Selamat pagi everyone! Yuzr's the naime, and I like to play games! I would typically post reviews to this account semi-frequently, though I don't do it as often as making reviews has burnt me out a bit, though I'll still make the occasional list or journal entry here and there. Check out my friend @zeusdeegoose if you like my reviews!

Keep in mind that a lot my reviews here are typically based on my first impressions on a game, so if you think I should re-review a game, please let me know! Here's a detailed doc on how I rate games for those curious.

My favorite franchises are Puyo Puyo, Touhou, Shantae, Mega Man, Summon Night, and I am OBSESSED with the Owl House. And uhhhh... yeah that's all I got to say okay byeeeeeee
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DISCLAIMER: This review is an archived review originally posted back on my friend ZeusDeeGoose’s old Discord server. As this is a much older review from before I joined Backloggd, keep in mind that it’ll be a lot shorter (and a lot more archaic) than a lot of my other reviews on this site. Keep in mind as well that my opinions on these games may have changed over time, especially since they were often made directly after I had beaten the game. Thank you for reading!

Originally posted on 10/15/2023

Yes, I know, this game's a reskin of another game. But look, it was a good game to reskin, okay? Mario 2 was a really fun time, and I really wish that more Mario games provided as unique of an experience as it. Though, it has its issues. The controls, while not as bad as Mario 1's, are pretty slippery, ESPECIALLY on ropes. Also, some levels and bosses really suck, but that's about it.

This is one of those games that can get really frustrating, but just enough to where you don't want to stop playing. So yeah, I'd recommend checking this game out at least once. If anything, it's a very interesting part of Mario's history. (7.8/10)

DISCLAIMER: This review is an archived review originally posted back on my friend ZeusDeeGoose’s old Discord server. As this is a much older review from before I joined Backloggd, keep in mind that it’ll be a lot shorter (and a lot more archaic) than a lot of my other reviews on this site. Keep in mind as well that my opinions on these games may have changed over time, especially since they were often made directly after I had beaten the game. Thank you for reading!

Originally posted on 9/10/2023

Mario 3. Oh my god, where do I even begin with this game. So you know how I had issues with Mario 1's physics? Mario 3 has none of those issues, and honestly, I think this is the best he's ever controlled in a 2D environment. You have so much control over his actions, and I haven't even mentioned the levels, powerups, world map, almost everything was an improvement from the first two games! The levels are challenging but fair. If you die, it is entirely your fault. They also all manage to stand out from each other, and in my opinion, these levels are some of the most memorable the series has had. The new powerups also help in making this feel like a definitive sequel to Mario's previous adventures.

This game is almost perfect to me, but if I had to change one thing about the game, it'd be the lives system. I do like the punishment for losing all of them, that being you start the world over rather than the whole game, but the game is so generous with lives that you usually won't get game over. Honestly, I'd just remove lives entirely, but other than that, this is an excellent game. Even with all the NES games that end up feeling outdated over time, Mario 3 still manages to be a fantastic game, even for today's standards. (9.5/10)

DISCLAIMER: This review is an archived review originally posted back on my friend ZeusDeeGoose’s old Discord server. As this is a much older review from before I joined Backloggd, keep in mind that it’ll be a lot shorter (and a lot more archaic) than a lot of my other reviews on this site. Keep in mind as well that my opinions on these games may have changed over time, especially since they were often made directly after I had beaten the game. Thank you for reading!

Originally posted on 9/10/2023

I feel like I didn't do this game enough justice back on the old general-games channel, so here's why I personally don't like this game. My main issue with the game is that a lot of the enemies kind of just meander about, and the enemies that ARE after you don't pose much of a threat at all. You can basically just spam the B button and just walk through all the enemies while occasionally shooting. The bosses are alright, but the fact that you only have two hits until you lose a life makes them a lot more frustrating. Overall, Pocky and Rocky with Becky is a servicable game, but it really doesn't do anything impressive at all. You're much better off playing Reshrined. (4.8/10)