Link tags: hcalendar



Microformats | weblog | Facebook Adds hCalendar and hCard Microformats to Millions of Events

As of today, every single public event on Facebook is marked up using hCalendar. Take the Great British Booze-up, for example…

The Value Class Pattern - Articles - MIX Online

A microformats article by yours truly, reworking a blog post from a while back about the value class pattern.

SitePoint » 4 Easy-to-Use Microformat Tools to Beef Up Your Site

A rundown of microformat-extracting tools. "Ultimately, microformats are a bit like plumbing. They don’t do very much on their own, but if you make use of the data they provide, you can quickly and easily create useful functionality your visitors …

Our First Labs Project: A Microformats Toolkit Called "Oomph" - Lab - MIX Online

A handy microformats toolkit from Microsoft(!) making it easier for developers to write, style and find microformats (hCard and hCalendar in particular). Neat!

Getting Semantic With Microformats, Part 4: hCalendar ~ A Blog Not Limited

A good, detailed hands-on article about implementing hCalendar.


Microformats + Greasemonkey = Monkeyformats. Is there a site that you wish used microformats? Write a userscript and share it here.

Safari Microformats plugin

Oh yes! A plugin for Safari that will detect, display and export hCard and hCalendar data. Caveat: it only works on Leopard so, because I haven't upgraded yet, I haven't had a chance to testdrive this yet myself.

Microformats Bookmarklet › Left Logic

Have I told you lately how much I love this microformats bookmarklet? Yes? Well, I'm telling you again.

RSS Reader for Mac - NetNewsWire

NetNewsWire now supports microformats.

Microformats: More Meaning from Your Markup [HTML & XHTML Tutorials]

Great article from Brian ranging from introducing microformats right up to the current state of play.

Mozilla Labs Blog » Blog Archive » Introducing Operator

A microformat detection extension for Firefox 2. This looks more human-friendly than the existing Tails extensions.

Microformats - Audioscrobbler

More about the microformats that can now be found on

Technorati Kitchen: Microformats Search

This is still experimental, but Technorati now allow you to search for snippets of content that has been marked up with microformats. My egosearching returns suitably satisfying results.