
462 Pins
Why We Don’t Use a Teen Cell Phone Contract—and What We Do Instead | Better Screen Time
Why We Don’t Use a Teen Cell Phone Contract—and What We Do Instead | Better Screen Time
8 Things Your Teenage Boy Desperately Needs You to Teach Him - Raising Teens Today
8 Things Your Teenage Boy Desperately Needs You to Teach Him - Raising Teens Today
The 14-Day Family Bonding Challenge - Parenting Expert, Susan Newman Ph.D.
This family bonding challenge contains two weeks of simple, fun activities that take a short amount of time but can build a lifetime of memories. Try it with your family today!
Why Your Tween's Moodiness is Likely Not Caused by Hormones
Is your Tween suddenly more moody and sensitive? Learn how to improve your tween and teen's mood and why hormones aren't likely the cause. #kidsandparenting #parenting
10 Best Tips for Communicating with Teenagers - The Reluctant Cowgirl
Struggling to communicate effectively with your teenager? Learn the key to communicating with teens and keep your teens talking to you! #communicationskills #communicatingwithteens #howtotalk
How The Best House Rules for Kids Will Change Your Life - Empowered Single Moms
Best house rule ever. You will love this idea for parenting boys and girls. Successful parenting will be so much easier, especially for teens when you use this rule. It is especially helpful for single parents. #parenting, #singlemom, #houserule, #teenagers, #freeprintable
How to Create a Customizable Chore Chart That Works Without Nagging
Having chore charts and a chore system for kids will reduce nagging and arguing over getting your child to do chores and teach kids responsibility. When you're trying to get kids to do chores, your system should be simple and effective. Find step by step instructions to a chore system that works without nagging or arguing here. #chorecharts #choresystem #choresforkids #getkidstodochores #nonagging #noarguing #responsiblekids #teachresponsibility
21 Awesome Hobbies for Teen Boys - Hobby Knowhow
Most teen boys have two things going for them, time and energy. These two factors are destructive if they go untapped.