Chapter Text
(Start Mining Sinkhole Acxa's group)
The group had arrived at the sinkhole where the signal Ezor detected was located. The four fell back to their old military training as they made their way through the facility. However, when they initially arrived, they had found a Mako parked nearby and for their own safety parked the Mantis away from it. "This place is quiet." Ezor said keeping her voice down as they quietly made their way through. "It's creepy." Ezor said noting with concern of their situation.
"You think the people here will give us a ship?" Zethrid asked as she stood near Acxa.
"I'm not sure, but we need to get off this rock." Acxa said reminding Zethrid of their current situation.
"If they have one, I say we just take it." Zethrid said causing Acxa to roll her eyes and ignore her for now.
But then Acxa heard something and signaled the group to stop and stay quiet. Moving slowly Acxa went for a military crawl with the others following suit. Once they got to the ledge Ezor took out a sniper rifle she pilfered from the prison and looked through the scope. When she did, she saw through it more of the creatures in the distance.
"There's more of them here too." Ezor said concerned that the signal may have been from them.
"Any colonists?" Acxa asked with concern but now showing for whom.
"None." Ezor reported before one turned their way. "Quiznack get down!" Ezor called out and thus they hid before they could be spotted.
"What are those things anyway?" Zethrid as Ezor then voiced something.
"Call me crazy but they kind of remind me of the Protheans." Ezor said recalling those particular assholes from the previous cycle.
"Your right that is crazy." Zethrid said not seeing how these creatures can be Protheans.
"Hey, I've actually seen the Protheans before the Reapers hit." Ezor defended as Zethrid was cleaning out her ear with a bored look on her face.
"Allegedly." Zethrid countered opting for Ezor to childishly stick her tongue out at Zethrid.
"Enough!" Acxa scolded having little to no patience for their childish antics here. "Whatever they are their hostiles, so we need to move with caution." Acxa said reminding the group that they needed to keep moving. "Come on." Acxa said and in turn they got moving once more.
(Later down in the sinkhole)
Using their jets, Acxa, Ezor, and Zethrid went down deeper into the skin hole making sure to avoid any enemy patrols. They worked hard to remain quiet as they carefully hovered down. "Careful keep quiet and do not let those things hear or see us." Acxa said as they hovered down.
"But this is taking forever." Ezor said wanting to go down the fast way.
"If they swarm us, we're dead." Acxa said which stopped Zethrid's potential argument. Narti and her Fenrir mech were riding down another way and the three former Generals kept a close eye in case of trouble. Eventually they reached the bottom and were ready to move. Narti jumped out of the auto lift she used and the Fenrir mech followed after her.
"Ok keep your eyes peeled we don't want to be." Acxa began but was cut off by the sound of rocks hitting the ground which echoed across the area. "HIDE!" Acxa called out and in turn the group went for cover. Right after they hid laser fire came down to a spot near where they were and from there more of the insect like creature came down showing they fired upon the spot destroying it. Ezor was hidden with her hands hover her mouth as Acxa signaled the team to stay quiet.
Acxa hid behind a pipe, Zethrid and Narti were behind some crates, and Ezor was by herself right in the path of the creatures. Ezor had been caught off guard by how quickly these creatures responded to a random sound. She was also shocked with how quickly they chose violence and as she hid, she could feel them coming her way. Ezor activated her cloak, but she was now scared because if they reacted like this to the slightest sound it made the talkative alien worried for her life.
Zethrid looked ready to jump in and rescue Ezor and from the looks Acxa was giving so was she. The creature moved closer to Ezor's position as the Galra hybrid was shaking worried she might be heard. Soon enough a mouse was seen running off and it drew the creatures attention away for a moment, but Ezor was trapped. Soon the creature looked to where Ezor was and in turn the chameleon like hybrid was met face to face with the insect like creature. It looked directly at her and Ezor was wide eyed waiting for it to draw its gun.
Thankfully, it seemed her cloaking ability saved her life as the creature stepped away from her position. When it was clear that the sound was just vermin the creatures sprouted insect wings and flew off. Acxa watched them leave knowing that they needed to be gone before they could move again.
Once it was safe Acxa made the call. "Clear." Acxa said and in turn the Galra quartet gathered.
"So, these things can fly, wonderful." Zethrid bemoaned as she saw them fly off.
"Ezor." Acxa said and thus Ezor rematerialized and fell to her knees clearly fearful of nearly being caught.
"They reacted to sound almost instantly." Ezor said as being the most talkative of the group gave a harrowing picture in Ezor's mind.
"Easy you're ok, Ezor." Acxa said as Narti joined and put a comforting hand on Ezor's shoulder. The Silent hybrid assured Ezor they were going to make it out of here, together.
"We need to keep moving, if they come back." Zethrid said breaking up the moment.
"Your right, let’s move." Acxa said and thus the quartet and one Fenrir Mech got moving again.
(Later with the four generals)
Looking up Ezor saw the creatures flying through the sky which did not paint a friendly image. "It’s an entire swarm of them." Ezor said looking upward.
"They all came from one ship, like a hive." Acxa said as she recalled the ships organic look which now gave credence to it looking like a hive.
"If they are a hive where is the queen?" Zethrid asked as she knew enough about Hives that the Queen is the one who issues orders.
Narti stepped up and turned her head suggesting this was not your average hive but something else. "Narti is right, and I'm starting to suspect that these things may work for an old enemy." Acxa said and the implication of her words meant only one thing, Reapers. This just meant they had to work harder and get off this planet because for all they knew it was doomed.
"Hey... where is everyone?" Ezor asked as she wondered why they haven't found any of the colonist yet.
Narti then pulled at Ezor's arm and then pointed at something. When she looked Ezor gasped at what she found. It was a human, and he was on the ground which opted the Generals to check on him. Acxa felt for his pulse and was able to find it on him which meant he was alive. "Just like the prison guards, he's alive but paralyzed." Acxa said which meant that those creatures did this to them.
"Those tiny bugs, great." Ezor said seeing what this was and recalling how she got stung by one.
"There's more of them." Zethrid said and thus they came upon a path filled with humans all of them were paralyzed.
"Ezor got stung but she didn't freeze up, these humans were stung and now they're like this." Acxa said which meant only one thing, the smaller bugs only affected humans. "If these things only affect humans, we have an edge and." Acxa began as she turned around only to be met by an Alliance Marine with a metal on his chest plate.
Zethrid and Ezor also saw him as Narti was left confused since she didn't know what was going on with the sudden silence. However, the scene they were in checking over the victims displayed an unsavory story. Ezor had the hand of a paralyzed human, Acxa stood over one, Zethrid had picked one up, and Narti was just there.
"Uh... we can explain." Ezor said realizing that they were in deep trouble now. It got worse when more marines began to show up with one human civilian and a sole Asari scientist, judging by her outfit. Soon guns were drawn and both sides looked ready for a firefight.
"Easy! We don't want trouble." Acxa said making it clear that she won't fire but she will fire in self-defense.
"Speak for yourself." Zethrid responded but then Ezor elbowed her.
"Shut it, not helping." Ezor said knowing that they already have enough trouble from the Alliance as is.
"Did you do this to these people?" One of the humans asked as he was seen wearing glasses.
"No, we found them like this." Acxa said making it clear they had nothing to do with it.
"Wait... aren't you those Galra Generals who helped Lotor attack the Citadel?" The female of the humans asked recognizing her from a news story a while back.
"Your right, they're supposed to be in prison." Another human soldier added which got the four to realize they may be going back in a cell soon.
"In our defense the guards were paralyzed by these things, and we did not want to stay and be killed off." Ezor said as she made it clear they did technically escape prison, but it was an emergency.
"Ok let’s say we believe you we still have to bring you five in." The leader of the group said his rifle aimed at the group.
"We know that, and we just want to get off this planet and away from this situation." Acxa said making it clear that they will cooperate if it mean safe passage off world.
"Don't tell me your agreeing to their demands!" Zethrid snapped clearly not happy about this.
"What choice do we have and... where is Narti?" Ezor began as she saw Narti was missing.
Just then one of the soldiers cried out and soon enough all looked to the one with dark skin. "Mason!" The female soldier cried out in concern and soon Mason's eyes were glowing with Narti standing behind him with her hand on his back.
"Sorry to do this, but it was the only way that I could communicate properly." Mason said his voice in a trance as his eyes were glowing. "We're telling the truth when we said we had nothing to do with what happened to these people and that we were forced to escape prison when these creatures attacked." Mason said and thus the woman got down to it.
"Are you controlling Mason?" The female human soldier asked glaring at Narti.
"Yes... though I'm only borrowing his voice, I can't speak for myself without aid." Narti said through Mason making it clear she was only borrowing his voice. "He's fighting me though, but once I've said my piece, I'll let him go." Narti said and then got down to it. "As previously stated, we were forced to escape when these creatures attacked. At the time Acxa was focused on our survival and we were starting to suspect every human on the planet was paralyzed by these creatures." Narti said as she got down to it. "How did you all avoid it?" Narti asked wanting answers as well.
"We were outside the settlement at the time." The leader of the group, the one with a medal on his chest plate slowly lowering his gun but not enough to drop his guard.
"I see, then I offer this tidbit of information, it seems the paralysis only affects humans, ourselves and your Asari friend should be safe." Narti said but then the one with a sniper rifle had to ask.
"How do you know?" The man said and in turn Narti had the answer.
"Ezor got stung in the rear by one." Narti said causing Ezor to glare at her.
"Narti, you quiznacking snitch!" Ezor snapped clearly unhappy with Narti bringing this up.
"I have spoken." Narti said and in turn she released her hold on Mason who then gasped for air once he had control of his body again. Mason then glared at Narti for what she did.
"Never do that, again." Mason said and thus Narti quietly nodded to this.
Before anyone could say anything, there was a scream as there were still people who hasn't been bitten yet as the leader of the group said, "Let's move, and you 5, you stick with us, we can talk about getting off world after we deal with this."
"Fair enough," Acxa said as Zethrid hated this but follow after Acxa, Ezor, Narti, and the Alliance group as they keep overhead cover from the scouts above while finding where that scream came from as they gotten closer, cover was being scares as the big guy said, ""Okay, we're close but we're about to lose our overhead cover. We'll be easily spotted if we move as a group. All of you stay here while I check it out."
AS their leader went, the Asari scientist follow after saying, "I'm coming with you!"
"Wait Treeya," the female soldier call out to the Asari known as Treeya as she follow after the human leader with Ezor following after them as she gone invisible and left the group the cover Treeya with Acxa notice her gone as she groin in frustration and said, "Quiznack damn it Ezor!"
Over where Treeya was at as she was looking for the human leader as she whisper a bit loud to call out to him saying, "Vega?!"
Suddenly she was grab from behind and pulled into a dark area, hiding as it was Vega who grab her and cover her mouth and said, "Cllate."
As the big guy just told her to shut up as the scouts flew by without spotted them before Vega let go of Treeya while she collapsed a bit, letting out a breath of relief as Vaga kneel down to her said, "I told you to stay.
Treeya didn't say a word as she gave him a look that says she was going regardless as he said to her, "Fine."
"Wow, how did you do that?" Ezor said as she suddenly appears near them with Vega held his gun at her before she backs away and said, "Wait hold up, its me."
"H-how did you do that?" Treeya question the Chameleon like Galra as Ezor said to her, "Oh I can blend into my surrounding, making invisible."
"Well don't do that around people with guns, it's a good way to get yourself shot," Vega said as suddenly there was another scream as it was a little girl crying out, "MOMMY!"
When Vega heard this, he recognize it as he suddenly run towards where the scream came from as Ezor follow after him as when Vega reach the area, he saw he was already too late as he said, "No!"
He rush up to a mother and daughter pair as he went up to check up on them as he said, "Christine?" He shake her but there was no reaction as he call out, "Damn it!"
Looking over to where the little girl was at as he rush over and said, "April? No... No, no, no, no, no, no!"
Ezor came upon the scene as she saw Vega trying to wake the little girl up as he said, "You gotta hang on for me there, soldier...I’ll find a way to save you... Yo prometo..."
"D-did you know them?" Ezor asked as Vega nodded as he said, "I do… I should have been here sooner, I… damn it."
Treeya caught up to them and gasp at the sight a bit as she asked, "Are they?"
"No... Just paralyzed, like the others," Vega said as suddenly he saw above more scouts were coming as he grab Treeya while he said, "They’re coming. This way!"
Ezor was about to follow but stop for a moment as she looks at the little girl, for a moment her mind rush seeing herself for a moment, remembering her pass before Lotor found her and took her in, a little girl with no one to take care of her, lying in the dirt as she cried.
At that moment Ezor grab the little girl and held her tightly as she quickly ran off without being spotted as she got out of there quickly as two collectors had come.
Vega and Treeya hid in a gap behind some pipes as Vega saw Ezor with April in her arms as he question her in a serious tone, "Why did you take her?"
"She needed help, and I not going to let those thing get her," Ezor said as she had her own reason why she grab April, as Vega was a bit thankful that she did but would put their whole live in jeopardy as he said, "You need to leave her here. Bringing her alone would not only put her in danger but us as well."
"I'm not putting her down," Ezor said arguing like a child as Vega wants to argue but had to shut up as the Bug creatures came down looking around the area for anyone that could be moving still but saw none, and didn't question of why there was only one human as a third one came with a pod in its hands and held it over the mother as the pod open as Treeya question, "What are they doing?"
The pod soon sucks the mother up as Treeya wanted to go out there and stop them, but Vega held her back before she doesn't anything stupid, with Treeya glaring at Vega as he said, "IF we go out there now, we'll get ourselves killed. There be a chance to help them, but we have got to be smart."
After a moment, the bugs started to leave with the pod in hand as Vega said, "Let get back to the Squad."
After they had regrouped Ezor was holding April trying to find some way to get her moving again. "We saw them carrying people off in those pods things, but the question is, what for?" James asked as he tried to figure out what these hostile aliens were planning.
"How about we take the Mako and Hammerhead break into their ship and find out ourselves." Zethrid said ready to go down swinging.
"And get us all killed, great plan Zethrid." Ezor said as she can see why Acxa wanted to keep them safe now while holding April. "Honestly whatever it is, it can't be good." Ezor added as she held April to protect her.
"It's gotta be for some kind of experiment you think." One of the Marines said as the civilian had an idea of his own.
"Yeah, or maybe for food." The man said giving his own thoughts. This got the group to all look at him as even Narti looked to him with concern, and she didn't have eyes. "Or maybe not." He said pulling his cap down a bit.
"I don't give a damn what their reasons are all I care about is getting everyone back safely." James said making it clear he would get the colonists out safely.
"Exactly and if we want to do that a frontal assault is what's needed." Zethrid said and thus one of the Soldiers rolled his eyes.
"Sure, a rag tag team of marines with five convicts, one of which is a mute and blind as a bet, no offense." The soldier said the last bit towards Narti who heard and looked over to him. "Two civilians, and a paralyzed girl one convict is carrying around." One of the soldiers said which caused Ezor to stick her tongue out at the man acting like a child.
"Now that he says that we don't even know each other do we." Acxa said getting one major issue here. If they were going to work together to get off world and save the colonists, they needed to be united and knowing each other's name was the way to go.
"She's got a point; you can call me Essex." The Biotic Blond said to the Galra.
"Acxa and word of warning the last guy to flirt with me ended up with his reproductive organ in an ice pack." Acxa said causing Essex to back off.
"She's feisty." Mason said noting how Acxa was calm yet can still be a spitfire.
"I like her already." The female Marine said before getting to introductions. "You can call me Kamille." The Marine said now known as Kamille. "Mr. Cynical over there is our Sniper, Milque." Kamille said pointing to Milque.
"Hey." Milque said waving his hand to them.
"And right there is our brains, Nicky." Kamille said as Nicky smiled and waved to the group.
"Well, you may already know us, Acxa, Ezor, Zethrid, and Narti." Ezor said pointing to the Galra Generals.
"Alright enough with the introductions." James said getting back on topic. "We're going to need some bigger guns then this." James said referring to their current equipment.
"My thoughts exactly." Milque said knowing they needed the extra muscle.
"If we need bigger guns, we need something big enough to take on that ship." Acxa said which Ezor agreed on.
"Hey not to be a nosey boy." Messner began as he was looking at something. "But is that big gun for show?" Messner asked and thus the groups all looked at it.
"Yeah, that'll do." Zethrid said being a big gun before her.
"Alright here's the plan." James began as he detailed the plan to the team. "We'll make our way to the top of the security tower to operate the turret, but we'll need a diversion while its powering up." James said and thus Zethrid smirked to this one.
"Leave that to me." Zethrid said cracking her knuckles in anticipation.
"No Zethrid we need stealth for this one." Acxa said and thus James agreed.
"My thoughts exactly." James said and thus he had another idea one Acxa shared.
"If we light up the fuel stores, we can draw them in, but we'll need someone fast who can run away." Acxa said and in turn the only two who can hit that speed were Acxa and Ezor.
"I'll go." Ezor said but before Acxa could stop her Ezor explained herself. "My cloak can hide me and plus I'm faster." Ezor said which meant Ezor was going in.
"She does make a good point." Treeya said and thus this meant someone had to hold onto April.
"Alright then, Ezor your on diversion." James said knowing Ezor had what was needed. "Once we send you the signal set the stores ablaze and run like hell." James said which Ezor nodded to this.
"Got it!" Ezor said before passing April over to Acxa.
"The rest of us will move up the Maintenance rafters, Milque I'm counting on you to watch our backs." James said but Milque had objection to this.
"Just once I'd wish someone can watch my back for a change." Milque said but as the lone sniper of the group it had to be him.
"Zethrid, you go with the sniper and cover him." Acxa said surprising Zethrid and Milque.
"Well ask and ye shall receive." Nicky said with a smirk on his face towards Milque.
"Great." Milque said with a sarcastic tone in his voice.
"Alright then we all know our objectives let's move out." James said and thus it was time to roll.
(Later over at Ezor's position)
Ezor arrived at her destination as her body reappeared with a smirk adorning her face. Taking out a couple of grenades Ezor grinned knowing exactly what she needed to do and that was to blow shit up. She then gave the grenades a kiss before proceeding to activate them. She then threw the grenades and proceeded to turn invisible again and bolting out of the area. It was a good thing she did as the fuel stores exploded and drew the insect creature's attention to investigate it.
(Meanwhile back with James unit)
With Acxa now carrying April the team made their way over to the tower now that the enemy forces had been drawn away. April was held close to Acxa who made sure the little girl was positioned in a way she would not see any carnage that may take place. Narti followed suit as the Fenrir mech followed suit to provide whatever aid it can for Narti.
Once the team was in, James look to two of his squad members and said, "Essex, Kamille-you two stand here and stay guard." They give a quick not to him as James went on saying, "Alright, let’s move!"
"Lead the way, chief," Messner said as he follow James and the others leaving the two marines alone as Essex spoken up saying, "Hey. What do ya know? Were finally alone."
"Don’t you ever quit?" Kamille said as she was getting sick and tired of the guy's flirting and didn't want to hear any of it during a very important and dangerous mission.
(little later)
The group made to the gun controls as Acxa lay April down for a moment with Ezor rejoin with them as she stood by and watch over April for a little bit while Narti standing next to them with her Fenrir mech on standby while James coming up to Nicky and ask him, "Now, we can get this thing online, right?"
"Absolutely. Thats the easy part. Problems gonna be waiting for the cannon to fully charge," Nicky explain as James look over seeing Treeya by the windows as he walks over to her and said, "It’s probably a good idea to stay away from the windows right now."
"What’s happening to our people, Lieutenant?" Treeya question as James suddenly came up with an idea as he said, "Hold on... We can track their Omni’s to see where they’ve been taken."
James quickly brought up a scan of the ship and imputed Omnis trackers as many red dots appears on the ship in two places as it shows where James said, "Okay, here it is. Looks likes the hostiles have them split into two groups..."
"So, they’re being stowed for transport? But why?" Treeya question but James has no answer to that as Nicky announce, "Cannon fifty percent charged."
"Ahh...! This is taking way too long. Any way to speed things up?" James asked Nicky hoping for some good news as Nicky said to him, "I’m doing what I can, sir."
"Yeah, well, it’s not enough. The bugs are gonna start heading back this way any second," Messner said as he made a good point as no doubt the enemy will be on them soon if they don't do something soon as James soon suggest an idea as he said, "Can we activate the turret with the charge we got?
"Well, theoretically, but there’s no way of knowing whether or not it’ll do any damage," Nicky said as Treeya spoken up saying, "Wouldn't decreased destructive power be ideal in this situation? We want to minimize the risk to the colonists on board, yes?"
"Good point. Well fire with what's built up," James said as at that moment the cannon started moving while aiming at the ship.
Down below with Kamille and Essex heard the cannon moving as Kamille soon said, "Looks like they've got it ready."
"Sure, took them long enough," Essex said as he didn't like waiting around it seem as the cannon came forth and extended outwards with a charging sound was heard with everyone waited to see what will happen with Treeya praying, as she hope they can stop the collectors from taking off as Nicky said, "Alright. The turrets in position. Awaiting your order."
"Fire!" James said as he doesn't want to wait a minute longer as Nicky hit the firing key which the cannon soon fired at the ship, but to everyone surprise as a shield was around the shield and the shot bounce off of said shield with Nicky said, "Our shots been deflected! Son of a...! Damn it!"
At that moment, the enemy knew they were there now as Nicky call out to James as he said, "Enemy drones are enroute, sir!"
"Uh that's bad right?" Ezor asked which Acxa nodded.
"Very bad." Acxa said knowing they had to bail out. "We need to leave now!" Acxa called out and thus they got ready to leave knowing that if they stayed here, then they were as good as dead. Ezor not needing to be told twice grabbed April and ran for the exit so she wouldn't be snuffed by the collectors.
"Go all of you!" James called out and with that the group all began to leave save for Treeya and Narti. Acxa stayed as well so she can make sure everyone here got out first. "Nicky stay with Messner." Jacob said which Nicky understood.
"Right." Nicky said and thus Acxa moved to Narti and Treeya.
"Narti Treeya, we need to leave now!" Acxa said trying to get the fellow hybrid and the Asari to come along. But when they did not respond Acxa tried again. "Snap out of it you two we need to go!" Acxa ordered but then Treeya pointed to something outside and thus opted Acxa and James to look.
When the pair looked eyes were wide eyed at what they saw. A segment of the organic ship began to open up and from there lens like gems were seen. It did not take a genius to realize what this was and how screwed they were.
"Dios Mio/Quiznack." Both James and Acxa said at the same time realizing they had to leave right now. Just then the beam fired and in turn took out the cannon and possibly the command center as well.
(Meanwhile with Zethrid and Milque)
"Why didn't that work!?" Zethrid demanded glaring at the scene as their plan failed.
"No clue but it’s not good." Milque said only for one of the Collectors to appear read to attack. Acting fast Zethrid grabbed the creature by the neck but before she could rip its head off the head was blasted apart by a gun. Looking to the source Zethrid and Milque saw that they had a third member helping them.
"Mason!" Milque called out shocked that Mason made that shot and was here.
"I had that one." Zethrid added upset that her kill was taken from her.
"Yeah, yeah you two can thank me later." Mason said knowing that they had priorities and that was to get the hell out of this place. "Now how about we get the Hell out of here." Mason said and in turn with a growl from Zethrid the trio made their escape.
(Back at the command station)
Acxa and Narti were in free fall with James and Treeya. As they fell James grabbed Treeya as Acxa did the same for Narti before using her boosters to move towards the human and Asari duo. Once they gathered together Acxa grabbed them with Narti's help.
"Hold on!" Acxa called out and in turn they eventually hit the ground. Looking to the destruction Acxa cursed as she saw that Narti's mech was totaled from the devastation effectively blinding her fellow hybrid as Acxa was worried for her hypersensitive hearing.
As they got back up James saw the destruction was coming their way and knew they had to move now. "Jump!" James called out and in turn the four got moving Acxa held Narti while James held Treeya as they once more jumped to avoid being killed by the falling debris.
"Vega!" Essex called out before Ezor was heard.
"Acxa over here!" Ezor called as looking nearby the group saw that Ezor, Essex, and Kamille were riding atop a tram waving over to them. Acting fast the group used what they could be it debris or boosters to make their way to the tram. Thankfully, they managed to land safely and in turn Ezor was thankful for this.
"Get Treeya and Narti inside quickly." Kamille said knowing that without her mech Narti was a liability now.
"Hurry!" Ezor said as she held the hatch open and thus, they all began to dive in. Ezor stayed outside with Kamille and Essex as they saw more of these bugs flying towards them. Ezor took out her gun and began to help out Essex and Kamille in keeping these creatures from swarming them.
At the same time the command station for the guns came down with the guns themselves after the failure of their original plan. Ezor saw this but focused on the swarm of bugs all the while swearing that they had the same shape as the Protheans. "Let's stay put she said, serve our time and get parole she said." Ezor bemoaned as she fired off her gun making sure to conserve ammo when she can. "What was I thinking!?" Ezor complained while she kept firing.
"Quit bitching and fire!" Essex countered as he switched over to using his Biotics to keep these monsters at bay.
However, their situation began to get worse as Kamille was noticing a major issue with her Gun. "I'm out." Kamille reported as she had officially run out of ammo. Ezor heard this and knew she won't be far behind with running out of ammo.
"Guns are no good against these swarms anyway." Essex said firing off another biotic shot. "Get down below with the others." He said which was a perfect idea.
"Right." Ezor said ready to cut and run. But what happened was not what Ezor was hoping for when she and Essex heard Kamille scream. Looking to the source the pair saw Kamille was grabbed by her arms by one of the Collectors before it carried her off with the marine screaming from it.
"Kamille/NO!" Essex and Ezor both cried out at seeing what was happening. Heading to the cave it was clear that the group had likely suffered their first casualty, and it would not be long before the others join in. One thing was certain this was not a fight where they will all walk away from.