997) through current issue
Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d'études canadiennes Vol. 1 (1966) through current issue
Journal of Caribbean History Vol. 51 (2017) through current issue
Journal of Chinese Linguistics Vol. 43 (2015) through current issue
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture Vol. 1 (2014) through current issue
Journal of Chinese Overseas Vol. 1 (2005) through Vol. 4 (2008)
Journal of Chinese Religions Vol. 36 (2008) through current issue
JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies Vol. 39 (1999/2000) through current issue
Journal of Cold War Studies Vol. 1 (1999) through current issue
Journal of College Student Development Vol. 44 (2003) through current issue
Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History Vol. 1 (2000) through current issue
Journal of Comparative Family Studies Vol. 49 (218) through current issue
Journal of Daoist Studies Vol. 1 (2008) through current issue
Journal of Democracy Vol. 1 (1990) through current issue
Journal of Disaster Studies Vol. 1 (2024) through current issue
Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism Vol. 22 (2007) through current issue
Journal of Early Christian Studies Vol. 1 (1993) through current issue
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies Vol. 1 (2013) - vol. 11 (2023)
Journal of Ecumenical Studies Vol. 50 (2015) through current issue
Journal of Education Finance Vol. 35 (2009) through current issue
Journal of Education in Muslim Societies Vol. 1 (2019) through current issue
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion Vol. 21 (2005) through current issue
Journal of Filipino American Historical Society (See: Filipino American National Historical Society Journal Vol. 1 (1982) through current issue
Journal of Film and Video Vol. 60 (2008) through current issue
Journal of Folklore Research Vol. 40 (2003) through current issue
Journal of Global Postcolonial Studies Vol. 10 (2022) through current issue
Journal of Global South Studies Vol. 32 (2015) through current issue
Journal of Haitian Studies Vol. 19 (2013) through current issue
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved Vol. 1 (1990) through current issue
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law Vol. 24, nos. 4-5 (1999);
Vol. 25 (2000) - vol. 29 (2004)
Journal of History Vol. 50 (2015) through current issue
Journal of Human Resources Vol. 43 (2008) through current issue
Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies Vol. 8 (2024) through current issue
Journal of Interdisciplinary History Vol. 30 (1999/00) through current issue
Journal of Islamic and Muslim Studies Vol. 1 (2016) through current issue
Journal of Japanese Philosophy Vol. 1 (2013) through current issue
Journal of Jewish Identities Issue 1 (2008) through current issue
Journal of Korean Religions Vol. 1 (2010) through current issue
Journal of Korean Studies Vol. 1 (1969-1971); vol. 1 (1979) through current issue
Journal of Late Antiquity Vol. 1 (2008) through current issue.
Journal of Latin American Geography Vol. 1 (2002) through current issue
Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies Vol 3 (2009) through current issue
Journal of Literature and Trauma Studies Vol. 1 (2012) through current issue
Journal of Magazine Media Vol. 7 (2005) through current issue (with gaps in volumes 8 and 16)
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies Vol. 27, no. 1 (1997);
Vol. 30 (2000) - vol. 34 (2004)
Journal of Mediterranean Studies Vol. 1 (1991) through current issue
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies Vol. 1 (2005) through current issue
Journal of Modern Greek Studies Vol. 1 (1983) through current issue
Journal of Modern Literature Vol. 22, no. 2 (1998/99) through current issue
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking Vol. 34 (2002) - vol. 38 (2006)
Journal of Moravian History Vol. 12 (2012) - vol.23 (2023)
Journal of Narrative Theory Vol. 29 (1999) through current issue
Journal of Negro Education Vol. 78 (2009) through current issue
Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies Vol. 1 (2018) through current issue
Journal of Policy History Vol. 11, no. 3 (1999);
Vol. 12 (2000) through current issue
Journal of Race and Policy Vol. 17 (2023) through current issue
Journal of Religion and Popular Culture Vol. 24 (2012) through current issue
Journal of Scholarly Publishing Vol. 35 (2003) through current issue
Journal of Shi'a Islamic Studies Vol. 5 (2012) through current issue
Journal of Singing Vol. 78 (2021) through current issue
Journal of Slavic Linguistics Vol. 16 (2008) through current issue
Journal of Social History Vol. 33 (1999/00) through current issue
Journal of Song-Yuan Studies Vol. 39 (2009) through current issue
Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Vol. 33, no, 2 (2010) through current issue
Journal of Southeast Asian Economies (JSEAE) Vol. 20 (2003) through current issue
Journal of Southern History Vol. 82 (2016) through current issue
Journal of Sport History Vol. 37 (2010) through current issue
Journal of Sports Media Vol. 1 (2006) through current issue.
Journal of Supreme Court History Vol. 15 (1990) through current issue
Journal of the American Academy of Religion Vol. 74 (2006) - vol. 75 (2007)
Journal of the Early Republic Vol. 25 (2005) through current issue
Journal of the History of Ideas Vol. 57 (1996) through current issue
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences Vol. 55 (2000) through current issue
Journal of the History of Philosophy Vol. 1 (1963) through current issue
Journal of the History of Sexuality Vol. 10 (2001) through current issue
Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Vol. 83 (2010) through current issue
Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association Vol. 44 (2011) through current issue (published out of order)
Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association Vol. 1 (2014) through current issue
Journal of the Royal Musical Association Vol. 130 (2005) through Vol 133 (2008)
Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics Vol. 32 (2012) through current issue
Journal of the Southwest Vol. 49 (2007) through current issue
Journal of Third World Studies (See: Journal of Global South Studies Vol. 32 (2015) through current issue)
Journal of Victorian Culture Vol. 11 (2006) through Vol. 13 (2008)
Journal of West African History Vol. 1 (2015) through current issue
Journal of Women's History Vol. 1 (1989) through current issue
Journal of World History Vol. 7 (1996) through current issue
Joyce Studies Annual Vol. 12 (2001) through current issue
Ka Ho'oilina/The Legacy Vol. 1 (2002) - vol. 5 (2006)
Keats-Shelley Journal Vol. 62 (2013) through current issue
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal Vol. 1 (1991) through current issue
Kenyon Review Vol. 40 (2018) through current issue
Korean Journal of Communication Vol. 1 (2024) through current issue
Korean Studies Vol. 1 (1977) through current issue
Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History Vol. 1 (2000) through current issue
La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Vol. 29 (2000) through current issue
L'Esprit Créateur Vol. 26 (1986) through current issue
Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas Vol. 13 (2016) through current issue
Labor Studies Journal Vol. 27 (2002) - vol. 31 (2006)
Labour / Le Travail Vol. 66 (2010) through current issue
Labour History: A Journal of Labour and Social History Vol. 116 (2019) through current issue
Land Economics Volume 84 (2008) through current issue
Landscape Journal: design, planning, and management of the land Vol. 30 (2011) through current issue
Language Vol. 77 (2001) through current issue (With scattered issues prior to 2001)
Late Imperial China Vol. 1 (1965) through current issue
Latin American Music Review Vol. 22 (2001) through current issue
Latin American Politics & Society Vol. 46 (2004) - vol. 49 (2007)
Latin American Research Review Vol. 38 (2003) through Vol. 51 (2016)
Latin American Theatre Review Vol. 39 (2005) through current issue
Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers Vol. 17, no. 2 (2000) through current issue
Leonardo Vol. 1 (1968) through current issue
Leonardo Music Journal Vol. 1, no. 1 (1991) - vol. 30 (2020)
Leviathan Vol. 1 (1999) through current issue
Levinas Studies Vol. 6 (2011) through current issue
Libraries & Culture (See: Information & Culture Vol. 36 (2001) through current issue)
Libraries & the Cultural Record (See: Information & Culture Vol. 36 (2001) through current issue)
Library Trends Vol. 54 (2005) through current issue
Linguistic Inquiry Vol. 31, no. 4 (2000) through current issue
Literary Imagination Vol. 11 (2009) through current issue
Literature and Medicine Vol. 1 (1982) through current issue
Live (See: PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art Vol. 1 (1976) - vol. 46 (2024)
Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture Vol. 1 (1997) through current issue
Luso-Brazilian Review Vol. 41 (2004) through current issue
Lutheran Quarterly Vol. 30 (2016) through current issue
Le mouvement social Vol. 226 (2009) through current issue
Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft Vol. 1 (2006) through current issue
Mande Studies Vol. 1 (1999) through current issue
Manoa Vol. 11, no. 2 (1999) through current issue
Manuscript Studies: A Journal of the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies Vol. 1 (2016) through current issue
Marine Corps History Vol. 5, no. 2 (2019) through current issue
Marvels & Tales Vol. 15 (2001) through current issue
Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies Vol. 1 (2013) through current issue
Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. 102A (2002) through current issue
Max Weber Studies Vol. 5 (2005) through current issue
Mechademia Vol. 1 (2006) through current issue
Mediaevalia Vol. 32 (2011) through current issue
Mediterranean Quarterly Vol. 10, no. 3 (1999);
Vol. 11 (2000) - Vol. 29 (2018)
Mediterranean Studies Vol. 20 (2012) - vol. 31 (2023)
MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S. Vol. 34 (2009) through current issue
Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism Vol. 1, no. 2 (2001) through current issue
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Vol. 47 (2001) through current issue
Mexican Studies Vol. 34 (2018) through current issue
MFS Modern Fiction Studies Vol. 31, no. 1 (1985) through current issue
Michigan Historical Review Vol. 32 (2006) through current issue
Middle West Review Vol. 1 (2014) through current issue
Milton Quarterly Vol. 31 (1997) - vol. 34 (2000)
Milton Studies Vol. 53 (2012) through current issue
Minnesota Review No. 1 (1973)-no. 62 (2004), missing nos. 2,3,9,39-44,50-51,55-57,63-74; No. 75 (2010) through current issue
Mississippi Quarterly Vol. 63 (2010) through current issue
MLN Vol. 108, no. 4 (1993);
Vol. 110 (1995) through current issue
MLQ: Modern Language Quarterly Vol. 60 (1999) - vol. 65 (2004)
Modern Drama Vol. 1 (1958) through current issue (with gaps in vols. 5, 8, and 12)
Modern Judaism Vol. 16 (1996) through current issue
Modern Language Review Vol. 96 (2001) through current issue
Modernism/modernity Vol. 1 (1994) through current issue
Monatshefte Vol. 99 (2007) through current issue
Montana: The Magazine of Western History Volume 71 (2021) through current issue
Monumenta Nipponica Vol. 60 (2005) through current issue
Mosaic: a journal for the interdisciplinary study of literature (See: Mosaic: an interdisciplinary critical journal Vol. 44 (2011) through current issue)
Mosaic: an interdisciplinary critical journal Vol. 44 (2011) through current issue
Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada Vol. I, no. 2, Series I (1956) through current issue
Music and Letters Vol. 85 (2004) through current issue
Music and the Moving Image Vol. 8 (Spring 2015) through current issue
Music, Sound, and the Moving Image Vol. 1 (2007) through current issue
Nabokov Studies Vol. 1 (1994) through current issue
Narrative Vol. 10 (2002) through current issue
Narrative Culture Vol. 5 (2018) through current issue
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics Vol. 1 (2011) through current issue
Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues No. 3 (2000) through current issue
National Review of Black Politics Vol. 4 (2023) through current issue
Native American and Indigenous Studies Vol. 2 (2015) through current issue
Native Plants Journal Vol. 5, no. 1 (2004) through current issue
Native South Vol. 1 (2008) through current issue
Neotestamentica Vol. 49 (2015) through current issue
Nepantla: Views from South Vol. 1 (2000) - vol. 4 (2003)
Nevada Historical Society Q Vol. 66 (2023) through current issue
New England Review Vol. 32 (2011) through current issue
new formations: a journal of culture/theory/politics Number 78 (2013) through current issue
New Hibernia Review Vol. 1 (1997) through current issue
New Labor Forum Vol. 19 (2010) through Vol. 21 (2012)
New Literary History Vol. 26 (1995) through current issue
New York History Vol. 95 (2014) through current issue
New Zealand Journal of History Vol. 1 (1967) through current issue
Newman Studies Journal Vol. 1 (2004) through current issue
NINE: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture Vol. 9 (2000/01) through current issue
Nineteenth-Century French Studies Vol. 29, no. 3 & 4 (2001) through current issue
Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art Vol. 1 (1994) through current issue
North American journal of Celtic studies Vol. 1 (2017) through current issue
North Dakota Quarterly Vol. 90 (2023) through current issue
Northeast African Studies Vol. 1 (1994) through current issue
Norwegian-American Studies Vol. 1 (1926) through current issue
Notes Vol. 57 (2000/01) through current issue
Nouvelles Études Francophones Vol. 25 (2010) through current issue
Nova et vetera Vol. 14 (2016) through current issue
Nova Religio Vol. 22 (2018) through current issue
Nuevo Texto Crítico Vol. 1 (1988) through current issue
Nuevos Horizontes Vol. 1 (2024) through current issue
NWSA Journal (See: Feminist Formations Vol. 11, no. 2 (1999) through current issue)
Observational Studies Vol. 1 (2015) through current issue
Oceanic Linguistics Vol. 38, no. 2 (1999) through current issue
Ohio History Vol. 114 (2007) through current issue
Ohio Valley History Vol. 1 (2001) through current issue
Old Testament Abstracts Vol. 40 (2017) through current issue
Oral History Review Vol. 35 (2008) - vol. 46 (2019)
Oral Tradition Vol. 18 (2003) - vol. 32, no.1 (2018)
Oregon Historical Quarterly Vol. 104 (2003) through current issue
Pacific Coast Philology Vol. 49 (2014) through current issue
Pacific Science Vol. 55 (2001) through current issue
PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art Vol. 1 (1976) - vol. 46 (2024)
Pakistan Journal of Historical Studies Vol. 1 (2016) through current issue
Palimpsest: A Journal on Women, Gender, and the Black International Vol. 1 (2012) through current issue
Paragraph Vol. 29 (2006) - Vol. 31 (2008)
Parergon No. 1 (1983) through current issue
Parliamentary History Vol. 25 (2006) - vol. 26 (2007)
Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas Vol. 1 (2003) through current issue
Past & Present Number 188 (2005) - Number 197 (Nov. 2007)
Pedagogy Vol. 1 (2001) through current issue
Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies Vol. 77 (2010) through current issue
Performance Art Magazine (See: PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art Vol. 1 (1976) - vol. 46 (2024)
Performing Arts Journal (See: PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art Vol. 1 (1976) - vol. 46 (2024)
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine Vol. 1 (1957) through current issue (with gaps in vols. 22, 23)
Perspectives of New Music Vol. 49 (2011) through current issue
Perspectives on Science Vol. 6 (1998) through current issue
Philanthropy & Education Vol. 1 (2017) through current issue
Philip Roth Studies Vol. 1 (2005) through current issue
Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints Vol. 59 (2011) through current issue
philoSOPHIA Vol. 1 (2011) through current issue
Philosophical Topics Vol. 38 (Spring 2010) through current issue
Philosophy and Literature Vol. 1 (1976) through current issue
Philosophy & Public Affairs Vol. 30 (2001) - vol. 31 (2003)
Philosophy & Rhetoric Vol. 32, no. 2 (1999);
Vol. 33 (2000) through current issue
Philosophy East and West Vol. 50, no. 4 (2000) through current issue
Philosophy of Music Education Review Vol. 9, no. 2 (2001) through current issue
Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology Vol. 1 (1994) through current issue
Phoenix Vol. 63 (2009) through current issue
Pleiades: Literature in Context Vol. 36 (2016) through current issue
Ploughshares Vol. 37, (2011) through current issue
Poe Studies Vol. 34 (2001) through current issue
Poetics Today Vol. 20, no. 3 (1999) - vol. 25 (2004)
Polin Studies in Polish Jewry Vol. 28, (2016) through current issue
Population, English edition Vol. 63 (2008) through current issue
Population Review Vol. 42 (2003) - vol. 63 (2024)
portal: Libraries and the Academy Vol. 1 (2001) through current issue
Portuguese Studies Vol. 17 (2001) through current issue
positions: asia critique Vol. 7, no. 2 (1999);
Vol. 8 (2000) through current issue
positions: east asia cultures critique (See: positions: asia critique Vol. 7, no. 2 (1999);
Vol. 8 (2000) through current issue)
Postmodern Culture Vol. 1 (1990) through current issue
Prairie Schooner Vol. 77 (2003) through current issue
Preservation Education & Research Vol. 11 (2019) through current issue
Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural Vol. 1 (2012) through current issue
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society Vol. 163 (2019) through current issue
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy: Archaeology, Culture, History, Literature Vol. 102C (2002) through current issue
Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action Vol. 1 (2007) through current issue
Prooftexts Vol. 18 (1998) through current issue
Public Culture Vol. 11, no. 2 (1999); Vol. 12 (2000) - vol. 16 (2004)
Pushkin Review Vol. 14 (2011) through current issue
QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking Inaugural Issue (2013)
Quaestiones Disputatae Vol. 5 (2015) - vol. 10 (2020)
Quaker History Vol. 1 (1906) through current issue
Quebec Studies Vol. 74 (2022) through current issue
Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences Vol. 18 (2009) through current issue
Race/Ethnicity: Multidisciplinary Global Contexts Vol. 1 (2007) through Vol. 5, no. 1 (2011)
Radical History Review 2001 (Issue 79) - 2004 (Issue 90)
Radical Teacher Vol. 81 (2008) through Vol. 95 (2013).
Rapa Nui Journal Vol. 29 (2015) through current issue
Reception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History Vol. 5 (2013) - vol.15 (2023)
Recreation, Parks, and Tourism in Public Health Vol. 1 (2017) - vol. 6 (2022)
Red Cedar Review Vol. 38 (2003) through Vol. 47 (2012)
Region: Regional Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia Vol. 1 (2012) through current issue
Register of the Kentucky Historical Society Vol. 108 (Summer 2010) through current issue
Religion & Literature Vol. 50 (2018) through current issue
Renaissance Drama New Series 38 (2010) through New Series 40 (2012)
Renaissance Quarterly Vol. 58 (2005) through Vol. 61 (2008)
Republican China (See: Twentieth-Century China Vol. 1 (1975) through current issue)
Research in African Literatures Vol. 30 (1999) through current issue
Research in Outdoor Education Vol. 10 (2010) - vol. 17 (2019)
Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities (See: Resistance: A Journal of Radical Environmental Humanities Vol. 1 (2014) through current issue)
Resistance: A Journal of Radical Environmental Humanities Vol. 1 (2014) through current issue
Resources for American Literary Study Vol. 25, no. 2 (1999) - vol. 27 (2001)
Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 Vol. 32 (2008) through current issue
Review for Religious: New Series Vol. 1 (2021) through current issue
Review of Japanese Culture and Society Vol. 24 (Dec. 2012) through current issue
Reviews in American History Vol. 23 (1995) through current issue
Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades / Journal of Gender and Sexuality Studies Vol. 47 (2021) through current issue
Revista de Estudios Hispánicos Vol. 46 (2012) through current issue
Revista Hispánica Moderna Vol. 60 (2007) through current issue
Rhetoric & Public Affairs Vol. 1 (1998) through current issue
Rhetoric of Health & Medicine Vol. 1 (2018) through current issue
Rhetoric, Politics & Culture Vol. 1 (2021) through current issue
Rhetorica Vol. 15 (1997) through current issue
River Teeth: A Journal of Nonfiction Narrative Vol. 5 (2003) through current issue
Rocky Mountain Review Vol. 19 (1966) through current issue (with gaps in several volumes)
Romance Notes Vol. 47 (2006) through current issue
Romani Studies Vol. 19 No. 1 (2009) - vol. 32 (2022)
Romanticism Vol. 12 (2006) - vol. 14 (2008)
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences Vol. 1 (2015) through current issue
Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Archives (See: Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies No. 1 (1971) through current issue)
Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies No. 1 (1971) through current issue
Saint Anselm Journal Vol. 14 (2018) through current issue
SAIS Review (See: SAIS Review of International Affairs Vol. 1 (1981) through current issue)
SAIS Review of International Affairs Vol. 1 (1981) through current issue
Scandinavian Studies Vol. 83 (2011) through current issue
Science Fiction Film and Television Vol. 1 (2008) through current issue
Science Fiction Studies Vol. 46 (2019) through current issue
Scottish Literary Review Vol. 5 (2013) through current issue
SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 Vol. 39 (1999) through current issue
Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies Vol. 42 (2006) through current issue
Seoul Journal of Korean Studies Vol. 26 (June 2013) through current issue
Serbian Studies: Journal of the North American Society for Serbian Studies Vol. 20 (2006) through current issue
Sewanee Review Vol. 115 (2007) through current issue
Shakespeare Bulletin Vol. 24 (2006) through current issue
Shakespeare Quarterly Vol. 52 (2001) through current issue
SHAW The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies (See: SHAW: The Journal of Bernard Shaw Studies Vol. 20 (2000) through current issue)
SHAW: The Journal of Bernard Shaw Studies Vol. 20 (2000) through current issue
Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies Vol. 9 (1990) through current issue
Sign Language Studies Vol. 1 (1972)-vol. 93 (1996); Vol. 1 (2000/01) through current issue
Sirena: poesia, arte y critica 2005 through 2010
Slavonic and East European Review Vol. 79 (2001) through current issue
Small Axe Vol. 5 (2001) through current issue
Social Forces Vol. 79, no. 3 (2001) through current issue
Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society Vol. 10 (2003) through current issue
Social Research: An International Quarterly Vol. 69 (2002) through current issue
Social Science History Vol. 23, no. 4 (1999) through current issue
Social Text Vol. 17, no. 3 (1999);
Vol. 18 (2000) - vol. 22 (2004)
Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia Vol. 18 (2003) through current issue
Soundings: A journal of politics and culture Issue 53 (2013) through current issue
Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal Vol. 95 (2012) through current issue
South: a scholarly journal Vol. 33 (2000/01) - vol. 51, no. 1 (2018)
South Central Review Vol. 21 (2004) through current issue
Southeast Asian Affairs Vol. 2003 through current issue
Southeast of Now: Directions in Contemporary and Modern Art in Asia Vol. 1 (2017) through current issue
Southeastern Geographer Vol. 1 (1961) through current issue
Southern California Quarterly Vol. 101 (2019) through current issue
Southern Cultures Inaugural Issue (1993) through current
Southern Review Vol. 49 (2013) through current issue
Southwestern Historical Quarterly Vol. 110 (2006-2007) through current issue
Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men Vol. 1 (2012) through current issue
Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality Vol. 1 (2001) through current issue
Sport Marketing Quarterly Vol. 28 (2019) through current issue
St Nersess Theological Review Vol. 14 (2023) through current issue
Steinbeck Review Vol. 3 (2006) - vol. 4 (2007); Vol. 10 (2013) through current issue
Steinbeck Studies Vol. 15 (2004) - vol. 16 (2005)
Storytelling, Self, Society Vol. 7 (2011) through current issue
Storyworlds: A Journal of Narrative Studies Vol. 1 (2009) through current issue
Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review Vol. 106 (2017) through current issue
Studies and Records (See: Norwegian-American Studies Vol. 1 (1926) through current issue
Studies in American Fiction Vol. 1, no. 1 (1973) -- through to current issue (with a gap in Vol. 14)
Studies in American Humor Series 4, Vol. 1 (2015) through current issue
Studies in American Indian Literatures Vol. 16 (2004) through current issue
Studies in American Jewish Literature Vol. 27 (2008) through current issue
Studies in American Naturalism Vol. 4 (2009) through current issue
Studies in Bibliography Vol. 55 (2002) through current issue
Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture Vol. 1 (1972) through current issue
Studies in Latin American Popular Culture Vol. 28 (2010) through current issue
Studies in Philology Vol. 100, no. 1 (2003) through current issue
Studies in Romanticism Vol. 49 (2010) through current issue
Studies in the Age of Chaucer Vol. 1 (1979) through current issue
Studies in the Fantastic Vol. 3 (2015) through current issue
Studies in the Literary Imagination Vol. 44 (2011) through current issue
Studies in the Novel Vol. 40 (2008) through current issue
Studies in World Christianity Vol. 12 (2006) - vol. 14 (2008)
Style Vol. 50 (2016) through current issue
SubStance Vol. 28, no. 2 (1999);
Vol. 29 (2000) through current issue
Subtropics Issue 19 (2015) through current issue
Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies Vol. 17 (2017) through current issue
Swedish-American Studies Vol. 45 (1994) through current issue
Syllecta Classica Vol. 1 (1989) - Vol. 31 (2020)
symploke Vol. 5 (1997) through current issue
The American Indian Quarterly Vol. 24, no. 3 (2000) through current issue
The American Journal of Bioethics Vol. 1 (2001) - vol. 4, no. 2 (2004)
The Americas Vol. 57, no. 2 (2000) through current issue
The Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Vol. 86 (2009) - Vol. 87 (2010)
The Byron Journal Vol. 37 (2009) through current issue
The Cambridge Quarterly Vol. 35 (2006) through current issue
The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 1 (1920) through current issue (with gap in vol. 59)
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality Vol. 23 (2014) through current issue
The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique Vol. 48 (2003) through current issue
The Canadian Journal of Sociology Vol. 29 (2004) through Vol. 32 (2007)
The Canadian Modern Language Review / La revue canadienne des langues vivantes Vol. 61 (2004) through current issue.
The Catholic Biblical Quarterly Vol. 79 (2017) through current issue
The Catholic Historical Review Vol. 81 (1995) through current issue
The Chaucer Review Vol. 34, no. 3 (2000) through current issue
The Comparatist Vol. 16 (1992); Vol. 19-21 (1995-1997); Vol. 23 (1999) through current issue
The Contemporary Pacific Vol. 12 (2000) through current issue
The Cormac McCarthy Journal Vol. 13 (2015) through current issue
The Dial: A Journal of the Ralph Waldo Emerson Society Vol. 1 (2024) through current issue
The Edgar Allan Poe Review Vol. 14 (2013) - vol. 24 (2023)
The Eighteenth Century Vol. 47 (2006) through current issue
The Emily Dickinson Journal Vol. 1 (1992) through current issue
The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review Vol. 11 (2013) through current issue
The Faulkner Journal Vol. 21 (2005/2006) through current issue
The French Review Vol. 84 (2010) through current issue
The Future of Children Vol. 15 (2005) through Vol. 31 (2021)
The Global South Vol. 1 (2007) through current issue
The Good Society Vol. 11 (2002) through current issue
The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics Vol. 4, no. 3 (1999) - vol. 5 (2000)
The Hemingway Review Vol. 20 (2000) through current issue
The Henry James Review Vol. 1 (1979) through current issue
The High School Journal Vol. 84, no. 3 (2001) through current issue
The Hopkins Review Vol. 1 (2008) through current issue
The Innes Review Vol. 58 (2007) - vol. 59 (2008)
The Journal of Aesthetic Education Vol. 37, no. 1 (2003) through current issue
The Journal of Developing Areas Vol. 37 (2003) through current issue
The Journal of General Education Vol. 48, no. 2 (1999);
Vol. 49 (2000) through current issue
The Journal of Higher Education Vol. 73 (2002) - vol. 87 (2016)
The Journal of Individual Psychology Vol. 70 (2014) through current issue
The Journal of Japanese Studies Vol. 30 (2004) through current issue
The Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures Vol. 36 (2010) through current issue
The Journal of Military History Vol. 67 (2003) - vol. 73 (2009)
The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies Vol. 1 (2010) through current issue
The Journal of Nietzsche Studies Issue 23 (2002) through current issue
The Journal of Speculative Philosophy Vol. 13, no. 2 (1999);
Vol. 14 (2000) through current issue
The Journal of the Civil War Era Vol. 1 (2011) through current issue
The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth Vol. 1 (2008) through current issue
The Jurist: Studies in Church Law and Ministry Vol. 67 (2007) through current issue
The Latin Americanist Vol. 47 (2003) through current issue
The Library: The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society Vol. 7 (2006) through current issue
The Lion and the Unicorn Vol. 1 (1977) through current issue
The Mark Twain Annual Vol. 11 (2013) through current issue
The Massachusetts Review Vol. 56 (2015) through current issue
The McNeese Review Vol. 59 (2022) through current issue
The Medieval Globe Vol. 1 (2015) through current issue
The Middle East Journal Vol. 63 (2009) through current issue
The Missouri Review Vol. (1978) through current issue (issues missing in vol. 3)
The Moving Image Vol. 3 (2003) through current issue
The Opera Quarterly Vol. 18 (2002) through current issue
The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography Vol. 140 (2016) through current issue
The Pluralist Vol. 4 (2009) through current issue
The Public Historian Vol. 40 (2018) through current issue
The Review of Higher Education Vol. 1 (1977) through current issue
The Review of Metaphysics Vol. 72 (2018) through current issue
The Scottish Historical Review Vol. 85 (2006) - vol. 87 (2008)
The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats Vol. 34 (2002-2003) through current issue
The South Atlantic Quarterly Vol. 98, no. 3 (1999) - vol. 103 (2004)
The Southern Literary Journal (See: South: a scholarly journal Vol. 33 (2000/01) - vol. 51, no. 1 (2018))
The Southern Quarterly Vol. 52 (2014) through current issue
Tampa Review 45/46 (2013) through current issue
Tang Studies No. 1 (1983) through current issue
TAPA Vol. 130 (2000) through current issue
TDR: The Drama Review Vol. 43, no. 3 (1999) through current issue
Teaching and Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal Vol. 1 (2013) - Vol. 3 (2015)
Technology and Culture Vol. 1 (1959) through current issue
Tenso Vol. 1 (1985) through current issue
Texas Studies in Literature and Language Vol. 43 (2001) through current issue
The Textile Museum Journal Vol. 44 (2017) through current issue
Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation Vol. 1 (2006) through current issue
The Maghreb Review Vol. 34 (2009) through current issue
The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual Vol. 1 (2017) through current issue
Theater Vol. 29, no. 2 (1999);
Vol. 30 (2000) - vol. 34 (2004)
Theatre History Studies Vol. 27 (2007) through current issue
Theatre Journal Vol. 48 (1996) through current issue
Theatre Notebook Vol. 67 (2013) through current issue
Theatre Symposium Vol. 15 (2007) through current issue
Theatre Topics Vol. 1 (1991) through current issue
Theoretical & Applied Ethics Vol. 2 (2013) - Vol. 2, no. 1 (2014)
Theory & Event Vol. 1 (1997) through current issue
Theory Into Practice Vol. 42 (2003) - Vol. 43 (2004)
The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review Vol. 3 (1941) through current issue.
Tikkun Vol. 21 (2006) through Vol. 33 (2018) (with gaps in vol. 24)
The Tocqueville Review/La revue Tocqueville Vol. 30 (2009) through current issue
Tolkien Studies Vol. 1 (2004) through current issue
TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies No. 37 (2017) through current issue
Toronto Journal of Theology Vol. 27 (2011) through current issue
Traditio Vol. 57 (2002) through current issue
Trans-Humanities Journal Vol. 1 (2009) - vol.10 (2017)
Transactions of the American Philological Association (See: TAPA Vol. 130 (2000) through current issue)
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society Vol. 112 (2023) through current issue
Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society: A Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy Vol. 41 (2005) through current issue
Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa No. 49 (2002) through current issue
Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy Vol. 25 (2014) through current issue
Transition Issue 81&82 (2000) - 88 (2001); issue 93 (2002) through current issue
Translation and Literature Vol. 15 (2006) through Vol. 17 (2008)
Transportation Journal Vol. 51 (2012) - vol. 62 (2023)
Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature Vol. 26 (2007) through current issue
Twentieth-Century Literature Vol. 61 (2015) through current issue
Twentieth-Century China Vol. 1 (1975) through current issue
The Undecidable Unconscious: A Journal of Deconstruction and Psychoanalysis Vol. 1 (2014) - vol. 8 (2021)
The Velvet Light Trap No. 51 (2003) through current issue
The Washington Quarterly Vol. 23 (2000) through Vol. 31, (2008)
The William and Mary Quarterly Vol. 72 (2015) through current issue
The Yale Journal of Criticism Vol. 9 (1996) - vol. 18 (2005)
The Yale Review Vol. 98 (2010) through current issue.
The Yearbook of Comparative Literature Vol. 54 (2008) through current issue
The Yearbook of English Studies Vol. 31 (2001) through current issue
University of Toronto Law Journal Vol. 54 (2004) through current issue
University of Toronto Quarterly Vol. 1 (1931-1932) through current issue (with gaps in vols. 22, 40)
Urban History Review Vol. 47 (2018-19) through current issue
U.S. Catholic Historian Vol. 25 (2007) through current issue
U.S.-Japan Women's Journal Number 43 (2013) through current issue
US Latina & Latino Oral History Journal Volume 1 (2017) through current issue
Utopian Studies Vol. 21 (2010) through current issue
Verge: Studies in Global Asias Vol. 1 (2015) through current issue
Victorian Periodicals Review Vol. 38 (2005) through current issue
Victorian Poetry Vol. 38 (2000) through current issue
Victorian Review Vol. 16 (1990) through current issue
Victorian Studies Vol. 42, no. 2 (1999/00) through current issue
Victorians: A Journal of Culture and Literature No. 125 (2014) through current issue
Virginia Quarterly Review Vol. 90 (2014) through current issue
Visible Language Vol. 57 (2023) through current issue
Visual Arts Research Vol. 36, (Summer 2010) through current issue
Wallace Stevens Journal Vol. 35 (2011) through current issue
West Virginia History: A Journal of Regional Studies Vol. 1 (2007) through current issue
Western American Literature Vol. 1 (1966) through current issue (with a gap in volume 16)
Wicazo Sa Review Vol. 15, no. 2 (2000) through current issue
Wide Angle Vol. 18 (1996) - Vol. 21 (1999)
William Carlos Williams Review Vol. 26 (2006) through current issue
Women and Music: A Journal of Gender and Culture Vol. 8 (2004) through current issue
Women, Gender, and Families of Color Vol. 1 (2013) through current issue
Women in French Studies Vol. 1 1993) through current issue
Women in German Yearbook: Feminist Studies in German Literature & Culture (See: Feminist German Studies Vol. 1 (1985) through current issue.)
World Literature Today Vol. 83 (2009) through current issue
World Policy Journal Vol. 27 (2010) - vol. 28 (2011), Vol. 33 (2016) - Vol. 35 (2018)
World Politics Vol. 48 (1995/96) through current issue
WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly Vol. 36 (2008) through current issue
Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Vol. 1 (1935) through current issue