Gifts for DeerlingDoe
List of Gifts
To Train A Trollhunter by DeerlingDoe, TheWeirdDane for DeerlingDoe
Fandoms: Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons)
25 Jan 2023
You have been chosen as the Trollhunter, and Draal the Deadly thinks you lack serious expertise and finesse in fighting. Thus, he sets out to train you, personally.
- Part 10 of FYF - Fuck Your Fave
The Lost Hiker by DeerlingDoe, TheWeirdDane for DeerlingDoe
Fandoms: Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons)
22 Aug 2022
You're on a backpacking trip through Europe, and the time has come for you to visit Bulgaria. You find a massive forest, but you quickly realise that you're utterly, completely lost. You might be lost, but you're not alone.
- Part 9 of FYF - Fuck Your Fave
A Helping Hand by TheWeirdDane for DeerlingDoe
Fandoms: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types
04 May 2022
Wandering through the vast space of Hisui isn't without its dangers - something you get to feel on your own body. Of course, when it gets too much, you go to the nearest settlement, but it turns out to belong to the opposite clan. Gritting your teeth and bowing your head, you enter. Will they help you, or will they turn you away?
Monster or Man; Both or Neither? by TheWeirdDane for DeerlingDoe
Fandoms: Doom (Video Games)
02 May 2020
Roxara Korsch is the head of engineering on the Fortress of Doom, overseen by Dr. Samuel Hayden. Never missing a thing, he notices how she reacts... differently around him, and gives her an offer she simply can't refuse.
- Part 31 of Monster fucking