Images of West, as a source of all hope, a place of luxury, affluence and ease, persist in the popular Indian imagination. On the other hand, most countries of the South principally appear in the western media either as sites of violence,...
moreImages of West, as a source of all hope, a place of luxury, affluence and ease, persist in the popular Indian imagination. On the other hand, most countries of the South principally appear in the western media either as sites of violence, or places of expanding markets. Similarly, within the South, there is hardly any exposure to issues, other than the political, prevalent in the southern world. Everyday issues of livelihood in developed, developing or our neighbouring countries are usually absent from our mental horizon. This one-dimensional exchange and orientation reinforces a simplistic and damaging falsification of the relationship between North and South and between South and South.
Challenging stereotyped coverage and images, No Borders is a journey of an Indian journalist through many countries of developed and developing world between 1990-2004, unravelling certain concerns and issues hardly known to the Indian readers. Part-reportage and part-research, through various pieces, along with photographs, it explores developmental issues and initiatives taken by the common people, trade unions, farmers and women organisations, peoples’ movements and civil society bodies in present-day USA, UK, Germany, South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Brazil, Nigeria, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nepal. Some of these reports were published in leading Hindi/English magazines/newspapers of India (notably Frontline, EPW, Navbharat Times); others are new; several have been updated, translated, revised.
To give a sample, in UK, a large number of coalfields were closed and thousands of mineworkers were made redundant under the Thatcher regime. How the deserted coalfields and the redundant mineworkers coped with the changing situation and in one locality, formed their own cooperative to revive their coalfields against all odds, narrate the reports from the coalfields of UK. Here only, under the new labour regime, Liverpool dockworkers had to go for the longest ever strike in the history of the country, which they lost. In Germany, even after the unification, various boundaries remain. For example, homelessness has become a serious problem. In this situation, the concept of community homes is gaining ground in some rural and urban areas.
In USA, drug abuse is a huge concern. On this pretext, a new drug policy came into existence, targeting the poor population within the country and poor countries of the world. Protesting against this policy, civil society organisations in many places are successfully tackling this burning issue. Malaysia, an Asian tiger, is going along with developed countries in its growth rate and economic prosperity. However, in provinces like Penang, crime against women and especially rape cases are alarmingly high. The emergent women’s movement in the country finds it a struggle to tackle these issues.
Countries like South Africa, Brazil and Nigeria are struggling with issues of use, distribution and conservation of natural resources, and the local, poor population is demanding their just share in land, water, forest and oil. In Namibia, multilateral aid institutions are appropriating the use of natural resources, against the wishes of the villagers. South Africa and Brazil are struggling for land reforms. The OAU Model Law to govern biodiversity is taking roots in Zimbabwe against dictates of the World Intellectual Property Organisation and WTO. In Nigeria and Indonesia, there are vibrant movements emerging on oil and mineral resources and they are challenging the giant multinationals. Sea resources have become a bone of contention between the fisherfolk of India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, and very few people know that now every year, hundreds of coastal fisherfolk of these countries are being jailed or killed in army operations.
Evoking places, both rural and urban, land and sea, and drawing on the personal accounts of activists and organisations from across the countries, these reports provide a first-hand account of movements and socio-economic issues in the contemporary world. At a subtext, these stories also challenge other representations. For instance, there is sometimes a colonial hang up, packaged and marketed in new forms. There is a triumphant globalism, coming from the developed world. There is occasionally an unexamined acceptance of given clichés, ideas and images by the media. What often gets suppressed here are the pains, sacrifices, concerns and initiatives of people in their everyday lives.
These stories bridge these lacunae, by covering a different arena. They provide fragments of the diversity of developmental issues and responses around the world, through the eyes of an Indian journalist. They will be of interest to a wide range of general audiences, including movement groups, trade unions, media people, activists and social scientists.