Abdul Rehman
Postdoc Fellow (Theoretical Economics)
PhD (Economics)
Address: School of Economics & Management , Anhui Agricultural University Hefei, China.
PhD (Economics)
Address: School of Economics & Management , Anhui Agricultural University Hefei, China.
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Papers by Abdul Rehman
Method and Augmented Dickey Fuller test and results were interpreted using the Johansen co-integration test. Our study found that output of wheat, cotton, sugarcane, corn, and tubers has positive and signifcant relation with the agricultural gross domestic product of China, while the output of rice crop has a negative but no signifcant relation with agricultural GDP of China. The study suggests that the Government of China should start new funding schemes for the development and better production of rice crops.
appropriate technology, use of inputs at improper times, unavailability of water and land use and inadequate education about insect pest control, which not only negatively affects the produce but also significantly reduces the amount of produce. Farmers mainly use synthetic chemicals for the control of insect pests, but these are used unwisely. To emphasize the major shortfalls and actual performance of major field crops, this study investigated the relationship between agricultural GDP and the output of major crops, including wheat, rice, sugarcane, maize and cotton, in Pakistan over a period of 65 years from 1950 to 2015. Time series data were collected from the Economic Survey of Pakistan (various publications). Crop data were analysed using the ordinary least square method and the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test, and the results were interpreted using Johansen's co-integration test. Our study
finds that the output of wheat, rice and cotton has a positive and significant relationship with the agricultural GDP of Pakistan, while the output of sugarcane has a negative and non-significant relationship with the agricultural GDP of Pakistan. Therefore, this study recommends that the government of Pakistan should launch new funding programmes for the development of the agricultural sector.
negative and no significant impact on wheat production. The results of regression analysis showed the following: a1 percent increase in area under wheat cultivation increased wheat production by 1.20 percent tones; 1 percent increase in credit disbursement increased wheat production by 0.12 percent tones; 1 percent increase in water availability leads to increase in wheat production by 0.65 percent tones respectively. The study recommends that appropriate doses of fertilizer should be increased. Also, agricultural credit disbursement to wheat growers can
further increase its production.
contracting out of the much state-owned industries and the elating of price controls, protective policies and regulations. While the state dominations in different sectors such as banking and petroleum endured. From 1978 to until 2015, extraordinary growth occurred, with increasing economy by 9.5% a year. The private sector grew strangely 70% of China gross domestic product (GDP). China has a total population of approximately 1,300 million people distributed among 23 provinces, 4 independent regions, 4 municipalities including Hong Kong and Macau; 18 of those provinces have a population between 90 and 35 million. It has more cities of 1 million-plus population than the rest of the world combined. In the middle of China’s stated-owned initiatives there are 700 that employ more than 100,000 people and economy produce 10 million to 15 million new jobs every year.
while the secondary sector still accounted for a sizeable 45.0% of the country’s total output. For the meantime, the primary sector’s weight in GDP has shrunk dramatically since the country opened to the world. China exited the financial crisis in good shape, with GDP growing above 10%, little inflation and a sound fiscal position. However, the policies implemented during the crisis to foster economic growth exacerbated the country’s macroeconomic imbalances. Particularly, the incentive program strengthened investment, while household’s consumption remained repressed. In 2013 Gross Domestic Product (Purchasing
Power Parity) of China was 17.02 trillion USD; it was 18.27 trillion USD in 2014 and increased to 19.51 trillion USD in 2015. The real GDP growth rate of China in 2013 was 7.7 %, it decline to 7.3 % in 2014 and was 6.8 % in 2015. In 2013 GDP-Per Capita of China was 12400 USD; it was 13400 USD in 2014 and increased with the ratio of 14300 USD. Similarly Gross National Savings % of GDP of China in 2013 was 48.20 %, 48.50% in 2014 and decreased to 47.40 % in 2015.
farming. A positive process of economic change and diversification of both livelihoods and national economies is the key to sustained poverty reduction. Agriculture development has in many places connected wider with economic growth and the rural poor, increasing their productivity and incomes.
Borrowers of agricultural finance from district Qambar shahdadkot, Sindh Province of Pakistan. Borrowers of agricultural finance include formal and non formal sources of finance. The results shows that the total revenue of Agricultural Finance borrowers was 76000 rupees while the non borrowers agricultural revenue was 61750 rupees and the variable cost for agricultural finance borrowers was a little bit high then non borrowers as 41652 and 34342 rupees respectively, it was because of availability of capital, the farmers who borrowing agricultural finance and providing inputs on time and in proper were getting better production. Most of the farmers agreed that agricultural finance was helpfull for improving living standard useful for household and rural development; it facilitates farmers in use of agricultural inputs on time and getting best agricultural production.
1978 China introduced economic reforms and has become the manufacturing hub of the world, where its secondary sector including comprising industry and construction represented the major share of gross domestic product GDP. But in recent years, modernization of China pushed the tertiary sector and, in 2013, it became the largest category of gross domestic product (GDP) with a share of 46.2%, while the secondary sector still accounted for a generous 45.0% of the country’s total output. The grain output of China reached 571.2 million tons in 2011, 140.5 million tons more than the output in 2003. Major agricultural products, technologies and equipment have also increased.
designed survey questionnaire based on 5 point liker scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree were used to get the responses. It has been identified that the most significant issue for the selection of employees is the issue of feedback and job relatedness. The overall pattern of results indicates that both of the categories qualified and non qualified employees showed that the fairness of the selection process is a real issue. Secondly, the departmental capacity shows they have less competent staff available for the handing of recruitment and selection process. There is a vital need that future research may focus on the specific measures that are used in making right selection, especially criterion-related validity and construct validity.
of Pakistan. It was also found out that agriculture sector is still confronting some challenges like inadequate funding, underdeveloped infrastructure, poor agriculture marketing,and shortage of irrigation etc. We therefore recommended that government of Pakistan should increase its expenditure in the development of agriculture sector since it would enhance agricultural productivity and economic growth.
Method and Augmented Dickey Fuller test and results were interpreted using the Johansen co-integration test. Our study found that output of wheat, cotton, sugarcane, corn, and tubers has positive and signifcant relation with the agricultural gross domestic product of China, while the output of rice crop has a negative but no signifcant relation with agricultural GDP of China. The study suggests that the Government of China should start new funding schemes for the development and better production of rice crops.
appropriate technology, use of inputs at improper times, unavailability of water and land use and inadequate education about insect pest control, which not only negatively affects the produce but also significantly reduces the amount of produce. Farmers mainly use synthetic chemicals for the control of insect pests, but these are used unwisely. To emphasize the major shortfalls and actual performance of major field crops, this study investigated the relationship between agricultural GDP and the output of major crops, including wheat, rice, sugarcane, maize and cotton, in Pakistan over a period of 65 years from 1950 to 2015. Time series data were collected from the Economic Survey of Pakistan (various publications). Crop data were analysed using the ordinary least square method and the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test, and the results were interpreted using Johansen's co-integration test. Our study
finds that the output of wheat, rice and cotton has a positive and significant relationship with the agricultural GDP of Pakistan, while the output of sugarcane has a negative and non-significant relationship with the agricultural GDP of Pakistan. Therefore, this study recommends that the government of Pakistan should launch new funding programmes for the development of the agricultural sector.
negative and no significant impact on wheat production. The results of regression analysis showed the following: a1 percent increase in area under wheat cultivation increased wheat production by 1.20 percent tones; 1 percent increase in credit disbursement increased wheat production by 0.12 percent tones; 1 percent increase in water availability leads to increase in wheat production by 0.65 percent tones respectively. The study recommends that appropriate doses of fertilizer should be increased. Also, agricultural credit disbursement to wheat growers can
further increase its production.
contracting out of the much state-owned industries and the elating of price controls, protective policies and regulations. While the state dominations in different sectors such as banking and petroleum endured. From 1978 to until 2015, extraordinary growth occurred, with increasing economy by 9.5% a year. The private sector grew strangely 70% of China gross domestic product (GDP). China has a total population of approximately 1,300 million people distributed among 23 provinces, 4 independent regions, 4 municipalities including Hong Kong and Macau; 18 of those provinces have a population between 90 and 35 million. It has more cities of 1 million-plus population than the rest of the world combined. In the middle of China’s stated-owned initiatives there are 700 that employ more than 100,000 people and economy produce 10 million to 15 million new jobs every year.
while the secondary sector still accounted for a sizeable 45.0% of the country’s total output. For the meantime, the primary sector’s weight in GDP has shrunk dramatically since the country opened to the world. China exited the financial crisis in good shape, with GDP growing above 10%, little inflation and a sound fiscal position. However, the policies implemented during the crisis to foster economic growth exacerbated the country’s macroeconomic imbalances. Particularly, the incentive program strengthened investment, while household’s consumption remained repressed. In 2013 Gross Domestic Product (Purchasing
Power Parity) of China was 17.02 trillion USD; it was 18.27 trillion USD in 2014 and increased to 19.51 trillion USD in 2015. The real GDP growth rate of China in 2013 was 7.7 %, it decline to 7.3 % in 2014 and was 6.8 % in 2015. In 2013 GDP-Per Capita of China was 12400 USD; it was 13400 USD in 2014 and increased with the ratio of 14300 USD. Similarly Gross National Savings % of GDP of China in 2013 was 48.20 %, 48.50% in 2014 and decreased to 47.40 % in 2015.
farming. A positive process of economic change and diversification of both livelihoods and national economies is the key to sustained poverty reduction. Agriculture development has in many places connected wider with economic growth and the rural poor, increasing their productivity and incomes.
Borrowers of agricultural finance from district Qambar shahdadkot, Sindh Province of Pakistan. Borrowers of agricultural finance include formal and non formal sources of finance. The results shows that the total revenue of Agricultural Finance borrowers was 76000 rupees while the non borrowers agricultural revenue was 61750 rupees and the variable cost for agricultural finance borrowers was a little bit high then non borrowers as 41652 and 34342 rupees respectively, it was because of availability of capital, the farmers who borrowing agricultural finance and providing inputs on time and in proper were getting better production. Most of the farmers agreed that agricultural finance was helpfull for improving living standard useful for household and rural development; it facilitates farmers in use of agricultural inputs on time and getting best agricultural production.
1978 China introduced economic reforms and has become the manufacturing hub of the world, where its secondary sector including comprising industry and construction represented the major share of gross domestic product GDP. But in recent years, modernization of China pushed the tertiary sector and, in 2013, it became the largest category of gross domestic product (GDP) with a share of 46.2%, while the secondary sector still accounted for a generous 45.0% of the country’s total output. The grain output of China reached 571.2 million tons in 2011, 140.5 million tons more than the output in 2003. Major agricultural products, technologies and equipment have also increased.
designed survey questionnaire based on 5 point liker scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree were used to get the responses. It has been identified that the most significant issue for the selection of employees is the issue of feedback and job relatedness. The overall pattern of results indicates that both of the categories qualified and non qualified employees showed that the fairness of the selection process is a real issue. Secondly, the departmental capacity shows they have less competent staff available for the handing of recruitment and selection process. There is a vital need that future research may focus on the specific measures that are used in making right selection, especially criterion-related validity and construct validity.
of Pakistan. It was also found out that agriculture sector is still confronting some challenges like inadequate funding, underdeveloped infrastructure, poor agriculture marketing,and shortage of irrigation etc. We therefore recommended that government of Pakistan should increase its expenditure in the development of agriculture sector since it would enhance agricultural productivity and economic growth.