1 - 20 of 384 Works in James T. Kirk/Khan Noonien Singh
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Star Trek Fanarts by kait
Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Star Trek: Mirror Universe, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation
05 Jan 2025
one chapter for each pairing ≡ΦωΦ≡
1.6 updated CH2
Сломанный разум (Broken Mind) by Urban_Girl
Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
13 Dec 2024
Спок, во время эпической схватки в Сан-Франциско, атаковал разум Хана с помощью мелдинга. Перед возвращением в космос, Джим Кирк наносит визит Хану и обнаруживает, что тот нездоров. Само собой, Кирк отказывается бросить Сингха на произвол судьбы.
Спасение редких видов by Reg4this, Urban_Girl
Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Star Trek, Star Trek: The Original Series
14 Jul 2024
"Опасные игры" 8 лет спустя. Оказывается, аугменты не вечны. Это значит, семью Хана нужно найти.
- Part 3 of Ханкирк - ОТП
Стыковка (Rendezvous) by Urban_Girl
Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
04 Jul 2024
В космосе запланирована стыковка кораблей USS «Энтерпрайз» и «Фаррагут». План — сохранить присутствие Хана на борту «Энтерпрайз» в секрете. Но, как всегда, события выходят из-под контроля.
as love wept by Leyenar_The_Avenger for ThereBeWhalesHere, CateAdams, AlbusGellertAlways, BotanyCameos
Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
22 Jan 2024
What will you do, when your soulmate does not want a relationship with you?
What will you do, when your soulmate is a genocidal warlord who loves not you, but a starship?
In which Old Spock learns that in some universes, Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock are simply not meant to be, and Young Spirk works together to defy fate.
- Part 3 of Soulmate Not Required
New Beginnings by Lushes
Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
16 Jan 2024
Jamie gasps, jumping a bit though Khan’s hold doesn't let her move away. Her hands fly to her stomach, covering Khan’s in their shock. A kick; it is a very new step in the pregnancy and she hasn't gotten used to the sensation at all.
Khan pulls her impossibly closer, cupping her stomach in his large hands more insistently, fingers spreading wide as to not miss a single press from the baby inside her.
“You didn't tell me they were moving,” he chides.
“You didn't ask if I wanted to have a fucking baby."
Five months after Khan Noonien Singh stole away with the USS Dreadnought and Captain Jamie Tiberius Kirk.
- Part 2 of Legacy
Bones is new in Iowa and needs a place to stay. He answers an ad he sees on the internet and hopes to the gods that it's not a serial killer looking for their next victim. Jim is a nice guy, but he's very secretive.
Unit 24 - The awakening by Mybenediction1
Fandoms: Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
26 Jul 2023
I wrote this ten years ago with another author who is no longer in the community. It was deleted by her. Well I just found it so will be posting it. Tags are dubious so be warned as I don’t remember a lot about this story in depth.
Hello, Parallel World (Fanarts) by BiTi
Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Thor (Movies)
28 Jun 2023
Spirk fanarts by me, be aware of the warning heads-up in the chapter summary. Enjoy!
如果谈话就能解决James T Kirk的问题……那这个人就不会这么难搞了。
Sequel to Coming out of Darkness. The time for the Enterprise and her crew's 5-year mission has finally come. The connection between Jim and Khan has grown, but Jim still has his secrets.
- Part 2 of Darkness
During the events with Khan and Admiral Marcus Kirk forges a friendship with Khan. When Uhura yells at Spock that Khan may be the only way to save him he surrenders, in return Jim speaks on his behalf at his trial and Khan is released…with a few conditions. Starts on Cronos.
- Part 1 of Darkness
Jim sends Spock back to the bridge so he can talk to John Harrison alone. When Harrison issues a challenge, Jim can't find it in himself to back down and crosses a line he may not be able to come back from. One-shot, deleted scene type thing.
Kirk is flirtatious, bold, and often rather reckless. Follow the events of her life as she grows up, and goes through trials that would break most men. What will happen when she finally becomes the Captain of her own starship and eventually meets the ultimate alpha male? Fem!Kirk, eventual Khan/Kirk, Lots of twists and changes.
[Khirk] 復仇 by aLady
Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Star Trek: The Original Series
08 May 2023
The Wrath of Khan劇情提及
- Part 14 of Spirk's Short Trek (s)
- Language:
- 中文-普通话 國語
- Words:
- 4,660
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 11
- Hits:
- 567
Энтерпрайз отправляется в погоню за сбежавшим преступником Кханом. Порой трагичный, порой весёлый путь от вражды к пониманию и дружбе.
After the events on Nibiru, Kirk had served his sentence and waited for his first assignment under the command of Captain Pike. Unexpectedly, incidents in the Neutral Zone had changed all plans. Again and again, Klingons had invaded the Federation space, which had to be prevented, but without triggering a war.
Admiral Marcus was now in charge of the problem and although Kirk had been allowed to resume his duties as a captain and had got the Enterprise back, they were now on a military mission, because Marcus had all ships equipped with heavy weaponry.
To the delight of Kirk, the torpedoes came with a new commander, who aroused the curiosity of the young captain by his aloof attidude. Little did he know that this man would turn the entire Starfleet upside down.
Принцип мятежа by Spectrum_Gonchaya
Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
17 Dec 2022
Спустя почти два года после событий «Возмездия» команде Энтерпрайза приказано разбудить Хана, чтобы ликвидировать последствия неудачного эксперимента ученых Звездного Флота.
- Part 2 of Принцип мятежа
The Emotional Relevance of Gravitational Pull by soapscollar
Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Star Trek: The Original Series
16 Dec 2022
James T Kirk is a man who knows pain. He is a man who has watched the world go up and flames and went into the blazing fire to save everyone. His love of humanity despite everything it has done to scorn him is what makes him Jim. His love of humanity is what drives him into the heart of a man who hates his humanity. Then the arms of a man who wants to destroy humanity.
He sat in the back of the walk in closet he shared with his brother. Sam had told him to cover himself with clothes and to not breathe too hard in case Frank wanted to go after both of them. The clothes smelled like the laundry soap Sam always used. He said it was Dad’s favorite, but Jim would never know the difference. To him, this was the soap that Sam used. The scent of comfort was cedar laundry soap and old campfire smoke. Sam always said he preferred to cook over the fire because the replicators were always horrible. Jim knew that he was lying. Frank didn’t let them use the replicator because he didn’t think they were worth it. Jim liked it when Sam made dinner though, it was always more filling. There was a loud crash, followed by screaming. Sam’s screaming.
Fanart for Starflight1701's A Second Chance by Bloody_Plunder for Starflight1701
Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
06 Dec 2022
A series of khirk fanarts based on moments from Starflight1701's masterpiece: A Second Chance'.