Papers by Salwa AL Majali

International journal of data and network science, 2024
This research investigates the adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by Micr... more This research investigates the adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Corporations (MSMEs) in Jordan. The research formulates and examines hypotheses on factors affecting ICT adoption morals via the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The suggested concept, which utilizes Structural Equation Modelling (ESM), highlights the critical responsibilities that social influence and perceived utility play in affecting choices to adopt ICT. It is noteworthy that MSMEs confront a multiple of obstacles when it comes to adopting ICT, encompassing restrictions in terms of infrastructure and resources, shortages of human capital, and hardships in the technology environment. Data were gathered from 305 MSMEs, and outcomes shed light on important factors to boost the impact of ICT integration in the special setting of Jordanian MSMEs.
Utopía y praxis latinoamericana: revista internacional de filosofía iberoamericana y teoría social, 2019
The impact of family violence on the social and psychological development of the child El impacto... more The impact of family violence on the social and psychological development of the child El impacto de la violencia familiar en el desarrollo social y psicológico del niño.

Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences, 2003
Ȫ°ùjO 2003 á«°ùØaedGh ájƒHÎdG Ωƒ∏©dG á∏› »Ñ°ü©dG ¿ƒdƒ≤dG è«¡J áeRÓàe ≈°VôŸ á«Ñ°üY ¢ùØaedG ¢üFÉ°ü... more Ȫ°ùjO 2003 á«°ùØaedGh ájƒHÎdG Ωƒ∏©dG á∏› »Ñ°ü©dG ¿ƒdƒ≤dG è«¡J áeRÓàe ≈°VôŸ á«Ñ°üY ¢ùØaedG ¢üFÉ°üÿG äGÒ≤°ûdG øªMôdGóÑY óªfi .O ‹ÉÛG ¬∏dGóÑY iƒ∏°S áJD ƒe á©eÉL /¢ùØaedG º∏Y º°ùb áJD ƒe á©eÉL /¢ùØaedG º∏Y º°ùb ¢ü````î∏ŸG è«¡J áeRÓàe ≈°VôŸ á«Ñ°üY-¢ùØaedG ¢üFÉ°üÿG ≈∏Y ±ô©àdG ¤E G á°SGQódG √òg âaóg ¿ƒdƒ≤`dG è«`¡J áeRÓàà k É° †jôe (25) øe á«ÑjôéàdG É¡àae«Y âfƒµJ .»Ñ°ü©dG ¿ƒdƒ≤dG k É«ë°U k ɪ«∏°S k É°üî°T (30) øe á````£HÉ° †dG É``¡àae«Yh ,(çÉfE 'G øe 18 h QƒcP 7) »Ñ°ü©dG ¢ùØaedG äGQÉÑàN'G øe áYƒª› á°SGQódG áae«Y OGôaC G ≈∏Y ≥ÑW .(çÉfE 'G øe 21 h QƒcP 9) áeRÓàe ≈°VôŸ IÉ«◊G á«Yƒf ¢SÉ«≤eh ,ÜÉÄàcÓd ∂«H ¢SÉ«≤e º¡«∏Y ≥ÑW ɪc ,á«Ñ°üY-.»Ñ°ü©dG ¿ƒdƒ≤dG è«¡J √ÉÑàf'G ' π∏N øe ¿ƒfÉ©j »Ñ°ü©dG ¿ƒdƒ≤dG è«¡J áeRÓàe ≈°Vôe ¿C G ¤E G èFÉàaedG äQÉ°TC G ,IOôÛG ÒµØàdG äÉ«∏ªY ' π∏N ∂dòch ,á« ¶Ø∏dG ÒZh á« ¶Ø∏dG ±ô©àdG IôcGPh ,õ«cÎdGh IÉ«◊G á«Yƒf iƒà°ùe ÊóJh ,ÜÉÄàc'G áLQO ´ÉØJQG ¤E G áaÉ°VE 'ÉH ,äÓµ°ûŸG πMh .º¡jód

International Journal of Data and Network Science
In this study, the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on Jordanian high school students’ reading habits ... more In this study, the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on Jordanian high school students’ reading habits and attitudes was examined. COVID-19 has indeed affected education systems all over the world; education institutions all over the world were compelled to implement innovative technological approaches so that education could still be delivered to students, fulfilling the academic expectations, while the Sustainable Learning and Education (SLE) ideals are consistently embraced. One of these approaches has been the use of mobile learning applications (MLA). These applications (MLAs) employ some prominent features of mobile apps, to allow students to collaborate and participate in purposeful online learning. Still, the success of any technology is dictated by the acceptance of the user, in this context, the acceptance of students. In other words, student acceptance of MLA will determine the success of MLA. Accordingly, the effect of COVID-19 lockdown on the information behavior of high scho...

International Journal of Data and Network Science
This study investigated the relationship between the digital gap and the intention of Jordanians ... more This study investigated the relationship between the digital gap and the intention of Jordanians towards e-government usage. It focused on three components of the digital divide namely access, skills, and innovativeness. In addition, the research investigated how socio-demographic factors influence this connection. Data comprised 620 valid replies to questionnaires issued to 700 Jordanian citizens aged 22 and older who resided in urban and rural areas. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26 and Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) version 24 were employed in data analyses and hypotheses testing. The results showed that all three aspects of the digital divide had a significant influence (access, skills, and innovativeness) on the intent of Jordanian citizens to utilize e-government, and the dimension of access imparted the strongest impact, followed by the dimension of skills and then the dimension of innovativeness. Additionally, it was discovered that gender,...

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
The purpose of this study is to recognize the relationship between emotional arousal and the skil... more The purpose of this study is to recognize the relationship between emotional arousal and the skillful self of basketball players in the UAE universities. Therefore, the researchers employ the survey methodology's descriptive approach to the nature of this study. The sample of this study consisted of (44) male and female players from the national teams participating in the Sports Federation Championship for Higher Education Institutions (HESF), which were chosen by random method. Also, the researchers used the two scales of Abdel-Rida (2002) for emotional arousal, which consisted of (31) items, as well as the skillful self- scale which consisted of (42) paragraphs and was previously used. After applying the tool, extracting the results of the study and processing them statistically, the researchers concluded that the UAE university basketball players possess a high emotional arousal at a rate of less than (0.05), with a low skillful self- level amounted to (0.28), which is not si...

An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)
The present correlational, quantitative research aimed to examine the relationship between identi... more The present correlational, quantitative research aimed to examine the relationship between identity styles and conformity. To do so, a probability sample of 365 students were selected from Islamic Azad University – Shahr-e Rey Branch, Iran. among whom the conformity and identity styles questionnaires were distributed. The degrees of correlation between these two variables were determined by Pearson's bivariate correlation coefficient. The findings showed that there is a positive correlation between each of these identity styles and conformity. However, this relationship was only significant between the diffuse/avoidant identity style and conformity. The limitations and suggestions for further research are also mentioned in the present paper. البحث الإرتباطي والكمي الحالي يهدف إلى الكشف عن العلاقة بين أنماط الهوية والإمتثال، وتم توزيع إستبيان الإمتثال وأنماط الهوية على عينة إحتمالية مكونة من 365 شخص، وتم تحديد درجات التباين بين هذين المتغيرين من خلال إختبار بيرسون، وكشفت النتائج ...
International Journal of Instruction, Apr 1, 2023
The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of using a therapeutic program that includes fu... more The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of using a therapeutic program that includes fun therapy, and modify the negative thoughts and their trends towards the exam during the lecture and before the exam to alleviate the feelings of fear and anxiety among the students. The sample includes 256 students from Al Ain University of Science and Technology who are between 18-22 years of age. The researcher used a pre-test and a post-test for the same group. The results of the study showed that there is a statistical significant difference due to the use of the therapeutic program within 3 months for the same sample of the study. The researcher recommended that the use of entertainment has an impact in modifying the direction of students towards tests and reducing the affiliated anxiety

Vestnik of Russian military medical Academy, 2019
Cпастичность-это один из наиболее частых симптомов поражения верхнего двигательного нейрона, имею... more Cпастичность-это один из наиболее частых симптомов поражения верхнего двигательного нейрона, имеющий значительную (более, чем 12 млн человек) популяционную распространенность. Этот симптом определяется у 20-40 % выживших после инсульта. [1]. Спастичность, являясь сама по себе серьёзной проблемой, сопровождается рядом осложнений, что еще больше ограничивает возможности пациентов и резко снижает перспективы восстановления. Поиск путей и разработка различных подходов к лечению спастичности происходит перманентно на протяжении последних 150 лет. Внедрение в клиническую практику ботулинотерапии явилось прорывом в лечении спастичности. Вместе с тем, основные положения методологии таргетного (прицельного) введения БоНТ до настоящего времени не отработаны [2]. Таким образом, разработка вариантов терапии спастичности остаются актуальными. В связи с этим достаточно перспективно изучение эффективности применения комбинированных методов лечения, в том числе фармакотерапии с использованием мирелаксантов центрального действия и БоНТ. цель исследования. Оценить терапевтическую эффективность комбинации миорелаксантов центрального (баклофен) и периферического (ботулотоксин типа А) действия при лечении постинсультной спастичности. Материалы и методы. В исследование были включены 96 пациентов обоих полов в возрасте от 31 до 68 лет, перенёсших острое нарушение мозгового кровообращения по ишемическому типу давностью от 1 месяца до трёх лет (протокол исследования был одобрен локальным этическим комитетом Военно-медицинской академии, обследованные были проинформированы о целях исследования и подписали информированное согласие). Все больные были разделены на две группы, репрезентативные по полу, возрасту, тяжести заболевания и степени спастичности. В 1-ой группе (56 пациентов) лечение осуществлялось исключительно инкоботулотоксином (Ксеомином). Во 2-ой группе (40 больных) для лечения спастичности использовалось комбинация препаратов Ксеомин и баклофен (Баклосан). Осмотр пациентов проводился четырехкратно: перед введением Ксеомина, через 25±3 дня; через 90±10 дней и через 120±10 дней после введения Ксеомина. Препарат вводился в спастичные мышцы верхней и нижней конечностей в максимальной для них дозировке [3] после диагностики с применением приёмов мануального тестирования. Общая дозировка достигала 800 ед, что согласовалось с данными полученными в результате исследования эффективности и безопасности применения инкоботулотоксина (Ксеомин) TOWER [4]. Точность введения контролировалась ультразвуковой навигацией. Баклосан применялся перорально в таблетках по 10 мг три раза в день, начиная со 2-ого осмотра, при общей продолжительности курса 95±10 дней. Для оценки спастичности использовались: шкала силы мышечного сокращения и объема произвольных движений (MRCS) модифицированные шкалы Эшворта (MAS) и Тардье (MTS), шкалы Бартел и Рэнкин, индекс мобильности Ривермид (RMI), тест комфортной ходьбы (КХ), Лидская шкала влияния спастичности руки на деятельность (LASIS), а также визуальная аналоговая шкала (ВАШ) [5]. Также всем пациентам второй группы выполнялась электронейромиография (ЭНМГ): М-ответ, Н-рефлекс, F-волна и определение соотношений Н/М и F/M и транскраниальная магнитная стимуляция (ТМС): время центрального проведения. Расчёт и статистическая обработка баллов по MAS достигалась обозначением значения «+1», как 1,5. Результаты и их обсуждение. Анализ полученных результатов показывал, что достоверная положительная клиническая динамика (p<0,05) при применении БоНТ наблюдалась во всех мышцах в обеих исследуемых группах. Ко 2-ому осмотру улучшение движений определялось в плечевом, локтевом, коленном, лучезапястном, коленном и голеностопном суставах. Этот эффект продолжал развиваться и к 3-ему осмотру, достигая своей максимальной выраженности. Во время 4-ого осмотра определялось некоторое ухудшение по анализируемым показателям, которые при этом не изменялись статистически значимо по сравнению с 3-им осмотром, но достоверно отличались от исходного уровня (табл. 1, 2). Отдельного внимания заслуживает динамика показателей индексов Тардье (ИТ): ИТ V1 и ИТ V3. В обеих группах достоверные изменения ИТ V1 определялись только к 3-ему осмотру. Выраженность этих изменений сохранялась примерно на том же уровне и при проведении 4-ого осмотра. Показатели ИТ V3 оказались более волатильными. Их изменения были достоверны уже при 2-ом осмотре, улучшение статистически значимо продолжало нарастать к 3-ему, и так же достоверно (p<0,05) снижаться при 4-ом осмотре. Это позволяет сделать вывод о том, что эффект БоНТ проявлялся прежде всего в уменьшении реактивности мышцы, в то время как ее растяжимость нарастает существенно медленнее, но, достигнув наиболее значимого эффекта, сохраняет его гораздо дольше.

International Journal of Instruction, 2020
In the modern society of the twenty-first century, the values of tolerance, respect and openness ... more In the modern society of the twenty-first century, the values of tolerance, respect and openness are the basis for the successful development of the individual, so it is important to properly shape the attitude towards them among students during their university studies. This study is aimed to identify the values of tolerance of university students in relation to academic achievements and study variables in the United Arab Emirates. The descriptive and correlative approaches are used, as they are relevant for the study. The questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection, the sample of the study consisted of 200 students from different universities in the UAE. The results show that the respondents have a tolerance of 83.5% in the following order: positive competition, softness, peace with oneself, social responsibility, openness, cultural diversity, assistance, participation, altruism, respect and appreciation, peace with others, equality and finally justice. The results of the study also indicate a positive correlation between the values of tolerance. Moreover, as the results indicate, there are statistical differences in the tolerance level of females, which is higher than the average tolerance among males. The results also indicate that there are statistically significant differences in tolerance among students, due to the culture variable in favor of UAE nationality. The results also show that there are no statistically significant differences in tolerance among the students due to the variable of the year of study.

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 2020
Nowadays, children live in the world of modern technologies, which have be-come an integral part ... more Nowadays, children live in the world of modern technologies, which have be-come an integral part of our daily life. Therefore, it is very important to study the influence of the digital world on the child, especially on his personality de-velopment. The impact of the digital world on personality disorder is not enough studied in the UAE and is relevant. The cause of personality disorder in an adult can be mental health problems as a child, namely, emotional instability, excessive fear and anxiety, behavioral problems. The purpose of our research is to evaluate the relationship between the dependence of children on the Internet and the mental health of a child. The study involved 463 students from public and private schools in Dubai aged from 8 to 16 years. Internet Addiction Test, IAT, C. Young (Kimberley S. Young, 1996) was used to determine the level of Internet addiction The Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ, 2015) was used to determine the degree of psychological heal...

Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 2022
This study aimed to identify the psychological and social effects of distance education from the ... more This study aimed to identify the psychological and social effects of distance education from the viewpoints of students' guardians in Jordan. The study sample comprised 1206 guardians, of whom 71% have completed their undergraduate studies or a higher level. Furthermore, 62% of participants aged more than 35 years. Results also indicated that 34% of participants have children studying in primary education, 21.9% have children studying in primary and secondary education, and 13.4% have children studying in all levels of education. The researchers developed the 'psychological and social effects of distance education' scale. After being measured, the scale was electronically sent to the study sample. Findings showed that the psychological and social effects of distance education on guardians were significant. Moreover, students' level of social activity was moderate, they have become less active, and their use of social media sites has increased. In addition, results indicated that the psychological and social impact significantly differs in terms of parents' level of education. Results also showed that the psychological and social effects of distance education on students' guardians do not differ in terms of the number of schoolchildren. Instead, all guardians, with any number of schoolchildren, were negatively affected.

Natural Hazards, 2020
High-quality waveforms of the vertical and horizontal components of 1356 seismic events recorded ... more High-quality waveforms of the vertical and horizontal components of 1356 seismic events recorded from 2013 to 2016 by the Dominican Republic’s seismic network, were analyzed to study the local spatial distribution of the coda frequency-dependent attenuation Qc(f)−1. Qc(f) was estimated at central frequencies of 1.5 (± 0.5), 3.0 (± 1.0), 6.0 (± 2.0), and 12.0 (± 4.0) Hz and interpreted by considering the single backscattering model. Our results of the attenuation of coda waves may explain why some regions of the Dominican Republic (DR) are more prone to suffer damage due to earthquakes than other areas. The majority of the cities and towns in the DR that were severely damaged by earthquakes in the past are located in zones of low and very low coda wave attenuation. In contrast, cities located in zones of high Qc(f)−1 tend to suffer less damage. Our findings identify regions with low seismic attenuation that reflect zones with soft soils that could be impacted by future large events in the DR. These results can be used as a tool for planning seismic hazard mitigation and emergency response as well as for land use regulations.
Physical condition plays an important role in a person’s life, but emotional is also important. T... more Physical condition plays an important role in a person’s life, but emotional is also important. The purpose of this study was to clarify the connection between negative emotions and physical state. To collect information for the study, it was decided to divide it into two parts. The first part was a consultation with employees of the Dubai Clinic. The next stage was a survey of students who had to evaluate their emotional state over the past six months, and also to report if any negative emotions caused them physical discomfort. Negative emotions have a negative effect on all body systems and can cause serious health problems. A survey of students showed that each of them experienced negative emotions at least once every six months. To teach everyone to manage negative emotions, free lectures, seminars and special psychological training can be organized.

Journal of Community Psychology
Abstract This study aims to assess depression and anxiety levels among individuals, who are deaf ... more Abstract This study aims to assess depression and anxiety levels among individuals, who are deaf during the lockdown throughout the first wave of the pandemic United Arab Emirates. The sample of the study consisted of 36 (n = 36) individuals aged 20.3 ± 1.2 years, who were deaf from birth. The respondents were divided into two groups; (1) those who were living with their parents (n = 20), (2) those who were independently living on their own (n = 16). Results of the study indicated that from May to October, there was decrease in the number of normal mental health cases among those living with parents (p ≤ 0.05). The results of the study show that in the time of the pandemic, deaf people constitute a vulnerable portion of the population. The correlation between living alone and stress levels was 0.78. The correlation between living with parents and stress levels was −0.85.
International Journal of Instruction
Medwell , 2018
The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of using a therapeutic program that includes fu... more The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of using a therapeutic program that includes fun therapy, and modify the negative thoughts and their trends towards the exam during the lecture and before the exam to alleviate the feelings of fear and anxiety among the students. The sample includes (256) students from Al Ain University of Science and Technology who are between (18-22) years of age. The researcher used a pre-test and a post-test for the same group. The results of the study showed that there is a statistical significant difference due to the use of the therapeutic program within 3 months for the same sample of the study. The researcher recommended that the use of entertainment has an impact in modifying the direction of students towards tests and reducing the affiliated anxiety.
Papers by Salwa AL Majali