2022 in numbers

I posted 1057 times on adactio in 2022. sparkline

That’s a bit more than in 2021.

November was the busiest month with 137 posts. sparkline

February was the quietest with 65 posts. sparkline

That included about 237 notes with photos sparkline and 214 replies. sparkline

I published one article, the transcript of my talk, In And Out Of Style.

I watched an awful lot of television but managed to read 25 books. sparkline

Elsewhere, I huffduffed 130 audio files and added 55 tune settings on The Session in 2022.

I spoke at ten events.

I travelled within Europe and the USA to a total of 18 destinations. sparkline

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# Liked by Andy Bell on Saturday, December 31st, 2022 at 11:23am

# Liked by Chee Aun on Saturday, December 31st, 2022 at 11:23am

# Liked by Marty McGuire on Saturday, December 31st, 2022 at 3:52pm

# Liked by theAdhocracy on Saturday, December 31st, 2022 at 9:10pm

# Liked by Carol 🪩 on Sunday, January 1st, 2023 at 1:01am

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A collection of hyperlinks to collections of hyperlinks.

In the margins

Marginalia and annotations on the web.

The syndicate

Cross-posting to wherever is flavour of the month.


Also, tipblogging.

Associative trails

How I use my website.

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The Free Web - The History of the Web

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And I don’t care. I’m contributing to the free web.

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POSSE: Reclaiming social media in a fragmented world

This rhymes nicely with Mandy’s recent piece on POSSE:

Despite its challenges, POSSE is extremely empowering for those of us who wish to cultivate our own corners of the web outside of the walled gardens of the major tech platforms, without necessarily eschewing them entirely. I can maintain a presence on the platforms I enjoy and the connections I value with the people there, while still retaining primary control over the things that I write and freedom from those platforms’ limitations.

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Coming home | A Working Library

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Mandy’s writing positively soars and sings in this beautiful piece!

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Terence Eden’s Blog

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Title, dates, comments, links, and text are all optional.

No one is policing this.

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Robin Rendle — Good and useful writing

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Previously on this day

4 years ago I wrote 2020 in numbers

Numbers and sparklines.

4 years ago I wrote Books I read in 2020

Fiction and non-fiction, rated and reviewed.

4 years ago I wrote Words I wrote in 2020

Blogging through a very strange year.

5 years ago I wrote 2019 in numbers

The quantified site. With sparklines. And a map.

5 years ago I wrote Books I read in 2019

A good mix of (science) fiction and non-fiction.

6 years ago I wrote 2018 in numbers

The quantified site. With sparklines.

10 years ago I wrote It’s the end of the year as we know it.

And I feel…

14 years ago I wrote Twenty Ten

The year that was.

15 years ago I wrote The future of the tradition

Personally speaking.

21 years ago I wrote Game on

I’ve been having a nice relaxing christmas time here in Arizona. The only fly in the holiday ointment is a case of the sniffles I appear to have picked up. I just hope it doesn’t interfere with my ability to taste all the regional southwest go