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The study critically examines Indian approach to use media as a key tool to demonize mass resistance movement in Jammu and Kashmir. Referring to different phases of the movement in Kashmir-1947, 1965, 1971, 1987, 2000 and 2010-it argues... more
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Distinct Society individuals based on gender. This stratification leads to unequal power relations within society, particularly in media organizations. With the technological changes, gender expectations and women's participation in... more
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    • Journalism
YouTube grow into one of the potential commercialization platforms after the inception of the Internet. Users can decide the content of the video by subscribing to popular trends. This research also aims to examine the motivation behind... more
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Instagram usage and its effects on the self-perception of university students in Lahore were investigated. The effects of its use on the self-perception of university students have been found through quantitative research design using... more
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    • Social Media
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    • Uses-And-Gratification Theory
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This study is primarily designed to explore the news media usage and its gratification among university students. It has theoretical grounds in of Uses and Gratification which seeks how people use media to gratify different needs.... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesJournalismMass Communication
The research aims to explore the impact of the speed of 24-hour news cycle on the performance of journalists. The Population of this study was enrolled members of the press club of Islamabad. The convenient sampling technique has been... more
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      Health CommunicationMedia psychologyJournalistsHealth communication and mass media
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Internet and social media consumption has increased dramatically all over the world. The usage of internet and social media has opened new horizon for political actors and their audiences. The current study explored the usage as well as... more
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    • Political communication
Five commercial pectinases were used to investigate efficacy for improvement of juice yield and quality from Stanley plums. Pectinases, to a varying degree, improved the yield, color-assayed as release of anthocyanins, and clarity of the... more
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      FoodFood SciencesFood Processing and Preservation
Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) was extracted and purified from Stanley plums (Prunus domestica L.) Crude PPO showed pH optima of 5.8 to 6.4 with different substrates. Heating for 5 min at 75C completely inactivated this enzyme. Plum PPO was... more
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      EngineeringKineticsFoodFood Biochemistry
Red pears had higher PPO activity, total phenolics and chlorogenic acid concentration than Bosc pears. PPO activity and phenolics both decreased in fruits held at room temperature. pH and temperature optima for Bosc and Red pears PPOs... more
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      FoodFood BiochemistryFood Sciences
Stanley plums were processed into pastes by heat concentration to 25 and 30°Brix. the soluble solids of these two pastes were increased to 40 and 45°Brix, respectively, by sugar addition. the influence of processing techniques on the... more
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      FoodFood SciencesFood Processing and Preservation
Stanley plums were processed into purees and then pastes by heat concentration to 25 and 300 Brix. The Brix of these two pastes was increased to 40 and 450, respectively, by sugar addition. Pastes were stored at 4 and 22 ± 2C in the dark... more
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      FoodFood QualityFood Sciences
Total phenolics and chlorogenic acid in different plum cultivars ranged from 262 to 922 μ/g and 33 to 103, μg/g, respectively. Stanley plums had the highest polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity and chlorogenic acid to total phenolics ratio... more
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      FoodFood SciencesFood Processing and Preservation
Juice from six plum (Primus domestica L.) cultivars, Au Red, Abundance, Pobeda, Shiro, Peach Plum and Early Golden, was extracted using 0.2% Clarex® L pectinase. The juice was processed as high temperature-short time (HTST)-unfined juice,... more
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      Chemical EngineeringFood ScienceFoodFood Science and Technology