Aboard the International Space Station, NASA Astronauts Mike Hopkins and Rick Mastracchio and JAXA Astronaut Koichi Wakata congratulate the filmmakers and actors of the Academy Award-winning film "Gravity" on their achievement.
We've all seen pictures of Earth from space, but have we really taken the time to appreciate what our planet looks like against the starscapes of the Milky Way galaxy? Here, we beckon viewers to see Earth in its cosmic context, which includes the stars, interstellar gases, the moon, the sun, and the solar winds. Be sure to watch in full HD, 1080p, and imagine you're an astronaut aboard the Interna
Learn more about NASA: http://www.nasa.gov Learn more about the International Space Station: http://www.nasa.gov/station Sign up to get space station sighting information sent to you: http://spotthestation.nasa.gov/ For students interested in NASA Johnson Space Center: http://www.facebook.com/nasa.jsc.students http://www.twitter.com/nasajscstudents NASA Johnson Style is a volunteer outreach vide
This is a full-resolution version of the NASA Curiosity rover descent to Mars and landing, taken by the MARDI descent imager. As of August 20, all but a dozen 1600x1200 frames have been uploaded from the rover, and those missing were interpolated using thumbnail data. The result was applied a heavy noise reduction, color balance, and sharpening for best visibility. The video plays at 15fps, or 3
あぁ、NASAが撮影したなかでこれが1番だわ...夜の地球美しいわ...(動画)2012.07.24 23:00 そうこ 新しい宇宙動画見る度に毎回これが1番って言ってますが、今回は本当に1番です。 再生した瞬間からめちゃくちゃかっこいいんだもん。国際宇宙ステーションから撮影された地球の夜の様子。どこのSF超大作かと思う出来映えです。現実は映画よりもっと美しくもっとダイナミックなんだなぁ。 製作は、ネイト・マイヤーズ(Knate Myers)さん。ISSから撮影された画像を元に、ノイズを取り除きPhotoshopで加工して作りました。動画編集は、ソニーのVegasを使用ですって。 フルスクリーンで見るのをオススメします。 [Twitter] そうこ(Jesus Diaz 米版)