
firefox3とdomに関するamachangのブックマーク (1)

  • John Resig - Offline Events

    Another feature that’s coming along, into Firefox 3, from the WHATWG Web Applications 1.0 spec is that of Online/Offline events. This feature serves as the second piece to the “Offline Web Application” puzzle (The first being DOM Storage), that’s really coming into place in Firefox 3. What is the purpose of offline events? Effectively, in order to build a good offline application, you need to know

    amachang 2007/02/19
    online/offline というイベントが ie/firefox で使えるようになる。body が発火する。バブリングする。キャンセル不可。状態は navigator.onLine が持つ。モバイルに使えそう。帯域の節約に。
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