Conference Presentations by Dr. K U M A R A S W A M Y M R
The widespread of COVID-19 has created a panic among the lives of people all around the world. Th... more The widespread of COVID-19 has created a panic among the lives of people all around the world. The spreading of the virus has resulted in the deaths of thousands of people all over the world. This virus which affected people in India has created a panic that the governments both at the centre and state had to impose various preventive measures to ensure the safety of the people. In the midst of this crisis, many were affected very severely and norms set by the governments had to be changed to suit the immediate needs of the time. This paper analyses the problems of the public in distress when impositions were sudden and how it took a toll on the people and the drawbacks of the measures implemented by the government in the travel movement of the general public.
Innocence is basically defined as a quality or fact of being innocent and there are numerous mean... more Innocence is basically defined as a quality or fact of being innocent and there are numerous meanings attached to it. The characters in the novels of Narayan have a nuclear innocence and the rustics especially, have a role to play and they express the voice of the community. They also play the role of a chorus to the main action. This paper gives a macroscopic insight to the rustic community and the characters that are portrayed as rustics in the four novels of Narayan. The characters though minor, play significant roles like the ficelles, the catalysts and the foils. Introduction Innocence is basically defined as a quality or fact of being innocent, and is understood in a number of connotations. When we refer to the dictionary, we find numerous meanings attached to the word. All these meanings serve as a point of reference in analysing the nature and treatment of innocence in Narayan's novels.Almost every character in the novels of Narayan has a nuclear innocence as the generally shared human mannerism and the typology of innocence is focussed on three distinct categories of the characters in Narayan's novel, namely (a) the children, (b) the grown-ups passing through the second childhood and (c) the rustics.
Innocence is labelled as a feature of being innocent and it is understood in various overtones. I... more Innocence is labelled as a feature of being innocent and it is understood in various overtones. In the novels of Narayan, we find that almost every character has the essential innocence and the typology of innocence focuses on three categories. This paper highlights on the innocence of the second childhood where human life is like a journey which starts in childhood and ends normally in old age. The portrayal of the granny in Swami and Friends and her traits are brought out here.
This article deals with the social consciousness of individuals and analyses how literature funct... more This article deals with the social consciousness of individuals and analyses how literature functions as a tool to reflect this consciousness at various levels. It focuses mainly on how post colonialism and realism serves to depict the contemporary issues both internal and external. Furthermore, by taking into account the literary works of the Jaffna Tamil Community which is now in its post conflict states after facing a civil war for three decades, this article attempts to portray the changing trend of social consciousness that is identified with regard to its loss and longing.
IJELLH , 2019
The women of India have indeed achieved their success in half a century of independence, but if t... more The women of India have indeed achieved their success in half a century of independence, but if there is to be true female independence, much has to be done. A woman is presented in varied pictures not only now, but also in the past. Manju Kapur tries to bring out the complexity of life, different histories, cultures and different structures of values in her stories. She exposes the life of Metropolitan cities where people have become the victims of modernity. The female protagonists though educated, are caged in the patriarchal society. Their independent thinking becomes a barrier to their thoughts, emotions and expressions in the confined conservative society and hence they struggle between tradition and modernity. 2 This paper tries to bring out the experiences of these middle class people and the effect of marriage and to where it leads them.
Employment and empowerment involves a transformation which moves from a state of disempowerment t... more Employment and empowerment involves a transformation which moves from a state of disempowerment to empowerment. Empowerment is multidimensional, taking place at diverse levels, and in different ways depending on the individuals and communities and the environments in which they live. This paper focuses on the wider level of how women and their status in the society are portrayed. In spite of the jobs and the work carried out by the women contribute to the needs of the household, there is still not enough recognition given to them.
The women of India have indeed achieved their success in half a century of independence, but if t... more The women of India have indeed achieved their success in half a century of independence, but if there is to be true female independence, much has to be done. A woman is presented in varied pictures not only now, but also in the past. Manju Kapur tries to bring out the complexity of life, different histories, cultures and different structures of values in her stories. She exposes the life of Metropolitan cities where people have become the victims of modernity. The female protagonists though educated, are caged in the patriarchal society. Their independent thinking becomes a barrier to their thoughts, emotions and expressions in the confined conservative society and hence they struggle between tradition and modernity. This paper tries to bring out the experiences of these middle class people and the effect of marriage and to where it leads them.
The Andaman and Nicobar islands with its natural beauty and unpolluted environment is an attracti... more The Andaman and Nicobar islands with its natural beauty and unpolluted environment is an attraction for people all over the world. The islands are inhabited with tribes who live in groups and have an identity of their own. The tribes are the Jarawa, the Onge and the Sentinelese. In the Nicobar, there are two main groups, the Nicobarese and the Shompen. A macrocosmic attempt has been made in this paper to study the different groups of tribes on the island, how their culture was and what they were in the past and with the entry of tourists, what changes have taken place. The paper also focuses on the attire of the different tribes worn by them and with the advent of tourism what developments have brought about changes in the tribes.
Books by Dr. K U M A R A S W A M Y M R
This paper brings out the rebellious nature of two of the characters in R.K.Narayan's The Painter... more This paper brings out the rebellious nature of two of the characters in R.K.Narayan's The Painter of Signs, Raman and Daisy. The rebellion is depicted through the modern youth, all set to establish the Age of Reason, and the young lady determined to regard her duty as her only passion in life. Instances are pinpointed to show Raman's rebellious nature and that of Daisy, the girl with distinctive individual desires who finds herself a total misfit and the atmosphere suffocating in the joint family. Taking the typology of rebellion as a whole, there are certain characteristic features emerging out of the study focusing on the nature of rebellion in the Narayan novel.
Innocence is a quality or fact of being innocent, and is realized in a number of connotations. Th... more Innocence is a quality or fact of being innocent, and is realized in a number of connotations. This frame of meaning serves as a point of reference, in analysing the nature and treatment of innocence in R.K.Narayan's Swami and Friends. Narayan underlines several faces of innocence located in his child characters. The basic theme of illusion versus reality has been deceptively dramatized through the misadventures of Swami and his cronies in Swami and Friends. The nature of innocence in Swami and the other characters are analysed in this article as perceived by Narayan.
International Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Science (IJHASS), Volume: 3 Issue: 11, 2018
Innocence is labelled as a feature of being innocent and it is understood in various overtones. I... more Innocence is labelled as a feature of being innocent and it is understood in various overtones. In the novels of Narayan, we find that almost every character has the essential innocence and the typology of innocence focuses on three categories. This paper highlights on the innocence of the second childhood where human life is like a journey which starts in childhood and ends normally in old age. The portrayal of the granny in Swami and Friends and her traits are brought out here.
IJELLH Volume 7, Issue 2, , 2019
Abstract: Eco-Criticism is the study of environmental texts from an analytical perspective that i... more Abstract: Eco-Criticism is the study of environmental texts from an analytical perspective that is applied through various environmental lenses to any sort of fictional works. It is the response to the requirement, problems, or the crisis that is the acuity of one's thinking. Chinua Achebe in Things Fall Apart has beautified the village Umuofia with Africa basically having many fertile forests and fine natural environment than other countries. On analysis, we find Achebe relating the activities of the human beings to nature thereby stressing the importance given to nature by the African people.
This article spotlights on color forecasting which is important for a retailer to carry out a suc... more This article spotlights on color forecasting which is important for a retailer to carry out a successful business. Color being an effective tool for many in the business that is carried out throughout the world, it is no exception in the fashion industry. Many people are involved in forecasting what is imperative and which will attract the consumer into buying the products. Color and its effect on the consumer, the perception of color forecasting, the process involved, the time scale from the concept to what is handed over to the retailer, the awareness of the retailers and its future are discussed in this article.
Conference Presentations by Dr. K U M A R A S W A M Y M R
Books by Dr. K U M A R A S W A M Y M R