Work Text:
"I donno Lu, maybe this is a bad idea."
Luigi raised an eyebrow at his older brother as he helped adjust his bow-tie.
"Hey, you already invited Peach, you can't back out now. I mean, c'mon, she's across the hall getting ready to go."
Mario groaned, tapping his foot. The dance shoe shone with the fresh polish Luigi had given it earlier. He and his twin were in their old bedroom at the Brooklyn apartment, now converted to a guest bedroom.
"But a family date night?" he groaned again.
"We've done it before with other dates, and Peach knows about the details." Luigi said, turning his attention to adjusting his own tie. "She could have refused, ya know. So quit bein' so nervous."
Mario sat on the edge of one of the beds, letting out a laugh. "Heh, usually I'm sayin' that to you."
"That's why it's good advice." Luigi said with a smile.
Across the hall at Arthur and Marie's, in their room...
Peach lifted the top off the dress box and gasped softly.
"I hope the fit is right." Marie said with a smile. She placed another box beside it. "There's this to go with it."
Carefully setting the first box aside Peach opened the other, her eyes wide at what it held.
"How can I thank you for this? They're beautiful."
"It's our way of welcoming you to the family." Marie replied. "We've been going to this club together for a long time, and when Mario said you liked reading about the 1920s' and 30s', we all agreed you should come with."
She opened the closet. "Now that doesn't mean we'll be in your hair all night, you two will get plenty of time alone, too." she said as she began looking through her own outfits. "I remember the first time Art took me on a date there. We had a wonderful time that night."
"Does everyone wear special outfits?" Peach asked. Marie hummed as she thought it over.
"Most do, especially on weekends but you'll see a few people in regular clothes. too."
There was a knock at the bedroom door and Arthur called out. "Ladies, it's almost showtime!"
"Give us a sec!" Marie called back.
It was an interesting group that gathered outside the apartment building that night. Mario and Luigi were dressed in fine pressed white dress shirts with dark brown pants and black dress shoes. Dark brown suspenders and bow-ties of their signature colors completed the looks. Giovanni was waiting near the cars, dressed in a sleek black tux and pressed white shirt. Arthur was wearing an outfit similar to the bros only his had a silk, yellow pinstripe vest and black bow-tie, with a newsboy cap on his head. Tony was in black pants and dress shoes, his vest as black as his curled hair with thin tan stripes. A black fedora completed the look.
The men turned as the main door opened and the ladies of the group came out. Marianna was first, in a simple powder blue 1930s' dress with her hair wrapped in a white wrap. Darting up the steps, Giovanni took his wife's hand and walked down with her while Luigi slipped past to hold the door open.
"You ready for this, kid?" Arthur asked, nudging Mario.
"Y-Yeah, I think so." Mario blushed. "I- woah."
Peach came out next. She was wearing a baby pink flapper dress with white fringe. Crystal beads were on the fringe, glittering in the light. A matching pink cloche hat with small white feathers finished the outfit with white dance shoes.
"Y-You look amazing." Mario breathed. Peach blushed and in the background Arthur and Tony were snickering, stopping with a sharp look from Giovanni.
"Thanks," she replied, more shy than he had ever seen her. "You look really handsome."
Marie was last out, dressed similar to Peach but in a lavender dress with silver trim and a silver headband. Offering his arm, Luigi led his aunt down the stairs.
"Everyone ready?" Giovanni asked. With agreement all around, the group separated into the two waiting cars and took off.
The trip came to an end as they pulled in to the parking lot of a brick building. The orange neon sign read 'The Blind Tiger'. As the group gathered before going in, Arthur held an arm out to Marie before kissing her cheek.
"Can't wait to hit the dance floor with you, babe." he purred, making her laugh.
"Have fun! Gio and I are going to get a table." Marianna said as she and Giovanni went in.
Following, Peach gasped softly, gripping Mario's arm a little tighter as she looked around.
The club had red carpeting spread out in the entrance, leading to a large polished wood dance floor. Tables draped in white cloth were set up along the edges, with a few enclosed booths for privacy. A long mahogany bar was along one wall, the dark wood 's lacquer shining beneath the lights.
While Arthur, Marie, Mario, and Peach went for the dance floor, Tony made a stop and spoke to the DJ before joining Luigi at the bar and the two ordered their drinks. Tony raised his glass to Luigi.
"Cin cin."
Luigi grinned and returned the cheer, tapping his glass to his uncle's. Both then turned to watch the dancers.
"So, what didja have to say to convince your bro to ask Peach out?"
A quick laugh. "Nothin' big, just threatened to show Peach more of his baby pictures if he didn't ask her."
Tony snickered into his drink. "Kiddo, you are somethin' else."
He glanced up as a song began. "That's my tune." Tony slugged back the rest of the drink and strolled over to the table and held his hand out. Marianna laughed and accepted, joining him on the dance floor. The two moved sleekly and Peach was surprised at how Marianna was able to keep up, her feet gliding over the wood as though she were floating in the air. Both twirled and danced a bit until he danced her back towards the table. As the song continued, he went back out and Arthur stepped aside to give Marie a chance with his twin.
"Ladykiller." Arthur smirked.
"Jealous?" Tony grinned, sashaying a bit to show off his hips with a wink.
He and Marie finished out the song with a sleek dance before she returned to Arthur's side.
As the song came to an end, the DJ came on.
"Ladies and gentlemen we have a special request tonight. Please clear the dance floor for our very own 'Boys from Brooklyn'!"
Tony and Arthur looked at each other before turning towards Giovanni. Their older brother gave a nod and a rarely seen sly smile as he walked past.
"Gotta show people what you two can do." he commented, returning to his seat. Mario and Peach glided off the floor and over to their table.
The twins took their places on the dance floor, Marie hand-in-hand with Arthur as a song came on. Mario leaned over to Peach.
"They don't do this very often but it's so good."
What played out was like a scene from a movie. The lights focused on Arthur and a blue light, low and rich, covered Tony as he stood to the side. The light brightened to a yellow as Marie walked past, Tony giving her a glance as she went to Arthur's side. The couple began to dance, keeping pace with the piano and guitar of the song.
Gliding neatly around them, Tony kept his head down as he moved to the smooth saxophone that came into play. The beat picked up and he took Marie's hand, dancing her away from Arthur as the lights shifted to focus on them. Pulling off Tony's Fedora, Marie slipped it on her head.
The beat smoothed out then grew again as Arthur twirled on his toes, catching Marie's arm in a gentle hold. Taking the hat he play shoved it back at Tony before the couple fell into perfect step, the lights bright and following them as Tony was once again bathed in blue light. As Arthur and Marie finished their moves, Tony slipped the hat back on and with one last twirl, bowed his head as the light over him dimmed even further, leaving him alone as the couple struck a pose.
Applause from the other patrons surrounded the trio, prompting them to take a bow. As they returned to the tables, Peach grew curious.
"How did you guys do that? It was incredible!"
"Heh, the twins have been doin' that routine for years." someone replied. A man that was about Giovanni's age had come up. His light brown hair held streaks of white, and he was dressed in basic black slacks and a white button-up top. He clapped a hand on Arthur's shoulder.
"Gotta admit, you boys, and lady, still got it."
"We've been doin' that dance since we were teens," Tony explained to Peach. "Art and I came up with a version of it for a school talent show, and then Marie joined us."
Marie sighed as she took a seat. "My mama insisted I take dance lessons as a kid. Imagine my surprise when Art showed me he knew how to dance, too!"
Giovanni folded his arms as he thought back to the twins teen years. "Had to keep you two out of trouble somehow, and a few dance lessons during summer vacations helped."
Tony snort-laughed. "And Art's got me beat on the dance floor. He went and took tango lessons without me!"
"Eh, had to impress my gal at our wedding." Arthur purred, running a hand down Marie's thigh and kissing her neck. She squeaked and grabbing him by the collar, pulled him close.
"It worked, too." she said, kissing him.
The music changed to the live band playing softer tunes, Mario and Peach ordered drinks while Luigi and Tony excused themselves back to the bar.
As Tony raised a hand to call the bartender, he heard the click of heels nearby.
"Well if it isn't the sexiest set of hips in all of Brooklyn."
Luigi saw his uncle's eyes sparkle as he turned to face the speaker.
"April Cavetti, if the teachers heard you we'd both be in detention."
The woman in the sparkling navy cocktail dress and gold heels smiled as she came over. Tony took her hands as she leaned in to kiss his cheek.
"How ya doin', gorgeous?" he asked. "Can I get you a drink? It's on me."
She gave a nod. "Club soda."
"'With a twist of lime, to make it fancy'." Tony recited. Nearby, Luigi took a few steps to the side to give them some space.
April accepted the glass as he passed it over. Lifting it to take a sip, she smiled slightly.
"You know, you're the only guy I trust to get me a drink, even after all this time."
Tony was quiet as he remembered that night at the party.
"Don't blame ya there." he muttered.
"April?! April, look at me!" Tony frantically patted her cheeks and she stared up at him, dazed. "You okay?! Say somethin'!"
"T'ny?" April slurred, clutching at his arms. "I don't feel good."
"C'mon, I'm getting you out of here!"
He shuddered inwardly at the memory. "But hey, what brings you out tonight?"
She shrugged. "Just needed a break for a while. And you?"
He laughed quietly. "Family date night, Mario's showin' the place to his gal."
April glanced to where he nodded. "Heh, she's a cutie, fits him." she took a drink. "And Luigi?"
"Ah, kiddo's like me. Still nobody." Tony swirled his drink a little.
"Like us." she said, raising her glass. "'To us'," she quoted.
"'Against the world'." Tony finished, clinking his glass to hers.
Both drank in silence until the DJ came back on and a bright song began. April held out her hand. "Whadda ya say, sexy hips? Give a lady a dance?"
Smiling, Tony took her hand and lead her out onto the dance floor. Meanwhile he saw Marie make a beeline for Luigi. She said something that made her nephew laugh and the two went out to the floor, hand in hand.
"Your uncle doesn't bring a date?" Peach questioned Mario. She had to admit his tall form on the dance floor was sleek as he moved with ease.
Mario watched his uncle. "Nah, he'll dance with Ma, Auntie, or Miz Cavetti, but I don't think Uncle Tony's ever brought a date here. I don't remember ever meeting a date of his, either." he mused.
As they talked, Marianna giggled softly and took Giovanni's hand. "Look at our boy, Gio, shy and sweet just like you back then."
Her husband sighed. "Ah, he's doing alright, I just wish Luigi would find a fella. I don't like seeing him alone."
Laughter from the bar as Tony brought April over and Luigi bowed to her, his hand out for a dance. Giovanni watched the trio and a strange prickle crept up the back of his neck. He rubbed at it with a soft grunt of discomfort.
"Love? What's wrong?" Marianna questioned.
"I donno, feel a little off. Probably the wine."
Marianna noticed he didn't sound convinced of his own words and his gaze was sweeping over the patrons at the bar with a look of 'something's not right' that she had seen before. His steel blue eyes settled on a man who was hunched over a shot glass, a bottle of tequila at his side. He kept glancing up from his corner, eyeing Luigi and then Tony.
The evening went on. Luigi danced with Marianna and Marie again, then Peach. Returning to the bar with him, Mario and Peach were joined by Tony.
"For someone with bad knees you sure can dance, Lu." Mario gently teased.
Tony draped an arm over his taller nephew's shoulders. "Ey Peach, you know a handsome prince for kiddo? We gotta find him a boyfriend and dance partner."
Luigi turned bright pink and began rubbing his arm nervously. "Ah, heh, c'mon Uncle Tony don't bug em with that."
Peach giggled at their conversation. "I mean, I've heard of a prince in a neighboring kingdom that's supposed to be a real charmer."
"See?!" Tony laughed. "We'll get you a hot date one of these days."
As the laughter and lighthearted banter continued, Giovanni shifted in his seat and rubbed again at his neck. As before he couldn't help but keep an eye on the hunched over figure at the bar. The tense sensation in his neck began to grow unbearable. Back at the bar, Luigi excused himself to the restroom. Only one person saw the figure that got up a few seconds later.
Soft humming and the hiss of the faucet were the only sounds in the men's room as Luigi washed his hands. Going to reach for a paper towel he let out a small cry as someone spun him around and slammed him against the wall. Bloodshot eyes wild with an inner fury glared at him, the sharp scent of alcohol hanging off the figure as he breathed heavily.
"You shouldn't be here, you freak." the drunk scowled, raising a fist. "You and that sick fuck at the bar!"
Luigi cringed as he waited for the blow, but instead he heard a cry of "Lu!"
Opening his eyes he watched as the drunk was ripped away from him. Mario pulled his twin close, checking him over and it was in the chaos Luigi realized what was going on. His would-be attacker was slammed against the floor and held fast, Giovanni pinning him with his knee pressed into his back, his arms wrenched back and gripped in an iron hold.
"Threaten my son or my little brother again and I will break your neck." Giovanni hissed. The men's room door swung open and a figure in black heels stepped in.
"Get him up, Gio, I've got the cops on the way." the smoky voice said. As Giovanni got up and dragged the figure out, the club owner looked to the bros.
"Luigi, you okay? He didn't hurt you, did he, sugar?"
"J-Just shook up," Luigi said softly.
It was quite a sight in the parking lot as a police cruiser pulled up and two officers got out to join the small crowd. Giovanni pushed his way towards the police with the drunk still held in a tight grip. The older officer stepped forward and gave a nod to the group.
"I see Shane finally took it too far."
The drunken man seemed to come out of his stupor at the officer's words.
"I went too far?!" he screeched as the other officer cuffed him. "I wan' him arrested!" he jerked his head towards Giovanni. "He pushed me on th' floor an' pulled my arms!"
The older officer raised an eyebrow. "You know who this man is, Shane? He's the son of the Flag of Italy! He could have snapped your arms off if he wanted. Giovanni, you wanna press charges?"
"Damn right I do." Giovanni rarely swore, and the action caught both Mario and Luigi off guard. Heels clicked on the pavement as Trace stepped forward.
"I'll add to that, officer. And after this lil stunt, our friend here is gonna be blacklisted from a hell of a lot of nightclubs."
While Giovanni went over details with the police, it was in the light of the parking lot that Peach finally got a good look at the club owner. She was as tall as the twins, with her heels adding a touch more. Her thin, almost lanky frame was dressed in a black sequined flapper dress, with a silver headband. Her hair was done in a black bob that curled neatly at the tips, highlighting her cheeks. Sharp blue eyes that held a look of someone who had seen more than their fair share of the world kept watch over the group.
"Hey kiddo, you okay?" Tony asked gently, putting an arm around his nephew. Luigi shrugged nervously, looking around at everyone.
"Sorry I ruined date night." he muttered. This was met with an explosion of objections as all tried to reassure him.
"Kid, this isn't your fault." Arthur insisted. "That hateful bastardo, he's the one to blame."
"Art's right," Marie said gently, taking Luigi's hand. "and I'm not alone when I say I wish I coulda knocked him out. Nobody messes with my nephew." she kissed his forehead as she said this.
"Thanks, auntie." he said, turning a light pink. Trace came over and folded her arms.
"Next time you come round, drinks on the house for all of you, manager's treat."
Another chorus of voices as Marianna and Giovanni tried to refuse, and the twins gave playful cheers. Luigi blushed hotter as Trace lightly touched his arm.
"'specially for you, sugar. I'm sorry this even happened. I hope you still feel safe enough to visit."
"I-I do." Luigi said with a nod. "Thanks, Trace."
The sound of the police cruiser driving off was followed by a loud yawn from Tony.
"I'm wiped out. Nothin' like dancin', drinks, and drama for a good night, eh?" he grinned, nudging his twin. Arthur had to agree, handing the car key to Marie.
"How bout it, call it a night?" he said.
Agreement all around, and goodnights were said as Trace waved and went back inside. While the others spilt up at the cars, Tony hung back with April.
"You got a ride home?"
"I'll walk, it's not far." she said before noticing the look of worry. "I'll be fine, I promise."
Tony sighed. "Okay, but do me a favor, eh? Text when you get home and are safe behind a locked door."
April kissed his cheek, leaving a lipstick mark. "You got it, sexy hips."
It wasn't much later that on the ride home, Tony's phone buzzed.
Hey hips, home safe. We should catch up again soon, maybe have a 'date night'. Give Luigi a hug for me would ya? Would've loved to knock that creep's lights out! Stay sexy!
Reaching the apartment building, the party split with everyone eager to got out of their fancy clothes and into something more comfortable. Tony dug in his dresser and pulled out a white shirt with red trim, the faded text still read 'Vote for Pedro'. Changing into this along with his grey sweats, he exited his room where he bumped into Arthur in the hall.
"What you up to, lil bro?"
Arthur grinned. "Bria's staying at Nell's tonight."
Marie called out to them from the bedroom. "Art, you coming?"
"How can I?!" he called back. "You haven't ripped my clothes off yet!"
Tony groaned and rolled his eyes as Marie broke into laughter. "Go get em." he teased. "I'm gonna go check on kiddo."
A soft knock at the front door drew Mario out of the kitchen, his bare feet pattering on the wood floor as he went to answer it.
"Hey Uncle Tony." he stepped aside and Tony entered, snatching a few pieces of popcorn from the bowl Mario was holding.
"Movie night?"
"Yeah, showing Peach Princess Bride."
Tony smirked, nudging him. "Long as that's all you show her." He laughed as Mario blushed.
"Just teasin'. Where're your folks?"
A click caught their attention as Giovanni exited the bathroom down the hall. He was dressed in his house slippers and dark blue bathrobe. The look of mischief on Mario's face was one Tony knew well, having seen it on his twin's many times.
"Oh you know Dad," Mario said somewhat loudly, "he can't resist Ma in that dress. They gotta have private time after date night."
"I heard that!" Giovanni called to them.
"And we can hear you!" Tony called back with a grin. "Quit mentally traumatizing the kids!"
There was a sharp laugh as Giovanni went back to the bedroom.
Sliding his hands in his jean pockets, Tony hummed softly. "How's your bro?"
A brief look of sadness. "Knees are hurtin' him, he's in the guest room."
Giving a nod with a 'thanks', Tony headed for the bros old room. Peering in, he softly tapped on the door. Luigi looked up from his book, his smile bright as he greeted his uncle. Tony came over and sat on the edge of the bed.
"How you holdin' up, kiddo?"
"Too much dancing." Luigi admitted shyly. Tony noted the outline of knees braces beneath the sheet that covered his nephew's legs.
"Was worried about that." he said. He then placed a hand over Luigi's. "What about what happened?"
Luigi instantly recoiled, arms around himself as he tensed. "Never been attacked before." he said with a whimper. "Bullied, yeah, but they never tried to hurt me." He looked up, blue eyes filled with fear. "Have you ever had that?"
Memories danced through Tony's mind, painful ones. "A few times." he confessed. "Heh," he pushed up on his glasses. "Your Uncle Art was around the second time it happened, knocked the guy out and spent a night in jail for it. Nell bailed him out the next morning and Art still feels he owes her." he finished.
Luigi cringed, curling up tighter. "I was scared they'd arrest dad. I don't want anybody getting arrested because of me."
"Oh, kiddo." Tony carefully pulled him into a hug. "Trust me, anybody in this family woulda gladly spend a night in jail if it meant keepin' you safe." A kiss to his nephew's forehead, a gesture in the family that was as treasured as the shared forehead touch, and far more sacred. To Tony's dismay, Luigi still held a look of sadness.
"Uncle Tony, do you really think I'll find a boyfriend someday?"
Meanwhile, in the living room...
"It was amazing, seeing everyone willing to help Luigi like that." Peach said. She and Mario had begun talking and had forgotten to start the movie.
"Yeah," Mario replied softly, "my family can drive me crazy sometimes, but they do care about me and Lu."
"The toads that raised me were there for me but growing up I knew I'd become their princess, their protector. I've never really had anyone there for me like you and your brother have." Peach's eyes gave away the pain in her words.
His heart pounding, Mario dared to put his hand over Peach's, his breath catching as he felt her hand turn so her fingers could intertwine with his.
"I could be there for you." he offered softly. Her smile made his heart flutter, a feeling that spread as she drew closer.
"C'mon," Tony was gentle as he playfully shook Luigi's shoulder. "I know you will. Hey, what about that prince Peach mentioned, huh? Get you a royal of your own."
Wincing from the discomfort as he drew up his legs, Luigi shrugged. "I donno. He's probably not into guys anyway." His tone was so despondent it made Tony's heart ache. "Who's gonna wanna date me? Feels like I'll never find anyone."
"Hey, don't think like that." he urged. "You'll meet somebody. And if not romantically, well," he pushed on his glasses again. "I mean look at me an' April, we got our own thing."
Luigi was startled. "You and Miz Cavetti?" He turned a bright pink. "You've... ya know?"
"More than once, yeah." Tony confessed. "Not exactly the traditional method since I don't swing that way, but we make it work and give each other a good time." He chuckled, a tinge of pink in his own cheeks. "Just sayin', don't give up okay?"
"I won't." Luigi agreed. He then blushed again. "Miz Cavetti said I inherited your dancer's hips."
This sent Tony into a burst of cheerful laughter, tears gathering in his eyes. Wishing Luigi goodnight, he left and was about to pop into the living room to wish the other two goodnight but the soft moan and giggle he overheard stopped him. Shaking his head with a grin, he quietly left and returned across the hall. Ignoring the noises from his twin's room he went to his own and closing the door, fell back on the bed and sighed as he stared up at the ceiling.
Digging in his pocket he pulled out his phone and began typing.
Hey Prill, ya awake?
You know it, hips. Just having some wine and relaxing. What's up?
Tony paused before typing again.
Was thinkin' about a date night. Been a while and let's face it, everyone's gettin' lucky tonight 'cept us. You up for tomorrow? Your place?
I'll be there with bells on, sexy hips. Bells and nothing else.
You're somethin' else, Prill.
You know it!
Letting the phone fall onto his chest he grew thoughtful. Picking the phone back up, he began tapping. A minute later there was a soft buzz and he smiled as he read the screen.
The following Saturday at The Blind Tiger...
Tony picked up his whiskey and held it up. "To us," he started. Two glasses clinked his.
"Against the world." Luigi and April chimed in. Tony put his arm around Luigi's shoulders. "Welcome to the club, kiddo. Ya might not have a boyfriend yet, but you can always hang out with us on family date nights. I don't want you to think you ever have to hang out here alone."
April leaned in with a glint in her eye. "So, Luigi, what's your type? I'll keep an eye out to find you someone."
Blushing faintly, Luigi shook his head. "That's okay Miz- er April," he corrected himself. "I think I'd just like to hang out with you guys." His blush increased. "And I'm thinkin' I'll ask Peach about that guy she knows."
Tony and April cheered at this. "Ayyy that's my kiddo!" Tony grinned. "Said it before and I'll say it again, you deserve a prince."
April leaned in. "And if he's not into guys, send em my way would ya?"
The trio's laughter traveled around the bar, cheering all who heard it.
By "CC"