I'm Mike, a designer & coder that builds my ideas and helps you with yours.
Getting started Download a zip of the latest release (or any previous one) from the Github Releases page. Or install using npm: npm install lightbox2 --save Open up the zip file and take a peek at the barebones, working example that is included in the /examples folder. Ready to set Lightbox up on your page? Start by including the Lightbox CSS and Javascript. You can grab both these files from the
Application (11) Art & Culture (90) Art Gallery (34) Big Background Image (40) Big Image (33) Big Text (15) Bold (31) Bootstrap (4) Colorful (65) Company (22) Corporate (6) Creative Agency (100) Dark (13) Design Gallery (20) Design Studio (16) Ecommerce (17) Flat UI (16) Ghost (1) Graphic Design (7) Grid (31) Hero Video (1) HTML (2) Illustration (8) Image Gallery (1) Journals / Blogs (10) Landing
This brush set is created inspired by one of the most popular games of all time - Le…
[新館]デラックストリプルルーム 3台のベッドとソファーベッドを備えた広々としたお部屋で、4名様までご利用いただけます。窓の外には、雪に覆われた志賀高原の雄大な姿を眺めることができます。ご家族や気の合うお仲間と、ゆったりとした時間をお過ごしください。 More View ツインルーム 開放感のあるお部屋で、窓の外には奥志賀の美しい姿をいっぱいに望むことができます。白い壁とやさしい木の風合いがマッチした落ち着いた雰囲気の中、カップルやご友人でゆったりとおくつろぎください。 More View [本館]シングル 奥志賀高原の美しい自然と楽しさを、お一人で堪能されたい方におすすめのお部屋です。幅140cmのゆったりとしたベッドを備え、静かにゆっくりとお過ごしいただけます。窓の外には、志賀高原の雄大な姿を望むことができます。 More View [本館]ペットフレンドリールーム 家族の大切な一員で
Ok, I need some help today. I heard the word "disinvestment" and frankly it makes me want to scream. I looked it up and it is in the dictionary and it is a real word. I understand that it is a word, but I am thinking that "divestiture" is a better word that a whole hell of a lot of people use more frequently. So I need to figure out the history of disinvestment. Was it created out of (poor) usage?
President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for MarketingCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX. Blue is one of the most used colors in
Ttersへようこそ! 「Tters(ッターズ)」は、自分に合った〇〇ッターを作成し、フォローして自由につぶやける匿名SNSです。 匿名だからこそ、人間関係のストレスやプレッシャーとは無縁で、自分らしく自然体でありながら自己表現が可能な空間を提供しています。 初めての方は、当サービスの代表的なタイムライン「みんなのッター」にて、思いの丈をつぶやいてみてください。ユーザー登録は必要ありません。 まずは挨拶してみよう この表示は一度つぶやくと消えます。
Overview Lightbox is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers. What's New in Version 2 Image Sets: group related images and navigate through them with ease Visual Effects: fancy pants transitions Backwards Compatibility: yes! How to Use Part 1 - Setup Lightbox 2 uses the Prototype Framework and Scriptaculous Effe
Usability is an essential goal of any website, and usable navigation is something every website needs. It determines where users are led and how they interact with the website. Without usable navigation, content becomes all but useless. Menus need to be simple enough for the user to understand, but also contain the elements necessary to guide the user through the website — with some creativity and
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With new technologies flooding the web, different tools are available with which a web designer can showcase his creativity and craft. But despite putting in the effort and sweat, numerous websites with fantastic creativity fail to get noticed. Also, the surge in designing is driving designers to dig for creativity, color schemes, and layouts. Keeping these aspects in mind, we came up with a compe
Horizontal Navigation; nine ways to skin a cat In an attempt at being unique and innovative, deciding on your navigation structure and presentation can sometimes seem like the most challenging. If content is truly king, your navigation is your knights of the roundtable – it is the driving force for how users find information and ultimately interact with your site. So, in this web 2.0 era of over
ということで、今まで数限りなくネットのあちこちで紹介されてきたCSSデザイン関連のサイトがリスト化されてまとめられたようです。これだけあれば当分はブログなどのデザインのネタに困ることはなさそう。インスピレーションを得るのに使うもよし、デザインの参考にするのもよし、知っておいて損はないものばかりです。 リストは以下の通り。 CSS Beauty | CSS Design, News, Jobs, Community, Web Standards http://www.cssbeauty.com/ CSS Drive- Categorized CSS gallery and examples. http://www.cssdrive.com/ Stylegala - Web Design Publication http://www.stylegala.com/ CSS Mania http: