i love that little feature that removes someone’s addition to a post you’re going to reblog. Shut up
the only morally correct character arc a fictional clone can have is transitioning
i love that little feature that removes someone’s addition to a post you’re going to reblog. Shut up
the only morally correct character arc a fictional clone can have is transitioning
oh so you need to find a way to reclaim your own person after seeing yourself paraded around as something youre not and never will be for years? have you tried hrt
as someone who lives in America, i want to formally apologize for my fellow citizens' tendency to rely on the excuse that Americans are simply an exploited, disenfranchised and under-educated people and that's why we're not so good at protesting or realizing when certain methods are no longer effective.
this especially considering that the two minority groups in the United States who have been historically the most disenfranchised and pushed out of the American education system - Indigenous Americans and Black people - have also been the most enlightened, advanced, revolutionary, effective, well organized and passionate activists that have been fighting this fight for decades and consistently at the forefront of effective civil disobedience.
unfortunately, the same people who are telling you we're too dumb and disenfranchised to do anything are the same people who refuse to take notes from our most disenfranchised citizens and would be more likely to call the Black Panthers a terrorist organization if they still existed today because they're too violent. however, that won't stop them from trying to convince you that the only thing holding them back from protesting harder or learning theory or whatever is that they didn't learn exactly how bad fascism was in high school.
Kinda sad that trans people don’t get included in a lot mainstream things in a substantial way bc I can think of so many ways severance could explore trans characters. Realistically trans people would be heavily effected by severance.
I’m imagining how boymodding could be discussed through the concept of severance. Like your innie has no experiences outside of performative jobsona masculinity and has no choice how they dress or present themself in the office. The job encourages them to sever themself to be hire-able and to endure the dysphoria of conforming for the company. It reflects reality in a harrowing scifi way.
Not sure they could handle it.
ALSO the mpreg statue made me think about actual men who can get pregnant. But of course that would never be factored in.
Like I’ve seen discussion that the mpreg statue is to trick innies into “thinking men can also get pregnant” so the severed women don’t suspect they are the only ones being put through this. Which like men can get pregnant.
As a vulnerable group of course trans people would be victims of lumon and I turn this concept over in my head.
I feel like in the rush of “throw out etiquette who cares what fork you use or who gets introduced first” we actually lost a lot of social scripts that the younger generations are floundering without.
A lot of tough situations where we now feel like we “don’t know what to do or say” had social scripts just a couple of generations ago and they might have been canned phrases or robotic actions but they could still be meant sincerely and unfortunately we haven’t replaced them with any more sincere or easier new script.
a lot of people are giving examples in the notes of things they just find annoying like not using headphones in public, but OP is talking about actual literal scripts of things to say in awkward situations
if you have a date or two with someone and you don't see a relationship developing? most millennials / gen Zers just end up ghosting. but a social script that might have been taught and rehearsed in the past could be:
"I really appreciated getting dinner with you the other night and I enjoyed your company, but I'm afraid I didn't feel a spark. I wish you the best, and hope you find that special someone!"
like it sounds kind of trite but it was at least something to say and it can still be meant with kind sincerity. it also communicates in 2 sentences that you don't want to see them romantically again, but there aren't any hard feelings about that. that's it!!! that's all it takes!!!
Another example is that at parties a lot of people talk about how awkward it is to mingle or talk to people they dont know. But at old timey parties that was traditionally the HOST'S job, and there was a specific scripted way of doing it that eased the process! The host would bring you in, introduce you and maybe even a little bit about you like what you did for a living, and then guide you to a group you could talk to. They didn't just let you in the door and then ditch you to fend for yourself in a sea of strangers. That would be unthinkable and no one would be surprised if a get-together like that wound up being awkward.
I still do the party-host thing and yall can, too! (Thanks Mad Men for teaching me a lot of outmoded social scripts... no really tho)
Remember things about your friends! Ask people about their weekends, hobbies, holidays, studies, and jobs! Listen for the concerns people have and what they are working on! Draw connections between one person and another to get the ball rolling. "Oh, Maura, you just got your first cat! You should talk to Felix, he used to work at a rescue. Felix, please tell Maura all the new-cat-guardian pointers."
"Bill, Sheila, Xan, this is my friend Kale. Kale is really into Star Trek, Bill you and them should talk about it!"
Orrr whatever! After you make the introduction and draw the connection you just float on into the next interaction with someone else at the function. Just listen, care about your friends, get our of your own head, and think of how you can bring other people together and you will feel 100% less awkward.
hi i am so excited about this post because i have posted this exact thing MANY times on here, often in the specific context of how formal etiquette is so useful for autistic people especially, but also for everyone. even if you come off a little bit formal, which you will sometimes, having Old School Manners (or just knowing what they are) for various common scenarios is like having a magic ticket that will just sail you through all kinds of social iinteractions, gatekeeping, social weirdness, and as is pointed out in the above posts about introducing people to each other, can make you into a really valuable and helpful person for an entire gathering or group of people.
i also want to point out that knowing what the polite thing to do in all situations makes you a lot more effective at being rude and obnoxious when the situation calls for it, which is also a valuable and necessary adult skill
I need to think about this properly, but I posted a while ago about how we did present practice once (roleplayed various ways to receive presents with the kids, practicing different social scripts). I am comfortable in my position that this is a perfectly reasonable game to teach children, and that the skills received are useful in life. I heard from a lot of people saying this was a good idea, and a few people who hated it because it was “training the kids to be artificial”, “not genuine,”etc.
One person in particular really felt passionately about how abusive this game was. It was abusing the children, they wrote to me, and as a neurodiverse person they felt such social expectations were violently oppressive.
I felt like there was more to it, like their reaction was really about something else, so i went to their blog, and they had a lot of posts about how they are autistic and used a mobility aid and service animal. All of these presented challenges. They obviously had a lot going on in their life, none of which is to do with my family, but what got me was their venting about people interacting with them, their service animal and their mobility aid.
“People look at my service animal all the time,” they said angrily.
“Parents, teach your children IN PRIVATE about my mobility aid, not out loud where I can hear it.”
“Children bump into me in public. Nobody is teaching them to accommodate disabled people.”
“Children are overstimulating to me. There should be areas where children don’t go if they can’t behave properly, or if they’re too young for that, if their parents can’t control them.”
“I shouldn’t be expected to accomodate other people in public. People have to accommodate me.”
So I realised: okay, there’s a massive disconnect here, and it’s nothing to do with me.
But more broadly, on this website, people do appreciate that a well-behaved adult is someone who can accomodate other people. Well-behaved children and nicely-trained adults don’t pet service animals. Respectful people are conscious of how to give space to people with canes. Polite people wait for others to finish sentences. People with good manners behave graciously with minor inconveniences, even if they don’t want to. If a human being is a bundle of “natural impulses” then a person with additional training can control those. A human with reasonable social training can politely control their impulses to pet animals, make loud comments, and stare at things that are different.
This person was quite reasonable in their genuine belief that other people should accommodate their needs. And they’re right! People genuinely should be doing more for them - calculating how much space they need, yielding it graciously, and sensitively picking up on the fact that they could use patience, attention, space, and accommodation. This person and their service animal should be treated with more respect and better manners everywhere they go!
But all of that is training. To get everyone to do that involves teaching behaviours that are considered “polite” and explaining how “natural” impulses aren’t always polite. It’s a process of education, it isn’t innate to the animal, and someone has to do it. It’s usually taught in childhood, often by parents. You could, perhaps, make it fun though.
You could try teaching it as a game.
”the gelfling will never believe one of them killed their own” -SkekVar to SkekSil, the skeksis who will kill him at the end of the series
someone in the dw discord made a comment last night about how the eleventh doctor came into the world literally unwanted by themself and it’s stuck in my brain since then. ten fought tooth and nail to not have to regenerate and held it off as long as possible, angry and crying about how they weren’t ready to go. so when we see eleven tell the dream lord “[you’re me] because no one in the world hates me as much as you do” like halfway into s5… it’s the fucking truth. ten didn’t want to be eleven, and eleven knows this and is still deeply affected over guilt for what happened with the master, rose, and donna. it’s also why eleven cries when they find out that amy and rory have been setting them a place for christmas dinner every year even when they don’t show up. it’s because amy and rory LOVE eleven, something they probably never even considered would be possible. to be loved
Is this why he was so distraught when the tardis matrix was losing her form and begged her not to leave? Because he knows she loves him no matter which regeneration he’s at?
also when you think about the fact that nine’s last words are “i’m awesome and you’re awesome too” in essence, who ten becomes makes sense: ten is arguably arrogant and definitely self-confident, and he sees how great others could be (sometimes. there’s donna, yes, but then there’s martha).
eleven’s last words are “i will not forget”. he is so desperate to be happy, remembered, loved that he makes his last promise to do what he so rarely sees in himself. and you know what twelve did?
…he forgot.
ok so i can’t stop myself and i wrote some fic
under the cut to save people who don’t want to read my ramblings some time
holy shit @justinvisiblesouls this is ,,
thrawn (2017) was The Quintessential college experience of one friend being this bright eyed youth fresh from their hometown ready to get their career started!! and the other friend being (redacted) years old. already been thru military training in their faraway place of origin. exiled. ready to get back on track in a New location. and also theyre roommates. and ride or dies for eachother despite having literally nothing in common bcus college is like that