
1.5M ratings
277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

p3rcys-nightmar3s asked:

I just found you from another page who reblogged your art and... WOAH WOAH WOAH. your art is super duper cool and I absolutely love the way you draw bones. Have an epical and awesome sauce rest of your day (night/after noon/dusk/dawn/ect.)

Live long and prosper 🖖🏻

i saw this late but ahhh thank you sm !! <33 im so happy that you like the way i draw the bone, ive been studying him under a microscope to get him right ^_^ hope your day/ night is swell as well !! 🖖

you added like 2 years to my lifespan ty <33 ask p3rcys-nightmar3s

Digital b/w bust illustration of Spock from Star Trek The Original Series as the Crown Prince of a Vulcan without Reform. He's at 3/4 degrees side eyeing the viewer with a nonchalant expression but an intense light in his eyes accentuated by his face up. He has long shiny black hair, with his right side shaved and several braids and beads adorning it. He's also wearing a pair of intricate earrings reminiscing a lirpa in its shape and inspired by Córdoba filigree, together with an extra piercing above on his shown ear in a more gemometrical referencing IDIC with its triangle and sferical shapes, as well as a double piercing on his lower lip and chin. His neck is adorned by a collar with a rich geometric pattern fitting his jewellery and ending in two thin silky pieces of fabric that cover his torso. He's framed by a bright gold halo behind him.ALT

"In a Vulcan where Reform did not happen, a young James T. Kirk walks aimlessly through the Royal Palace in ShiKahr when suddenly an unknown force calls to him. He is there as a gracious guest and he should not intrude in this way, but he does not hesitate when he opens the big golden doors he was powerfully drawn to.

In front of him he finds what, in that very instant, he realised he had been looking for his whole life.

Spock, the Crown Prince of Vulcan."

I can finally show you guys my submission for the Gen/Teen ratings category of the Winter Fandom Kombat 2025 🖖✨

Thank you so much to @eldar-of-zemlya for inviting me, it was both so flattering and fun 💜

See the timelapse of how it was made

Original post on AO3

friends making amazing pieces ahhhh this spock is sooo pretty love the details so much s'chn t'gai spock mr spock star trek fanart not my art