Papers by Toni W Adi Putra
Jurnal Transformatika, 2022
The data obtained from the Top brand index shows that there are 3 market leaders of online buying... more The data obtained from the Top brand index shows that there are 3 market leaders of online buying and selling sites in Indonesia, namely; and This makes the reason for choosing the object of research with the aim of research to find out the usability evaluation model using confirmatory factor analysis. The research data were obtained by distributing questionnaires as many as 150 respondents to 3 market leader online trading sites in Indonesia, namely; and The five components that will be used to turn into a questionnaire are learning ability, memory, efficiency, errors, satisfaction. The results showed that the design of the model in solving this particular problem is needed to measure the level of suitability of the use of the technology being made, so that research that has been carried out using the CFA method for the usability evaluation model can be concluded that by using 5 latent variables and 2...
2018 2nd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT), 2018
Face recognition system is the development of basic methods of authentication systems by using th... more Face recognition system is the development of basic methods of authentication systems by using the natural characteristics of the human face as a basis. The process of recognizing the facial image through several stages of the training phase and testing phase. This study has used datasets in the form of facial image samples obtained with various light intensities, distances, and positions toward the acquisition devices. This study has implemented the Centroid method and Canny edge detection to get image patterns from preprocessed image samples. Image features were obtained from image patterns using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). PNN has used as a classification of image patterns. The results of this study showed that the combination of the Centroid and GLCM methods (accuracy of 93.33%) is better than the combination of Canny edge detection and the GLCM method (accuracy of 66.43%). The results of this study also showed that the farther the spatial distance to build the GLCM features, the lower the accuracy.
SENS, Nov 12, 2015
Proses dokumentasi data secara fisik merupakan proses dokumentasi manual. Proses dokumentasi ini ... more Proses dokumentasi data secara fisik merupakan proses dokumentasi manual. Proses dokumentasi ini sangat menyita waktu terutama bila dokumentasi sudah terlalu banyak dan kita membutuhkan salah satu atau beberapa dokumen tersebut, maka waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk proses pencarian akan lama. Kendala lain yang sering dihadapi yaitu documen tidak lengkap, document rusak atau tidak terbaca. Memerlukan ruangan atau tempat dan perawatan khusus untuk menyimpan dokumen - dokumen tersebut. Laporan SIPKD dan Pengajuan Jabatan Fungsi Akademik yang mengharuskan setiap dosen memberikan laporan bukti fisik yang sudah di scan dalam bentuk digital, sehingga dosen harus meluangkan waktu untuk melakukan proses tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membangun suatu aplikasi e-file untuk membantu proses pengumpulan data dosen baik secara individu maupun lembaga melalui Biro Adminisstrasi Akademik pada perguruan tinggi. Mengetahui letak penyimpanan arsip data dokumen fisik secara cepat. Mendokumentasikan data dokumen fisik yang ada ke dalam bentuk file untuk setiap dosennya. Menghasilkan laporan kelengkapan dokumen sebagai penunjang persiapan proses pelaporan di SIPKD maupun Pengajuan Jabatan Fungsi Akademik. Penelitian ini akan dikerjakan dengan menggunakan metode rekayasa sistem berbasis komputer berdasarkan prinsi-prinsip rekayasa perangkat lunak (Software Engineering) melalui tahapan pengembangan berdasarkan daur hidup (System Development Life Cycle = SDLC). SDLC terdiri dari Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing, dan Evaluation. Tahapan-tahapan ini dapat dilakukan secara overlap atau bersiklus. Hasil yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah berupa sebuah aplikasi e-file yang dapat membantu mengatasi proses dokumentasi pada tingkat lembaga perguruan tinggi sehingga dokumen dalam bentuk file dapat dengan mudah ditemukan dan dengan mudah pula melihat status dokumen tiap dosen sudah lengkap atau belum. Dengan system ini juga akan dengan mudah menemukan letak dokumen fisik tersebut tersimpan.
The estimated cost of the project or Budget Plan is required to guide the project or the handle w... more The estimated cost of the project or Budget Plan is required to guide the project or the handle when the project starts. Calculation of the estimated cost of the use of the system aims to store project data and take into account the cost of the building construction field for more detailed and faster. This research aims to provide a system of calculation in the CV. Telaga Cipta Sarana that is a client - server for data to be centralized. Calculation methods in the design of this system using the waterfall approach with 6 stages including planning, requirements analysis system, system design, implememtation, testing, and care / maintenance. This calculation provides a system design of an information project cost estimation and calculation, is a client - server that can manage data - project data such as project name, address, owner, date of the filing period, the date of the auction, the date of the implementation period, the contract number, date of contract, number and date of SPK....
Jaringan VPN memungkinkan akses remote ke sumber daya di jaringan perusahaan yang seharusnya hany... more Jaringan VPN memungkinkan akses remote ke sumber daya di jaringan perusahaan yang seharusnya hanya tersedia jika user langsung terhubung ke LAN perusahaan. Sambungan VPN membuat "virtual" link point-to-point antara pengguna VPN remote dan jaringan perusahaan. Aplikasi dan layanan yang berjalan pada komputer pengguna memperlakukan link VPN sebagai koneksi Ethernet. Salah satu keuntungan utama menggunakan koneksi VPN, pada client / server aplikasi web, adalah bahwa pengguna VPN di lokasi terpencil berpotensi dapat mengakses semua protokol dan server pada jaringan perusahaan. Pengguna dapat mengakses berbagai layanan yang ada pada jaringan local dengan cara yang sama seperti yang mereka lakukan ketika mereka berada di lokasi perusahaan. User akses VPN remote tidak perlu software khusus untuk terhubung ke masing-masing layanan jaringan dan administrator tidak perlu lagi untuk membuat aplikasi proxy khusus untuk terhubung ke sumber daya tersebut
Face recognition is a basic method of developing an authentication system using the natural chara... more Face recognition is a basic method of developing an authentication system using the natural characteristics of the human face as baseline. This facial image recognition process through the training phase of the training face images with MATLAB programs and test phases were performed directly on the face images are sourced directly from the camera and not on test data derived from a set of face images that have been selected. Introduction The method combines Canny, GLCM and PNN, the pretreatment stage that converts the RGB image into gray level and the Canny edge detection to determine the reference point as a separator edge areas that are not used. Face recognition factor tested was taken on the influence of the intensity of illumination of the object. GLCM are used with energy parameters, correlation, homogeneity and contrast. PNN while comparing the output of data from the GLCM matrix results. This study uses a database of facial images with a sample of 20 people in the 7 position...
Widya Teknika, Mar 31, 2013
Perkembangan pemakaian listrik di Indonesia semakin banyak baik digunakan pada industri pabrik, ... more Perkembangan pemakaian listrik di Indonesia semakin banyak baik digunakan pada industri pabrik, kebutuhan rumah tangga ataupun untuk fasilitas umum. Oleh karenanya sangat perlu dikembangkan atau dibuat  pembangkit listrik  baik menggunakan tenaga uap, bahan batu bara dan bahan bakar minyak bahkan memakai tenaga nuklir. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh yang ditimbulkan oleh variasi kapasitas produksi uap pada stabilisasi putaran turbin. Tempat melakukan penelitian di Unit PLTU Di PG. Kebon Agung Malang pada bulan mei tahun 2010.Kapasitas produksi uap dapat mempengaruhi stabilisasi putaran turbin dengan data sbb Kapasitas uap 78,9 ton/jam menghasilkan putaran teoritis 10540,56 rpm dan putaran aktual 9900 rpm. Kata Kunci: Kapasitas, Produksi Uap, Putaran Mesin dan Turbin
Face recognition system is a development of the basic methods of authentication system using the ... more Face recognition system is a development of the basic methods of authentication system using the natural characteristics of the human face as a baseline. Face recognition process consists of several phases, training and testing phase. The testing phase is done directly and indirectly. Indirect data test taken from a set of face images that have been selected, while direct data test take face image from camera. Human face recognition combines Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix/GLCM and Probabilistic Neural Network/PNN methods. Preprocessing is done by converting RGB to grayscale, using centroid method as face image segmentation process. Face recognition includes some factors, i.e. lighting, distance, angle and position. GLCM uses statistic method and second-order texture analysis, which represents image texture in following parameters energy, corelation, homogenity and contrast. While PNN is used to build database which is stored in the network in order to compare outcome from GLM in the form of matrix. This research uses face image as database by collecting sample of 10 persons, 5 face position, 2 type of distance shooting and 3 type of lighting. Testing process results 92% in direct recognition and 93,33% in inderict recognition.
Pengenalan wajah merupakan pengembangan metode dasar sistem autentifikasi dengan menggunakan kara... more Pengenalan wajah merupakan pengembangan metode dasar sistem autentifikasi dengan menggunakan karakteristik alami wajah manusia sebagai dasarnya. Proses pengenalan citra wajah ini melalui tahap pelatihan citra wajah yang dilatih dengan program MATLAB dan tahap pengujian yang dilakukan secara langsung pada citra wajah yang bersumber dari kamera dan tidak langsung pada data uji yang bersumber dari sekumpulan citra wajah yang sudah dipilih. Pengenalan ini menggabungkan metode Canny, GLCM dan PNN, dengan tahap prapengolahan yang mengubah citra RGB ke dalam aras keabuan dan dengan deteksi tepi canny untuk proses menentukan titik tepi sebagai acuan pemisah daerah yang tidak digunakan. Faktor pengenalan wajah yang diuji meliputi pencahayaan, jarak, sudut serta posisi. GLCM digunakan dengan parameter energi, korelasi, homogenitas dan kontras. Sedangkan PNN membandingkan hasil keluaran data matrik hasil dari GLCM. Penelitian ini menggunakan citra wajah sebagai basisdata dengan sampel 20 orang pada 7 posisi wajah, 3 jarak, serta 5 kategori pencahayaan. Proses pengujian menghasilkan tingkat pengenalan secara langsung sebesar 66,43 persen, sedangkan pengujian secara tidak langsung sebesar 82,86 persen. Tingkat kesalahan FAR/FRR secara tidak langsung sebesar sebesar 45 persen dengan nilai ambang pada 0,107 persen, dan secara langsung sebesar 50 persen untuk nilai FAR/FRR pada nilai ambang di angka 0,104 persen.
Many network problems that occur if not addressed immediately will affect customer service as a n... more Many network problems that occur if not addressed immediately will affect customer service as a new install applications, add power, power changes, migration of postpaid to prepaid electricity can not be done. To solve this problem then developed a network traffic monitoring system using Cacti are able to monitor the entire network. Applying the system to detect disorders of conectivity be lost (broken connection) to take advantage of the SNMP service on the WAN network. Applying the system to monitor traffic usage, CPU usage and memory usage on the WAN network. Also added mail notifications to expedite the delivery of information on the status of nodes, links and devices in the event of network disruption. Problems on a network will be easily detected to be done with the associated improvements (Helpdesk and Customer Account), where the network can be used for process applications owned by PT PLN (Persero).
The estimated cost of the project or Budget Plan is required to guide the project or the handle w... more The estimated cost of the project or Budget Plan is required to guide the project or the handle when the project starts. Calculation of the estimated cost of the use of the system aims to store project data and take into account the cost of the building construction field for more detailed and faster. This research aims to provide a system of calculation in the CV. Telaga Cipta Sarana that is a client - server for data to be centralized. Calculation methods in the design of this system using the waterfall approach with 6 stages including planning, requirements analysis system, system design, implememtation, testing, and care / maintenance. This calculation provides a system design of an information project cost estimation and calculation, is a client - server that can manage data - project data such as project name, address, owner, date of the filing period, the date of the auction, the date of the implementation period, the contract number, date of contract, number and date of SPK (Work Order). The Results of the informtion system can calculate the estimated cost of which will be used during construction after the design phase is completed.
Network VPN enables remote access to corporate network resources that should only be available if... more Network VPN enables remote access to corporate network resources that should only be available if the user is directly connected to the corporate LAN. VPN connections create "virtual" link point-to-point between the remote VPN users and corporate networks. Applications and services running on the user's computer treats the VPN link as an Ethernet connection. One of the main advantages of using a VPN connection, the client / server web application, is that VPN users in remote locations have the potential to access all the protocols and servers on a corporate network. Users can access various services in their local networks in the same way as they did when they were in the location of the company. VPN remote access users do not need special software to connect to each network services and administrators no longer need to create application specific proxy to connect to these resources.
Bandwidth is capaciti of data traffic allowed to pass through a website in the internet. The capa... more Bandwidth is capaciti of data traffic allowed to pass through a website in the internet. The capacity of bandwidth provided by a hosting company is determined by their network connection, either through their internal data centers or to the external public internet. Bandwidth capacity is on always sufficient to meet our needs in the surf on the internet, especially when the bandwidth capacity is small more over when the bandwidth is used, by many users shich commonly happens in the office or education agency. This can cause problems when the network has no rules governing the use of bandwidth. There fore many there one many softwares offering advantages such as a web proxy or web caching. Bandwidth management softwares also offer advantages as a firewall. However it is more practical to have software having several function, can reduce expenses to buy the software, because the expese can be reduced. One of the softwares mentioned above is the Microsoft Internet Security and Accelerator Sever 2004 (ISA Server). Software Microsoft Internet Security and Accelerator Sever 2004 (ISA Server) can access Internet faster and save bandwidth, secure your network from hacker attacks or illegal access and more importantly it has centralized administration and management that makes it easy to be controlled.
Face recognition system is a development of the basic methods of authentication system using the ... more Face recognition system is a development of the basic methods of authentication system using the natural characteristics of the human face as a baseline. Face recognition process consists of several phases, training and testing phase. The testing phase is done directly and indirectly. Indirect data test taken from a set of face images that have been selected, while direct data test take face image from camera. Human face recognition combines Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix/GLCM and Probabilistic Neural Network/PNN methods. Preprocessing is done by converting RGB to grayscale, using centroid method as face image segmentation process. Face recognition includes some factors, i.e. lighting, distance, angle and position. GLCM uses statistic method and second-order texture analysis, which represents image texture in following parameters energy, corelation, homogenity and contrast. While PNN is used to build database which is stored in the network in order to compare outcome from GLM in the form of matrix. This research uses face image as database by collecting sample of 10 persons, 5 face position, 2 type of distance shooting and 3 type of lighting. Testing process results 92% in direct recognition and 93,33% in inderict recognition.
Face recognition is a basic method of developing an authentication system using the natural chara... more Face recognition is a basic method of developing an authentication system using the natural characteristics of the human face as baseline. This facial image recognition process through the training phase of the training face images with MATLAB programs and test phases were performed directly on the face images are sourced directly from the camera and not on test data derived from a set of face images that
have been selected. Introduction The method combines Canny,
GLCM and PNN, the pretreatment stage that converts
the RGB image into gray level and the Canny edge detection to determine the reference point as a separator edge areas that are not used. Face recognition factor tested was taken on the influence of the intensity of illumination of the object. GLCM are used with energy parameters, correlation, homogeneity and contrast. PNN while comparing the output of data from the GLCM matrix results. This study uses a database of
facial images with a sample of 20 people in the 7 position of the face, distance 3, and 5 categories lighting. The results obtained with the database in a light that category 4 and a distance of 30 cm obtained the highest level of recognition in the process of introducing the light category 5 and 30 cm distance with the level of recognition accuracy of 82.86 percent.
Face recognition is a basic method of developing an authentication system using the natural chara... more Face recognition is a basic method of developing an authentication system using the natural characteristics of the human face as baseline. The process of face recognition is strongly influenced by the distance factor image retrieval, both the training and testing process. This facial image recognition process through the training phase of the training face images with MATLAB programs and test phases were performed directly on the face images are sourced directly from the camera and not on test data derived from a set of face images that have been selected. Introduction The method combines GLCM (Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix) and PNN (Probabilistic Neural Network). In GLCM using statistical methods and analysis of second-order texture which represents the texture image, while in the PNN using a single-layer network with supervised learning process. Factors taken tested face recognition based on the angular distance to the GLCM. GLCM are used using parameters energy, correlation, homogeneity and contrast with the angle of 0 degrees, 45 degrees, 90 degrees, 135 degrees and a combination of the angle of 0 degrees, 45 degrees, 90 degrees, 135 degrees at a distance of 1 pixel, 2 pixels and 3 pixels . PNN while comparing the output of data from the GLCM matrix results. This study uses a database of facial images with a sample of 20 people in the 7 position of the face. The testing process directly produces the recognition rate of 66.43 percent, whereas the indirect test was 82.86 percent.
Proses dokumentasi data secara fisik merupakan proses dokumentasi manual. Proses dokumentasi ini ... more Proses dokumentasi data secara fisik merupakan proses dokumentasi manual. Proses dokumentasi ini sangat menyita waktu terutama bila dokumentasi sudah terlalu banyak dan kita membutuhkan salah satu atau beberapa dokumen tersebut, maka waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk proses pencarian akan lama. Kendala lain yang sering dihadapi yaitu documen tidak lengkap, document rusak atau tidak terbaca. Memerlukan ruangan atau tempat dan perawatan khusus untuk menyimpan dokumen - dokumen tersebut. Laporan SIPKD dan Pengajuan Jabatan Fungsi Akademik yang mengharuskan setiap dosen memberikan laporan bukti fisik yang sudah di scan dalam bentuk digital, sehingga dosen harus meluangkan waktu untuk melakukan proses tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membangun suatu aplikasi e-file untuk membantu proses pengumpulan data dosen baik secara individu maupun lembaga melalui Biro Adminisstrasi Akademik pada perguruan tinggi. Mengetahui letak penyimpanan arsip data dokumen fisik secara cepat. Mendokumentasikan data dokumen fisik yang ada ke dalam bentuk file untuk setiap dosennya. Menghasilkan laporan kelengkapan dokumen sebagai penunjang persiapan proses pelaporan di SIPKD maupun Pengajuan Jabatan Fungsi Akademik. Penelitian ini akan dikerjakan dengan menggunakan metode rekayasa sistem berbasis komputer berdasarkan prinsi-prinsip rekayasa perangkat lunak (Software Engineering) melalui tahapan pengembangan berdasarkan daur hidup (System Development Life Cycle = SDLC). SDLC terdiri dari Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing, dan Evaluation. Tahapan-tahapan ini dapat dilakukan secara overlap atau bersiklus. Hasil yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah berupa sebuah aplikasi e-file yang dapat membantu mengatasi proses dokumentasi pada tingkat lembaga perguruan tinggi sehingga dokumen dalam bentuk file dapat dengan mudah ditemukan dan dengan mudah pula melihat status dokumen tiap dosen sudah lengkap atau belum. Dengan system ini juga akan dengan mudah menemukan letak dokumen fisik tersebut tersimpan.
Papers by Toni W Adi Putra
have been selected. Introduction The method combines Canny,
GLCM and PNN, the pretreatment stage that converts
the RGB image into gray level and the Canny edge detection to determine the reference point as a separator edge areas that are not used. Face recognition factor tested was taken on the influence of the intensity of illumination of the object. GLCM are used with energy parameters, correlation, homogeneity and contrast. PNN while comparing the output of data from the GLCM matrix results. This study uses a database of
facial images with a sample of 20 people in the 7 position of the face, distance 3, and 5 categories lighting. The results obtained with the database in a light that category 4 and a distance of 30 cm obtained the highest level of recognition in the process of introducing the light category 5 and 30 cm distance with the level of recognition accuracy of 82.86 percent.
have been selected. Introduction The method combines Canny,
GLCM and PNN, the pretreatment stage that converts
the RGB image into gray level and the Canny edge detection to determine the reference point as a separator edge areas that are not used. Face recognition factor tested was taken on the influence of the intensity of illumination of the object. GLCM are used with energy parameters, correlation, homogeneity and contrast. PNN while comparing the output of data from the GLCM matrix results. This study uses a database of
facial images with a sample of 20 people in the 7 position of the face, distance 3, and 5 categories lighting. The results obtained with the database in a light that category 4 and a distance of 30 cm obtained the highest level of recognition in the process of introducing the light category 5 and 30 cm distance with the level of recognition accuracy of 82.86 percent.