


In the early days of airmail flying, the mail pilots came to believe that their crash rate was unacceptable, even for people accustomed to danger. Finally, a group of them convinced the U.S. Air Mail Service that postal supervisors at the airports were ordering them aloft in bad storms and poor visibility. The solution? Not a new regulation spelling out what weather was safe and unsafe, but rather this simple order: if an outgoing pilot desired, his supervisor had to join him in the cockpit to fly a circuit around the airport before the pilot went off on his mail run. Quickly the supervisors’ tolerance for bad weather dropped.

記事への反応 -
  • それにしても郵便飛行機の墜落事故の比率が高すぎる、と考え始めた。 アメリカ人は仕組みを作るのが上手い?昔のパイロットたちが考え、事故を減らした方法とは「一休さんみ...

    • 海外ブログから原書の該当部分の引用だけ拾ってきたので考察は任せた In the early days of airmail flying, the mail pilots came to believe that their crash rate was unacceptable, even for people accustomed to danger. Fina...

    • 真偽はわからないけど、サン=テグジュペリの「夜間飛行」が下地になってるからじゃね?

    • 俺も、英語読めないから調べらないけど、話ができすぎだからあやしいと思ってる。


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