the first time i watched donnie darko i got really mad at those guys for not knowing that smurfette was created by gargamel and then donnie started saying everything i was thinking. that’s when i knew it was the best movie ever made
Anonymous asked:
i'm so glad the fandom parody arc is over that shit made me want to kill myself
if I was let into a “top secret” group chat where someone I think is a despot is planning global military actions I actually would not simply say oops sorry, I’ll see myself out, and don’t worry I promise not to tell the public all the horrid things you’re planning, just that you’re planning them.
american journalists are such boot licking simps that this is what passes for courage. people actually think this is brave lmao. it’s so embarrassing.
i don’t like menthols do you have regular elf cigarettes
i do honestly want to play lunacid but i just can’t in good conscience play a game released in the past decade that will let you lose 20 minutes of progress if you fall off a ledge