Papers by Guillermo A . Lemarchand
International Institute of Space Law, 1998
Social Science Research Network, Apr 5, 2010
We present a review of the science, technology and innovation (STI) policies applied in Latin Ame... more We present a review of the science, technology and innovation (STI) policies applied in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) between 1945 and 2010. We show the long term evolution of economic and social indicators in correspondence with STI input and output indicators. We describe the role of the Regional Bureau for Science of UNESCO for LAC during this period. A description of the institutional behavior of STI governing bodies at LAC countries over 65 years is presented. We introduce strong evidences for the existence of a long-wave behavior expressed by two techno-economic paradigms for the organization of STI policies in the region.The first one is associated with the linear model of science proposed by V. Bush while the second one is associated with the 1999 World Conference of Science Framework for Action. We analyze the recent cooperation strategies related with STI policies in LAC.
Proceedings of SPIE, Aug 6, 1993
A review of the SETI activities in the southern hemisphere over the past three decades is made. A... more A review of the SETI activities in the southern hemisphere over the past three decades is made. A description of the META II program, that is carried out from the Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia (IAR), and that is continuously scanning the southern skies is described. META (Megachannel Extraterrestrial Assay) is an 8.4 million channels spectrum analyzer with a spectral resolution of 0.05 Hz, working at the 1,420 MHz hydrogen line at the Oak Ridge Harvard radio-observatory and at IAR. A description of the first optical SETI observing program from the southern hemisphere is made. For this purpose a high temporal resolution device called MANIA (Multichannel Analyzer of Nanosecond Intensity Alterations) will be used at the 2.15 m telescope of CASLEO (Complejo AStronomico El LEOncito) in the San Juan province in Argentina.
Redes, 1997
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
Redes, Dec 1, 1994
... Page 4. Page 5. Exploring the black box Page 6. Page 7. Exploring the black boxTechnology, ec... more ... Page 4. Page 5. Exploring the black box Page 6. Page 7. Exploring the black boxTechnology, economics, and history Nathan Rosenberg Professor of Economics, Stanford University I CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Page 8. ...
Symposium - International Astronomical Union, 2004
We speculate about possible cosmic exploration by extraterrestrial civilizations using interstell... more We speculate about possible cosmic exploration by extraterrestrial civilizations using interstellar smart probes. We call attention to some emerging technologies that may be used for interstellar exploration. We estimate that advanced civilizations may already have these technologies and may be using them to contact their galactic neighbors. We explore some observational consequences of these contacting strategies.
Fil: Buccino, Andrea Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Oficina d... more Fil: Buccino, Andrea Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio; Argentina
El presente volumen que da inicio a la nueva colección de la UNESCO “Estudios y documentos de la ... more El presente volumen que da inicio a la nueva colección de la UNESCO “Estudios y documentos de la política científica en América Latina y el Caribe”, se divide en dos grandes secciones. La primera muestra un análisis regional de la evolución reciente de las políticas y los sistemas nacionales de ciencia, tecnología e innovación (CTI) en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) durnate los últimos 60 años, mientras que en la segunda se presenta un inventario de las estructuras nacionales de CTI, una síntesis de los programas más destacados y un análisis sintético de la evolución de los principales indicadores de insumo y producto de ciencia y tecnología para cada país de la región. El texto finaliza con un conjunto de apéndices que proporciona información complementaria utilizada en la elaboración del estudio.
Trends and Challenges in Science and Higher Education, 2016
We analyse the productivity of academic knowledge in all fields of science within Ibero-American ... more We analyse the productivity of academic knowledge in all fields of science within Ibero-American and Caribbean countries between 1966 and 2013. We provide the growth constants for the number of publications (ρ), the number of publications per million inhabitants (σ) and the ratio between the number of publications and the GDP per capita (λ) for 30 countries. We generalise a mathematical model developed by the author to explain the dynamics of co-authorship networks. We show that the evolution of the self-organising scientific networks depends on the mathematical function, which describes the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) researchers against time. We test the generalised model with 25 co-authorship networks related with the major regional producers (Spain, Brazil, Portugal, Mexico and Argentina) between 1973 and 2013. The obtained values for the determination coefficients (R 2 ) between the number of co-publications and the curves predicted by the generalised model show excellent fittings (in 72 % of the cases, R 2 > 0.99; in 16 %, R 2 > 0.98; in 8 %, R 2 > 0.97 and within the remaining 4 %, R 2 > 0.96).
Boletin de la Asociacion Argentina de Astronomia La Plata Argentina, 1993
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1978
(ee',p) experiments allows to measure the missing energy distribution as well as the momentum... more (ee',p) experiments allows to measure the missing energy distribution as well as the momentum distribution of the extracted proton in the nucleus versus the missing energy. Such experiments are presently conducted on SACLAY's A.L.S. 300 Linac. Electrons and protons are respectively analysed by two spectrometers and detected in their focal planes. Couting rates are usually low and include time coincidences and accidentals. Signal to noise ratio is dependant on the physics of the experiment and the resolution of the coincidence. It is obvious that if the true coincidences counting rate is proportionnal to the instantaneous incident current i, the accidental rate is proportionnal to i2. It is madatory to get a beam current distribution as flat as possible. If Ntrue is the counting rate for true coincidences and Nf for accidentals T Ntrue a Q a i (t)dt
Papers by Guillermo A . Lemarchand
de ciencia y tecnología para cada país de la región. El texto finaliza con un conjunto de apéndices que proporciona información complementaria
utilizada en la elaboración del estudio.
and encourage engineers’ professional activities in order to enhance their role as a link between science and invention, and their applications as entrepreneurial innovations. This urges engineers to improve their knowledge, attitudes and technical and humanistic skills and to maintain themselves updated and informed, so as to act as solid facilitators of initiatives, and to participate, dialogue and proactively contribute to adjust the search, selection or generation, and adoption and production of new technologies, to business and market characteristics: their physical and environmental conditions, availability of inputs, the likely management and evolution capacity, idiosyncrasy and economic and social features of the place where engineers offer their proposals or projects. In general terms, insisting on this latter point, it is worth noting that, to compare and assess possible proposals, particularly those aimed at less developed communities or with very traditional life-styles, well-established processes should be found and analyzed carefully since their continuity, improvement or substitution should be subordinated to the circumstances of the need and willingness to change under consideration.
meetings of the Young Engineers Forum Chapter, the Engineering Education for Sustainable Development Chapter, and the Professional Engineering Practice Chapter. Last but not least, they were included within the general Conclusions of the Congress and, as such, read to all the participants of at the final ceremony by the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) authorities. Both the Congress and the Workshop conclusions and recommendations are also included in this book.
In order to give further follow up to the conclusions and recommendations of this Workshop, it is necessary to rise the importance of these issues needs to be addressed within the framework of WFEO, ISTIC, UNESCO and institutions related with engineers globally. To this end it was proposed to bring to the attention of the WFEO General Assembly schedule for September 2011, the initiative of creating a WFEO Committee on Science, Engineering and Innovation to further the initial work carried out in Buenos Aires and to advance towards higher goals in the future.
Finally we want to emphasize the need for support some of the main conclusions and recommendations of this Workshops, such as: 1) to promote the participation of governments of less developed countries in order to consolidate stronger and more able National Innovation Systems (NIS), by reviewing institutional frameworks and linkages between public and private actors, and by giving particular attention to the role of engineers; 2) to promote higher levels of investment in applied technologies and engineering projects from international and multilateral
banks and financial institutions with global impact; 3) to convey to the preparatory meetings for the UN “Rio + 20” Conference, to be held next 2012 in Brazil, the importance of stimulating productive innovation particularly in less and intermediate developed countries as a sustainable strategy for growth and development, paying particular attention to the differences with the more advanced countries, searching for valid alternatives to foster capital risk investments in
technology-oriented projects. This idea could even be extended towards a proposal for developing a set of millennium goals for innovation in less developed countries.
Ondas-K), en las cuales la actividad económica muestra etapas de gran expansi[on seguidas por crisis que se repiten en per[iodos de 50 a 55 años. Shumpeter, Mensch, Clark y Freeman, Carlota Pérez, entre otros muchos, creyeron encontrar una relación con los procesos de invención e innovación tecnológica y su consecuente influencia en la economía. Por otra parte, Trotsky, Mandel, Gordon, Cronin, Screpanti, Barr, Edel son los principales exponentes del desarrollo de una teoría marxista de las ondas largas, a las que presentan como características propias de los sistemas capitalistas. En los setenta, Forrester, van der Zwan, Glismann, Rodemer, Wolter, desarrollaron una teoría de ciclos de inversión del capital, en muchos aspectos similar a la propuesta originalmente por el propio Kondratiev. Por otra parte, Berry, Goldstein y Rostow son los responsables de elaborar una suerte de teorías híbridas. En todos estos casos, los procesos sociales son considerados como endógenos a los procesos económicos. Otra serie de hipótesis, un tanto más totalizadora, sobre el origen de las ondas largas, ha resultado ser aquella basada en las motivaciones psicosociales de carácter intergeneracional. Entre ellas se destacan -con distintas aproximaciones teóricas y predicciones tácticas- los trabajos de Mallmann, Strauss y Howe.
no necesariamente dentro de nuestro sistema solar, habitados por
formas de vida que hayan desarrollado inteligencia- se ha transformado
en nuestra época en materia de investigación científica académica.
Este libro intenta describir la evolución y discusión de estas ideas, desde
Copérnico hasta principios del siglo XX.
Karl S. Guthke es profesor de Historia de la ciencia en la Universidad
de Harvard y este trabajo completa, junto al libro de Steven J.
Dick, Plurality of Worlds: The Origin ofthe Extraterrestrial Life Debate from Democritus to Kant (Cambridge University Press, 1984) y el de
Michael J. Crowe, The Extraterresthal Life Debate 1750-1900: Idea of
a Plurality of Worlds from Kant to Lowell (Cambridge University Press,
1988), la tríada de textos que sobre este tema se han publicado en la
literatura académica internacional.
Las raíces del debate sobre la pluralidad de mundos habitados se
extiende hasta los mismos orígenes de la civilización. En la Grecia
antigua, la escuela epicúrea fue la que se encargó de fundamentar la
hipótesis de vida extráterrestre. El filósofo griego Epicuro (341-270 A.C.)
desarrolló ciertas ideas originadas en Demócrito (456-370 A.C.), Leucipo
(aprox. 500 A.C.) y Anaxímenes (585-525 A.C.) dos siglos antes. La
escuela epicúrea, por ejemplo, elaboró una serie de ideas que podrían
ser atribuidas, por un lector desprevenido, a un científico contemporáneo.
Las mismas sostenían que: 1) la materia está compuesta por átomos;
2) que el presente estado de la naturaleza se debe a un largo
proceso evolutivo y 3) que la vida existe en todas partes en el universo.
y la forma en que operan los procesos mediante los cuales se introducen mejoras tecnológicas en la actividad económica. En general,
el cambio tecnológico resulta ser un proceso mucho más complejo de
lo que suelen mostrar los modelos simplificados de la economía: las
formas de generación de tecnología e innovación en la industria farmacéutica suelen ser muy distintas de las de las tecnologías de la información y de las de la industria aeronáutica.
A través de los años, los escritos sobre los procesos de innovación
tecnológica de Nathan Rosenberg se han transformado en clásicos
de la literatura especializada. Han recibido elogiosos comentarios
por su claridad y lucidez y hasta se han transformado en textos obligados -aun en nuestro país- en los cursos de política y gestión de la
ciencia y la tecnología. Instituciones como la OECD suelen citar tanto
sus trabajos técnicos como sus obras más generales. Entre estas últimas se deben destacar Perspectives on Technology (1976), Inside
the Black Box (1982) y Technology and the Persuit of Economic
Growíh (1989), en colaboración con David C. Mowery.
We corroborate that 49.4% of the total number of LPs within this period, were based on newspapers’ articles. The elaboration time (between the publication and entrance to the Congress dates) of this type of LPs follows a Poisson distribution with an average time between 8 and 11 days. Within the 405 LPs of our sample that are based on newspapers articles: 12.1% quoted the sources; 9.1 % quoted the press but not the source; 24.4% made “copy and paste” of the article text without quoting the source; 27.5% re-wrote the article text without quoting the source; and with the last 26.9% we found a thematic and sequential coincidence
between the original newspaper article and the LP. We make a deep analysis of the different correlations among categories of projects, thematic areas, political parties, regions, science and technology institutions, etc. We show that the most influential newspapers in order of absolute importance are La Nación, Clarín and Página 12.
Se analizan las fuentes que utilizan los diputados nacionales de Argentina para elaborar sus proyectos legislativos (PL) referidos a las actividades de ciencia, tecnología e innovación productiva (ACTI). Utilizando herramientas de análisis de contenido se evalúa la importancia que tiene la prensa escrita como insumo para la elaboración de dichos PL. Para ello se examinan 819 PL de declaración, resolución y ley que oportunamente fueran girados, a la Comisión de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Argentina, entre los años 2000 y 2003. En cada caso se contrasta los textos de cada PL con artículos periodísticos publicados en los principales medios del país, hasta 120 días antes que la fecha de presentación de cada PL ante la Mesa de Entradas de la Cámara de Diputados. Se corrobora que el 49,4 % de los PL presentados en ese período estuvieron inspirados en artículos publicados en la prensa nacional y provincial. Se determina que el tiempo de elaboración de este tipo de PL sigue una distribución de Poisson con un tiempo medio entre 8 y 11 días. De los 405 PL basados en artículos periodísticos de nuestra muestra el 12,1% citaron las fuentes; el 9,1 % lo hizo en forma genérica sin citar al medio; el 24,4 % copió textualmente la noticia sin aclarar que fue tomada de la prensa; el 27,5% re-escribió el texto sin citar la fuente y el 26,9% restante muestra una coincidencia temática-secuencial entre el artículo periodístico y el PL. Se hace un análisis pormenorizado de las diferentes correlaciones por tipo de proyecto, área temática, partido político, región del país, institución científico-tecnológica, etc. Se muestra que los periódicos de mayor influencia absoluta en orden decreciente son: La Nación, Clarín y Página 12.
policies and their context. This programme is helping UNESCO Member States to create local capacity for analysing SETI evidence-based policies to detect gaps and introduce reforms and upgrades to their national innovation systems and its governance. It promotes building capacity to monitor and evaluate the policy performance, through a structural analysis (covering the explicit policy, the SETI national ecosystem, the legal framework and operational policy instruments),
because such analysis points to implicit policies and gaps, and situates the performance of each individual national policy. In this way, the scope of standard SETI assessment can be widened, to consider country-specific contexts, as well as emerging knowledge of technological advances that contribute to sustainable development. While complementing efforts to promote evidence based SETI policymaking as well as efforts to evaluate policy performance, GO-SPIN offers a good
baseline for the promotion of national scientific and technological foresight studies.
SETI policy priorities must be intricately linked to national objectives and visions, which are embedded within broader development strategies and trajectories. A SETI policy framework with a transformational focus aimed at sustainable development can support shared objectives such as the SDGs and other national and global priorities, as well as other UN commitments and Recommendations. For instance, GO-SPIN is contributing for monitoring the implementation of the recent UNESCO Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers, as well as the
forthcoming recommendations on ‘Open Science’ and ‘Ethics of Artificial Intelligence’.
SETI policies are implemented through various policy instruments with different features and focus which are often combined in “policy mixes” requiring coordination, consistency, and coherence across government. Differences in the levels of maturity of countries’ National Innovation Systems (NIS) require different SETI policies and instruments.
Nevertheless, the lack of, or weaknesses in data, information, indicators, and capabilities to formulate, analyse and monitor SETI policies and instruments continue to be a major challenge in many countries. Consequently, UNESCO’s GO-SPIN programme was designed to fill these gaps.
Science, engineering, technology, and innovation activities are becoming increasingly important for socio- economic and sustainable development. During the past 60 years, both developed and developing countries have recognized this fact by increasing the complexity of SETI ecosystem, establishing new SETI legal frameworks, and implementing a diverse set of new SETI operational policy instruments. This has driven investment in scientific research, technological development, and innovation, led to an increase in the number of scientists and engineers and fostered exponential growth in the number of new scientific articles and patents worldwide (UNESCO 2015b, 2021c).
The information economy is one of the key concepts invented to explain structural changes to the modern economy (Godin 2008). The infrastructure to manage SETI information has been largely considered the core resource of national competitiveness in research and innovation
(Neelameghan and Tocatlian 1985). With the globalization of SETI information infrastructure has come a need to implement comprehensive strategies to connect, share and trade both domestic
and foreign information at the national level (Lee and Kim 2009). The GO-SPIN methodological approach helps member states to identify, standardize, monitor, and analyse the relevant variables in order to generate evidence base policies.
The formulation of adequate SETI policies is critical to tackling contemporary challenges that include mitigating the consequences of global climate change; exploring new energy sources; generating innovation to foster social inclusion; promoting the sustainable management and conservation of freshwater, terrestrial resources, and biodiversity; disaster resilience; fostering the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, as well as, mitigating the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. These policies also need to be designed to achieve the different dimensions of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The GO-SPIN methodological approach has been recently included by the United Nations InterAgency Task Team (IATT) on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Roadmaps, as one of the tools used to understand the relation between STI and the achievement of SDGs targets, and to consolidate –among different UN agencies– a shared framework and common language across these different professional communities that are
rooted in public, private, academic, civil society, and international organizations (UN Technology Facilitation Mechanism 2020).
In the following sections, we present a series of definitions and concepts on how to design, implement, monitor, and analyse SETI policies. Particularly, we introduce a brief description of the GO-SPIN theoretical framework in terms of the main analytical units (e.g., content analysis of the SETI policies; SETI legal framework, SETI ecosystem, and SETI operational policy instruments). After giving some examples of different policy instruments associated with each individual analytical unit,
we describe the guidelines to complete the survey’s templates for the construction of the national inventories of (1) SETI legal framework; (2) SETI institutional ecosystem; and (3) SETI operational policy instruments. We provide specific instructions on how to complete each individual field from the abovementioned surveys.
same in socio-economic development.
In 2020, UNESCO and the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) launched the project “Strengthening STI Systems for Sustainable Development in Africa,” designed to strengthen institutional and human capacities for monitoring and implementation of the 2017 Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers (RSSR). As a continuity of UNESCO’s support for the development of STI roadmap, and to contribute to its future implementation, the United Republic of Tanzania has been included in the list of the six beneficiary countries for this new project, with Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and COSTECH as the national co-host institutions. The project aims at ensuring UNESCO’s effective delivery of advice, technical assistance, and capacity-building in SETI for policies and policy instruments.
UNESCO’s project “Strengthening STI Systems for Sustainable Development in Africa” will also support Tanzania’s National STI Policy implementation.
As part of the UNESCO-SIDA project, Tanzania has been conducting systematic assessment of the SETI national ecosystem, SETI policies, SETI legal instruments and operational policy instruments with the objective of identifying opportunities, challenges, gaps, and needs in relation to the ability to the implementation of the 2017 RSSR using UNESCO’s GO-SPIN methodological approach. The information produced by Tanzania will be uploaded to the GO-SPIN online
platform in order to allow benchmarking and to improve monitoring of the SETI policy performance. Potential gaps in the legal framework and the policy instruments have been identified and policy interventions might be taken to design new policy instruments and mechanisms to strengthen the SETI policy performance in the country. The activity also aims to strengthen the capacity of government officials, policy makers and researchers to design inclusive STI policies that better implement the 2017 RSSR and support the SDGs.
In this context, UNESCO organized in the city of Morogoro (United Republic of Tanzania) a 3-day GOSPIN Methodological and Data Collection Training for representatives of different national ministries, governmental offices, Academy of Science, Parliamentarians, Universities from Tanzania, and Zanzibar. Here on we present the agenda of the workshop, the abstracts of each individual GO-SPIN lectures and copies of the different presentations.
At the African Union Summit in June 2014, the Heads of State and Government adopted the Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa and underscored the recognition of the critical role STI plays in the development of the member countries. In a rapidly advancing
scientific and technological era, there is the need to understand the state of the STI systems in Africa and the extent to which they lend themselves to harnessing the resources of the continent and utilize same in socio-economic development.
In 2020, UNESCO and the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) launched the project “Strengthening STI Systems for Sustainable Development in Africa,” designed to strengthen institutional and human capacities for monitoring and implementation of the 2017 Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers (RSSR). As a continuity of UNESCO’s support for the development of STI roadmap, and to contribute to its future implementation, the Republic of Ghana has been included in the list of the six beneficiary countries for this new
project, with the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MESTI) and the Council of Scientific and Industrial research (CSIR) as the national co-host institutions. The project aims at ensuring UNESCO’s effective delivery of advice, technical assistance, and capacity building in SETI for policies and policy instruments.UNESCO’s project “Strengthening STI Systems for Sustainable Development in Africa” will also support Ghana’s National STI Policy implementation.
As part of the UNESCO-SIDA project, Ghana has been conducting systematic assessment of the SETI national ecosystem, SETI policies, SETI legal instruments and operational policy instruments with the objective of identifying opportunities, challenges, gaps, and needs in relation to the ability to the implementation of the 2017 RSSR using UNESCO’s GO-SPIN methodological approach. The information produced by Ghana will be uploaded to the GO-SPIN online platform
in order to allow benchmarking and to improve monitoring of the SETI policy performance.
Potential gaps in the legal framework and the policy instruments have been identified and policy interventions might be taken to design new policy instruments and mechanisms to strengthen the SETI policy performance in the country. The activity also aims to strengthen the capacity of government officials, policy makers and researchers to design inclusive STI policies that better implement the 2017 RSSR and support the SDGs.
In this context, UNESCO organized in Accra (Republic of Ghana) a 2-day GO-SPIN Methodological and Data Collection Training for representatives of different national ministries, governmental offices, Academy of Sciences, Parliamentarians, Universities from Ghana, representatives from the private sector. Here on we present the agenda of the workshop, the abstracts of each individual GO-SPIN lectures and copies of the different presentations by the author.