Papers by Ioanna Arvaniti
Library Philosophy and Practice
School libraries have been subjected to legislative reforms since the establishment of the Greek ... more School libraries have been subjected to legislative reforms since the establishment of the Greek State. Occasionally, but not regularly, there have been plenty of relevant statutes, which were adjusted to the existing curricula and reflected the current trend in the educational system. Significantly, it is worth investigating whether statutes have ultimately carried out the various governments' stated intents. Needless to say, school libraries have never been considered as an essential component of an educational system, have been seriously suffering from a shortage of equipment and well-designed rooms, as well as from insufficient funding for book supplies. Finally, teachers themselves are frequently unaware of the role and the services that school libraries are able and have to offer in a modern school. Even nowadays, daily educational procedures can be accomplished without school libraries. In Greece, there has been an attempt to re-examine the operation of school libraries, ...
This paper presents, through a case study, the special conditions needed for the foundation, deve... more This paper presents, through a case study, the special conditions needed for the foundation, development and operation of a school library, which were met exclusively through the collaboration between teachers of different grades and parents. The study concerns the library of a Greek elementary school, situated in an educationally degraded area of the broader district of Thessaloniki, within an indifferent, or rather negative educational and social environment.
This paper presents, through a case study, the special conditions needed for the foundation, deve... more This paper presents, through a case study, the special conditions needed for the foundation, development and operation of a school library, which were met exclusively through the collaboration between teachers of different grades and parents. The study concerns the library of a Greek elementary school, situated in an educationally degraded area of the broader district of Thessaloniki, within an indifferent, or rather negative educational and social environment.
The main objective of this paper is to present, through a case study, the specific conditions acc... more The main objective of this paper is to present, through a case study, the specific conditions according to which a school library can be founded, developed and can operate in a Greek public elementary school and which ensued from the collaboration between parents and teachers belonging to different educational grades in an indifferent or negative educational and social environment.
Library Philosophy and Practice
School libraries have been subjected to legislative reforms since the establishment of the Greek ... more School libraries have been subjected to legislative reforms since the establishment of the Greek State. Occasionally, but not regularly, there have been plenty of relevant statutes, which were adjusted to the existing curricula and reflected the current trend in the educational system. Significantly, it is worth investigating whether statutes have ultimately carried out the various governments' stated intents. Needless to say, school libraries have never been considered as an essential component of an educational system, have been seriously suffering from a shortage of equipment and well-designed rooms, as well as from insufficient funding for book supplies. Finally, teachers themselves are frequently unaware of the role and the services that school libraries are able and have to offer in a modern school. Even nowadays, daily educational procedures can be accomplished without school libraries. In Greece, there has been an attempt to re-examine the operation of school libraries, ...
Το ολοήμερο σχολείο λειτουργεί στην Ελλάδα, έστω και ως σχολείο διευρυμένου ωραρίου από το 1998. ... more Το ολοήμερο σχολείο λειτουργεί στην Ελλάδα, έστω και ως σχολείο διευρυμένου ωραρίου από το 1998. Εμφανίστηκε ως ένας καινοτόμος θεσμός για τα ελληνικά εκπαιδευτικά δεδομένα και αφού έχει διανύσει μια περίοδο 8 ετών μοιάζει να έχει παγιωθεί στο εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα, παρά τις αρχικές γκρίνιες για σημαντικές ελλείψεις σε υλικοτεχνική υποδομή και λειτουργικές δυσανεξίες. Το χρονικό εύρος της λειτουργία του ολοήμερου σχολείου μας επιτρέπει σήμερα να εξετάσουμε σε θεωρητικό όσο και σε ερευνητικό επίπεδο κάποιες από τις δομικές και λειτουργικές παραμέτρους του. Σε καμία περίπτωση δεν υπαινισσόμαστε ότι η ερευνητική μας προσπάθεια φιλοδοξεί να προσφέρει τις απαραίτητες εκείνες συζεύξεις που θα ανασχηματίσουν το προφίλ του ελληνικού ολοήμερου σχολείου. Μπορούμε όμως να ισχυριστούμε ότι η πολλαπλή έρευνα που σχεδιάσαμε μπορεί να προσφέρει ένα corpus στοιχείων, τα οποία θα είναι σε θέση να υποβοηθήσουν την ανάπτυξη συγκριτικών δεδομένων και να διαφωτίσουν κάποιες, έστω ελάχιστες, πλευρές του ζ...
Σήμερα που στην ταξική πολυδιάσπαση των κοινωνικών σχηματισμών προστέθηκε και η εθνολογική, το ζή... more Σήμερα που στην ταξική πολυδιάσπαση των κοινωνικών σχηματισμών προστέθηκε και η εθνολογική, το ζήτημα της «κοινωνικής ομοιογένειας ή ετερότητας" επανέρχεται σε διαφορετική βάση, με διαφορετικές επιστημολογικές οριοθετήσεις και φυσικά με νέες παραμέτρους ως προς τη διατύπωση και την ανάλυση των δομικών και των λειτουργικών παραμέτρων του ζητήματος. Το διαφορετικό δεν ορίζεται πλέον αποκλειστικά με όρους ταξικούς, αλλά και με όρους εθνολογικούς, φυλετικούς, θρησκευτικούς ή πολιτισμικούς. Η εθνολογική ομοιογένεια ως σταθερά της κοινωνικής ζύμωσης και της εκπόνησης κάθε είδους πολιτικής εκ μέρους της συντεταγμένης πολιτείας ή άλλων αρμοδίων φορέων έχει πάψει να υφίσταται. Το παζλ της κοινωνικής σύνθεσης μεγαλώνει και τα κομμάτια του πολλαπλασιάζονται Και ένα βασικό στοιχείο αυτού του παζλ αποτελεί η σκιαγράφηση των τάσεων, των στάσεων και των απόψεων των κοινωνών, ειδικά δε των νεότερων. Επιχειρούμε λοιπόν μια ερευνητική προσέγγιση των εθνικιστικών και των ξενοφοβικών στάσεων και α...
Library Philosophy and Practice, 2007
School libraries have been the subject of a number of regulations since the establishment of the ... more School libraries have been the subject of a number of regulations since the establishment of the Greek nation, but school libraries have never been treated as an essential feature of educational programmes. They lack space, funds and equipment. Moreover, teachers are not aware of their role and services in contemporary schools. This article reports on a study that analyzed written texts produced by primary school teachers, discussing the function, role, and potential of school libraries. The teachers participating in the research described the ideal library, which is quite different from the reality in primary schools.
IASL, 2009
Through a case study, this paper presents specific conditions under which a library can be founde... more Through a case study, this paper presents specific conditions under which a library can be founded, developed and administered in a Greek public school by the collaboration of parents and educators of different grades, yet in an uninterested or negative educational and social environment. Approach to this subject involves associated contents from pedagogics, children literature and planning of school rooms on pedagogic criteria. In particular: 1. The pedagogic organization and development of the library was in accordance with international standards, while the following operational goals were set: (a) the use of the library as an expanded form of a school class, (b) the utilization of the school library also as a lending library and (c) the function of the library as a cultural sphere with special focus on fostering of lifelong readers (School Library Manifesto, IFLA/UNESCO, The Primary School library Guidelines, 2000. London: The Library Assotiation). 2. Comprising a basic part of ...
In (D. Germanos & M. Liapi. Eds) Places for Learning Experiences. Think, Make, Change. 2015. pages 56-65, 2015
This paper discusses the paradoxes that arise from efficiency-driven approaches to child rearing ... more This paper discusses the paradoxes that arise from efficiency-driven approaches to child rearing in the digital age. Drawing from research on the intrinsically motivated nature of human learning and Winnicott’s pioneering work on the importance of “being held” and given license to play, I challenge the increasing pressures, especially on the very young, to meet so-called 21st century requirements. I reflect on what supportive environments for life-long learning may look like, and I identify
moments in the cycle of adult-supported self-directed learning, each of which calls for its own ambient qualities and spatio- temporal arrangements. To be viable, I claim, 21st century educationalists will need to put the learners back into the driver’s seat, mindful of their interests, contributions, and abilities to self-improve. And this turn requires careful attention to the psychological needs without which no child can thrive. The settings, or “holding environments” best suited to live up to this challenge, I conclude, will need to be flexible, inclusive, and informed by what happens outside their walls, but they can’t be place-less! Schools are one among other sites within a wider range of learning opportunities. Yet they can’t claim exclusivity. Nor can they be made solely accountable for student outcomes: the era of the citadel school is over. New settings are emerging, mostly hybrids, which today’s life-long-learners inhabit and traverse in novel ways.
Papers by Ioanna Arvaniti
moments in the cycle of adult-supported self-directed learning, each of which calls for its own ambient qualities and spatio- temporal arrangements. To be viable, I claim, 21st century educationalists will need to put the learners back into the driver’s seat, mindful of their interests, contributions, and abilities to self-improve. And this turn requires careful attention to the psychological needs without which no child can thrive. The settings, or “holding environments” best suited to live up to this challenge, I conclude, will need to be flexible, inclusive, and informed by what happens outside their walls, but they can’t be place-less! Schools are one among other sites within a wider range of learning opportunities. Yet they can’t claim exclusivity. Nor can they be made solely accountable for student outcomes: the era of the citadel school is over. New settings are emerging, mostly hybrids, which today’s life-long-learners inhabit and traverse in novel ways.
moments in the cycle of adult-supported self-directed learning, each of which calls for its own ambient qualities and spatio- temporal arrangements. To be viable, I claim, 21st century educationalists will need to put the learners back into the driver’s seat, mindful of their interests, contributions, and abilities to self-improve. And this turn requires careful attention to the psychological needs without which no child can thrive. The settings, or “holding environments” best suited to live up to this challenge, I conclude, will need to be flexible, inclusive, and informed by what happens outside their walls, but they can’t be place-less! Schools are one among other sites within a wider range of learning opportunities. Yet they can’t claim exclusivity. Nor can they be made solely accountable for student outcomes: the era of the citadel school is over. New settings are emerging, mostly hybrids, which today’s life-long-learners inhabit and traverse in novel ways.