“defaults -currentHost write com.apple.ImageCapture disableHotPlug -bool YES”
hatayanorg のブックマーク 2015/12/29 11:46
Stop Apple Photos from Auto Launching in OS X with One Command“defaults -currentHost write com.apple.ImageCapture disableHotPlug -bool YES”2015/12/29 11:46
このブックマークにはスターがありません。 最初のスターをつけてみよう!
Stop Apple Photos from Auto Launching in OS X with One Command If you’re a Mac user and are annoyed that OS X automatically launches Apple Photos every time you connect a device or insert a memory ...
2 人がブックマーク・1 件のコメント
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“defaults -currentHost write com.apple.ImageCapture disableHotPlug -bool YES”
hatayanorg のブックマーク 2015/12/29 11:46
Stop Apple Photos from Auto Launching in OS X with One Command
Stop Apple Photos from Auto Launching in OS X with One Command If you’re a Mac user and are annoyed that OS X automatically launches Apple Photos every time you connect a device or insert a memory ...
2 人がブックマーク・1 件のコメント
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