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Fandoms: 学園アリス | Gakuen Alice
30 Apr 2024
“If Mikan had a life-shortening Alice, would you stop her from using it?”
“I’d call her an idiot if she used it.”
“Would you stop her?”
“I’d threaten to burn her hair if she tried to use it.”
“And if she just nullifies it—”
“I’ll find a way…”
“Yet…” Ruka trailed off, and their pace slowed as the hospital came into view. “You struggle to even take care of yourself.”
Natsume slowly learns how to cope with his life-shortening alice and how to let others care for him. Written for the 2023 Gakuen Alice Secret Santa.
Bookmarked by Krisaku
25 May 2024
Misaki gave a quiet sigh and looked up from her desk and towards Mikan. Again, she was complaining about the bullying that Natsume had done to her the class before. She always did this every time, and though Misaki thought it was cute the two were in such denial, maybe it was time she did something about it. After all, two stubborn people would be stubborn for life if there weren't a mediator.
Bookmarked by Krisaku
16 May 2024
And three months later here you were red in the face because you'd have another of THOSE dreams and she'd been no where in sight and here she was looking as if she couldn't decide between being amused, angry or embarrassed.
Bookmarked by Krisaku
15 May 2024
It's Christmas Eve at Alice Academy, and while Natsume wants to sit in his room as far away from the festivities as possible, Tsubasa has one last gift to give him. Canon Divergence for ch. 177
Bookmarked by Krisaku
15 May 2024
This is the Gakuen Alice series from the perspective of Natsume Hyuuga where we delve into his mind, observe the nature of his missions, ascertain his motivations, and discover all that occurred to him off the pages.
Bookmarked by Krisaku
13 May 2024