17 Works in Lyra-Will Reunion
Listing Works
As We Crumble, We Rise by PointsDeSuspension
Fandoms: His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials (TV), The Book of Dust - Philip Pullman
09 Feb 2025
All Lyra wants is a quiet life in Oxford. To be happy, peaceful and safe.
But when the Church decides to target her own family, she's starting to get angry. Very angry.(french version : Danser sur les bords du monde)
- Part 2 of Where heavens start
Another Way by ReImagine24
Fandoms: His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials (TV)
01 Dec 2024
Will and Lyra are grappling with the news that they won't be able to be together once the windows are closed. But Mary has an idea that could allow them to have their happy ending.
"Maybe it means nothing. It just is."
"Everything means something," Lyra said severely. "We just have to figure out how to read it." (Lyra's Oxford, pg 6)---
The prophecy contained more than anybody was told. As both Lyra and Will work towards reuniting, they find themselves carried willingly towards that hidden destiny. -
Danser sur les bords du monde by PointsDeSuspension
Fandoms: His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials (TV), The Book of Dust - Philip Pullman
30 Oct 2024
Tout ce que Lyra souhaite, c’est une vie tranquille, à Oxford. Etre heureuse, être en paix et en sécurité.
Mais quand l’Eglise décide de s’en prendre à sa propre famille, elle va commencer à être en colère. Très en colère.(english version : As We Crumble We Rise)
- Part 2 of Ici commence le ciel
There is a light and it never goes out by PointsDeSuspension
Fandoms: His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials (TV)
13 Mar 2024
Years after, Lyra finds a way to Will’s world.
Une fenêtre sur le Nord by PointsDeSuspension
Fandoms: His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials (TV)
26 Oct 2023
Postcanonical fanfiction, Lyra & Will reunion / Fanfiction in french -> avalaible in English “The Northern Window” :)
Lyra Parle-D’Or a grandi. Elle a quitté son Oxford natal pour rechercher Pantalaimon dans le Grand Est. En le retrouvant dans une ville fantôme, elle retrouve également Will qui est revenu dans son monde et qui la recherchait. Mais les retrouvailles sont de courtes durées.
Lyra et Pantalaimon entament alors un long voyage pour rejoindre le jeune homme et son dæmon dans le Nord.Tous Droits Réservés
- Part 1 of Ici commence le ciel
The northern window by PointsDeSuspension
Fandoms: His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials (TV), The Book of Dust - Philip Pullman
26 Oct 2023
Lyra Silvertongue has grown up. She left her native Oxford to search for Pantalaimon in the Far East. After finding him in a ghost town, she also reunites with Will, who has returned to her world and was searching for her. But their reunion is short-lived.
Lyra and Pantalaimon start on a long journey to reach the young man and his dæmon in the North.All rights reserved.
- Part 1 of Where heavens start
Résonance by PointsDeSuspension
Fandoms: His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials (TV)
15 Oct 2023
Peu importe le monde dans lequel on se trouve, quand la vie arrive à son crépuscule, il est parfois temps de faire de l'ordre dans son existence, de transmettre ses connaissances, de faire l'inventaire de ce que l'on aura vécu. Et vu.
Echo by PointsDeSuspension
Fandoms: His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials (TV)
15 Oct 2023
No matter which world one finds themselves in, when life reaches its twilight, it is sometimes time to tidy up one's existence, to pass on one's knowledge, to list what has been lived. And seen.
Of sand and tears by PointsDeSuspension
Fandoms: His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials (TV), The Book of Dust - Philip Pullman
08 Sep 2023
"What are you doing here?" he inquired.
Startled by the question, Lyra nearly dropped her bottle. She lifted her head from her bag and blinked several times.
"What..." she repeated, confused. She straightened up. "What am I doing here?! Are you kiding me?! This is my fucking world! I have the right to be wherever I want!"
"Seems fair," Will mused, still focused on the outside.
She trembled with anger. Emotions were so overwhelming that she wanted to hit him hard in the face. But at the same time, she desperately wanted him to hold her in his arms, to feel his body against hers.
Ten Years At Sea - A Silverparry Fanfic by LizEvans78
Fandoms: His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials (TV)
30 Jul 2023
Yes, the title is from PotC. I know, how original. But this story has Will deciding that the angels and their destinies are crap, and so, he's content to write his own story and his own ending. And aren't we all? Don't we authors write stories because we didn't agree with the way they went the first time, in books? Well, then you understand how this is going to go and so—on with the story!
The Window in the Desert by JeopardyFriendly
Fandoms: His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials (TV), The Book of Dust - Philip Pullman
19 Mar 2023
All Lyra had been looking for in the desert was her daemon. She never dreamed that her search would not only lead her to Pan, but to a window into another world. His world.
(Post-canon Lyra and Will reunion.)
You're Where I Belong by FernStone
Fandoms: His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials (TV)
26 Dec 2022
At age 25, Lyra finds Will again.
At the End of the World there is a Smile by unapologetic_nerd
Fandoms: His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials (TV)
18 Jul 2022
Lyra knew the end was near. Pan knew it too. They could feel it in their old bones, and they both felt a peculiar relief and sadness, an odd combination, yet, as Lyra thought, one that made perfect sense.
Lyra and Will both feel their death coming, and wonder what it means
Will pondered over what he had learned that day. If it had been right about the Russian who claimed to know his father, surely he could get to Lyra?
- Part 1 of The Origin of Dust
Lyra spent nearly ten years trying to be happy living in her own world. But after receiving a marriage proposal from another man, she can no longer deny that a part of her still belongs to Will. Not caring what promises she made, or what the angel said all that long time ago, she leaves Oxford, determined to find a way to see Will again or spend the rest of her life trying.
But when word of what Lyra is doing get outs, there are many who think it best she not succeed. And this time, they won't risk the consequences of leaving her alive.
You Cannot Shut The Windows Of The Sky by ErinPtah for oddishly
Fandoms: His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman
13 Nov 2016
Snapshots, mostly outsider-POV, as Will and Lyra grow up. Gaining skill and prestige in their respective fields, helping science (and/or experimental theology) march forward...oh, and learning how to communicate from one world to another.
Works fine as a standalone fic, if you haven't read the rest of the series. And if you have, it'll fill in some gaps in the backstory.
- Part 9 of Republic of Heaven Community Radio