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Liquid phase sintered and spheroidised Fe-1.4C-0.65Si-0.85Mo specimens were warm forged to discs at 750 and 700°C. The former experiments were conducted on a screw press and the latter, using a Gleeble instrumented tester, at strain rates... more
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    • Materials Science and Engineering
Powder metallurgy (PM) parts acceptance is determined by compositional and processing parameters and their controls. Statistical procedures are used for assessment; normal distribution and 'six sigma' appear to predominate. For fatigue of... more
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Dilatometry, gravimetric and differential thermal analyses were used to study the sintering response of Al at 600C in atmospheres of pure nitrogen, nitrogen -hydrogen and argon. Shrinkage took place only when nitrogen was present; the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMaterials Science
Metallurgy Fe-1.5Cr-0.2Mo-0.7C steel specimen fatigued in bending with R = −1 at 24 Hz and a stress amplitude of 312 MPa. The fatigue limit was ∼240 MPa, at which stress level no microcracks were detected in static loading. Testing was... more
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    • Materials Science
Thermo-Calc modelling was employed to predict liquid phase amounts for Fe-0?85Mo-(0?4-0?6)Si-(1?2-1?4)C in the temperature range of 1285-1300uC and such powder mixes were pressed and liquid phase sintered. In high C steels, carbide... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringLiquid Phase Sintering
Liquid phase sintered and spheroidised Fe-1.4C-0.65Si-0.85Mo specimens were warm forged to discs at 750 and 700°C. The former experiments were conducted on a screw press and the latter, using a Gleeble instrumented tester, at strain rates... more
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Fatigue properties of PM Fe-1.5Cr-0.2Mo-0.7C steel were determined in bending at 24Hz with R=-1 and the fatigue limit found to be ~ 240 MPa, at which stress level no microcracks were detected in static loading. Microcracks, whose sizes... more
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Nucleation of microcracks, their growth and coalescence are analysed in PM Fe-1.5Cr-0.2Mo-0.7C steel by fractography allied to surface replica microscopy -at several stress levels as the maximum tensile stress in three-point bend... more
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Nucleation of microcracks, their growth and coalescence are analysed in powder metallurgy (PM). Fe-1 . 5Cr-0 . 2Mo-0 . 7C steel by fractography allied to surface replica microscopy -at several stress levels as the maximum tensile stress... more
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    • Materials Science
Mn was introduced, with graphite, as fine ferromanganese particles to form compacts of Fe-3%Mn-0?5%C. Each was sintered in dry 25%H 2 z75%N 2 for 3 min at 770, 1040, 1080, 1170 and 1220uC respectively, held for 3 min and quenched. The... more
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      ThermodynamicsManganese Steel
Thermo-Calc modelling was employed to predict liquid phase amounts for Fe-0?85Mo-(0?4-0?6)Si-(1?2-1?4)C in the temperature range of 1285-1300uC and such powder mixes were pressed and liquid phase sintered. In high C steels, carbide... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringLiquid Phase Sintering
The failure mechanisms in waisted tensile specimens of pultruded 60% volume fraction glass fibre-epoxide were investigated at atmospheric and superposed hydrostatic pressures extending to 350 MN m−2. The maximum principal stress at... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceCHEMICAL SCIENCES
The 'indirect' transverse tensile strengths, g A, of several 52% Vf uniaxially aligned glass fibre/polyester pultrusions were measured using the diametral compression of disc-shaped samples between concave loading anvils. In the vicinity... more
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    • Engineering
The adhesive fracture energy (G/c) of several adhesive cement systems has been measured at temperatures extending to 700°C using alumina adherends in the double torsion test geometry. Two commercially available low-temperature curing... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringChemical Engineering
The axial compressive strengths of three 0.52 V~ glass-fibre/polyester pultrusions were determined under superposed hydrostatic pressures extending to 300 MPa. Atmospheric strengths were in the range 380-790MPa, and all materials showed a... more
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    • Engineering
The tensile properties of five types of pultrt~ded 0"52 Vf glass fibre-polyester rods were #westigated by extending waisted round specimens at atmospheric and superimposed hydrostatic pressures, -H. to 300 MPa. The maximum principal... more
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    • Engineering
Cast, wrought, and directly sintered smooth and precracked beam specimens of BT1 steels were studied in three-and four-point bending at room temperature. Following austenitization at 1250 ° C and tempering between 500 and 560 ° C, brittle... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceCHEMICAL SCIENCES
The tensile and compressive strengths of three polyester resins were measured under superposed hydrostatic pressure extending to 300 MPa, in an attempt to establish yield criteria. The polyesters were brittle in uniaxial tension at all... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceCHEMICAL SCIENCES
A methodology, involving fretting tests, to develop wear and crack resistant materials for tribological applications for automotive valve train parts (e.g. cams, tappets) has been recently reported for high speed steels. Modifications to... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringWear
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    • Mechanical Properties of Materials