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Works which have used it as a tag:
Dr. Trevilian observes a dhampir pregnancy. A bit cracky in some places. EDITED 3/20/21 for grammar.
Alucard returns home to a surprise or two.
- Part 1 of Home
A follow up to Girls and Wolves, after months and months of an abusive arranged marriage, Integra has returned home to Hellsing. But Hellsing's director is clearly suffering from PTSD and needs to regain a sense of control after so long of being without. So, she enlists Alucard to be the vehicle to facilitate healing on her terms, to begin coping and recovering.
Co by się stało, gdyby Alucard nie został nigdy uwięziony w piwnicach posiadłości? I co by się wydarzyło, gdyby Arthur Hellsing był o wiele słabszy duchem, niż jego ojciec? Odpowiedź znajduję się tutaj. Poznajmy Alucarda, który musi wykonać o wiele trudniejsze zadanie niż eksterminacja wampirów. (Wątki Alucard x Integra)
What would happen if Alucard had never been imprisoned in the cellars of the mansion? And what would happen if Arthur Hellsing was much weaker than his father? The answer is here. Let's get to know Alucard, who has to do a much more difficult task than the extermination of vampires. (Threads Alucard x Integra)
Powiedzmy, że znamy niejako fabułę "Hellsing". Jednakże jest jedna rzecz, której nie wiemy. Mianowicie co działo się w Organizacji, od momentu uwolnienia Alucarda, aż do rozpoczęcia fabuły mangi? Co się wydarzyło w ciągu tych 10 lat? Z jakimi rzeczami musiała zmierzyć się młoda Integra? Jak rozwijała się jej relacja z jej nowym, wampirzym sługą? Dlaczego go uwolniła i kim dla siebie się stali przez ten okres czasu? Cóż...musimy czytać między wierszami.
Let's say we know the story of Hellsing. However, there is one thing we do not know. What has happened in the Organization, since the release of Alucard, until the beginning of the manga plot? What happened in those 10 years? What did young Integra have to face with? How was her relationship with her new vampire servant developed? Why did she release him and who they became for each other for this period? Well ... we have to read between the lines.
After 700 years of waiting, the Goddess of Spring, Integra, has escaped from the Goddess of Harvest, Queen Elizabeth's, grasp. Finding her new home in the arms of King Alucard himself, Integra swears to protect her happiness and independence - but when the Queen threatens to starve Earth to death, must Integra choose her duty over her happiness?
A Hades and Persephone AU for Hellsing
1994. Integra and Alucard coexisted under the same roof for years before Millenium came into their lives, and everything ended between them. What was that everything? Something that had been building since Integra was just an 18 year old girl, and Alucard, a vampire who realised he could still love, in the midst of a world full of hidden threats, enemies from this and the other world, and unimaginable conspiracies.(Prequel to the canon)
Bookmarks which have used it as a tag:
Integra Hellsing has been given charge of learning to control the ancient weapon owned by the Hellsing Organization. The beast is defiant and eager to accept the challenge once again presented before it.
Integra makes a drastic decision in the name of vindication. (animeverse)
Alucard is always there for Integra in the night, sometimes in creative ways.
Integra dies, only to wake up in the past, as a fifteen-year-old.
(Post canon AU) It didn’t take Alucard 30 years to come back but the aftermath of his success at fighting against the Major’s plan brings only confusion and longing in its wake with his new condition. Integra hadn’t intended for the aftermath of the Incident to lead to certain confessions being spoken aloud but now that they’re out in the open the two are forced to unpack their true feelings for each other.
- Part 1 of Unholy Confessions
Integra learns new desires and wants, some more intense than others. Some disappointing, some horrifying, some neither Alucard is trying to figure out what to do...
Ten years have passed since the Millennium incident, and Integra and Seras have managed put the pieces of Hellsing back together. They are in the midst of an investigation involving potential vampire activity in several underground clubs whenever Alucard finally returns. Integra must come to terms with her emotions in the wake of his homecoming...and the aftermath thereof.
- Part 1 of LRPD