Anadolu University
Physical Education and Sport
The aim of the study was to define activation characteristics of knee muscles of the kicking leg during the in-step kick and interpret these in relation to isokinetic strength parameters and ball velocity in professional (N = 14) compared... more
Yüzeyel elektromiyografi (sEMG), uzun yıllar boyunca laboratuar araştırmalarında kullanılan bir araç olarak karşımıza çıkmasına rağmen, elektrik, elektronik, bilgisayar ve biyomedikal alanlarda teknolojinin de gelişmesiyle birlikte... more
- by ALi Cerrah
This study investigated the efficacy of high and low-frequency acute whole-body vibration (WBV) on postural control ability. WBV stimulus were applied the following determinants: (1) type (vertical) (2) frequency (30 and 40 Hz), (3)... more
Denge, atıcılık gibi statik spor branşlarında ve futbol, jimnastik, güreş gibi maksimum çeviklik gerektiren dinamik sporlarda, spor performansı açısından oldukça büyük öneme sahiptir. Denge, istemli hareket öncesinde, sırasında ve... more
Günlük hayatta, herhangi biri ile konuşurken, sırada beklerken ya da iş yaşamımızda genellikle birkaç dakikadan daha uzun süre ayakta durmak zorunda kalırız. Bu gibi doğal duruşlar sırasında, vücut sürekli düşük genlikli, yavaş salınımlı... more
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of functional balance training on static and dynamic balance performance, kicking velocity and to define the relationship between balance ability and kicking velocity of adolescent... more
- by Deniz Şimşek
The aim of this study was to determine the relationship among maximum isokinetic concentric knee torque, muscle activity (EMG) and vertical jumping height of Turkish elite male volleyball players. M Ma at te er ri ia al l a an nd d M Me... more
Nerium oleander is an ornamental species of high aesthetic value, grown in arid and semiarid regions because of its drought tolerance, which is also considered as relatively resistant to salt; yet the biochemical and molecular mechanisms... more
Bu çalışmada pedagojik formasyon eğitimi sertifika programına katılan ve beden eğitimi ve spor öğretmenliği programında öğrenim gören aday beden eğitimi ve spor öğretmenlerinin alana özel öğretim stillerini kullanma tercihleri, düzeyleri... more
The aim of this study was to examine attitudes of physical education and sport teacher candidates, studying in physical education teaching program and alternative teacher certification program in Turkey, towards teaching profession. The... more
In our study that we aimed to see the differences between footballers' plantar pressure distribution and sedentary individuals' in total 31 males [(FG)n=19; age=20.66±1.31 years; body length=178.7±4.64 cm; body weight=75,3±6.1kg), 12... more
A limited number of acute whole body vibration (WBV) studies have investigated the effects of WBV treatments which were applied with different vibration frequencies and amplitude combinations on lower extremity muscle activation of... more
- by Deniz Şimşek
Background and Study Aim. This study investigates expert and amateur basketball players' visual tracking strategies accuracy and inaccuracy free throws. Material and Methods. A total of 22 university student, 11 of whom were experts... more
The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in Ground Reaction Forces (GRF) between standing and running soccer throw-in. Six male amateur soccer players participated in the current study. All data are expressed as mean±SD.... more
The athletic function of the foot is also extremely important in soccer and constantly exposed to the full impact of weight bearing, because it plays a vital role as a contact point with the ground, absorbing abnormal forces, and main... more
Dual-tasks are often used with postural control. These tasks, which generally target motor skills and cognitive performance, also help to determine the individual’s postural control. The purpose of this study is to determine the changes... more
The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in Ground Reaction Forces (GRF) between standing and running soccer throw-in. Six male amateur soccer players participated in the current study. All data are expressed as mean±SD.... more