“「はむはむ」「もぐもぐ」というのをそのまま口で発声してるやつ。アホか! 俺が聞きたいのは声優の口腔で発する粘液の音とか歯の音であって「はむはむ」じゃねーんだよ、ボケ! カス! ゴミ! 小倉唯! ”

fusanosuke_nfusanosuke_n のブックマーク 2018/03/31 12:54



Seiyuu Has A Mouth, and Seiyuu Must Eat Screamingly.

    It was only a hundred miles or so to the ice caverns, and the second day, when we were lying out under the blistering sun-thing he had materialized, he sent down some manna. Tasted like boiled boar...

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