Chapter Text
It had been ten years since they'd lost Lev. Their lives had shifted into something that was mostly normal.
Crowley still spent a lot of time in Lev's garden. Their son, Beacon, had taken a particular interest in the garden. He spent a lot of time out there with his dad. He mostly pulled the weeds and ate all the strawberries, but he also loved listening to Crowley talk about the plants and how to properly take care of them.
Althea was more like her mother in that she'd rather read a book than be out in the dirt. She absolutely adored reading to her youngest siblings and helping her mama with the cooking and baking.
Aziraphale was currently seven months pregnant with babies six and seven (they'd thought one more would complete their family, but God had other plans).
Aziraphale waddled as he was busy baking some cookies for his family, feeling his babies kick. “Ooh yes my little ones I know, but Mama has baking to do.”
"We got to hurry, Mama!" Their daughter, Eden said from her perch on the counter. "Hurry hurry!"
“Eden, remember we are practicing patience.” Aziraphale smiled at her as he set the timer. “We have to let the cookies bake.”
"But I don't wanna!' Eden whined.
“Eden.” Aziraphale scolded gently with his hands on his hips.
She popped her bottom lip out and gave her mama her best puppy dog eyes. "But Mama!" She said, "Cookies are nummy! I want them now!"
Aziraphale chuckled. “Oh trust me I know. Why don’t you go join Daddy in the garden hmm?” He asked her, rubbing over his large belly.
"Ok!" She stuck her arms out so Aziraphale would help her off the counter.
Aziraphale huffed as he rested against the counter just as his beautiful eldest emerged.
She held up her book proudly. "Look Mama! I finished my book!"
“That’s wonderful darling!” Aziraphale smiled at her, a bit out of breath.
"What's wrong?" She asked, putting her book on the counter and watching her mama carefully.
“Oh I’m just a bit tired, my dear girl.” Aziraphale chuckled. He was huge this go around but a special huge.
"I wanna help!" Althea said excitedly. "Let me help!" She grabbed a book meant for the younger ones. "I can read to them!"
“Well they’re in the garden, you sweet wonderful girl.”
Althea nodded and ran outside where all of her younger siblings were. She immediately gathered the youngest ones, who always loved sissy's stories.
Beacon had a watering can and was on his knees pulling weeds out of Lev's garden. He'd taken to the garden like a fish to sea. He loved gardening with his daddy.
One of the twins offered their mama a hard kick. Aziraphale gasped a bit then smiled, rubbing over the twin who kicked him. Both of the babies shifted. Aziraphale held his belly happily. He swayed a bit as he waddled outside to join his sweet family. The cookies were done so he left them to cool.
Crowley smiled when he spotted his husband. "Hello love!" He stood up and walked towards him. He hooked his arm around Aziraphale and pulled him as close as he could before leaning in and kissing him.
"Ew Daddy!" Beacon yelled as he pulled up another weed.
Aziraphale melted into the kiss as he smiled wide. Hearing Beacon’s grossed out reaction he couldn’t help chuckling into the kiss as well.
"Kids," Crowley murmured with a smile. "How are the twins?"
“Active as always, my dear serpent.” Aziraphale brought Crowley’s hand to his belly.
Crowley smiled as he felt their movement. "I would quite imagine so with there being two in there." He shook his head. "I still can't believe we're having twins."
Aziraphale nodded when he felt a very familiar wind breeze past his cheek as he closed his eyes. “Whenever I feel a breeze like that I miss our Lev.” No matter how much time would pass Lev would always be loved and cherished.
Crowley nodded. "And they would have been so perfect here too." He smiled over at Althea who was reading to three of her younger siblings. He sometimes liked to imagine what it would be like to have Lev around. Maybe they would have taken up reading too. Or cooking. Or gardening. Or heck, maybe they would have been the little odd ball who surprised them by getting into science or math. He sighed. "I miss them terribly. Their life was such a blip compared to everything else, but I still think about them a lot."
Aziraphale went into Crowley’s arms again for a hug as he tried to not cry in front of the children.
Ophelia, their current youngest, toddled over to her mama carrying a dandelion. "Wook Mama! Wish fwower!"
Aziraphale wiped his face real quick looking down at his sweet girl. “Ooh yes, it is a wish flower. Make a wish my darling.”
Ophelia blew hard on the flower but the seeds didn't go anywhere. She held it up. "Mama!"
“Like this my dear.” Aziraphale helped her to blow the little dandelions fuzzies away.
Ophelia giggled and toddled off to find another flower.
"Ophelia! I'm not done!" Althea yelled.
"She doesn't have to listen to you if she doesn't want to," Crowley said.
"No buts, Althea. She doesn't want a story. Just finish reading to Eden and Mercury." Crowley smiled at Aziraphale with a shake of his head. "Can we handle two more?" He murmured.
“I think it’s just the right amount.” Aziraphale nuzzled against Crowley, taking it all in.
Ophelia let out a shriek. Crowley jolted and looked over. Althea was dragging her by the arm back to where she had been sitting. Since Althea had gotten distracted, Eden and Mercury had also wandered away to do their own thing.
"Hey, hey, hey," Crowley said. "What did I say? Ophelia can play however she wants to. She doesn't have to listen to you."
“I’m sorry Dad.” Althea let her go and decided to just meander close to Aziraphale.
Ophelia stuck her tongue out at Althea before turning back to pick more of her wish flowers. She handed one to Eden, Mercury, and Beacon. She glared at Althea when it came time for her turn to get one. She then handed one to both Aziraphale and Crowley and took one for herself.
Aziraphale had thought about it for his wish. He had so many wishes he thought but he knew. All the wishes in the world wouldn’t bring back the missing piece of their family so he closed his eyes and blew the fuzzies off to their next life with a deep sigh.
Crowley kissed his temple and squeezed his hand. "I know, love," he whispered. He blew his own flower. "I know."
Aziraphale closed his eyes again, leaning against his husband who had been his constant anchor since that day their worlds were completely changed forever.
Their pain never went away. They had a feeling that it never would. No matter what they did, they would never get their first child back. All they could do was enjoy the wonderful children they had now and anxiously await the two that were well on their way.
Aziraphale gave Crowley a sweet gentle kiss. “I love our life and every one of our babies earth side and above.” Aziraphale blew a kiss up into the clouds.
"And I love you. And our six, almost eight, beautiful children." He smiled. "Lev, Althea, Beacon, Mercury, Eden, Ophelia." He smiled at Aziraphale's belly. "And these two beautiful miracles."
Aziraphale hugged Crowley as he nuzzled into his neck. “I love you darling. I wouldn’t have this life with anyone else, my dearest eternal love.”
"There's no one I’d rather spend eternity with or raise our beautiful children with," Crowley replied.
"Mama! Look!" Beacon said with pride. He ran over and handed Aziraphale a strawberry. "Lev made us strawberries."
The children knew about Lev, but Aziraphale and Crowley weren't sure if they fully understood what it meant. But that was ok. They didn't need to understand.
Aziraphale took the strawberry, tasting it. It still produced the same beautiful sweet fruit years later. “Very rich and yummy, thank you for sharing, Beacon.”
"You're welcome!" Beacon said with a grin before turning back to the garden.
Aziraphale looked on at his beautiful children with a smile.
It was hard to believe how far they'd come in the last ten years. They'd had six beautiful babies and created a whole new life as they settled themselves into parenthood. It was a rocky start for them, but they were grateful for everything that came after.
“Someday we’ll find it…the rainbow connection..the lovers…the dreamers and me...”