Microformats: More Meaning from Your Markup [HTML & XHTML Tutorials]

Great article from Brian ranging from introducing microformats right up to the current state of play.

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Microformats : Meaningful HTML

A great one-page intro to microformats (h-card in particular), complete with a parser that exports JSON. Bookmark this for future reference.

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FUMSI Article: Microformats: Digging Deeper into the Web

A nice, neat, short introduction to microformats from Ben.

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SitePoint » 4 Easy-to-Use Microformat Tools to Beef Up Your Site

A rundown of microformat-extracting tools. "Ultimately, microformats are a bit like plumbing. They don’t do very much on their own, but if you make use of the data they provide, you can quickly and easily create useful functionality your visitors …

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Getting Semantic With Microformats, Part 4: hCalendar ~ A Blog Not Limited

A good, detailed hands-on article about implementing hCalendar.

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Once again, the data shows confusion between sections and articles in HTML5.