Timesheet.js Visualize your data and events with sexy HTML5 and CSS3. Create simple time sheets with sneaky JavaScript. Style them with CSS and have mobile fun as well … Just include Timesheet.js and configure your data. No external dependencies, no jQuery needed and of course no Angular.JS! Just a few lines JavaScript to generate a beautiful HTML5 layout and some really delicious CSS to be custom
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What is Masonry? Masonry is a JavaScript grid layout library. It works by placing elements in optimal position based on available vertical space, sort of like a mason fitting stones in a wall. You’ve probably seen it in use all over the Internet. Install Download CDN Package managers Getting started HTML CSS Initialize with jQuery Initialize with Vanilla JavaScript Initialize in HTML Next MIT Lice
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コーディングコンテスト "Q" vol.2を開催中です! jsdo.itで開催中のイベント「Web Creator's Contest "Q"」で「桜」を募集したところたくさんの投稿が集まっています。まだ募集期間中ですが、花見シーズンが終わる前に投稿作品の一部を紹介したいと思います! Web Creator's Contest Q Flashの名作をHTML5でリメイクしてください このFlashで作られた作品をHTML5でリメイクするのが今回の課題です。 SAKURA - wonderfl build flash online 投稿作品の一部を紹介! PLAYをクリックすると実行できます。STOPすると制作者のコメントとコードを閲覧する事が出来ます。 散り舞うSAKURA - jsdo.it - share JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS 奥行きのあるSAKURA -
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An Easier Way To Build JavaScript Animations This is the web site of the Mashi JavaScript Timeline Toolkit, an open source project that brings timeline-driven animation and interaction capabilities to your web site. Watch the short intro above to learn more. Runs online and offline in any browser >= IE6. No web server or browser plug-ins required, easy to learn, get your first mashi animation done
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With all the cool things that surround JavaScript (especially with jQuery), it’s easy to forget that it’s possible to push pure CSS (with a touch of HTML) into an all singing and all are dancing interactive site, with absolutely no scripting at all. The pure CSS techniques, outlined in this article, are neither new nor are they groundbreaking. What they do offer is CSS solutions to what would trad
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