Ex-FSB chief Nikolai Kovalyov told the state-run TASS〜 “The operative’s family has immunity because if you start acting through the wife, the children, this process will become irreversible, and it can turn into a virtual blood feud,” he said, citing unwritten intelligence agency rules'.”
The former head of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has said that spies follow an “unwritten law” against poisoning the relatives of rival agents and cast doubt on accusations that Moscow ha...
Ex-FSB chief Nikolai Kovalyov told the state-run TASS〜 “The operative’s family has immunity because if you start acting through the wife, the children, this process will become irreversible, and it can turn into a virtual blood feud,” he said, citing unwritten intelligence agency rules'.”
Ereni のブックマーク 2018/03/14 01:37
Ex-FSB Chief Says Spies Do Not Poison Relatives, Following 'Unwritten Law'
The former head of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has said that spies follow an “unwritten law” against poisoning the relatives of rival agents and cast doubt on accusations that Moscow ha...
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