Chapter Text
Wanted to show what Yin’s signs were for the toys. They are hypothetical and aren’t meant to be proper ASL names but I had fun with them. You might notice Yin’s expression changes a little with certain names.
honey_bumble_bee, MidnightStarmoon, Ellofellow, scriggleboop, cae_desu, Kumanorinori, Sunshinana, catariaCadmium, Caladen_mume, unaltered_moccasins, sjfkbb, howlongcanthisbeagain, Alex_the_Wolfia, ArcaneStellar, Alexander_Kurtis, AsterMagnolia, gloryasme, ZeeZeeWee, BlackHoleBunni, Echo715, Bim_Tastic, PolarIN, lemoncany, Mul_the_Mouse, Kota_mikitten, Alan_51, SuperKib48, SunSun484, RookieCookie, Strawberrycream_milk_tea, GodOfHydration, Audio_Jack, Thermonuclear_Warhead, TravelersWanderer, psuedonymousrex, KiJiNlY, Amy_Soga, AuroraXcros, Katara_SM_269, starpotato8, Nothosaurus, OneHappyBoo, Bluluu69, Lil_Lol, Tv_TimeHQ, Agentpoppins19, LittleMissAlexandra, Yuna_321642, justLoaf, Nikmon, and 13 more users as well as 29 guests left kudos on this work!