Boston College
Momentum Trading is a common trading strategy extensively applied in technical and quantitative analysis. One of the most basic indicator is moving average crossover. The general implementation is, provided a short-term moving average... more
This thesis is a detailed examination on Schopenhauer’s metaphysics of will. I first present the inconsistencies in Schopenhauer’s philosophy and point to the problems related to his metaphysical claims. I then demonstrate an alternative... more
Chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken. Chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken. Chicken, chicken chicken chicken,... more
See the arXiv page linked to here for the abstract.
iv Acknowledgments v
The open book decompositions of the 3-sphere S3 whose pages are pairs of pants have been fully understood for some time, through the lens of contact geometry. The purpose of this note is to exhibit a purely topological derivation of the... more
The two dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equation on D δ := [0, 2πδ] × [0, 2π] with δ ≈ 1, periodic boundary conditions, and viscosity 0 < ν 1 is considered. Bars and dipoles, two explicitly given quasi-stationary states of the... more