Papers by Francisco Francés
El artículo propone un análisis de la significación participativa y la comunicación deliberativa ... more El artículo propone un análisis de la significación participativa y la comunicación deliberativa presentes en los procesos de participación ciudadana vinculados a las decisiones públicas. El principal objetivo radica en analizar en qué condiciones se produce la deliberación y qué efectos cognitivos y valorativos produce en los participantes, con el fin de articular decisiones colectivas y acción institucional. Como soporte pragmático y empírico de las ideas trabajadas, se utiliza la figura del presupuesto participativo, que constituye un espacio de participación orientado a la propuesta, deliberación y toma de decisiones relacionadas con la política pública. El texto concluye señalando la importancia de aspectos como la valoración de la solidaridad y la democracia interna en las asambleas ciudadanas, la valoración del tiempo y la información disponibles para el debate o la percepción del grado de compromiso institucional como factores que influyen en la calidad deliberativa de proce...
El artículo propone un análisis de la significación participativa y la comunicación deliberativa ... more El artículo propone un análisis de la significación participativa y la comunicación deliberativa presentes en los procesos de participación ciudadana vinculados a las decisiones públicas. El principal objetivo radica en analizar en qué condiciones se produce la deliberación y qué efectos cognitivos y valorativos produce en los participantes, con el fin de articular decisiones colectivas y acción institucional. Como soporte pragmático y empírico de las ideas trabajadas, se utiliza la figura del presupuesto participativo, que constituye un espacio de participación orientado a la propuesta, deliberación y toma de decisiones relacionadas con la política pública. El texto concluye señalando la importancia de aspectos como la valoración de la solidaridad y la democracia interna en las asambleas ciudadanas, la valoración del tiempo y la información disponibles para el debate o la percepción del grado de compromiso institucional como factores que influyen en la calidad deliberativa de procesos participativos ligados a las decisiones públicas.
Abstract. Deliberative Interaction in Participation Processes Concerning Public Decisions This article analyzes the participatory significance and deliberative communication that must be present in citizen participation processes concerning public decisions. The main purpose is to examine the conditions in which deliberation is produced and the cognitive and appreciatory effects of deliberation on the participants in order to articulate collective decisions and institutional action. Participatory budgeting is used as a pragmatic and empirical framework for the ideas under consideration. This experience constitutes a sphere for participation oriented toward proposals, deliberation and decision making on public policy. The paper concludes that aspects such as the assessment of solidarity and internal democracy within citizen assemblies, time and information for the debate or the degree of institutional commitment are important factors that influence the deliberative quality of participative processes concerning public decisions.
Nel 2011 la Spagna ha visto una mobilitazione, quasi senza precedenti, che ha avuto come protagon... more Nel 2011 la Spagna ha visto una mobilitazione, quasi senza precedenti, che ha avuto come protagonista le diverse piattaforme di cittadini che hanno animato gli Indignados e il fenomeno del movimento 15M. La mobilitazione ha comportato una serie di manifestazioni, assemblee e proteste di natura non partitica, che hanno ottenuto una percezione positiva da parte del 70% degli spagnoli 1 . Nel caso dei giovani, circa il 60% ha indicato che si trattava di un movimento che sarebbe dovuto continuare nel tempo (Studio CIS 2919-2011). Da allora tante voci, provenienti dalle scienze politiche, dalla sociologia e dalla psicologia sociale, hanno sostenuto l'idea che si fosse formata una cittadinanza critica, definita dalla volontà di prendere parte allo spazio pubblico per difendere principi quali la dignità, la giustizia e l'equità. Queste prese di posizione si basano sull'idea che si sia raggiunto un punto critico nella disaffezione politica rispetto agli attori socio-politici tradizionali (in particolare i partiti politici, ma anche i sindacati e le organizzazioni imprenditoriali), che ha portato alla nascita di movimenti che chiedono un cambiamento nel circuito della rappresentanza politica e nei modelli di gestione pubblica. D'accordo con questa interpretazione, si sarebbe raggiunto tra i cittadini un sufficiente grado di maturità e di motivazione per partecipare alla cosa pubblica, occupandosi di temi che fino a quel momento erano confinati in uno spazio politico di tipo corporativo. La mobilitazione politica si sarebbe prodotta come 1 Martí i Puig S., 15M: The indignados, in Bryne J. (ed.), The Occupy Handbook, Back Bay Books, New York 2011.
The notion of social capital has been discussed in detail in the research literature, and its com... more The notion of social capital has been discussed in detail in the research literature, and its components have been analyzed. However, little research has been conducted into the internal influence relationships between them so as to determine explanatory orders and differentiate between elements which are causes and elements which, on the other hand, are a product or consequence of the former in social capital formation. This article presents the testing and empirical assessment of a model comprising four key variables in this area: sociability, associative activity, identification with everyday spatiality and solidarity. The analysis results show the mportance of the variable “informal sociability” in the case of Spain for the development of the remaining elements comprising social capital, as well as the mediating role of the spatial dimension. These aspects are relatively opaque in many analyses about this concept.
Questioning the social spiral deriving from participation has flared up the debate regarding the ... more Questioning the social spiral deriving from participation has flared up the debate regarding the place it occupies in contemporary democracies. It does not seem possible to deny the evidence that many studies have pointed to regarding the political attitudes associated with institutionalised participation
(associations). But we question in this study the fact that the whole participation phenomenon is equated with that type of participation.
Our paper compares different ways of participation in a sample of European countries to, first, analyse the activities that can be linked to each form of participation and whether it can be held that they are different from the point of view of the individual. Second, we analyse the attitudes that lead individuals to choose one option over the other. We conclude that for individuals the different forms of participation are different forms of political engagement. Our study shows an evolution in non-institutional forms of participation over time that is difficult to ignore, from being expressions bordering illegality to taking them as mormalised tools for citizens. We could now start to consider them from the point of view of the implications they have for democracy as a different way to exercise political influence.
Participation has undergone a communicative shift, which has favoured the organization of new par... more Participation has undergone a communicative shift, which has favoured the organization of new participatory processes based on classic principles of deliberation theory. These experiments go beyond traditional protest: they include a communicative element with the aim of defining a public politics, which places them alongside models of deliberative governance. The present work sets out the characteristics of these new instruments
(participatory budgeting, PB) in order to find out which problems deliberative governance initiatives are faced with. The conclusions tell us that the inequalities in participation are
significant. Nevertheless, PB enables most participants to make effective use of their opportunities for deliberation. From this standpoint, the challenge for deliberative governance does not seem to be the deliberative capabilities of individuals, but rather the design of participatory procedures and the participation of individuals. We may question whether the administration can guarantee impartial political spaces that
are as inclusive as possible.
This paper analyzes the way participants change their mind in a deliberative forum. Its contribut... more This paper analyzes the way participants change their mind in a deliberative forum. Its contribution lies in studying the extent to which these changes persist over time. We start from Mackie’s assumption that changes of opinion in a deliberative context cannot be interpreted by considering isolated variables, but must be based on individual attitudinal networks in which preferences are embedded. The results show that certain changes after deliberation are not maintained by some individuals. The paper details the importance of certain variables in the change of opinion in the short and long term, as
well as the relationship that exists between different attitudes (information, preferences, beliefs and political effi cacy) at three different times before and after deliberation.
The article presents an analysis around the key explanations that account for the process of soci... more The article presents an analysis around the key explanations that account for the process of social capital formation and strategies for integration into Spanish society of European foreign residents in the Region of Valencia. The working hypothesis handles the existence of two distinct discourses, classified as integration discourse and coexistence discourse. The results show how the variables “age” and “job position” largely determine the assignment to one or another discourses, while maintaining common elements such as individual
conception of the process of integration into civil society and the instrumental account of nationality. This reveals that the process of building social capital of European foreigners make up a very different paradigm explaining the nature of the processes underlying immigration from outside. The article ends with a dimensional analysis of different elements of social capital and its relationship to the reality of European foreign
residents in the Valencian Community.
This paper shows the increasing trend of Spanish young people towards non-conventional mechanisms... more This paper shows the increasing trend of Spanish young people towards non-conventional mechanisms of political expression, in a crisis context which has reduced its reliance on traditional political actors. As an alternative to bipartisanship, political participation moves towards increased interest and attention to new players, such as emergent political parties. Using a covariance structural model, factors such as political activism, awareness and understanding of country problems, and trust in the political system, are explored in order to explain an electoral behavior that is undergoing deep changes.
La théorie démocratique a connu ces dernieres années un tournant communicationnel, qui a favorisé... more La théorie démocratique a connu ces dernieres années un tournant communicationnel, qui a favorisé l'organisation d'expériences participatives reposant sur certains principes de la théorie déLibérative, et notamment ceux d'inclusion et d' égalité des participants ala délibération, Le développement des budgets participatifs au cours des dix dernieres années off re un excellent cadre analytique pour tester dans queLle mesure ces expériences mettent en ceuvre les príncipes d'inclusion et de participation égalitaire a la délibération. Cet article cherche acontextualiser l'analyse des budgets participatifs, en prenant en compte leur significatíon el la fa~on dont ils se déroulent, apartir d'une recherche comparée au Brésil. en Espagne, en France et en ALlemagne. Il s'agit en particulier d'interroger l'opposítíon óu la tension faite dans la théoríe politique entre participation et délibération. Il est évident que la délibération demande des espaces de réflexion que les dispositifs participatifs ne peuvent pas offrir. Ace titre. les budgets participatifs visent a concilier ces deux dimensions. Lobjectif de ce papier est ainsi de comprendre les différences entre ces dispositifs selon le contexte politique dans lequel ils se déploient. Les résultats de cette recherche permettent de mieux comprendre comment articuler les différentes procédures mises en ceuvre et queLle est la relation entre participation et délíbération.
The aim of this article is to analyse the reasons which lead individuals to engage in participati... more The aim of this article is to analyse the reasons which lead individuals to engage in participation in Spain. We put forth two different generally accepted models of participation, defined in terms of the political and cultural practices associated with them.
The first refers to participation in organized or corporate roups, whereas the second refers to non-institutionalized individual participation. The aim is to understand the factors
that support one or the other model in order to gain insight into contemporary problems regarding citizen participation, and open new horizons in this field. Our conclusion suggests reciprocity between conventional and non-conventional participation practices, that is, that they mutually reinforce one another, even though the latter better support the civic values expected from participation and democracy.
Revista …, Jan 1, 2008
The purpose of this paper is to deliberate about the means and the context involved in individual... more The purpose of this paper is to deliberate about the means and the context involved in individual’s participation. For this respect, we make up two models about participation that we present regarding the political and cultural background bound to them. The first one is related to participation by institutionalized ways as such social organitations or direct contact with politicians, while the other one is related to participation by not regulated ways as such demonstrations, shopping boycott, that is, conventional and non conventional ways of participation. The aim is to know which features we can find being linked to both models to be able to think of citizenship participatory. Our analysis conclude that either conventional and non conventional ways of participation are reciprocal, so they reinforced each other, although it stress on that the non conventional participation support, better than the first one, the civic values we can expect from participation and democracy.
Empirical study of social position in advanced societies supposes a research challenge,
because f... more Empirical study of social position in advanced societies supposes a research challenge,
because fast transformations in the structure and new patterns of social mobility, make it
advisable to incorporate missing variables in the study of the traditional social structure.
The paper proposes four different operative strategies for the analysis of social
stratification, focusing approaches of diverse origin and tradition, and seeking to synthesize
efforts developed up to now.
Mixed marriages are more and more frequently object of interest. In fact, due to the increase in ... more Mixed marriages are more and more frequently object of interest. In fact, due to the increase in the number of mixed marriages, they are one of the most visible aspects of multiculturalism in Spain. This article takes into consideration the aspects of integration, overall satisfaction with life and
future plans, and puts them in relation to mixed marriages. Starting from and adaption of the Berry's model, we use data from the EIMSS survey and Structural Equation Models (SEM) on the aspects mentioned, in order to show the central value of mixed couples to explain them.
El estudio de la participación juvenil supone un reto investigador, por cuanto las prácticas cole... more El estudio de la participación juvenil supone un reto investigador, por cuanto las prácticas colectivas de los jóvenes se contextualizan en el marco de la participación ciudadana adulta, pero presentando elementos y potencialidades propias del a condición juvenil. El artículo pretende asumir el vínculo entre reproducción del orden social y producción de nuevos órdenes en las prácticas sociales de los jóvenes, para cuestionar los enfoques teóricos que plantean una desafección pública de la juventud contemporánea. Para ello se exponen las limitaciones y disfuncionalidades del modelo participativo actual y se proponen elementos que configurarían las condiciones necesarias para la implicación ciudadana de los jóvenes, a través del avance en tres dimensiones básicas de los procesos participativos innovadores: inclusividad, intensidad e
Books by Francisco Francés
El libro presenta una propuesta de indicadores del Buen Vivir. Las mediciones del Buen Vivir debe... more El libro presenta una propuesta de indicadores del Buen Vivir. Las mediciones del Buen Vivir deben entenderse desde el sujeto más que desde el objeto; desde un territorio diverso y dinámico; sobre comunidades que tienen voz propia en el ejercicio de su propia agencia. El libro está estructurado en tres grandes secciones. En la primera parte Antonio Alaminos ofrece referencias sobre los principales debates relativos al desarrollo y su medición a escala internacional. En complemento se presenta un segundo marco referencial elaborado por Alejandro Guillén y Mauricio Phélan en el cual se presenta una cronología de las mediciones del desarrollo en América Latina. la tercera parte bajo la coordinación de Francisco Francés y Óscar Santacreu, se inscribe el Buen Vivir como idea movilizadora desde Ecuador
El recurso de las metodologías participativas en procesos de investigación e intervención social ... more El recurso de las metodologías participativas en procesos de investigación e intervención social constituye una herramienta cada vez más demandada en el perfil de profesionales de las ciencias sociales, tanto en la producción de estudios como en el trabajo comunitario. Este libro introduce los posicionamientos y conceptos básicos que asumen las metodologías participativas, y propone una guía práctica para la construcción de procesos participativos en sus distintas acciones: diseño del proyecto, diagnóstico, programación, implementación y evaluación. De la misma forma, se explican y describen operativamente los principales métodos y técnicas que habitualmente se utilizan en las distintas fases
Papers by Francisco Francés
Abstract. Deliberative Interaction in Participation Processes Concerning Public Decisions This article analyzes the participatory significance and deliberative communication that must be present in citizen participation processes concerning public decisions. The main purpose is to examine the conditions in which deliberation is produced and the cognitive and appreciatory effects of deliberation on the participants in order to articulate collective decisions and institutional action. Participatory budgeting is used as a pragmatic and empirical framework for the ideas under consideration. This experience constitutes a sphere for participation oriented toward proposals, deliberation and decision making on public policy. The paper concludes that aspects such as the assessment of solidarity and internal democracy within citizen assemblies, time and information for the debate or the degree of institutional commitment are important factors that influence the deliberative quality of participative processes concerning public decisions.
(associations). But we question in this study the fact that the whole participation phenomenon is equated with that type of participation.
Our paper compares different ways of participation in a sample of European countries to, first, analyse the activities that can be linked to each form of participation and whether it can be held that they are different from the point of view of the individual. Second, we analyse the attitudes that lead individuals to choose one option over the other. We conclude that for individuals the different forms of participation are different forms of political engagement. Our study shows an evolution in non-institutional forms of participation over time that is difficult to ignore, from being expressions bordering illegality to taking them as mormalised tools for citizens. We could now start to consider them from the point of view of the implications they have for democracy as a different way to exercise political influence.
(participatory budgeting, PB) in order to find out which problems deliberative governance initiatives are faced with. The conclusions tell us that the inequalities in participation are
significant. Nevertheless, PB enables most participants to make effective use of their opportunities for deliberation. From this standpoint, the challenge for deliberative governance does not seem to be the deliberative capabilities of individuals, but rather the design of participatory procedures and the participation of individuals. We may question whether the administration can guarantee impartial political spaces that
are as inclusive as possible.
well as the relationship that exists between different attitudes (information, preferences, beliefs and political effi cacy) at three different times before and after deliberation.
conception of the process of integration into civil society and the instrumental account of nationality. This reveals that the process of building social capital of European foreigners make up a very different paradigm explaining the nature of the processes underlying immigration from outside. The article ends with a dimensional analysis of different elements of social capital and its relationship to the reality of European foreign
residents in the Valencian Community.
The first refers to participation in organized or corporate roups, whereas the second refers to non-institutionalized individual participation. The aim is to understand the factors
that support one or the other model in order to gain insight into contemporary problems regarding citizen participation, and open new horizons in this field. Our conclusion suggests reciprocity between conventional and non-conventional participation practices, that is, that they mutually reinforce one another, even though the latter better support the civic values expected from participation and democracy.
because fast transformations in the structure and new patterns of social mobility, make it
advisable to incorporate missing variables in the study of the traditional social structure.
The paper proposes four different operative strategies for the analysis of social
stratification, focusing approaches of diverse origin and tradition, and seeking to synthesize
efforts developed up to now.
future plans, and puts them in relation to mixed marriages. Starting from and adaption of the Berry's model, we use data from the EIMSS survey and Structural Equation Models (SEM) on the aspects mentioned, in order to show the central value of mixed couples to explain them.
Books by Francisco Francés
Abstract. Deliberative Interaction in Participation Processes Concerning Public Decisions This article analyzes the participatory significance and deliberative communication that must be present in citizen participation processes concerning public decisions. The main purpose is to examine the conditions in which deliberation is produced and the cognitive and appreciatory effects of deliberation on the participants in order to articulate collective decisions and institutional action. Participatory budgeting is used as a pragmatic and empirical framework for the ideas under consideration. This experience constitutes a sphere for participation oriented toward proposals, deliberation and decision making on public policy. The paper concludes that aspects such as the assessment of solidarity and internal democracy within citizen assemblies, time and information for the debate or the degree of institutional commitment are important factors that influence the deliberative quality of participative processes concerning public decisions.
(associations). But we question in this study the fact that the whole participation phenomenon is equated with that type of participation.
Our paper compares different ways of participation in a sample of European countries to, first, analyse the activities that can be linked to each form of participation and whether it can be held that they are different from the point of view of the individual. Second, we analyse the attitudes that lead individuals to choose one option over the other. We conclude that for individuals the different forms of participation are different forms of political engagement. Our study shows an evolution in non-institutional forms of participation over time that is difficult to ignore, from being expressions bordering illegality to taking them as mormalised tools for citizens. We could now start to consider them from the point of view of the implications they have for democracy as a different way to exercise political influence.
(participatory budgeting, PB) in order to find out which problems deliberative governance initiatives are faced with. The conclusions tell us that the inequalities in participation are
significant. Nevertheless, PB enables most participants to make effective use of their opportunities for deliberation. From this standpoint, the challenge for deliberative governance does not seem to be the deliberative capabilities of individuals, but rather the design of participatory procedures and the participation of individuals. We may question whether the administration can guarantee impartial political spaces that
are as inclusive as possible.
well as the relationship that exists between different attitudes (information, preferences, beliefs and political effi cacy) at three different times before and after deliberation.
conception of the process of integration into civil society and the instrumental account of nationality. This reveals that the process of building social capital of European foreigners make up a very different paradigm explaining the nature of the processes underlying immigration from outside. The article ends with a dimensional analysis of different elements of social capital and its relationship to the reality of European foreign
residents in the Valencian Community.
The first refers to participation in organized or corporate roups, whereas the second refers to non-institutionalized individual participation. The aim is to understand the factors
that support one or the other model in order to gain insight into contemporary problems regarding citizen participation, and open new horizons in this field. Our conclusion suggests reciprocity between conventional and non-conventional participation practices, that is, that they mutually reinforce one another, even though the latter better support the civic values expected from participation and democracy.
because fast transformations in the structure and new patterns of social mobility, make it
advisable to incorporate missing variables in the study of the traditional social structure.
The paper proposes four different operative strategies for the analysis of social
stratification, focusing approaches of diverse origin and tradition, and seeking to synthesize
efforts developed up to now.
future plans, and puts them in relation to mixed marriages. Starting from and adaption of the Berry's model, we use data from the EIMSS survey and Structural Equation Models (SEM) on the aspects mentioned, in order to show the central value of mixed couples to explain them.
It started in 2001, and the number of experiments gradually grew until the local elections in 2011. In the middle of an economic crisis, the conservative party managed to change the political colour in many municipalities, including several ones where the participatory budget had been implemented and that have stood out for excellence, such as Santa Cristina de Aro, Gerona, Getafe, near Madrid, or Seville, in Andalusia. Whether due to the political change or the economic crisis, which has substantially decreased the budget of Spanish local entities, the success adventure ended abruptly. If, in 2010 we could account for almost seventy-five experiments,
in 2012 there were no more than twenty-five. These figures are not exactly a census, since there is no central database on the quantity of experiments; they are an approximation that only allows us to discuss tendencies. Nevertheless, the electoral inversion of 2011 had an immediate consequence in the scenery of Spanish experiments of participatory budgeting.