Recent works
The years went by, and I always made sure that day by day I had little "accident" cuts, a little paper cut, or a little scratch on my hand, I held on to these sensations, thinking that, even if I didn't feel my soul mate, she could feel it, that she knew it was there, and that it would always be there, because I was hers and she was mine.
Every time you feel pain, your soul mate feels it too.
soulmates au
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Lena decides to reverse google a photo of Supergirl saving her after another assassination attempt. What Lena does not expect to find is Kara Danvers…or her very open Instagram.
Lena spends the next 10 months trying to get the elusive and clearly oblivious reporter to go on a date with her.
What started out as a cracky/smutty idea about what would happen if Alex and Maggie lived next-door to one another turned into a rewrite of Season 2a in which Sanvers is given time to develop, conversations about alien rights aren't dropped after a hot second, and Roulette and Cadmus don't pop in and out only when it's convenient.
Of course, there's also still smut and crack, so if you're here for'll find it!
- Part 1 of One Wall Away
Parallel Worlds by ObabScribbler
Fandoms: My Little Pony Generation 4: Friendship Is Magic (Cartoon 2010)
13 Nov 2022
Lately, Rainbow Dash has been having nightmares about another version of herself who laughs while feeding foals into a terrible machine in the bowels of the Weather Factory. That would be bad enough but now those dreams are intruding into reality ...
Après avoir volé l'Élément de la Magie, Sunset Shimmer montra le monstre qu'elle était vraiment. Mais ce n'était pas la seule pénitence des Éléments.
Sunset est maintenant forcée de répondre aux questions honnêtement, et de faire ce qu'on lui demande, qu'elle le veuille ou non.
Et elle ne le voulait vraiment pas.
Jusqu'à ce que toute la haine de son cœur ait disparu, Sunset est à la merci de ses pairs, à leur insu bien sûr. Ses nouvelles "amies" pourront-elles l'aider à trouver le chemin de la rédemption ?
Sinon, il y a toujours cette autre Twilight Sparkle qu'elle n'arrête pas de croiser.
Descendants 5: Unraveling Time by Padre91 for WindandWords
Fandoms: Descendants (Disney Movies)
08 Jan 2025
My take on a sequel to Descendants 4: The Rise of Red.
Red and Chloe come back after their travel through time to find that their new present isn't quite what they had in mind.