It’s a cold and it’s a broken
Anonymous asked:
It’s a cold and it’s a broken
soup de jour: soup of the day
soup de jure: soup the government wants you to eat
soup de facto: the soup everyone actually eats
soup de resistance: a very impressive and popular soup emerges…
soup d'etat: ousting the previous soup of the day and installing your own
soup de grace: execution of the deposed soup of the day
I actually love hearing about reformed people’s stories. I love hearing about people who were in toxic communities or people who used to objectively be dickheads talking about how they got out of that. How they made themselves better.
I hate how most people’s initial reaction to stories like that are things like:
“How could you have ever done those things?!”
“Oh my god, you believed those things?!”
“Well it doesn’t un-do the harm you did!”People incessantly advocate for change but then refuse to allow people who have changed the grace of being acknowledged and given opportunities and chances.
I love hearing about ex-antis talking about how they don’t spend their days being angry and sending death threats anymore.
I love hearing about ex-homophobes who realized there’s no magic law about what is “natural.”
I love reformed bullies talking about how they made amends with their victims and spend their days being considerate of others.
You can’t scream about wanting people to change but then expect them to spend the rest of their lives stuck in the past and on who they used to be. You can’t expect people to spend the entire rest of their lives grovelling and apologizing and demeaning themselves.
Instead of clinging to who they were, latch onto who they are.
Ask how they got out of it. Commend them on changing. Enjoy that there’s one less cause of harm in the world.
I also love stuff like that because it’s a blueprint for how we can save others. If someone used to be a giant racist and stopped, we can take what convinced them to change and spread that message
I mean, in case anyone who thinks well of me might need an example of how true this is, I used to be kind of a terrible person who believed terrible things that directly contradicted not only the things I now believe but contradicted who and what I now am. I fixed my shit. I’m still not a good person, don’t get me started on the difference between what I think and what I do, but I’d rather be a bit terrible and aware of it and trying to do better than horrible and insistent that I was right and content to abuse people or let them be abused. At least I have the potential to become better.
Let people grow. If they change their minds, fucking welcome them to a better place. They have shown their potential. Extend a hand, don’t shove them away.
i always like to reblog posts like this because it’s so affirming to people who are afraid to start to be told “yeah it’s scary and hard but you can do it, i did”.
it really is insane how little you hear about “america has the world’s highest prison population by such a significant margin that it would be seen as excessively over-the-top if it was used in fiction”
before you say “4% isn’t that big of a difference between the US and China”
for anyone bad at math 1.4 billion divided by 340 million is about 4. we have a fourth the population of china but a higher prison population and a higher incarceration rate by far. this is just widely publicly available information that you’re supposed to just accept. it’s not supposed to make you go insane.
The US has the largest prison population AND the highest per capita incarceration rate in the world. The US is home to 4.2% of the world’s population but 20% of its incarcerated population. More than 0.6% of the US population is incarcerated.
Men make up 93% of the US prison population, but despite this, the US accounts for 30% of the GLOBAL population of incarcerated women.
Housing insecurity is the most significant predictor of incarceration with 22% of state prisoners experiencing it shortly before incarceration.
12% of state prisoners in the US were unhoused before their 16th birthday.
68% of US state prisoners were first incarcerated before their 16th birthday.
More than half of people in prisons and jails in the US have a mental illness.
Cognitive learning disabilities occur in state prisons at nearly 500% the national rate.
[all data sourced or derived from the Prison Policy Initiative]
Extremely important to talk about race in this conversation. Black and Indigenous Americans are significantly more likely to be incarcerated.
I’m every one in this
MAN 1 (in a high pitched, whiny voice) Look what you’ve done to my peonies!
WOMAN (angrily) They’re marigolds!
MAN 2 God! I think she’s right! They are marigolds!
MAN 1 I may not know my flowers, but I know a (yells in her direction) bitch when I see one!
It’s back!
I looked this up because I had to know what it’s from. It’s a film called The Gay Deceivers (1969), and it’s about two straight men who, seeking to avoid the draft, claim to be gay, but then have to keep up the pretense when the army places them under surveillance.
The man in the red cardigan in the clip was played by Michael Greer, who was openly gay himself - unusual for the time. He actually worked closely with the director and rewrote much of the film’s dialogue to reduce the homophobia and make it more realistic. As a result it’s quite progressive for its time, having a gay character, played by a gay man, living in a happy same-sex relationship, which is more than a lot of media offers us today.
Plus the clip is delightful.
I just needed this again.
In time travel movies, when the time traveler asks ‘What year is this?!?’ they’re always treated like they’re being weird for asking.
When in reality, if you go 'What year is this?!?’ people will just say '2024. Crazy huh.’ and you go 'Wtf where has my youth gone.’
And if you ask 'And what month??’ people won’t judge you, they’ll just go like 'SEPTEMBER!!! Can you believe it?!?!’ and you go 'WHAT?!? Last time I checked we were in May?!?’
That is a great point. Especially if you time travel to a period of Big Historical Events, when everybody’s looking a little wild about the eyes.
“Hey, what month is it?”
“January already, can you believe it? I swear I was just at Pompeii, but no one’s going there again.”
In the same vein:
Stumbling into a diner and asking “What town is this” isn’t weird, the workers will think you’re on a road trip
If you ask them “Where’s the nearest Nano Deck?” they’ll assume it’s a shop they’ve never heard of and say “Sorry, I don’t know where any of those are”
Going into a store and telling a cashier “I need pods for my comm device” will just get you a “Never heard of those, maybe try Radio Shack?”
I think the problem is that people who create sci-fi movies have never had to work customer service jobs
I’m not sure what this proves. It’s not like walls with photorealistic pictures of roads on them are things that human drivers regularly meet and overcome
It shows that camera-based systems can be prone to optical illusions that lidar-based systems (which detect objects and their distances directly instead of trying to interpret an image) wouldn’t be fooled by.
There was a news story from several years back where a semi truck was making a left turn across a mostly empty highway and a Tesla on autopilot plowed directly into the trailer at full speed, decapitating the driver, because the cameras were fooled in much the same way as the test above by the white trailer blending in with a cloud on the horizon.
Moreover, overpopulation is an ecofascist myth specifically scapegoating ‘developing’ nations in the global south for climate disaster.
In reality, populations only rise so sharply as people begin to receive better access to healthcare and maternal and infant mortality in particular decrease. Eventually, as healthcare access is more evenly distributed through a population and people on a larger scale are able to access family planning care, the population stops increasing and levels out and decreases.
Which is why so-called ‘developed’ are all now manufacturing a crisis about population decline and not having enough bodies to fill out the labor force while simultaneously fearmongering about overpopulation in racialized groups. It’s eugenics shit.
This video is almost 10 years old and is so good at educating against ecofascist ideas of overpopulation. Makes me angry 10 years later we’re still dealing with eugenics
Everybody go watch Hans Rowling destroy ecofascism thank u
Here’s a fun story of malicious compliance to brighten your day:
Until recently, a few people in my office had these desk shades to combat the obnoxious fluorescent lights, which is very helpful for people (like me) with migraines or other light-sensitivity issues.
A few days ago, everyone who has them was told to take them down. Different people were given different reasons - It violates fire code (it doesn’t) / It blocks line of sight (sort of?). Since this goes against the existing status quo, the union reps (my beloved) jumped on it. Someone jokingly suggested using umbrella hats instead, since hats are allowed in the dress code. Today, the union reps are passing out these ridiculous things in protest:
If the rules are absurd, the resistance should match.
its all ‘be gay do crime’ until a black person starts making allusions to drugs or sex or god forbid VIOLENCE and then it turns out nobody can handle anything more hardcore than downloading illegal torrents of hamilton
Wild how “professional adventurer” used to be a legitimate career choice. We should bring that back. But without the whole, you know, racist colonial part.
all i do anymore is have a cut on my finger
any shit resonates with you people