Papers by Lina Marcela Pérez Arenas
This article presents the agenda setting of regional public television from a political perspecti... more This article presents the agenda setting of regional public television from a political perspective, by using the observation of the contents' programming of Teleantioquia, the first regional public channel in Colombia (EGM, 2010). It is the result of a research process whose main objective was to establish the prevalence of political issues and values that are essential to democratic systems: Social Welfare, Economic Growth, Governance and Conflict, Freedom, Equality, Justice and Order.
Anagramas - Rumbos y sentidos de la comunicación, 2013
Este artículo presenta los resultados obtenidos a partir de una investigación realizada por las a... more Este artículo presenta los resultados obtenidos a partir de una investigación realizada por las autoras y financiada por el
Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicacion, May 1, 2013
Folios Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones, Jan 30, 2014
This article presents the agenda setting of regional public television from a political perspecti... more This article presents the agenda setting of regional public television from a political perspective, by using the observation of the contents' programming of Teleantioquia, the first regional public channel in Colombia (EGM, 2010). It is the result of a research process whose main objective was to establish the prevalence of political issues and values that are essential to democratic systems: Social Welfare, Economic Growth, Governance and Conflict, Freedom, Equality, Justice and Order.
![Research paper thumbnail of Los discursos sobre las drogas ilícitas en cuatro medios impresos colombianos | [Discourses on ilegal drugs in four colombian journals]](
Anagramas, Jan 2013
Este artículo analiza el discurso acerca de las llamadas drogas ilegales en las columnas de opini... more Este artículo analiza el discurso acerca de las llamadas drogas ilegales en las columnas de opinión y editoriales de los periódicos El Tiempo, El Espectador y El Colombiano, y en los análisis y las columnas de opinión de la revista Semana, publicados durante tres momentos coyunturales (de 1986, 1996 y 2009). Se identificaron las ideas que predominaron alrededor de cuatro ejes: cuestionamientos, propuestas, consecuencias y causas. Además, se registraron los calificativos utilizados para referirse a la actividad de las drogas. El análisis indica que, en poco más de dos décadas, se pasó de reclamar acciones contundentes para combatir el tráfico de drogas y de demonizar la actividad, a pedir el replanteamiento de la estrategia de lucha contra ese fenómeno. Aunque las ideas de los artículos responden al momento histórico en que fueron escritos, los textos dan cuenta de la evolución del país respecto al tema de las drogas.
This article analyzes the discourse about illegal drugs in opinion columns and editorials of El Tiempo, El Espectador and El Colombiano, and in Semana Journal, published in three special moments (1986, 1996, and 2009). Predominant ideas around four axis: questioning, proposals, consequences, and causes were identified. Besides terms used to refer to drugs activity were registered. The analysis indicates that in less than two decades, the claim for forceful actions to condemn and fight drugs business became a claim for a fight strategy against this phenomenon. Although the ideas of the articles correspond to the historical moment in which they were written, texts refer to the evolution of the country before the topic of drugs.
Papers by Lina Marcela Pérez Arenas
This article analyzes the discourse about illegal drugs in opinion columns and editorials of El Tiempo, El Espectador and El Colombiano, and in Semana Journal, published in three special moments (1986, 1996, and 2009). Predominant ideas around four axis: questioning, proposals, consequences, and causes were identified. Besides terms used to refer to drugs activity were registered. The analysis indicates that in less than two decades, the claim for forceful actions to condemn and fight drugs business became a claim for a fight strategy against this phenomenon. Although the ideas of the articles correspond to the historical moment in which they were written, texts refer to the evolution of the country before the topic of drugs.
This article analyzes the discourse about illegal drugs in opinion columns and editorials of El Tiempo, El Espectador and El Colombiano, and in Semana Journal, published in three special moments (1986, 1996, and 2009). Predominant ideas around four axis: questioning, proposals, consequences, and causes were identified. Besides terms used to refer to drugs activity were registered. The analysis indicates that in less than two decades, the claim for forceful actions to condemn and fight drugs business became a claim for a fight strategy against this phenomenon. Although the ideas of the articles correspond to the historical moment in which they were written, texts refer to the evolution of the country before the topic of drugs.