Cloud FunctionsがRubyのサポートを開始。
braitom のブックマーク 2021/01/20 23:00
Ruby comes to Cloud Functions | Google Cloud Blog[google][ruby]Cloud FunctionsがRubyのサポートを開始。2021/01/20 23:00
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Cloud Functions, Google Cloud’s Function as a Service (FaaS) offering, is a lightweight compute platform for creating single-purpose, stand-alone functions that respond to events, without having to...
12 人がブックマーク・3 件のコメント
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Cloud FunctionsがRubyのサポートを開始。
braitom のブックマーク 2021/01/20 23:00
Ruby comes to Cloud Functions | Google Cloud Blog
Cloud Functions, Google Cloud’s Function as a Service (FaaS) offering, is a lightweight compute platform for creating single-purpose, stand-alone functions that respond to events, without having to...
12 人がブックマーク・3 件のコメント
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