Papers by Marcin Łukaszewski
VETO IN THE SWISS AND LIECHTENSTEIN SYSTEMS AS A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT OF A SOVEREIGN The article ... more VETO IN THE SWISS AND LIECHTENSTEIN SYSTEMS AS A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT OF A SOVEREIGN The article is devoted to the place of the sovereign’s veto in the constitutional systems of Switzerland and Liechtenstein in relation to the position of each within the system. Due to the very unique constitutional structure of Switzerland (a special role of the parliament, a wide catalog and high frequency of using direct democracy tools) and Liechtenstein (sovereign defined in two entities – the prince and the nation; the exceptionally strong position of the head of state, who has the right to veto both laws adopted by the parliament and motions in referendums), attempts were made to analyze the political position of sovereigns in both countries, relying solely on the right to block legal acts adopted by the parliament (refusal to sign the law by the prince in Liechtenstein and people’s veto in both countries).
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego, 2023
The subject of the article is the institution of the Maltese Leader of the Opposition. Using the ... more The subject of the article is the institution of the Maltese Leader of the Opposition. Using the institutional and legal method, the Author analyzes constitutional solutions (and, to a limited extent, their evolution since 1921), the practical use of provisions with reference to the political crisis of 2020 and recommendations for changing provisions that would enable the empowerment of the Opposition Leader and making the nominations to the most important organs of the Maltese state less partisan. As part of the summary, the Author points out: the relatively high level of detail in the solutions regarding the appointment of the Opposition Leader by the President, which, however, did not protect the Maltese system from the 2020 crisis; a very ineffective mechanism for appointing persons specified in the constitution with the participation of the Opposition Leader; a very limited catalog of matters in which the Opposition Leader participates in decision-making mechanisms.
Przegląd Politologiczny, 2015
The p is an attempt to analyse the functioning of the political system of monarchy and microstate... more The p is an attempt to analyse the functioning of the political system of monarchy and microstate in the conditions of modern processes of integration and globalisation with which we are dealing in Europe. The author attempts to analyse the functioning of the state based on an interview with the main political actor of the Duchy-HSH Alois, who since 2004, under Article 13 bis of the Constitution of the Principality, fulfils the duties of head of state. The author is also tries to draw attention to the specific features of the political system of Liechtenstein.
Przegląd Politologiczny, 2021
The subject of the article is the issue of using the institutions of direct democracy in the proc... more The subject of the article is the issue of using the institutions of direct democracy in the process of shaping the directions of a very specific element of foreign policy – relations with the European Union, of which San Marino is not a member. While most of the referenda related to the European Union concern the accession of countries to this organization, the vote in 2013 was of a slightly different nature. Therefore, the author attempts to indicate how the use of the instruments of direct democracy by citizens, in a way in opposition to the institution of indirect democracy (parliament and its dependent government), can contribute to the decision-makers making political decisions desired by citizens, even in seemingly rather unusual (apart from the aforementioned accession referenda) for direct democracy, spheres as the directions of foreign policy.
Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, 2011
Kolegialna g³owa pañstwa we wspó³czesnych systemach politycznych Wprowadzenie N a czele ka¿dego p... more Kolegialna g³owa pañstwa we wspó³czesnych systemach politycznych Wprowadzenie N a czele ka¿dego pañstwa stoi osoba b¹dŸ osoby, które spe³niaj¹ wiele okreoelonych funkcji (nie tylko prawnych, ale te¿ i symbolicznych). Konstruuj¹c aparat pojêciowy dla niniejszego artyku³u dokonano okreoelenia kluczowego dla pracy terminu g³owa pañstwa, pos³uj¹c siê przede wszystkim definicjami R. Herbuta i B. Dziemidok 1. Za kolegialn¹ g³owê pañstwa nale¿y uznaae dwie lub wiêcej osób, spra-wuj¹cych wspólnie naczeln¹ w³adzê w pañstwie poprzez wykonywanie funkcji ceremonialnych i formalnych. Ich kompetencje s¹ zapisane z regu³y w konstytucjach i ustawach zwyk³ych. Nie mo¿na uznaae bezdyskusyjnie, w których pañstwach mamy do czynienia z funkcjonowaniem g³owy pañstwa w formie wieloosobowej. Najwiêksze w¹tpliwooeci w tym aspekcie mo¿na mieae co do pozycji ustrojowej szwajcarskiej Rady Federalnej i jej przewod-nicz¹cego. Dlatego konieczna by³a próba przeanalizowania tego problemu. Mo¿na wskazaae na istnienie pewnego rodzaju prawid³owooeci. Obecnie istniej¹ dwa typy kolegialnej g³owy pañstwa: te, w których cz³onkowie s¹
Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, 2010
Obywatelstwo watykañskie a zasada ius sanguinis i ius soli Wprowadzenie O kres od 12 lutego do 10... more Obywatelstwo watykañskie a zasada ius sanguinis i ius soli Wprowadzenie O kres od 12 lutego do 10 maja 2009 roku up³yn¹³ w Watykanie pod znakiem wystawy zorganizowanej przez Gubernatorat 1 , która by³a pooewiêcona wa¿nemu dla Pañstwa Watykañskiego wydarzeniu. 11 lutego, minê³a dok³adnie osiemdziesi¹ta rocznica z³o¿enia podpisów na dokumentach ratyfikacyjnych przez przedstawicieli w³adz w³oskich i papieskich w Sali Tronowej Pa³acu Laterañskiego, a tym samym rocznica zakoñczenia d³ugich i ¿mudnych negocjacji papiesko-w³oskich. Ze strony Królestwa W³och podpis z³o¿y³ Pierwszy Minister Benito Mussolini, natomiast stronê papiestwa reprezentowa³, delegowany przez papie¿a Piusa XI, Pietro kardyna³ Gasparri-ówczesny sekretarz stanu Stolicy Apostolskiej. Z³o¿enie podpisów oznacza³o za¿egnanie ponad pó³wiecznego konfliktu i rozwi¹zanie tzw. kwestii rzymskiej. Specyfika terytorium Pañstwa Miasta Watykañskiego Nale¿y zaznaczyae, ¿e proces ratyfikacyjny trwa³ jeszcze pó³ roku 2 , a w trakcie tego okresu zdarza³y siê momenty ostrych wyst¹pieñ po obu 1 Gubernator, jako szef Gubernatoratu, posiada³ watykañskie obywatelstwo i prawo sta³ego miejsca zamieszkania na terenie Watykanu. Znamiennym jest fakt, na co wskazuje ks. Marek Solarczyk, ¿e pierwszy Gubernator by³ równoczeoenie jedyn¹ osob¹ piastuj¹c¹ tak¹ funkcjê. W latach 1929-1952 pe³ni³ j¹ markiz Camillo Serafini. Po jego oemierci papie¿ Pius XII nie dokona³ aktu mianowania jego nastêpcy, a ostatecznie urz¹d zosta³ zniesiony w roku 2000. Obecnie na czele Gubernatoratu stoi z urzêdu przewodnicz¹cy Komisji Papieskiej ds. Pañstwa Miasta Watykañskiego. Zob. szerzej: M. Solarczyk, 75-lecie Pañstwa Miasta Watykañskiego, "Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne" XVII/2004, s. 240. 2 Do wymiany dokumentów ratyfikacyjnych dosz³o 7 czerwca, a dwa tygodnie póŸniej papie¿ Pius XI uroczyoecie przej¹³ jurysdykcjê nad najmniejszym pañstwem oewiata.
Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, Jun 15, 2013
Marginalizacja ugrupowañ ekologicznych na scenach politycznych pañstw Europy OErodkowo-Wschodniej... more Marginalizacja ugrupowañ ekologicznych na scenach politycznych pañstw Europy OErodkowo-Wschodniej w okresie transformacji ustrojowej Wprowadzenie P artie ekologiczne (enwironmentalistyczne) 1 odgrywaj¹ w dzisiejszej polityce europejskiej coraz wiêksz¹ rolê 2. Rola tych ugrupowañ w europejskich systemach partyjnych jest w du¿ej mierze zwi¹zana 1 Na potrzeby niniejszego artyku³u przyjêto, ¿e synonimem wyra¿enia "partie ekologiczne" jest coraz czêoeciej pojawiaj¹ce siê w literaturze anglosaskiej wyra¿enie "environmental parties" (partie enwironmentalistyczne).
Przegląd Politologiczny, 2018
The political system of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is of interest t... more The political system of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is of interest to researchers for several reasons. One of the most important motivations certainly involves the unique construction of its Constitution, the content of which is not formulated in a single legal act of a supreme status. This unwritten Constitution encompasses at least four parts. The most important part is undoubtedly constituted by one of three principles of the political system, namely the principle of the sovereignty (omnipotence) of parliament. This principle, which is regarded as a constitutional principle by some and as a principle above the Constitution by others, constitutes the core of British constitutional law. The topic of this paper is an attempt to indicate the boundaries of this principle in the British constitutional order and to place it in relation to remaining principles. The boundaries of this principle have been considered by British constitutionalists on numerous occ...
Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, 2019
Refleksje. Pismo naukowe studentów i doktorantów WNPiD UAM, 2018
In 2003 citizens of Liechtenstein adopted a package of amendments to the Constitution which allow... more In 2003 citizens of Liechtenstein adopted a package of amendments to the Constitution which allowed for a substantial strengthening of the monarch’s power. These changes have since been severely criticized by the Council of Europe, with concerns as to the possible retreat from a constitutional monarchy leading to the possible renaissance of absolute monarchy. This question is answered in this article, which further proves that the concerns raised by the Council of Europe are unjustified.
Refleksje. Pismo naukowe studentów i doktorantów WNPiD UAM, 2018
The problem of Senate as a self-government chamber and self-government person – parliament deputy... more The problem of Senate as a self-government chamber and self-government person – parliament deputy relations were shown in the political history of the Polish Third Republic many times. In 2001, when self-government laws were introduced into the political system of self-government, there was an institution of incompatibilitas (incompatibility of self-governmental and parliamentarian seats). It influenced the subsequent public debate about the role of Senate and the emerging plans to transform it into a self-government chamber.
Przegląd Strategiczny, 2012
Przegląd Politologiczny, 2015 The paper is an attempt to answer the ... more The paper is an attempt to answer the question about the direction of evolution of the voting system in the electoral process of pope. The author tries to show that main fundaments of papal election process since XI century were the College of Cardinals and the so-called "holy majority". The paper shows that stable electoral system based on the conclave is caused by the unlimited power belonging to the Roman Pontiff in the Vatican City State which is the only example of absolute monarchy in Europe. Because of this, electoral system has to maintain both: reducing the Holy See vacancy to minimum and great support from the most noble of Catholic clergy – cardinals.
Papers by Marcin Łukaszewski