american dad shady facts and tea

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

these are 50 movies i dislike. hate is a strong word so im using “dislike.” its very hard for me to hate a movie so there’s not 100, just 50. they aren’t movies that are just boring/forgettable; I have specific and real reasons that these movies have emotionally slighted me (usually disappointment, though some here are anger, or even depression).

there are some very very controversial picks! that im not gonna apologize for or explain myself unless you ask nicely

vote for how many you “like”







41-50 cmon man

4 loveee velvet goldmine but youre the first person ive seen be honest about gods own country (its lame)

im trying to think of examples of angelmotifs clients dating each other... barbra and elliot gould and chloe sevigny and jarvis cocker come to mind but i cant really think of any others off the top of my head but there definitely are others


ok wait i kind of forgot celebrities actually date each other a lot…

i could go on on honestly but idgaf daniel craig and rachel weisz are a big one and theyre actually still together jesse plemmons and kirsten dunst are still together as well