
Work Header

I Hope You Lie To Me

Chapter 12: Epilogue


Back to Eden's! Where it all began...


T/W for slightly unpleasant vibes of a sexual nature in conversation.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Come here, Ginger Cap, I’ve missed you!” Dan pulls him into a headlock, ruffling his hair mercilessly as Neil grins. 

She, Allison, and Renee are finally in town to visit, and they’ve all caravanned out to Eden’s to celebrate.  Though they’ll be staying on campus for most of their stay, tonight Neil’s managed to convince Andrew to let them sleepover at the house in Columbia, which means the group will probably get breakfast together in the morning. 

It’s stupid, and he won’t admit it to anyone, but Neil is thrilled to see his family together again.

His good mood is sparked even further by the fact that it’s a good night for Andrew.  He’s handed his keys off to Neil as soon as they walked in the door, which means he’s feeling comfortable enough to drink with the team.  For reasons unknown to Neil, Andrew’s also been shockingly handsy tonight: snagging his pinky as they make their way to the table, brushing fingers into Neil’s curls, placing a hand on the small of his back, giving a small squeeze to his knee under the table.  It has Neil breathless, his cheeks tinged with color as he fights to pay attention to the conversation around him. 

It doesn’t help that Andrew looks unfairly handsome tonight.  His dark blue, ripped skinny jeans are shoved into some dark brown doc martens, while a soft, forest green shirt clings tightly to his arms and torso.  It brings out his eyes and is such a change from his usual black attire that even Katelyn gaped when she saw him wearing it.  Once Nicky nearly got stabbed for mentioning it though, no one else has dared to broach the subject.  But Neil can’t keep his eyes off him; he’s mortified to admit Kevin has caught him staring twice.   

Thank god he’s the only one who understands French on the team.  Kevin’s mercilessly teasing would be downright unbearable otherwise. 

When Andrew gets up to grab another round for the table, Neil gratefully sucks air into his poor lungs and tries to calm himself down.  He can’t take much more of this.  Especially since he knows they won’t be fooling around when they get home- not in a house full of Foxes and Andrew drinking. 

If Neil didn’t know any better, he’d say Andrew was teasing him. 

But that couldn’t be it.  Could it?  

“Neil, your boy is on fire tonight,” Matt cackles as he watches another guy approach Andrew at the bar.  “That must be what- the fourth guy who’s hit on him?”

“Fifth,” Aaron growls.

Neil’s brow furrows.

“What the hell kind of cologne did he put on tonight?  Gay Pheromones?” Allison inquires.  “They’re coming out of the freaking woodwork.  I don’t think I’ve ever gotten this much action at a bar.  I’m insulted.  Why am I not getting hit on?”

“We’re in a gay bar, Alli,” Katelyn reminds her gently.  

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“This isn’t a gay bar!” Aaron snaps.  Then he starts looking around the place with a frown.  “Is it?”  He looks down at his drink in horror.  “Oh my god.”

“It’ll be okay, babe,” Katelyn pats his arm.  Nicky begins snickering. 

Kevin slams his shot glass down on the table.  “Ten says he punches this one in the stomach.”

Dan slams hers down next to his.  “Fifteen says he draws one of his knives.”

“Ah, sorry babe,” Matt winces.  “He already got those confiscated around guy number two, remember?”

Renee waves a hand that flashes a glimpse of a knife before smiling serenely. 

“Damn it,” Dan smacks her hand against her forehead.  “How could I forget?”

“Alcohol,” Kevin pats her shoulder consolingly. 

Neil looks bewilderedly down at the bar and then turns back to his team.  “Is it something I’m doing wrong?  Am I not putting off the right vibes?”

Allison snorts.  “You’re not putting off any vibes, hon.  We barely know you’re dating.  There’s times I’m tempted to check for a pulse, just to make sure you’re still alive.” 

Neil scowls darkly at her before turning back towards the bar.  Andrew smirks as he stands next to Roland, one hip jutted out as he leans against the bar, his tight jeans cupping his ass.  He’s relaxed, at ease. He raises an eyebrow as he stares back at Neil and ignores the guy chattering next to him, rolling his shoulders so that the muscles underneath his shirt ripple in response. 

Neil swallows.  Holy hell. 

Andrew is definitely teasing him.  And he’s having fun doing it. 

It’s a revelation that astonishes Neil while making him feel insanely proud of Andrew at the same time.  It’s a huge step.  He’s glad Andrew feels attractive tonight and wants to show it off.  He’s happy that Andrew feels comfortable enough to tease him while doing it.  Andrew looks good, is dressed even better, and now that he’s noticed, Neil isn’t surprised by the attention he’s getting. 

He’s also glad he had his breakdown with Andrew a couple weeks ago, or he might have done something really stupid by now.  But after the way Andrew took care of him all weekend in that hotel, Neil is only mildly concerned.  He knows Andrew will turn them all away.  But it doesn’t mean it isn’t still annoying. 

As Roland fills up the tray with new drinks, the guy hitting on Andrew leans closer.  Neil watches the tension start to seep into Andrew’s frame, the way he rolls his eyes and snaps at the guy, putting space between them.  But the man is persistent.  A Stage Five Clinger, as Nicky puts it, though Neil has no idea what that means. 

He frowns and turns back to the group.  “What about the hickeys I put on his neck?  Don’t they say something?”

Matt chokes on his drink.

Allison rolls her eyes.  “They say he’s active, not taken.  They don’t have your name on them, Neil.”

“Well how else am I supposed to show we’re…you know?”  He makes a motion with his hand awkwardly that even he doesn’t understand. 

Allison levels him with a look that says no one else does either.  “No, we don’t know,” she deadpans, solidifying it.

“Allison,” Renee chides gently. 

Neil makes a frustrated noise in his throat before threading a hand through his hair.  He looks away from the table. 

His family takes pity on him and begins pitching ideas.   

“Custom T-shirt,” Dan proposes.  “‘If Lost, Return to Neil’.”

Neil blanches.  “We’re not eighty, thanks.  Nor is he my property.”

“Matching BFF bracelets,” Matt suggests.

Allison scoffs.  “He asked for ideas for Andrew.  Not you and Neil.”

“Ooh, how about a collar?” Nicky pipes up.

“Kinky!” Dan cackles, and they clink glasses. 

“A tattoo of your name,” Kevin offers.

“Too permanent,” Aaron scowls.  “And creepily possessive.”

“Amateurs,” Katelyn accuses them all.  “It’s called putting a ring on it.”  She waves her left hand in front of them, wiggling her ring finger.  Though it’s currently unadorned, the other Foxes cheer, and Aaron turns beet red beside her. 

Neil dismisses all of them as unhelpful.  (Although he gives Katelyn a considering look). 

Then his attention is captured by a completely aggravated Andrew returning, the guy still clinging to his heels.  As soon as he reaches them, Andrew basically tosses the tray of drinks down onto the table.  It slides across the surface so hard and fast that Dan has to stop it from falling into her and Neil’s laps.  Neil has a moment of déjà vu.  “I told you to fuck off.  I said I’m not interested.”

“Aww, don’t be like that babe!  Handsome guy like you, alone for the night?  With those gorgeous eyes?  Let me entertain you.”

Andrew holds his hand out to indicate the large group sitting at the table.  “What do you think they’re here for?”

“Different kind of entertainment,” the guy says, and has the audacity to wink. 

“No need.  That’s his job,” Andrew jerks his head towards Neil. 

“That guy?” The idiot points at Neil.  “He can’t take care of you the way I can, babe.  Let me show you how a real man does it.”

Andrew drags a hand over his face.  He reaches down to the drink tray and gulps two shots in quick succession. 

Neil holds both hands up in a classic what the hell gesture.  He doesn’t even know the guy. 

He looks to his team, but they burst out laughing.  Matt buries his face in Dan’s shoulder as they both shake with mirth.  Nicky is hooting, his arm around Kevin’s neck as they both crack up.  Even Renee’s mouth splits into a grin. 

“You gonna take that sitting down, sugar?” Allison says under her breath to Neil, unable to keep the glee out of her tone. 

“Can you please get him to shut up and go away?” Aaron snarls at Andrew. 

“What the fuck do you think I’ve been doing for the last five minutes?” Andrew snaps back.

“Talking to your new man?” The idiot wiggles his eyebrows.  “The guy who’s gonna rock your world?”

Andrew balls his hand into a fist when Renee calls out to him.  “Andrew, remember the promise you gave Wymack earlier this evening.”

“Promise?” Kevin demands.  “What promise?”

“Think it has something to do with the room bill Andrew ran up when he and Neil eloped to that hotel?” Matt stage-whispers to the group, adding a lascivious wink at the end. 

“That’s right!  The hotel!” Allison snaps her fingers as she remembers, her interest piqued once more.  “Details.  Now.”  

Andrew glares at Renee.  She shrugs her shoulders lightly.  “You gave your word.  No violence.”

They stare at one another for a moment longer, a silent exchange taking place.

“This is all your fault,” Andrew suddenly turns on Nicky. 

“What?” Nicky looks at him guiltily.  “I had no idea why he wanted Roland’s number!”

“You had no idea why our coach suddenly wanted the number of a bartender we visit every weekend?” Aaron deadpans. 

“What?  Maybe he wanted some chocolate booty all to himself.  Who am I to judge?”

“Can we not talk about my father getting booty around me?  Ever?” Kevin mutters.

“Your daddy getting booty is the only reason you’re here, Kev,” Allison reminds him gleefully. 

Andrew rubs a hand over his face.  “I’m surrounded by idiots.  I can’t take it.”

“Mmm, I don’t know.  You definitely look like the kind of guy who can take it,” the guy leers, his eyes lingering on Andrew.  “And I’m telling you, gorgeous, I can satisfy you all night long.”

Neil snaps his attention back to him at that comment.  His eyes narrow. 

The rest of the table stops laughing. 

“What did you just say?” Allison asks hotly. 

Andrew starts pushing up his sleeves. 

“Andrew,” Renee’s soft voice calls out.  “You promised.”

“I say it’s past time you shut up and walked away, buddy,” Matt frowns. 

“No, go ahead, say it again, you punk ass bitch,” Aaron starts to stand as Katelyn grabs his arm quickly.

“Aaron,” Andrew says warningly. 

“What?  I didn’t promise Wymack anything.”

Neil hovers on the edge of his seat.  He’s pissed, but not only did they promise Wymack no incidents, he also doesn’t want Aaron’s name getting dragged into anything again.  The one court case they’ve been to already is enough to last all of them a lifetime. 

Andrew must have decided the same. 

“That’s it,” Andrew snaps.  “Neil.  Get over here.  Now.”

Neil glares back at him from where he sits in the middle of the booth, between Dan and Renee.  Why the hell is he always in the middle of the booth when this shit happens?

He huffs out a breath, then simply steps up and walks across the table, ignoring his team’s yelps as they scramble to move their drinks out of the way.  He hops down off the table before leaning back against it and crossing his arms.  He pins Andrew with a look that says Well?  I’m here.  Now what?

Andrew turns to him, locks eyes, and whispers.  “Yes or no?”

Interesting.   “Yes.”

Andrew faces the idiot one last time.  “Here’s the deal, asshole.  Apparently, you’re either a moron or have a serious problem with your hearing, so let me show you.” He shoves Neil to the side and hops up onto the table so that he’s sitting on it.  Then he grabs Neil’s belt loops, pulling him forward until he’s standing between Andrew’s spread legs, facing him.  “The only one who’s satisfying me tonight is this idiot.  So fuck off.  Get it?”

And with that, Andrew grabs onto the front of Neil’s shirt and yanks him forward to kiss him. 

At first, Neil is caught off-guard, but within seconds, he’s lost himself to Andrew’s mouth, letting it take him under.  When he surfaces, he’s got his hands buried in Andrew’s hair, and Andrew is lying back on the table, his arms around Neil’s neck.  The Foxes are screaming and banging the table with delight, Dan’s wolf-whistle piercing the air while Aaron mimes retching to his right.  (At least, Neil thinks he’s pretending- he’s not actually sure.)  Katelyn just soothingly strokes his back as she grins.  Nicky is taking a thousand pictures with his phone, and Kevin is two-fisting his drinks, holding them aloft to save them from spilling. 

And the guy is finally gone. 

Neil blushes and pulls Andrew and himself upright, before sinking down into a chair someone has found them at the end of the table.  Andrew hops down off the table and, shocking Neil for the hundredth time that night, sits down in his lap.

“Andrew?” Neil whispers, eyes wide.  “Yes or no?”

Andrew rolls his eyes.  “It’s a yes, Neil.”  Then he glares at the rest of the table as they stare at him stunned.  “You fuckers can get your own drinks for the rest of the night.”    

Allison cackles, thumping the table with enthusiasm.  “Now this is the kind of reunion I expect from you dumb shits!”

“Holy crap,” Matt says, his eyes wide.  “That was amazing!”

Dan grins.  “Y’all are cute.”

“Hold on, wait a minute, this is something now, right?” Nicky asks eagerly, pointing at the two of them.  “We can call it that?”

“Call it whatever the fuck you want,” Andrew snaps.  “As long as it means I’m with Neil, I don’t give a shit.”

Neil’s face flushes so hard that it matches his hair color.  Or so Dan says. 

“God, you’re easy,” Andrew complains under his breath, but it’s somewhat muted by the small twitch at the corner of his lips.  “And if you idiots don’t stop screaming, I’m taking Neil home and locking the rest of you out of the house.”

Nicky gasps.  “Andrew Joseph Minyard, you ungrateful wretch, you cannot sexile me out of my own house!”

“Watch me.”

Neil grins as they continue bickering, slowly putting his arms around Andrew’s waist, and leaning his chin on his shoulder.  After a moment, Andrew settles back against Neil’s chest as he allows Renee to try and mediate between them. 

Neil knows this is the closest he’ll get to Andrew now for the rest of the night, but he doesn’t mind.  He’ll take whatever Andrew will give him, and he’s already stretched his boundaries quite a bit tonight. 

They’ve got plenty of time in the future to explore further if they want.  And if they don’t, that’s okay too.  As long as Neil is with Andrew, then he has everything he needs. 


WOW! Guys, thank you so much for following along with this fic!! This has been an amazing, crazy, angst-filled ride and I loved having all of you join me for it!! Your comments and thoughts were fantastic, and had me thinking, laughing, and getting mad all along with you! You guys are the absolute best!!!

I hope I did the topic justice, so to all my demisexual peeps out there- this one was totally for you! 💖💖

So…now for my surprise. I honestly don’t know how I’ve been able to keep this secret for so long because I’ve been DYING to answer some of your responses about it but here we go…

So you know how I wrote this entire fic from Neil’s POV? Well, here’s the thing…I also wrote the entire thing from Andrew’s. AT THE SAME TIME. (WHAT??? IKR- was I trying to kill myself or something? WOOF). ((okay okay let’s be real- it’s mostly done. B/c I’m a hyper perfectionist when it comes to editing. Don’t worry tho- we’ll get through this 😉))

SOOO…starting after the holidays, I’m beginning Part 2 of this fic, called I Want You To Stay which is completely from Andrew’s POV. It has all your favorite moments of this fic PLUS some new stuff you haven’t seen before. (And because it’s Andrew of course it’s like 16k+ longer…cuz that boy’s a thinker, phew). So if you enjoyed this fic, I sincerely hope you’ll join me for round 2 with Andrew!

And…true to form…here’s a sneak peek of that fic below:


Andrew stares into the full-length mirror on the back of their bedroom door. He’s late. The others have already changed and are waiting for him in the living room. This doesn’t faze him though; they can wait.

It’s the usual Saturday night routine. Their group is hitting the road, starting with dinner at Sweetie’s, followed by drinking and dancing at Eden’s, and ending with the house in Columbia. It’s the same pattern, week after week; a ritual that by all rights Andrew should be bored of. And maybe he is because nowadays he finds himself wishing the nights would go by faster, so that he can get to the end. Where his bedroom in Columbia waits. Where a certain redhead sometimes joins him.

Andrew rubs a hand over his face, pulling at dark circles under tired eyes. The man in the glass sighs.

He turns towards the dresser. Andrew pulls out his clothes methodically, placing them on the bed, fingers rubbing the soft fabrics soothingly. He checks the door is locked again for the third time before he finally starts undressing. Across the room, his image follows.

Neil hates this looking glass. He avoids it like the plague. But to Andrew it’s just a reflection, a perspective of what others see. He stares at his pale, pale skin and flaxen hair, almost translucent in the right light, juxtaposed against the darkness of his clothing behind him. He thinks of faded, white scars hidden under black armbands. It’s ink on paper, or ash on bone. It’s oil spilling onto what once was pure.

He won’t let smeared fingerprints drag him down tonight.


Happy Holidays everyone!!! 🎄🎁🎉😘

Series this work belongs to: