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Luz Clawthorne: Two Worlds, One Family

Chapter 128: Book 2 Q and A Responses 6

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In loving memories of those who we lost:

Shelly Duvall, James Earl Jones, Rachael Lillis, and Tito Jackson, we will wish them all a good rest.

Alright, after a long wait, here are the Q and A Responses from our friends of St. Epiderm(and Bill):

Tina Ryo

From Crosshot

Tina, for clarity's sake, did you have feelings for Beocrow?

Tina: …I did, but I know he didn't feel the same. He did love me, just more as a friend or as a little sister. But despite knowing that, it was hard for me to completely turn off the way that I felt for him. I do wonder if he knew I liked him that way…

How have you been coping with the Firebees situation?

Tina: Not well. I have tried talking about it with my parents, but they haven't really been able to help me. I'm hoping that taking a break from LOWTH will help me, because I am really not in a good place mentally right now.

From Jack_Skeletron_4ever

How do your ghostly powers work? You're not dead, but can you interact with the dead?

Tina: I inherited them from my mother. She is a special kind of witch that used to live in cold areas like high up in the Knee. Sorta like how Luz's body adapted to better thrive in the Boiling Isles, my ancestors adapted to better thrive in a colder climate. Using their special oracle magic, they could give themselves ghost-like traits, such as being able to phase through matter or leave a cold chill in the air. It's not really something you can learn and I think me and my mom are the only ones left with these ghost-like abilities. I actually tried to avoid using these abilities in public before joining LOWTH, which is probably why my secret identity wasn't exposed much sooner. Then again, my codename was literally 'Ghostina'... it's a miracle we were able to hide our identities for as long as we were able to. But besides me and my mom, there really aren't any other descendants of this group of witches left. (pauses, lets the realization sink in) I should really ask my mom more about my ancestors, just so that our culture isn't lost forever. My mom did use to tell me stories about our people when I was younger, including stories about a snow princess with abilities similar to ours… a Yuki-Onna.

How are you dealing with Beo's death, especially this close to Beel's death?

Tina: Unfortunately, I didn't really know Beel. Veronica took classes with him and Donna was on the council with him, but I never got the chance to know him on a more personal level. I was still upset by his death though. As for Beo's death… I'm not handling it well, just like how I'm not handling the Firebees situation well. And for both of those things to happen almost back-to-back… yeah, it's another reason why I needed this break from LOWTH. Honestly, I'm not even sure if I want to go back to LOWTH. But I haven't figured out anything yet.

What's your family like?

Tina: My mom, Frostine, is a Healer and the tallest in our family. My dad, Marcel, is the shortest. I fall in the middle, though I often wonder if I'll end up being tall like my mom or short like my dad, though given that I'm the shortest member of my friend group, I think I skew more toward my dad in the height department. My dad also has a pretty short fuse, especially when it comes to his height. My mom has a much calmer disposition in comparison. My dad is a taxi griffin driver who transports people around the Boiling Isles on griffins. Viney's dad, Arnold, was his older brother.

What do you want to do, now that you took a break from LOWTH?

Tina: Mostly, I just want to spend some time with my family. Although I have been doing some volunteering efforts around the Isles as well. I heard that the Oracle Institute could use some extra hands, so maybe I'll think about volunteering there as well. But in general I've just been trying to take things easy. Though maybe I'll also try talking to Viney…

What type of magic do you want to try out now that you're free to pursue other types of magic?

Tina: I'm not sure, since I've been focused on oracle magic so long that I never really thought about taking a different type of magic. But now that I have the option… maybe Beast-Keeping. Both because my cousin takes it… and because Beo took it. I was thinking that it could be a good way to honor him…

What is your dream job?

Tina: It was to be an exorcist. But now I am considering a career in psychology, maybe as a therapist for ghosts. I can help them work through their issues so that they can move on.

How was your relationship with Viney when you were little?

Tina: Me used to be playmates whenever my family was visiting hers or vice versa. We were close… until Viney's dad died. We tried to be supportive, we tried to help them, but eventually Viney and her mom barely had any time to visit. Then we started to go to different schools and we just… drifted apart. I was hoping that we were starting to become close again… but I'm worried that the whole Firebees thing ruined that.

Have you tried to talk with Viney about how she feels guilty over the Torsa Villa fire?

Tina: A little. But the hard thing about talking to her about it is that I feel guilty as well, so when we do talk about it we just argue about who really was to blame for the fire. I try to blame Firebees, she tries to blame herself, I try to shift the blame onto myself, she insists that it was her fault, and it just goes on like that.

From Matteso

Did you know that your cousin isn't doing well following the Torso Villa fire?

Tina: Of course I know. I mean, I would be shocked if she was doing well following the Torsa Villa fire. She has every reason not to be doing well.

If you had run into your attempted kidnappers again, what sort of things would you do to them? Before bringing them to justice, I mean.

Tina: I would… beat them up, I guess? I'm not really that vengeful of a witch most of the time.

Do you and LOWTH plan on helping the ghost children in your HQ pass on?

Tina: Well, we did try. But it's been difficult, both because the ghost kids like haunting the HQ and don't want to pass on and because… it would mean solving their murders. Solving murder mysteries isn't really LOWTH's thing. Though we could ask the SSE for help, especially since they solved their first murder case not long ago. But it's still an awkward thing to ask them.

From NavyHeart

Did you train yourself or have someone teach you?

Tina: My grandmother trained me before her passing.

You got a favorite place to spend time in St. Epiderm, like the library?

Tina: I did like the quiet of the library. But I also really like the oracle classroom. I don't know if you've seen it or not, but it's really beautiful in an eerie kind of way. There are no windows, the ceiling looks like a star-filled sky, and the lighting just adds to the atmosphere. Sometimes I don't want to leave when class is over and I even once got in trouble for hiding in there after class so I could stay and enjoy the ambiance.

Got any other relatives?

Tina: I had a grandmother from my mother's side. Grandma Ryu. We used to be very close and she helped me with my powers… until she died, leaving me and my mom as the only witches left with our abilities. Besides her, you already know about my dad's side of the family.

From Shuffollower

Tina, how do your natural abilities work, and did you inherit them?

Tina: I think I already explained them. If you need some more clarification, some oracles are able to channel spirits through them and use their abilities. My abilities are kinda like that. It's kinda hard to explain it since no other oracle has replicated what the Ryu family has been able to do. It's not just something you learn, it's also something that you are born with.

From spantidem7

Do you think Beocrow could come back? I mean, as far as we know, you have to die to become a death god. Also, he could come back as a ghost. I hope I haven't offended you with this observation.

Tina: I… don't want to give myself false hope.

Veronica Rex

From Crosshot

Veronica, how did you acquire Belly?

Veronica: I carved him with help from my parents. Palistrom wood is very rare nowadays. You can buy it if you know where to look, but it costs a lot. My parents were able to get the Palistrom wood from the Bonesborough Garden Club, who they are members of. It's a great club dedicated to the conservation of the Boiling Isles's local flora, though unfortunately some of its Palistrom wood stock was robbed by a group of thieves. I can't imagine who would do such a horrible thing…

About Donna using Cross, I understand that it was out of concern for her and you don't know him, but was it really that hard to believe Donna messed up over him?

Veronica: …I'm sorry, but what are you talking about? I knew Donna messed up. I called her out for it after she got back from the date. Sure, my first thought was that Cross had hurt her, but why was that a stretch? As soon as she told me what she did, I got on her case about it. Sorry if my first instinct was concern for my friend.

From Guest

How is St. Epiderm and its students doing following Belos' demise?

Veronica: Well, school is out, so I don't know how St. Epiderm is doing after Belos's demise. I imagine that we will at least have a new Headmistress next semester, since Midday is out. But that's only if St. Epiderm reopens, because who knows what the future of the Boiling Isles will look like. Maybe St. Epiderm will even be converted back into a fortress. I have no idea at this point. I would like St. Epiderm to reopen though and allow students to take multiple tracks. But that is going to have to depend on the new staff. I think Danny probably has a better idea of what will happen to St. Epiderm and is working something out. He would worry about that while the rest of us are still recovering from the Day of Unity.

Do you still plan on being a member of L.O.W.T.H?

Veronica: Yeah. I mean, I see no reason to stop. Though I'm not sure what the future of LOWTH will look like in this new Boiling Isles. And since Donna is currently not on the Boiling Isles, LOWTH is kinda on pause right now since we're waiting for her to get back. I imagine that we will still at least have meetings and suit up whenever the Boiling Isles needs us, though I don't think we're going to be patrolling as much as we used to.

From Guest

When did Beel tell you Cross was a dragon?

Veronica: It was during one of our classes together. Honestly, Beel spouts conspiracy theories to me all of the time and most of the time I don't pay attention too closely to them. But when he told me that he believed Cross was a dragon, that stood out to me just for how outlandish it seemed at the time. But since Beel was right about that, now I can't help but wonder what else he was right about. (pauses) I hope his golem conspiracy theory wasn't right…

From Jack_Skeletron_4ever

How did you meet Sioux?

Veronica: It was when LOWTH and the SSE had their first team-up. We were investigating the Grim Goblin together… it did not go well.

What's the story behind your Palisman?

Veronica: I already answered this question. I carved him with my parents after they were able to acquire Palistrom wood from the Bonesborough Garden Club.

How are you dealing with Beo's death, especially this close to Beel's death?

Veronica: I… actually hate how I reacted to Bail's death. Because I was focusing on that, I couldn't help Donna. She had her hand bitten off and I did… nothing to help save her. It was Nina and the Brookes who saved Donna, not me. I should have put my feelings aside in order to focus on Donna, but I didn't and Donna could have paid the price for that. I was just… overwhelmed. And… yeah. Bail's death still hurts. Beel's death still hurts. And Donna almost dying because I couldn't get my shit together… that still hurts too.

What's your family like?

Veronica: My dad, Nadeem, is in the Bard Coven and my mom, Evergreen, is in the Potions Coven, though she actually works in the Plant Coven. She helps provide a large part of the Boiling Isles with their food by developing potions that help plants grow faster and bigger. She also runs the Bonesborough Garden Club and is the leader of St. Epiderm's PCA. Honestly, she kinda leads everything that she's a part of. Including her marriage. I think right now she's even eyeing for the position of Head Witch of the Potion Coven now that Vitimir is out of the picture. She… also has it out for the farmers of Satorius Acres. Both the Plant Coven and Satorius Acres provide the Boiling Isles with its food, but my mom believes that the crops produced by the Plant Coven are superior because they are grown in a more controlled environment. She is… pretty vocal about her opinions, which is why I would never introduce Lindsay to her. As for my dad, he… doesn't have a 'real' job, according to my mom. He calls himself a 'guru' and he tries to pass on his 'teachings' to other witches. Honestly, I kinda think that it's a scam, especially because of the stuff he tries to sell to his followers. He's a big believer in, uh, 'alternative medicine' and he is very outspoken about the Healing Coven and the Potions Coven… despite the fact that my mom works in the latter. It's kinda surprising that my parents are together, because they do have opposite views on pretty much everything. Like my dad loves farm products and my mom hates them. And yet, despite their differing views, they absolutely love each other, since they don't want politics to come in-between them. And they've been like this for as long as I can remember.

What type of magic do you want to try out now that you're free to pursue other types of magic?

Veronica: Well, I've actually been doing bard magic on the side in addition to plant magic. Now with the Emperor's Coven defunct, I'm thinking that I will try to mix my bard magic and my plant magic more. Besides that, none of the other magic tracks really interest me.

What is your dream job?

Veronica: I have been thinking about landscaping but I also do have a thing for fashion, just like Tabrella. I had an idea to specialize in clothes for different demons, like shoes for demons who have paws or hooves or gloves for demons with claws. I think demons provide different challenges than witches and it would be interesting to work around those challenges.

How do you feel about being part of LOWTH?

Veronica: I wasn't really sure about it at first, but now… I do feel a sense of pride for my part in LOWTH. Because we have done great things. We have helped a lot of witches. I can't deny that. I'm glad that I went along with Donna's idea, because it turned out the Boiling Isles did see us, especially since the Emperor's Coven was more hopelessly corrupt than any of us realized. The Boiling Isles needed an alternative and I can't help but wonder if that helped influence the other witches who decided to fight back against the Emperor's Coven on the Day of Unity. So I am proud to be a member of LOWTH and that's why I don't see myself leaving LOWTH anytime soon. It honestly became a lot larger and lasted a lot longer than I was expecting.

From Matteso

How much of Felicia's behavior (including bluffing and her terrible advice to Donna) do you think was due to Felicity's influence?

Veronica: I think her giving terrible advice to Donna wasn't because of Felicity's influence, it was because Felicia doesn't do romance. She's an aromantic homosexual, so her terrible advice to Donna definitely comes from her total lack of dating experience. But as for her bluffing about being an expert of dating… maybe, but I don't think we should blame Felicia for her terrible choices. Especially when Felicia has shown that she is able to make her own choices that do go against her mother's influence. Look, I don't want to bash Felicia too hard, poor girl has been through enough, but blaming her mother for her behavior is such an easy way out.

From Navy-Heart

How did you come up with your hero name?

Veronica: I didn't. The name was Donna's idea, actually.

After Day of Unity, what are you gonna do now?

Veronica: Like the other members of LOWTH, I'm on standby. But until the next meeting, I have been helping out with volunteer efforts around the Boiling Isles, trying to help out even while I am out-of-costume. St. Epiderm was actually used as a shelter and a healing center for a while after the Day of Unity, though it's empty now. We are waiting for Donna to come back from the Inwell Isles, though while she is there I've also been spending more time with my family.

Got any other relatives?

Veronica: I… have a cousin, but I'm not close to her. She goes to Hexside and her dad is my uncle, though he doesn't live on the Boiling Isles anymore. I… don't like to talk about him. I probably should try to reach out to my cousin, especially because of who she's dating right now…

From Shuffollower

When did you develop an interest in Sioux?

Veronica: It was during the time that Sioux was with LOWTH while the SSE was disbanded. We just… clicked.

From spantidem7

What is it like to deal with the death of a loved one when you know there is an afterlife? I don't mean to offend, it's just genuine curiosity.

Veronica: Honestly, I'm… not sure how to feel about the afterlife. I know there is an afterlife, but I heard there are apparently multiple afterlives, so… where do my friends and family go when they die? Will they go to a nice place? Will they go to literal Hell? Or will they go somewhere that's not great, but is still better than Hell? Or will they be trapped in Purgatory or Limbo? I have no idea and that's… still a scary thought. I don't know what happened to Beel or Beo after they died. I don't know what will happen to me when I die. The only real certainty I have is that horrible witches like Belos and Draco are definitely in Hell where they deserve…

Tyrone Underwood

From Crosshot

Tyrone, what inspired your interest in baking?

Tyrone: My dad's terrible cooking, actually. He insists on cooking, but if me and my siblings only ate his cooking, there was no way we would be able to survive. So me and Clè were basically forced to learn how to cook in order to provide for ourselves and our siblings. And I just ended up getting really into cooking, especially baking.

How did you obtain Sheldon?

Tyrone: It was a birthday gift from my older brother, Clè. He found Sheldon after he had gotten loose in the Emperor's Castle, having apparently escaped their Palisman stocks. Clè could have returned Sheldon to the Emperor's Coven Palisman stock, but instead he decided to smuggle Sheldon out of the Castle and give him to me as a present for my 13th birthday. He could have gotten in serious trouble for that, but he still took the risk anyway.

Are you interested in anybody right now?

Tyrone: There's this… Hexside girl that I like. She's a cheerleader, she has a thing for sweets, and she is a pretty good baker as well…

From Jack_Skeletron_4ever

How has your relationship with your parents and Clè changed after they learned you were a vigilante and after the Emperor was defeated?

Tyrone: Well, it was a lot for them to process, even if my dads are trying to be understanding. Honesty, it would have been a lot worse if they had learned I was a vigilante much earlier. I was kinda lucky that they learned during the week of the Day of Unity, which had a lot going on during it, including Belos being exposed as a fraud. Because it was exposed how corrupt the Emperor's Coven really was, they're a lot more forgiving of me going above the law. But that revelation didn't just affect how they saw my vigilantism. They're also questioning everything they believed in and everything they did in Belos's name… I'm glad that I am still on good terms with my family, but I kinda worried about them now.

What do you think of Acorn, Amity's little fairy friend?

Tyrone: She's different from the Boiling Isles pixies. Less… feral. I do think she's cute, even if I can't understand a thing she's saying.

How are you dealing with Beo's death, especially this close to Beel's death?

Tyrone: I was unfortunately not close to Beel, so I wasn't hit as hard by his death as others were. I was still upset that he died though. And Beo… yeah, that stung. It affected all of us and while I'm dealing with his death better than I honestly expected… it's not going to be the same without him. There's not just a hole in LOWTH now, his death left a hole in our friend group. So I am worried about the long-term consequences of his death and what it might do to us…

What's your family like?

Tyrone: I have two dads and seven siblings. My dads, they mean well, but they can be a lot sometimes. Out of my siblings, I am the fourth youngest. My oldest sibling is my brother Dirtmont. He actually moved to the Inwell Isles and works over there. The last time he visited was after the Day of Unity, though he didn't stay long. I've asked Donna to say hi to him while he's over there. My second oldest sibling is Clè, who I've already talked about. My third oldest sibling is my sister Julie, she worked for the security division of Blight Industries, at least until Arthur and Destiny laid her and her co-workers off. She is hoping to get re-hired, but the future of Blight Industries is unknown at the moment, especially because of all the drama surrounding the Blight family, which she is not happy about. Let's just say that I have heard Julie say some… not pleasant things about the Blight family. My younger brothers are Lucas, Burner, and Mercer. My youngest sibling is my sister Rochelle. Home can be… chaotic sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I do love all of my siblings, but like my dads they can all be a bit much at times…

What type of magic do you want to try out now that you're free to pursue other types of magic?

Tyrone: I kinda want to try out bard, if I'm being honest. Veronica and Donna both already know some bard spells and bard magic seems to come in pretty handy, so I'm interested in learning.

What is your dream job?

Tyrone: Because of my physique, everyone assumes that I want to take a job in Construction or sports or even modeling. But none of that really interests me. I want to become a baker someday, maybe even have my own bakery. Though I don't know how realistic that dream is.

How do you feel about being part of LOWTH?

Tyrone: I would say… proud? We've done a lot of good work and helped a lot of witches. Even my dads are proud of what I've done, which is a good feeling. I… did feel bad about it for a while, specifically going behind the backs of my family and lying to them. And I hate to admit it, but it did get easier. The lying, I mean. I'm actually relieved that the truth is out now, since it means that I don't have to keep lying to my folks. Sure, it did get me in trouble. But they also approve of what I'm doing and now I can keep being in LOWTH without having to feel guilty about keeping my family in the dark. So my least favorite part of being part of LOWTH, the part I had reservations about, is no longer an issue.

From Matteso

One of your dads is a terrible cook, but what about your other dad?

Tyrone: Not bad. His food is at least edible, though it always tastes too bitter. Neither of my dads are great chefs, but it's a good thing that the Ironwoods have strong stomachs.

From NavyHeart

How to become a member of LOWTH?

Tyrone: Um, I don't know. There's not really an official auditioning process for LOWTH. I guess you have to impress us with your magic first and get us to consider making you a member. Then we might do an interview, though it's still not very formal… maybe we should come up with something more formal for new members who want to join. But that decision would probably fall on Donna and Veronica.

What's your favorite thing to do in school?

Tyrone: Hang out with my friends, obviously. Though I guess that's not something unique to school.

Got any other relatives?

Tyrone: Um… there's my grandmother. Specifically, she is Dirk's mother. Me and Clè call her 'Grandmomma'. She is a lot like my dads, being strict but well-meaning. But unlike my dads, she's actually a great chef, so you could say she is another reason why I'm interested in cooking and baking in particular. She and my dad actually immigrated to the Boiling Isles from another Titan long before me and my siblings were born. She and my dad haven't been back to their original Titan since they left, but I do know that Grandmomma wants to go back there before she dies. I think I would actually like to go with her when she does, because for a long time I have wondered about where she and my dad were originally from…

From Shuffollower

Tyrone, are you as protective over your friends as we've been told?

Tyrone: Wait, you've been told that I'm protective of my friends? By who? And I guess I am protective… but isn't everyone? I mean, everyone should be protective of my friends. But what is about me being protective over my friends that makes me particularly noteworthy? Sorry, I guess I just don't understand the question, especially since I don't know what exactly you've been told about me and if it was meant in a positive or a negative light. But I have to assume it was in a positive light, because what's wrong with being protective over your friends? Especially when they've been through so many hardships…

From spantidem7

Is it hot in the Boiling Isles? Because your superhero costume is bare-chested.

Tyrone: Well, it's actually colder around Metropelvis and St. Epiderm, since we get a lot of snow in that area. But despite that, I honestly never get cold. I guess that kinda makes me like this comic character Luz told me about. I think his name was… Luke Cage?

By the way, what do your parents think about you walking around bare-chested?

Tyrone: They chewed me out about that too, after they finished chewing me out about being a vigilante and lying to them about it. They're definitely going to make me change my costume at some point…

Kyle Pox

From Crosshot

Kyle, what exactly do you like about Ukla besides how she stood up for you?

Kyle: Well… I guess I like that she's strong and tough, unlike me. I like that she's loyal and protective of her friends. And… I just think that she's cute. (shrugs) I like reptiles. Is there a term for that?

Who's your other parent and what're they like?

Kyle: My mom is a Constructionist who works as a realtor. She and my dad are divorced… but they still live together, though more as roommates rather than a couple. Of course, my mom, Loraine, has the occasional fling and during those times my dad works overtime in the Healing Coven and when my dad has his flings, my mom also works overtime. My mom is similar to my dad in that they're both incredibly cynical. She used to be an atheist, but after the Day of Unity she became a born-again Titan believer lately, though she is pretty much still the same witch. She dotes on me a lot and I think she doesn't want me to become as cynical as her or my dad…

Has your dad always been the way he is, or is there any deeper meaning behind it?

Kyle: I think… he's been like this for as long as I can remember. My dad is one of the best Healers in the Healing Coven, but his reputation isn't the best. He tends to frustrate and annoy his fellow Healers, who all hate him because of his cynicism, atheism, and his ability to get under their skin. He's not a bad witch, not by any stretch of the imagination. He cares about his patients and his fellow Healers, he just… doesn't like showing his softer side. I don't know much about my dad's childhood, but according to my mother, he didn't have the healthiest relationship with his own parents or his sister, who was their favorite. But my dad isn't too bad when you get to know him.

From Jack_Skeletron_4ever

What do you think of Muka of the Graux sisters?

Kyle: She… surprised me. Honestly, even when I helped her out during the Scarfish attack, I expected her to go back to picking on me the very next day. But she didn't and she even told me that she had my back from that point on, so I guess she really appreciated what I did for her. And honestly, I'm glad that I was able to have a positive effect on her. She even helped us kick the Emperor's Coven out of St. Epiderm when you would have expected her to be the first witch to sell us out. But no, she stood by us while our own Headmistress sold us out and was willing to let the Emperor's Coven brand everyone in the school. I actually really appreciate that Muka helped us out. She's really not that bad.

Did you ask Ukla out?

Kyle: Um, no, I haven't. I haven't gotten the chance to yet, since after the Healing Coven building was destroyed and the Day of Unity… well, there has been a need for every healer remaining on the Boiling Isles, including me. So I've mainly been helping out my dad, leaving very little time for anything else.

How are you dealing with Beo's death, especially this close to Beel's death?

Kyle: Unfortunately, I wasn't really close with either of them. It still definitely sucks that they died and I definitely feel bad for those who knew them better. But a lot of witches died the week of the Day of Unity, especially when the Healing Coven building was blown up. While helping out my dad, I saw a lot of witches who had lost loved ones or whose loved ones were horribly injured. It was… a lot. I felt overwhelmed at times, but those witches needed every healer that was available, myself included. This is the kind of scenario that every healer dreads, but can't back away from.

What's your family like?

Kyle: I already answered this question.

What type of magic do you want to try out now that you're free to pursue other types of magic?

Kyle: I don't know, honestly. I do think it would be nice to learn a different kind of magic, though I have no idea what I would be good at… if I would be good at anything. I would definitely say Construction is out of the picture. I guess Potions would probably be the safest bet for me, since it's just mixing stuff, right? How hard can it be? Although I think Bard could also be fun, if I could find the right instrument…

How do you feel about being part of LOWTH?

Kyle: It's definitely strange and I know I'm not the strongest asset to the team, but every team needs a healer, right? And I know that Donna is also a healer, but she also throws herself into battle with that keyblade thing of hers, so her priority isn't always on healing her teammates or healing citizens. That is pretty much my role on the team, since unlike Donna and the others I'm not a fighter. I was actually worried that I wouldn't fit in on LOWTH, but apparently Donna was the one who vouched for me. She had a lot of faith in me… which was nice to hear.

What is your dream job?

Kyle: Um, I guess I just want to be a healer like my dad. I'm not exactly complicated in the dream job department.

From Matteso

Are you afraid of what would happen if Ukla and Muka are in the same room as you?

Kyle: Um, I guess. Since they're both from Glandus, they probably don't have a good history with each other. So I have no idea what would happen if they were in the same room together, though I would try my best to de-escalate the conflict.

From Navy-Heart

What do you do for a living, any hobbies?

Kyle: Well, I guess I heal for a living. But as for hobbies… I like to sew. I like to patch holes in clothing, including my dad's shirts and pants. I mean, sewing clothes isn't that much different from sewing wounds, right?

Is there anyone close to you that got your back?

Kyle: I guess Muka and her sisters have my back now, which is funny, since they're the kinds of witches that I would keep to have somebody watch my back for. I do think Donna also has had my back, ever since the incident at the party. I kinda wish we hung out more than we actually do. And before you ask why I have a crush on Ukla and not Donna when Donna stands up for me as well, it's because I like to see Donna as more of a sister. I don't think she knows that though… or sees me the same way.

Got any other relatives?

Kyle: None that I'm close to. And that includes my aunt.

From Shuffollower

Have you gotten to see Boscha's friends in the week after the Day of Unity?

Kyle: Yeah, though I didn't get to spend too much time with them. You know, because of the demand for healers after the Day of Unity thing. When everything has calmed down more, hopefully I'll be able to spend more time with them. Because I actually did really like hanging out with them the week before the Day of Unity.

From spantidem7

How do you feel about Ukla?

Kyle: I think it's pretty obvious from my earlier responses that I have a bit of a crush on her. She's nice, she's strong, she has scales…

What made you have a crush on her?

Kyle: I already answered this question.

What do you think about Muka?

Kyle: I also already answered this question.

What is your other parent like?

Kyle: Do you have any questions for me that I haven't already answered? No? Okay then.

Roxy Armstrong

From Crosshot

Roxy… why "Rock-Hard"? Just… why?

Roxy: Okay, look. I hadn't settled on a name yet and when the Conformatorium breakout happened it was an all-hands-on-deck situation, so I just went with the first name I thought of… and yeah, I know I need a new name before Rock-Hard sticks. But I still haven't decided on a new name…

Have you used the Giga-Rox technique since the Bonesborough Brawl?

Roxy: No, I haven't really gotten the chance. Since it's still a work-in-progress I didn't want to use it during the week of the Day of Unity and I don't want to use it until I'm ready.

Is your mother still a member of the Five Nails Guardians?

Roxy: The Emperor's Coven disbanded the Five Nails Guardians sometime ago. So my mom owns a gym business now. She's actually doing really well and has opened up several gyms across the Boiling Isles. She is still in touch with her old friends from the FNG though.

From Jack_Skeletron_4ever

How much can you lift?

Roxy: 456.1lb lift, 501.1lb bench, and 445.9lb deadlift.

Who is the most powerful adversary you beat?

Roxy: Her name was Knock-Down. She was using power glyphs to target some of the urban areas of Metropelvis. Apparently she was under the contract of some business witches who wanted a construction deal, but first they wanted the old buildings to be torn down with the witches still in them. I managed to put a stop to Knock-Down's plan, saving the neighborhood and its residents, but I know that I made an enemy that day…

How are you dealing with Beo's death, especially this close to Beel's death?

Roxy: I wasn't close with either Beo or Beel. I think that out of the members of LOWTH, I was one of the members least affected by their deaths. That doesn't mean that I wasn't upset. I mourned for them just like the others did. But I just want to point out that because I wasn't as close to them, how I'm dealing with their deaths is very different from how other witches are dealing with their deaths.

What's your family like?

Roxy: My mom is Rosetta Armstrong, aka Scalp Metal. You already know who she is. A lot of witches tell me that I remind them of her. She's also pretty supportive of me being in LOWTH, which is nice. I… don't know who my father is. I also have a little brother and I know his father was one of my mom's old co-workers who died. I didn't really know him. My little brother is eleven years old. His name is Mac. I don't actually see him that much, since he spends a lot of his free time at a bodega for some reason…

How do you feel about being part of LOWTH?

Roxy: I see it as a good way for me to improve my magic, not to mention a way for me to make a difference in the Boiling Isles and help other witches. So yeah, I like being part of LOWTH. I like it a lot.

What type of magic would you like to try now that you're free to pursue other types of magic?

Roxy: I honestly don't know. That's something I've never really thought about, because I was always under the assumption that I could study one kind of magic. But… maybe bard?

What's your dream job?

Roxy: I would actually love to create. Like Giga-Rox was the result of me trying out sculptures and realizing I could use it for my moveset. I don't really see it as practical, which is why it is just my dream job, but I would love to be a sculptor someday. Or an architect. As long as I'm creating something that witches will like looking at.

This is mostly for fun… have you tried to fight Perfect Gell?

Roxy: I haven't gotten the chance to.

From Matteso

Got any ideas for upgrading Giga-Rox?

Roxy: I don't like talking about my process. I do have ideas, but I'm not going to share them. They are for me and me alone, especially while I am still working on my technique.

From Navy-Heart

Roxy… what's your workout routine?

Roxy: I like to try to do thirty push-ups, thirty sit-ups, thirty squats, and a five mile run each day.

Did you come up with the idea of St. Epiderm's Guards?

Roxy: Um… what? I'm confused, what are you even referring to?

Got any other relatives?

Roxy: I have a cousin who used to be in the Emperor's Coven. Her name was Chantley.

From Shuffollower

Roxy, do you like anybody?

Roxy: Not at the moment, no.

From spantidem7

How are you perfecting Giga-Rox?

Roxy: Didn't I say earlier that I don't like talking about my process?

Sarah Atos

From Alamout

How are things between you and Jerbo?

Sarah: We haven't really had the time together because of the Day of Unity and everything. We've mainly just talked about his upcoming internship with my dad, which I'm hoping will be our chance to get to know each other better… and see if my interest in him is deserving or not. I am going to be watching him very closely…

How many homunculi siblings do you have?

Sarah: Um, just Ruby. Not sure where you heard that I have other siblings.

From Crosshot

Sarah, as a homunculus, what other abilities do you have besides blade extension?

Sarah: My brain is a database that I can use to store information better than anything else. I can also use my claws to hack into systems and download, upload, or manipulate information.

Aside from lightning magic, what other types do you use?

Sarah: Fire, ice, Abominations, Plants, Illusions. and Oracle. The latter four I studied in secret.

And what have been your most successful inventions?

Sarah: My most successful invention is easily my bio-suit, which is made from the mixture of the potions that I pour over my body. They work like what humans would call a nanosuit, it forms around my body and can even regenerate after being damaged. It is my pride and joy, though I'm sure that Perfect Gell would claim that he is my most successful invention…

From Jack_Skeletron_4ever

What are your feelings on Ford?

Sarah: He's… interesting. I've known about him for years and I've spent those years imagining what he's like, building up this idea of him in my head while never thinking I would actually get to meet him. And now that I have… I'm not sure how I feel about him. A part of me wants to spend more time with him, but I'm worried that he won't meet my expectations. That he'll disappoint me or, worse, I'll disappoint him. So maybe it's for the best that he doesn't get to know me…

If Staggertarious was able to create 2 whole people like you and Ruby, what stopped him from making more, or a body for himself?

Sarah: For one thing, making homunculi takes up a lot of resources, which is why most of the homunculi he's created are small ones that he keeps in jars. Creating bigger homunculi like me, Ruby, and Perfect Gell is more time-exhausting and resource-exhausting. As for why he doesn't create a new body for himself, it's because it wouldn't be a permanent solution. Just like Grimwalkers almost always deteriorate, homunculi don't last. They're not meant to last. They're created to fulfill a certain purpose or task. Usually, they only last a matter of weeks if not months, although Staggertarious has managed to extend their lifespan to years. I'm not actually the original Sarah. I'm not even the Sarah that Boscha once had a playdate with. And I probably won't be the last Sarah. So him creating a new body is only a temporary solution.

What's your relationship with Ruby like? What about Staggertarious?

Sarah: Me and Ruby haven't actually spent that much time together, since she was created for a specific purpose and she infiltrated the Potions Coven as soon as she was ready. So we're sisters, but we're not particularly close, although I would like to change that and spend more time with her now that her mission has been successful. As for Staggertarious… I was created for a specific purpose. To help him with his experiments. To that end, we spend a lot of time together working on different projects. We work well together and I don't want to disappoint him.

How are you dealing with Beo's death, especially this close to Beel's death?

Sarah: I didn't really know Bailey, so I'm not as affected by his death. I was closer to Beel. Like I said at his funeral, we would clash and disagree with each other sometimes, but I did respect him more often than not. Though we weren't exactly friends… I do miss him, even if I know that if he was still alive he would absolutely rub it in my face about how much he was right about. It… kinda makes me wonder if he suspected the truth about me and kept it to himself…

What type of magic would you try, now that you're free to pursue other types of magic?

Sarah: I would actually like to experiment with every type of magic. I was already doing a little mixing of magic in secret, but now I can do it in the open without having to worry about getting in trouble. I'm someone who believes that limitations only exist to be exceeded, so I am definitely going to be pushing the boundaries when it comes to magic mixing.

How do you feel about being a part of LOWTH?

Sarah: It's an interesting experience. And it's… honestly nice to have some friends who know my secret and are fine with it. Because of that, I'm looking forward to spending more time with them. Additionally, it's something to get me out of the house during Fall Break, which is definitely good. Sometimes during Fall Break, I can be so wrapped up in my experiments that I can spend days in my house without seeing any natural light. Don't get me wrong, I'm incredibly productive during that time. But I've concluded that it is not really the healthiest to spend an extended amount of time with no social interactions with anyone besides my dad and his experiments. Especially since I don't want to contribute to the negative stereotype of scientific geniuses being anti-social shut-ins who scorn companionship. And I don't want to waste my life.

What's your dream job?

Sarah: I already have my dream job. I'm doing what I was literally made for.

Do you think Homunculi have souls?

Sarah: That… is an interesting question and one that I am not sure of how to answer. For one, how does one determine if something has a soul or not? Is a soul something that I can see or measure? Honestly, for the longest time I didn't believe that souls were real… but then Amity was able to give a soul to an Abomination. So if her Abomination, Phil, has a soul, do I have a soul as well? Or am I a soulless monstrosity who won't go to the afterlife when I die and I will instead just fade away? I should be terrified by this possibility… but I'm actually intrigued. Because if I am soulless, there is still little difference between me and a witch with a soul. So what exactly does a soul determine, beyond whether that individual goes to the afterlife or not? I have so many questions and I look forward to finding the answers, probably by testing on myself. I just need to figure out the right tests…

From Matteso

How are things going between you and Jerbo?

Sarah: I already answered this question and I don't like repeating myself.

From Navy-Heart

How do you create your own potions?

Sarah: The same way any potionist would. By mixing together the right kind of ingredients, though there is admittedly more of a science to it than that. Potions aren't just affected by the ingredients they use, they're also affected by how you mix them and even the bottle that you keep them in. For example-

NOTE: We had to cut her off here, but she went on for several hours about the different factors that can positively or negatively affect a potion.

When did you find out you were a homunculus?

Sarah: I've actually always known, from the moment that I was created.

What do you know about Ford?

Sarah: I know that he was friends with my father. I know that they worked with each other before my father's accident. I know that, like my father, he is a brilliant scientist. There is, of course, plenty that I don't know about. I don't know much about his life before he came to the Boiling Isles and I don't know anything about his life after he left the Boiling Isles. And I don't know much about his family, including if he has kids off in some other dimension or not. So I would like to get to know him more, but I don't know if I should.

Got any other relatives?

Sarah: I am an artificial witch, so no. I don't have any 'relatives' besides my 'father' and my 'sister'. Well, I guess there's also Perfect Gell, but he's not family. There's also my, um, 'housemates' like Rip, Herby, and Liam. They're not homunculi like me, they're patients that my dad has treated. But I won't talk about their conditions.

From Shuffollower

Sarah, why do you keep listing your dark secret as a bigger shock than other huge secrets? It feels like you're trying to prove something.

Sarah: Um, what are you talking about? I'm not trying to prove anything.

From spantidem7

Now that your dark secret has been revealed, do you think you might start dating Edric?

Sarah: Nah, I am no longer interested in Edric. Riley can have him. I'm more interested in Jerbo.

What are the other homunculi of Atos like?

Sarah: You mean Ruby and Perfect Gell? My dad created Ruby to be his eyes and ears in the Potions Coven. In order to go undetected, she had to be cunning and sneaky. She had to fit in with the likes of Nicole and Vitimir. But at the end of the day, she is still loyal to her family. We honestly haven't actually spent that much time together, because her mission doesn't permit that, but now that Vitimir has fled, I would like us to spend more time together as sisters. As for Perfect Gell… he's a gym freak who spends his hours at the gym or at competitions like the Bonesborough Brawl, which was not our intention for him. Unlike him and my sister, he turned out to be a disappointment.

How do you consider them?

Sarah: Ruby is my sister and Perfect Gell… is a failed experiment.

What kind of person is Ruby?

Sarah: You already asked that question. Don't waste my time.

Danny Dilburn

From Alamout

Do you know the whereabouts of Peter Bloomhog?

Danny: No, I don't. Honestly, I haven't heard from him since he left St. Epiderm, so I have no idea what happened to him. I do hope that he's okay.

What is your family like?

Danny: Well, you probably already know my twin sister Fanny. She lives with our mom, Laurie, while I live with our dad, Douglas. Our dad works at a law firm while our mother is a teacher. I guess you could say that our dad is the reason that I grew up to love following the rules so much, since that's what our dad's job is all about. Both of our parents also re-married. My step-mother, Zumi Decker, sells homecare products like facial cream and organic soap. We… don't really see eye-to-eye. Fan's step-father is Paul Stubb and he is the more stay-at-home type.

From Crosshot

Danny, since you're looking to get multi-tracking approved for St. Epiderm's curriculum, have you thought about partaking in it yourself?

Danny: No. Call me traditional, but I've always excelled at oracle magic. It's always worked for me and it's always been what I wanted to do. I'm fine with other witches having the choice to multi-track, but it just isn't for me.

Were you and Riley in a relationship in the past?

Danny: Yeah, we were. But we ultimately decided that we were better off as friends. Besides that, I won't say anymore. I don't like discussing my past relationships, especially with the other person not being around. The important thing is that me and Riley are still good friends and I will encourage any future relationships they might have.

What happened between your parents?

Danny: They were never in love. My dad married my mom out of obligation after he got her pregnant. They only stayed together for as long as they did for me and Fan, but they just weren't into each other. Honestly, I think they get along better now than they did when they were married. They make for better friends than a couple.

From Guest

With Headmistress Midday gone, who will be the new principal of St. Epiderm?

Danny: I don't know. The next semester won't begin for a while, so there is time to figure out who the new Headmaster or Headmistress will be. But I do have faith that St. Epiderm will reopen once Fall Break has ended. I refuse to let St. Epiderm be abandoned.

What do you and all the students at St. Epiderm hope to see in the Boiling Isles future now that Belos is gone?

Danny: I… can't speak for all of my classmates, but personally I am hoping that the Boiling Isles doesn't descend into chaos and anarchy. I'm hoping that the new government will be able to retain order in the Boiling Isles. Beyond that, I am hoping that we will be able to return to some form of normalcy. For example, I want St. Epiderm to reopen. Things will be different, sure. They have to be. But I still do want a return to routine.

From Jack_Skeletron_4ever

What happened to Headmistress Midday, after she helped Leonte and the Emperor's Coven trying to brand children? Has she been reinstated or is she in jail with them?

Danny: You don't have to worry about her being reinstated. There is no way that I am going to let that happen. As for what happened to her… I don't know. Like Peter, she just… vanished after the Day of Unity. Though in her case, I imagine that she's probably hiding like a lot of Belos loyalists. Maybe she's not even on the Boiling Isles anymore.

What are your thoughts on LOWTH now?

Danny: I have a lot more respect for them. I understand why they decided they had to go against the rules, especially in light of all the corruption from the Emperor's Coven that has been exposed, and I acknowledge all the good they've done for the Boiling Isles. I'm still thinking about joining LOWTH, if that's something you're wondering about. I can respect them and even help them, but I am not putting on a costume and giving myself a silly codename.

How are you dealing with Beo's death, especially this close to Beel's death?

Danny: I wasn't close to Bailey. He was still a St. Epiderm student, so I was still affected by his death. Just not as much as Cross or Donna or one of her friends. Beel's death definitely hit a lot harder, though neither of them should have died. I… can't help but feel responsible for their deaths as well, since I was student council president. I guess there was nothing that I could have done for Beel, but Bailey… he died in St. Epiderm. Under my watch. I do feel like I could have somehow prevented it…

What's your family like?

Danny: I already answered this question. Please, if you are going to ask me more questions about my family, be more specific.

What do you think of Cat?

Danny: I'm really impressed by her and the way she became a leader for her classmates and took charge when the Emperor's Coven came to her school. I actually did enjoy working with her when we moved everyone from Hexside to St. Epiderm and I hope that I get to work more closely with her in the future. Because she is… very passionate about what she believes in and I can't help but admire her commitment.

What's your dream job?

Danny: I want a bureaucratic position. That was my dream job and that still hasn't changed. If anything, I want to pursue a career in bureaucracy even more, because I do think the Boiling Isles could use more bureaucrats who actually want to make the lives of other witches better. Especially since I am worried that some witches are going to try to take advantage of the vacuum left by the Day of Unity…

What type of magic would you try, now that you are free to pursue other types of magic?

Danny: I already answered this question. I'm sticking with what I'm good at instead of taking other tracks just because that's an option.

Are you going to still be St. Epiderm student council president, or are you resigning?

Danny: I'm still going to be student council president… unless I aim for something higher, I guess. But I still want to continue to play a role in how St. Epiderm is run, because I want to make it better for my fellow students. I want to make sure that they get the choice to try multiple tracks if they want to, even if I choose to stick with just oracle. And I want to make sure that the new staff are witches who care about the school, just as much as I do.

From Matteso

How did you become a stickler for rules?

Danny: I already explained this. It was because of my dad, whose job is all about being a stickler for the rules.

From Navy-Heart

What's your best moment?

Danny: Probably me deciding to help LOWTH stop the Emperor's Coven from branding my classmates, kicking the Emperor's Coven and Midday out of our school, and taking charge as the head of the student council.

Are you so strict on rules, why can't you accept something… new?

Danny: That's… not a proper question. Do you mean "Why are you so strict on rules, why can't you accept something new"? And the reason I am so strict on rules is because I believe that if something works, it shouldn't be fixed. For example, I am not interested in multi-tracking. Oracle magic works for me. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I believed the same for the rules and the system, but I have realized that the system is more flawed than I believed. And not everyone in the system follows their own rules, breaking it when it's convenient. So I think we do need to reform our system and our rules, not just to prevent more corruption, but also because the old systems and rules were admittedly less… inclusive. So I can accept something new, because I can admit that things need to change.

Got any other relatives?

Danny: None that I'm close to.

From Shuffollower

Danny, what got you interested in the student council?

Danny: I've always been a high achiever. I used to be in Witch Scouts… which is something that Fan would make fun of me for. But I did earn all of the badges, something that I took pride in. And I felt like student council was the next step. When I became the top of my class, it earned me a spot on the council. I wasn't the president back then though. I succeeded her after she graduated, but I still remember her. She was quite the leader…

From spantidem7

How did you take the fact that most of the things you believed were wrong and that Belos is a monster in both a metaphorical and literal sense?

Danny: It's… been something to process. For the longest time, I was supportive of the Emperor's Coven. I defended their actions. But I did believe that they were protecting the Boiling Isles. But then… I saw the kind of witch Cutburn really was. And everyone learned about who Terra really was. And the Emperor's Coven tried to brand my classmates while Midday was willing to let it happen… but even after all of that, it is still difficult to grasp. Especially everything with Belos. However, what helped was focusing on what was important. Mainly St. Epiderm and its students. Although it is still disturbing to hear about all of the Epiderm alumni who have gone bad like Venoma, Vitimir, and Osran. I sometimes worry about other Epiderm graduates that I knew, like the school council president before me. I used to stay in touch with her, but I've since lost contact, so I have no idea what happened to her after the Day of Unity…

Do you feel you need to apologize to Luz and other people you may have offended off-screen?

Danny: I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to. You're going to have to be more specific.

What kind of people are your parents and how did they manage to raise such different twins?

Danny: So I said that my father works at a law firm. He's a huge stickler of the rules and he tried to pass that trait onto me… and he succeeded. He's also very ambitious, always looking for an opportunity to move up in the world. I think after the Day of Unity, he will try to seize a position of power for himself, probably run for a seat in whatever the new government is. As for my mom, I can't really speak to how she raised Fan, but I remember that she is very religious. I… haven't actually spoken to her since the Day of Unity, so I don't know how she is doing. I don't really have the best relationship with her… then again, I don't have the best relationship with my dad, who is distant and often busy, or my step-mom either. I actually think that the member of my family that I have the closest relationship to is… Fan. (pauses, lets that realization sink in) Huh.

Riley Strange

From Alamout

How are things between you and Edric?

Riley: They're good, although we haven't spent too much time together because of all the chaos that happened during the Day of Unity and its aftermath. We did get to hang out during Luz's going away party, so that was fun. Hopefully we will be able to make more time to hang out together in the future, if neither of us are too busy. I do understand that Ed has a lot going on with his family right now…

From cooki15xd

How are you doing with your new palisman, are things going well?

Riley: I'm… still adjusting to having a Palisman again. After my old Palisman died, I didn't think I would ever have another Palisman again. I even turned down Beel when he offered to help me find Palistrom wood to carve a new Palisman with. And I still don't know why Base chose me of all witches. I love her, don't get me wrong. And I really do want to take good care of her. But… it's still going to take some getting used to. Because having a Palisman is a huge responsibility and I don't want to let Base down.

From Crosshot

Riley, was there a reason you couldn't participate in the IFWOT?

Riley: First of all, I thought that Danny, Donna, Cross, and Minerva were excellent choices to represent St. Epiderm. I didn't have any problems with those picks… even if Minerva was replaced at the last second by Muka. Second of all, I probably wouldn't have been able to participate even if I wanted to or was chosen. While the IFWOT was going down, I was busy dealing with my nemesis Rigel Mortis. So it was probably for the best that I wasn't at the IFWOT, which already had witches with a grudge against Faust crashing things…

Did you attend the anti-Emily party?

Riley: No. I don't see why I should waste my time dwelling on the past instead of looking forward to the future. The anti-Emily party just seems incredibly… petty to me. I would like to think that I'm above that.

From Jack_Skeletron_4ever

What do you think of Emily right now? Outside, obviously, of hating her for what she did to your Palisman?

Riley: I… don't actually hate Emily. I just see that as a waste of energy. And to be perfectly honest… I kinda respect her. I mean, I can acknowledge my fellow illusionist's talent, right? She tricked her entire school into thinking she was this ace of all kinds of magic. She's placed entire buildings under her illusions. She managed to trick Belos during the Day of Unity. Say what you want about her, but you can't deny that she is a damn good illusionist, one of the best of her generation. She might even be better than me and I do not say that lightly. And I also can't deny that she was instrumental in stopping Belos during the Day of Unity. With that said, I don't think I could ever forgive her for what happened to Buster. However, I am glad she was on our side during the Day of Unity and I honestly wish her well, because someone with those skills and those talents… I want her to use them for good, I want her to be a force for good who helps other witches and makes a positive difference, because I do think she can achieve a lot. And I hope that she does just that.

How is the relationship between you and your new Palisman going?

Riley: I already answered this question. It's going… fine, although we are still in that adjustment period.

What's your family like?

Riley: My parents are Healers. Good ones at that. Fortunately, they weren't in the Healing Coven when it… you know, blew up. They helped me out when Emily shot me with that spell which resulted in my black spot and my broken hands. My dad, Clay, is a surgeon who makes snarky remarks and butts heads with Kyle's dad. My mom, Stephanie, is also a surgeon, but she also has a lot of interest in curses, even publishing a book about them. For years she has been interested in Eda the Owl Lady's curse, though she hasn't yet gotten the chance to study Eda for herself. I also had a little sister named Rachel. She's… not with us anymore.

What type of magic would you try, now that you are free to pursue other types of magic?

Riley: I'm not completely sure. I do know that I want to at least experiment with different types of magic, though I am not going to commit to any additional tracks at the moment. I think that out of the different magic tracks, Bard and Healing interest me the most, the latter because of who my parents are. I think they would be very happy if I started multi-tracking into Healing.

What's your dream job?

Riley: Well, it's not a dream job per say but… I would love to travel when I'm older. I would love to make portals that I can use to travel to different locations and explore other realms and dimensions, especially after hearing about Donna and Cross's travels to other Realms like Hell, Wonderland, and the Yokai Realm. I'm kinda jealous of them, to be perfectly honest. I also have a lot of dreams about traveling to other dimensions, dreams that I would like to see come true someday. In a few of these dreams, I am called a 'Sorcerer Supreme', although I have no idea what that means. Is it some kind of job title?

How are you dealing with Beo's death, especially this close to Beel's death?

Riley: I wasn't close to Beo, so I can't say too much about how I am dealing with his death. It still shouldn't have happened, don't get me wrong. But Beel… yeah, I was definitely more affected by his death. Because he was my friend and I still remember when he offered to help me find Palistrom wood to build a new Palisman. I wonder what he would think of my new Palisman… I do miss him a lot.

How do you feel about being part of LOWTH?

Riley: It is a huge honor, honestly. And I thought it was a great opportunity for young witches like me and my classmates to feel like we were doing more. It was… empowering. And ultimately I felt like we did help to make a difference. I don't think any of us imagined that we would end up fighting against the Emperor's Coven, but we did… and we won. It's just been this… incredible experience.

What do you think of Edric Blight?

Riley: I think he's cute and cool. I really like his illusions and his fireworks, which I think show off his creativity really well. I would like to hang out with him more in the future, though maybe his family issues could get in the way of that. His relationship with his mother is especially… troubled at the moment and I can't say that I envy him.

From Matteso

Did you attend the anti-Emily party?

Riley: I already answered this question.

How do you feel about Emily's departure?

Riley: I also already answered this question. I genuinely wish her well.

From Navy-Heart

How does your family get the last name… Strange?

Riley: We were born with it. I mean, the Boiling Isles has families like Drakescale, Clawthorne, and Masterskull. Strange isn't out-of-place here.

Have you been in a dangerous situation before?

Riley: Um… yes, obviously. I'm a member of LOWTH.

Got any other relatives?

Riley: Well, there's my grandmother. Her spirit hangs out in our living room…

From Shuffollower

Riley, any tracks besides Bard that you're interested in studying?

Riley: I already answered this question. I've noticed that I keep getting a lot of repeat questions…

From spantidem7

Which villain do you hate the most?

Riley: I don't really hate any villains. Not with a passion. I prefer to focus my passions on my illusions and my creativity, not the witches that have slighted me or slighted the witches I care about. That doesn't mean that I won't stop witches who are committing wrongs against others, it just means that I do it because it's the right thing, not because I hate them. With that said, I do have a nemesis, though I haven't heard from him in a while…

What do you think about Lindsay and Cross giving a second chance to that green girl that everyone hates but I can't remember her name?

Riley: Why do I keep getting questions about Emily? And come on, I know you remember her name. Just say it. But I do think Lindsay and Cross made the right call. If they hadn't given Emily a second chance, then Belos might have succeeded on the Day of Unity.

Andrew Rollers

From Crosshot

Andrew, what are some of your hobbies?

Andrew: I like sight-seeing. I'm originally from the Underground, so I really like exploring the surface. I especially like to travel to different restaurants and record everything that I eat from there, which includes comparing the food that I eat at one restaurant to the other. I have a food journal, though Luz suggested that I could write something called a 'food blog', whatever that is. Minerva has also suggested that I could be a food critic, but I don't see it. I just record my thoughts for myself.

Do you know any fighting styles?

Andrew: No. Despite my large size, I'm not actually much of a fighter. I will step in to defend others when I need to, but even then I just use my larger body and my shell as a defense.

What do you like most about Minerva?

Andrew: I like her honesty. She has no problem speaking her kind. I also like her ambition. She's aiming high to be one of the best bards in the Boiling Isles and I can't help but admire that about her.

From Jack_Skeletron_4ever

How did you realize you liked Minerva?

Andrew: Honestly, I've liked her ever since we started going to St. Epiderm together. It just took us until Beel died for us both to be honest with each other.

Even if you aren't a lycan, do other people treat you like one because you are an armadillo demon?

Andrew: No, though me and Minerva are sometimes looked down upon because we're from the Underground. Some witches on the surface have weird ideas of what Underground witches are like, which is especially frustrating since most surface witches have never been to the Underground.

How are you dealing with Beo's death, especially this close to Beel's death?

Andrew: I wasn't close to Beocrow at all, but his death definitely still stung, especially since he was the first of us to die. I was definitely closer to Beel and his death hurt more, but Beocrow was a member of LOWTH and him being killed reminded us all how dangerous what we're doing really is. Also, me and Minerva didn't mention this during Beel's funeral, but his death was the first time we lost someone on the surface. Minerva has definitely lost family in the Underground, but she hasn't lost someone she was close to since coming to the surface… until Terra killed Beel. I think that was ultimately what pushed her to ask me out, because she didn't want things to go unsaid in case I died… or she died.

What's your family like?

Andrew: My family, the Rollers, consists of my father Reseddi, who is a mole demon, my mom Muriel, who is an armadillo demon, and my three younger siblings: Cinder, Hodge, and Spirella. We also have a family pet named Pebbles, a large iguana demon. A lot of witches assume that my parents are diggers… because that's usually the only kinds of Underground jobs that surface witches can think of, even though we have all the same jobs you can find on the surface. My parents work in public relations for different companies. They do a lot of work for St. Epiderm, the Blights, and the Diamantos…

What type of magic do you want to try out now that you're free to pursue other types of magic?

Andrew: I honestly don't think I'll be talented at any other types of magic, so I think I'll stick with Construction Magic.

What is your dream job?

Andrew: I would like an honest job at the Construction Coven, particularly as a carpenter. But I was once offered to work at the Diamantos mining company. The Diamantos mining company actually hires a lot of Underground folks for their mining operations on other Titans, since they want to take advantage of a lot of the natural adaptations that Underground folks have. Selleck Diamantos himself once approached me and said he'd be open to hiring me. I told him I'd think about it. I like to keep my options open at the moment, though I am always eager to do more with the skills I've been given.

How do you feel about being part of LOWTH?

Andrew: I think it's pretty cool… yeah, that's pretty much it.

From Matteso

Do you plan on investigating the origin of that mechanical rat worm you and Minerva fought on the Day of Unity?

Andrew: Do you seriously think that we haven't already? We've been investigating that mechanical rat worm, but the closest we have gotten to a lead is finding reports of similar creatures from witches in the Underground, though their accounts were dismissed before now. But that raises a frightening possibility… that the rat worm they saw wasn't the same rat worm we saw. Meaning there could be more of them…

From Navy-Heart

Nice hero costume, how did you make it?

Andrew: I found drill materials that were left abandoned by the Emperor's Coven from when they were digging around the Knee for Titan's Blood. I used that to make my drill armor and mask, but I had to get help from a fellow constructionist track friend of mine, Toni, to help make the suit.

Lived in the Underground your whole life, what's it like?

Andrew: Life in the Underground mirrors life on the surface in a lot of ways, just with a different aesthetic. Although I do think a lot of witches forget that there's even an Underground or think there's less witches living in the Underground than they actually are. I do think that the Underground needs more representation and hopefully that will be accomplished by the new Boiling Isles government. Do you think… I should try to use my position in LOWTH to push for greater representation for the Underground? (pauses) I'm… gonna have to talk to Minerva about this. There are a lot of misconceptions about the Underground that are just treated as common knowledge, like Underground dwellers being more 'simple'. Like I've met some witches who think that all of our accessories are either rocks or animals, like something out of this human cartoon called the Flintstones. As if we don't have access to the same material and technology that witches have on the surface. I guess part of the problem is that most witches on the surface don't come down to the Underground and most witches from the Underground don't come to the surface, which sometimes makes it feel like both communities are on completely different Titans. But they're not and this really needs to change. (pause) Man, I kinda got off track there, didn't I?

Got any other relatives?

Andrew: Yeah, I have some family that is still living in the Underground and I have some family who is working for the Diamantos family on other Titans. They're helping to mine those Titans for their resources. I wonder if they were affected at all by the Day of Unity…

From spantidem7

What genetic advantages does your biology give you?

Andrew: I don't know about genetics and all that, but if you're talking about my body, well I guess that I am durable. I also have claws that are good for digging faster. Oh, and I have an enhanced sense of smell which I can use to detect methane, sulfur, and gas leaks, which comes in handy in certain situations. I've been told that I could make for a pretty good safety inspector.

Who suggested becoming a couple, you or Minerva?

Andrew: It was Minerva.

Minerva Witchmore

From Alamout

Is your relationship with Andrew going well?

Minerva: I don't really see how my dating life is your business, but yes. It's going well.

From Crosshot

Minerva, when you were introduced you and Lindsay appeared to be close, but when she rose in prominence you were hardly seen together. Were you two close?

Minerva: What do you mean when she 'rose in prominence'? That doesn't make sense. As for if we were close or not… well, besides Beel and Andrew she was one of my first friends when I started attending St. Epiderm. This is Lindsay we're talking about, she is nice to everyone, which makes it easy to like her, especially when you're someone who isn't just new to school but new to the surface as well. And we did spend a lot of time together in my first year at St. Epiderm, but since then we haven't spent as much time together due to me being more comfortable with making friends on my own while she had her own friend group. I wouldn't say we drifted apart though, since we're still friends to this day.

How long have you been training in Bard Kwai Do?

Minerva: About six years. I'm about a level six. Highest is a level eleven.

What do you like most about Andrew?

Minerva: He makes me laugh. (pauses) Not satisfied? Fine. Besides that, I like how easy-going and relatively down-to-earth he is. He's not a complicated guy, but I like that about him.

From Jack_Skeletron_4ever

How did you realize you liked Andrew?

Minerva: You're just going to keep bothering me with questions about my dating life, aren't you. (sighs) I've honestly had a crush on him for a long time. It definitely helped that we were both from the Underground, so when we both came up to the surface and started attending St. Epiderm, we immediately had a reason to hang out with each other. And the more time we spent together, the stronger my feelings for him became. Despite that, I did want to focus more on my own goals and ambitions… at least until Beel died.

Even if you're not a Lycan, do other people treat you like one because you're a rabbit demon?

Minerva: Well, I've never been treated like a lycan, but I have been treated differently because I come from underneath the Boiling Isles. Since most Boiling Isles witches never go down there, they don't know a lot about what the witches who live underground are like and they have these false views about us. Like they don't think we know how to do basic stuff because we're not originally from the surface. I knew one witch who assumed that books were a new concept for me because they didn't think we had books underground. It's not as bad now, but when I was new on the surface I really had to fight against that stereotyping.

How are you dealing with Beo's death, especially this close to Beel's death?

Minerva: I unfortunately wasn't close to Beo, while Beel was my friend before his death. It was Beel's death that made me and Andrew realize that life was short and we should focus more on the important witches in our lives. This was only reinforced by Beocrow's death.

What's your family like?

Minerva: Well, it's a big family, for one thing. I have a lot of siblings. My older siblings all have different jobs underground, while my younger siblings still live with my parents. Both of my moms work as accountants. I would tell you more about my family… but that would take too long and I imagine that you're probably not that patient.

What type of magic do you want to try out now that you're free to pursue other types of magic?

Minerva: None. I'm fine with just my cello.

What is your dream job?

Minerva: I want to be a renowned musician. The kind who is acknowledged by the likes of Raine Whispers, Napoli, Slasher Brooke, and Harper Taboo, my idols. That's my dream.

How do you feel about being part of LOWTH?

Minerva: Proud. I will admit, the deaths of Beel and Beocrow have given me some pause, with Beocrow's death especially highlighting that LOWTH isn't a game. We could die. And yet despite that… I don't see myself walking away from LOWTH. Because I do feel like I am making a difference. I feel like I am part of something, like what we are doing together matters. And I think being a member of LOWTH shows how much I have grown since I first came up to the surface.

From Matteso

What's your opinion on the Graux Sisters?

Minerva: I guess they're our allies, as weird as that sounds. They did help us drive the Emperor's Coven out of St. Epiderm, so whatever gripes we may have had with them in the past, and I certainly have mine, they are on our side… I think. I will be keeping a close eye on them though… and a closer eye on my cello.

What would you say are Andrew's best qualities?

Minerva: He's affectionate, straight-forward, and uncomplicated. I mean the last part in the best way. With him, you always know where he stands on things. You always know what you're going to get. And since life on the Boiling Isles can be so complicated and stressful, it's nice to have something in my life that just… isn't, if that makes sense.

From Navy-Heart

Are you good in hand in hand combat?

Minerva: I mean, I said earlier that I was level six at Bard Kwai Do…

From Shuffollower

Minerva, have you changed your mind about multi-tracking?

Minerva: My current stance is that I'm fine if other witches want to partake in it, but I have no interest in it myself.

What was life like growing up in the Underground?

Minerva: Well, you don't have to worry about scalding rain or other bad weather conditions when you're living in the Underground. It also really helped my senses, like my eyesight and my hearing. The downside is that we have to deal with completely different threats in the Underground. Flooding sometimes happens and you don't want to know where the flooding is coming from… there have also been cavern collapses and Titanquakes. Accidents do happen and I've actually lost some of my siblings to those accidents. (short pause, sighs) That's one of the reasons me and Andrew's family decided to move up to the surface and overall I would consider it an upgrade.

From spantidem7

What happened to your cello during IFWOT? What did you do to get it back?

Minerva: I learned that it was being sold at a black market auction that I had to break up in order to get it back. It was quite the adventure.

Bill Cipher

From cooki15xd

Have you encountered Chernabog, what is your honest opinion about him?

Bill: Me and Chernabog go way back. As for my honest opinion about Him… well, if you think that I'm evil, you should consider yourself fortunate to have never met Chernabog…

How did you meet Chernabog?

Bill: After my original dimension was destroyed, I was alone in the void of the Nightmare Realm. Or at least I thought I was alone… until He found me. He had watched me destroy my own dimension… and he was impressed. I was terrified of Him… and in awe of Him at the same time. He just radiated this… aura. I don't think I have ever met anyone who made me feel the way that Chernabog made me feel. Not even the Horned King made me feel the same way…

Have you ever been to Hell?

Bill: Yes. I was deemed "too annoying" for Hell.

Have you tried to take control of Belos?

Bill: No… the Horned King wouldn't let me.

Have you set foot in Heaven at some point?

Bill: Briefly. It was overrated. That was when I met the Frilly Guy Upstairs.

From Guest

Why did you decide not to show yourself to Stanley Pines?

Bill: I knew he was too clever, too street-wise. I could manipulate Ford, use him to my own benefit. But Stanley… he wasn't like Ford or that hillbilly McGucket. I didn't think I could pull the wool over his eyes. But Dipper on the other hand…

What does Chernabog stand to gain for initiating Weirdmageddon?

Bill: Freedom, revenge, dominion over everything, and so on.

From Jack_Skeletron_4ever

Have you met any survivors in the Nightmare Realm in the time between Ford disappearing in the portal and Dipper summoning you?

Bill: People end up in the Nightmare Realm all the time. Most of them die pretty quickly… they're the lucky ones. The unlucky ones are found by me and my Henchmaniacs. Most of them don't get the luxury of a quick death. Lots of them are still alive… they just wish that they weren't. In some of their cases, I took inspiration from Harlan Ellison.

What do you know about the Nightmare Realm nobody else knows about?

Bill: Oh, lots of things. But if I told you, then I wouldn't be the only one who knows about them, would I?

Is the Monster Temple from Mewni intact in the Nightmare Realm?

Bill: More or less.

What do you know about Keyblades?

Bill: Eh, nothing that you couldn't learn from reading a Kingdom Hearts wiki page.

Have you ever heard the name Xehanort?

Bill: Yes, it's a name I'm very familiar with.

Favorite living being to torment?

Bill: Humans in general, honestly. They're just so… sensitive. And I do love listening to your screams. Not their humans. Your screams in particular. But I guess I'm getting ahead of myself.

Could you have defeated the Horned King if you were at the height of your power (Weirdmageddon)?

Bill: Yes. But I could have definitely beaten the Horned King on other occasions as well. That former Horseman just got lucky, that's all.

What do you know about alternate timelines?

Bill: Timelines aren't exactly my forte. If you want to know about alternate timelines, ask a nerd like Ford or the Guardian.

Who was the toughest enemy you met in your life, outside the ones we readers know about?

Bill: Hah! Nice try. I'm not telling you who could potentially beat me… not that there is anyone who could beat me, of course.

Have you met other reality warpers in your lifetime?

Bill: A few. None of them are up to my caliber though. The closest was probably Discord.

Have you ever been to Hell?

Bill: I already answered this question. Yes, I've been to Hell. And honestly, I was disappointed by what I saw. There was definitely a lack of pits of fire and pitchforks. Not enough screaming and torture in my opinion. It was not even the worst afterlife that I've ever been to.

Considering you can break the fourth wall and all that, can you give a sentence you'll say in your next appearance without context? It shouldn't break the spoiler rules...

Bill: I don't know yet. Maybe something like this- (his eye starts shrieking incoherently, causing madness to whoever hears it) Heh, consider yourself lucky that this isn't an audio adaptation.

What member of the PinesClawthorne family do you like the most?

Bill: Probably Lizardbat. I just like her style. She reminds me of me when I was her age. Who knows, maybe she'll even end up destroying her home dimension too.

What are your feelings on your home dimension?

Bill: I don't have any feelings about it one way or another.

Who is your favorite Henchmaniac?

Bill: I've also had a soft spot The Being Whose Name Must Never Be Said. Or, as we like to call him, Xanthar. Fun fact: everytime you say his name, a planet dies.

How did you enter into contact with Chernabog the first time?

Bill: Like I said before, it happened after my home dimension was destroyed and I was left floating in the void of the Nightmare Realm. I didn't find Chernabog… He found me.

From Matteso

Ever encountered a man named Xehanort?

Bill: Encountered him, no. But I do know of him and have even watched him from time to time. And I have to say, how did anybody get deceived by that guy? I mean, just look at him! His entire look just screams 'obviously evil' and yet that dope Terra fell for his manipulations? I think that says less about Xehanort's intelligence and more the intelligence of those around him. Especially Terra, who was tricked by every villain that he came across. Honestly, he would have made the perfect pawn…

What is your opinion on the Pureblood Heartless that's called the Lich?

Bill: I guess he's not like the other Heartless, but he still is a Heartless. I honestly don't really pay attention to all the different kinds of Heartless. They're all just like cockroaches to me. Or maybe ants is the better comparison. They just get everything.

For a triangle that knows lots of things, how did you not know about the mind link between Luz and Belos?

Bill: Because I wasn't in her head, obviously. Even I can't see into your head without being let in first. And consider yourself lucky, because I imagine I would learn all kinds of horrible things about you if I went inside your skull. Just kidding, someone already let me do just that. And yeah, you should be ashamed of yourself.

From Navy-Heart

Do you target only those in the Zodiac, or just the Pines Family?

Bill: I target anyone that I think will be useful to my plans. For example, if I thought you were of any note, I would use you. But obviously that isn't the case. You're completely unnoteworthy.

From Shuffollower

How does it feel to be the lapdog of the original Satan, you sadistic little (#$&*)!?

Bill: I don't know, how about you tell me how it feels to be completely insignificant in the grand scheme of things? Even now, more people know who I am than will ever know who you are. I have a best-selling book right now. Tell me, if you died tomorrow, how many people will actually remember you in a few decades? Because I am willing to bet that it's less people than who remember me. So yeah, I think I'll take being a 'lapdog' over being whatever you are.

From spantidem7

Have you been banished from hell? If so, for what reason?

Bill: Let me take my answer from before. (reaches back to earlier in the Q ) 'I was deemed "too annoying" for Hell.'

Have you ever met any characters from Earth 616 or any of their variants?

Bill: Never anyone from Earth-616. As if we could get anyone from Earth-616 for this fanfic. But I have met a Kang variant who came to this universe. Don't worry, you'll meet him soon enough…

Is there a Legion of Doom made up of only Bill Ciphers?

Bill: Fortunately for you, there isn't. Not that I need other Bill variants when I can just make my own. (snaps his fingers and summons a Bill clone) Isn't that right, Bill?

Bill Clone: Right again, Bill!

Bill: Thank you, Bill. (pauses) Alright, that's enough. (snaps finger and the Bill clones dies screaming) Next question.

What are your counterparts doing?

Bill: Not well. Something I learned after my 'defeat' is that most of my counterparts are defeated in the same way, screaming Stanley's name while being on the verge of being erased in the mindscape. That's what happens in almost every single timeline. Now, sometimes they survive this and come back years later. Other times, Bills like Bill Prime end up in the Theraprism, which is honestly a fate worse than death. But still, in almost every single timeline my counterparts are defeated by the Pines family. Mere mortals! I would be embarrassed for my counterparts… but it isn't like I'm much better than them. It seems like the only timelines where we win are when the authors want to do a dark 'villain wins' scenario.

Did you know that one of your counterparts has reincarnated into Luz? (Bill Cipher's Unhelpful Guide to Reincarnation by Shape Shifter 2.0)

Bill: Ah, right. Reincarnation. Another common fate for my counterparts. I haven't heard about a Bill reincarnating into Luz, but there are plenty of timelines where a Bill reincarnates as Stanley or King.

What were you like as a child?

Bill: I was probably like you when you were a child… only more awesome in every possible way. Even as a child, I was smarter and more special than the rest of those dull trapezoids and rhombuses. They lacked… vision. They couldn't see the world like I saw it. But I promised to enlighten them, to show them what I saw. And I did show them…

What were your parents like?

Bill: Their names were Scalene and Euclid. My top hat is actually my father's. Though their minds were just as flat as everyone else's, they still recognized how special I was and treated me accordingly. They were as loving and as supportive as parents could be. Basically, a lot like yours, but obviously better. Especially since they had me as their son.

What was your childhood like?

Bill: I was loved and admired by all. Everyone loved me immediately and the mayor dubbed me the "best baby of all time", made my birthday a holiday, and gave out free knives. The last part wasn't because of me. The mayor just did that a lot. I don't think they were completely well in the head. But yeah, I had a perfectly happy childhood. I definitely wasn't ostracized by my peers for being different!

Did you have siblings?

Bill: I have a brother. That's all I'll say for now, since I can already hear you fan theorists running for the Luz Clawthorne WMG page. Good luck! Whoever gets it right gets a cookie. And that cookie will be alive and will scream when you bite into it.

Did you have a job? What was it?

Bill: Jobs are for people who aren't special.

What was your home dimension like?

Bill: Flat, boring, and forgettable. My home dimension needed someone like me to bring some much-needed life to it. Unfortunately, even though as a child I was loved by all, as an adult things were… different. They thought I was crazy for talking about a 'third dimension', which was illegal in my world. Yeah, the government was pretty oppressive and they didn't like new ideas or having their beliefs challenged. I'm sure you humans know what I was talking about. They attempted to silence me, even tried to banish me, but I promised that I would be back and that I would show them…

Who destroyed it? Was it you?

Bill: Okay, look. I could tell you that what I did was free myself from my suffocating world, freed everyone else, and then everyone loved me and everyone was fine… but we both know that you read the Book of Bill. You know that I destroyed my own dimension. So I'm not even going to bother trying to lie to you about that. When trying to show everyone the third dimension, I accidentally created a rift to the Nightmare Realm that completely destroyed my dimension before I could do anything to stop it. Basically, what happened to Mewni but on an even more destructive scale. Many other universes have been destroyed like mine was and many more are also going to be destroyed like that very soon…

How did Chernabog torture you?

Bill: How about you come here and I show you?

Do you regret causing the Weirdmaggeon?

Bill: The only thing I regret is shaking Stanley's hand.

Are you Phineas Flynn's biological father?

Bill: Yes. Good luck theorizing how that works.

What is Chernabog's voice like?

Bill: He actually sounds a lot like Markiplier, believe it or not.

What's the worst race you've ever been to?

Bill: The US Presidential Race. Oh boy, are those presidential races a shit show!

What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you?

Bill: Losing my home dimension, almost getting erased during Weirdmageddon, having to do this Q … take your pick.

What's the worst thing you've ever eaten?

Bill: Cannibalism is overrated.

What's the funniest thing you've ever seen?

Bill: You in your most embarrassing moments. That's right, I've been in your head too. I've seen your memories and they are hilarious!

What is your history with the Time Baby?

Bill: I have learned that my counterparts' history with Time Baby varies. Sometimes, their battles with Time Baby sent Time Baby crashing into the Earth and causing the permanent extinction of the dinosaurs. Sometimes, Time Baby is directly responsible for them becoming dream demons in the first place by giving them Time Wishes. I've actually claimed both on different occasions and to be perfectly honest… I've told so many lies over the years that I even get confused about what is real and what isn't. I tell some of my Henchmaniacs one version of my story and I tell some of my Henchmaniacs a different version. And when I try to remember the specific details… there's this loud buzzing in my ears and I black out for thirty seconds. And honestly, with Time Baby, there's a possibility that Weirdmageddon was technically our first meeting. Or his first time meeting me and my second time meeting him… time travel can be confusing! Even for a superior mind like mine!

And that's about it. All questions about St. Epiderm(and Bill) are answered.

Also, we're going to give you guys some sad news... this is the end of the Q and As. We wish to have more characters for you all to ask, but we've decided to make this Q and A our last one. We have our other LCU stories like Helluva Dad, Brimstones and Broomsticks, and Luz Clawthorne 2024 to focus on now, and so we're going to make this Q and A our last.

Thank you all for this and hope this has been a pleasant experience. It does bring in to look forward to what's in store for Book 3 and The Adventures of LOWTH. Right now, me and Buck will be focusing on our stories, and you can check out my DA page under 'JumpZone' to look out for any LCU related art as well as Crash X Fusion's profile page on his art on character profiles and title cards.

As for the release date for Book 3 and The Adventures of LOWTH, they both will be released on Halloween.


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