Servlets is a very important topic of Java EE and all of the web applications frameworks such as Spring and Struts is built on top of it. This makes servlet interview questions a hot topic in interviews. Here I am providing a list of 50 servlet interview questions with answers to help you tackle most of the interview questions related to servlets and web applications in java. Servlet Interview Que
Free Online Version in PDF More Servlets and JavaServer Pages by Marty Hall Note: the complete text of the second edition of Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages is also online for free access. Please see There is now a free online servlet and JSP tutorial based on the book. The tutorial has complete source code that has been updated to the latest servlet and JSP versio
In this example, we will learn to use the JSP Editor available through the Web Tools Platform (WTP) within Eclipse. JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology, (part of Java Enterprise Edition – JEE), provides a simplified way for rapid development of web-based applications that are server- and platform-independent. It helps Java developers to create dynamically generated web pages based on HTML, XML, or o
Learn Java, Programming, Spring, Hibernate throw tutorials, examples, and interview questions JSP is still a popular technology for developing view part of Struts and Spring-based Java applications, but unfortunately, it doesn't have rich UI support available in GWT, or any other library. On another day, we had a requirement to display HTML tables inside tabs, basically, we had two tables of diffe
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 7 Developer's Guide to Java Web Applications Compiling JSPs Using the Command-Line Compiler Web Server provides the following ways of compiling JSP 2.1-compliant source files into servlets: JSP are automatically compiled at runtime. The jspc command-line tool, described in this section, enables you to precompile JSPs at the command line. You must disable dynam
はじめに 第3回「プラグインの設定と利用方法」までで、Eclipseを用いてアプリケーションを開発するための一般的な準備をし、便利で汎用的なプラグインを導入しました。 今回は各種アプリケーションの中から「swingアプリケーション」「JSP」「サーブレット」について、それぞれの代表的な開発方法を説明します。また、テーマごとに有用なプラグインを追加していきます。 事前準備 第3回で紹介したプラグインのうち「Eclipse HTML Editor(HTML/JSPの編集)」を用いるので、あらかじめ導入しておいてください。「JStyle」も導入しておくと便利でしょう。キャプチャー画像は「JStyle」導入済みの画像になっています。 第2回で作成した「hello」プロジェクトと「hellopac」パッケージを用いるので、そちらも準備しておいてください。 今までの記事 第1回「Eclipse 3.4